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what was that tv show with the dragons
on like pbs
A Game of Thrones.. oh.. no.. not on pbs..
No the one from like the 2000s
dragon tales
Dragon Tails?
Dragon Tales was the most autistic show I remember watching growing up
The Neverending story?
It wasn't even close to being the worst one
It was from the pool of shows I remember watching
we were just talking about brandy and mr whiskers the other day
that one was bad
I don't think I ever saw it; I didn't have cable growin up--we were poor
I still don't have cable, nor do I ever plan to
Nice I wasn't poor
Comcast would only give me good internet if I also bought cable tv...
I've watched it like 5 times in 2 years...
I don't actually know if broadcast tv still exists...
I assume it does?
Being poor as a kid wasn't bad; we never even noticed... except on halloween, when our homemade costumes made the other kids point and laugh at us
My costumes were usually homemade too
Then you were probably poor
No my mom just liked making them
yay capitalism
@twiz Still exists but in my city people watch cable tv only for three reasons: 1.Spot events 2. Foreign language channel 3.Children channel
@ndugger well I love homemade
Looks ugly enough for Halloween.
How do I change a property inside of an object in a javascript map?
I know how to get the value I'm after using map.get(); just not how I change the value of the object within the parent variable
I mean, did you even try looking at MDN to see the methods?
I did it's the fact it's holding a class inside the value portion of the map
and I wish to change a property within that class
or rather an instance of a class
map.get('foo').bar = 'baz'
I mean, dude
okay thanks
Who in here uses jumpcut or a clipboard manager tool?
I use X Windows for clipboard management
Webstorm is currently telling me you cannot export Map(); property or at least that's how it reads, I did some googling and I can't find an answer, but can I use a map within a function and then export that function?
@lix What?
I think webstorm is giving me false information
Now I'm trying to figure how to turn these help tips off
@Meredith if you've got a second I have another question
I've been reading this as I'm having the same issue currently: stackoverflow.com/questions/18361930/… and I think I need to also use a callback to do something with the result, but why do I need to do this? why can't I do stuff with my data that is fetched, like whats and easy way to get the data out?
It kind of feels like I should be able to do something like this
     * Loads all of the user experiences into the array.
    this.loadExp = function () {
        var result = this.con.query('SELECT * FROM exp', function (err, rows, fields) {
            if (err) throw err;

            for (var i in rows) {
                // this.addClient(rows[i].uuid, 'test');
                return rows;

@littlepootis I just wrote one in electron (So far supports OS X only)

class WindowManager {
    static pool = $.NSAutoreleasePool('alloc')('init');

    constructor() {
        this.oldProcessIdentifier = null;

    recordCurrentFocus() {
        const frontMostApp = $.NSWorkspace('sharedWorkspace')('frontmostApplication');
        this.oldProcessIdentifier = frontMostApp('processIdentifier');

    refocusLast() {
        const appToResume = $.NSRunningApplication('runningApplicationWithProcessIdentifier', this.oldProcessIdentifier);
(see full text)
With code like that :D
1 hour later…
@lix So the issue you're encountering is basically do you fetch the data from the db and then process it however you want, vs fetching the data and asking the user how to process it
Usually it makes more sense to make the fetching part one function that accepts another function that will process the data
So that you don't have to write the same function more than once
What you're doing should work
But it's generally bad practice since it gets unmaintainable pretty quickly
btw promises are really nice for stuff like this
@Meredith thanks for the response it has helped, alongside a friend I have got my code working. He also recommended promises and I think I shall be making use of them.
The next thing on the hit list is to figure out when my function has finished processing so I know I'm able to carry on with whatever is next
I guess with promises you would just bolt on another then which executes whatever you want next
How do you guys handle scroll behavior in react? As in controlling the scroll not detecting it.
I think promises changed my life.
is it appropriate to ask a question about angularfire?
firebase operation using $add always cause my browser to freeze
register a free firebase
everything i add a new room, the browser freeze
not sure if this is normal for firebase free subscription...
@lix Thats what she said?
@Shrek tips fedora
anyone has any suggestion :P
You could open an issue on the github repo or you could post a question on here :-)
already created a question. I am waiting for people's help :P
2 hours later…
Hi, can someone help fixing the code snippet rendering here: stackoverflow.com/questions/37500397/…
1 hour later…
Hi Guys, PHP Developer but i am interested in nodejs. where from i can start
@PramodKharade Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Try the express module
@Vic Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey guys, react question: I want to make an API similar to React Router, where I have a ScrollNavigatable component, which accepts a bunch of NavigatableSection components as children, each NavigatableSection has props describing it to the ScrollNavigatable component (for instance, the label which will show in the navigation for that section).
I've looked into the utilities React gives me, but I can't find something that would help me here. Does anyone have a direction for me?
  <NavigatableSection label="foo" icon="http://foo">
    <div>Hello World!</div>
  <NavigatableSection label="bar" icon="http://bar">
    <div>Hello World!!</div>
  <NavigatableSection label="baz" icon="http://baz">
    <div>Hello World!!!</div>
Where ScrollNavigatable would need to read the labels and icons from the children.
2 hours later…
@MadaraUchiha this.props.children[ i ].props.label
@ndugger Does that actually work?
TypeScript suggests that it doesn't.
It does
Will try, thanks.
Children is a single or an array of react elements
iirc you can set the interface for a component in TS that might allow you to do this without it complaining
It's been a while since I've used it
hola o/
oh lol, navigatable...
you mind find "navigable" to make more sense
@MadaraUchiha use React.Children.map(this.props.children, fn); instead of reading children directly (per docs).
React.Children provides utilities for dealing with the this.props.children opaque data structure.
The react.children utility is useless. Just check if it's an array first
I just wish children was always an array instead
It might be useless now, but the docs are implying that the data structure might change in a future version, so React.Children are your future-proof api for it.
I can't imagine it needing to really change much, though. I'll admit it's low risk.
Changing it from an array would be the most useless API change ever. I bet you it's not gonna
well.. it's nested array at some point
is it flattened alreadt from this.props.children?
I won't take that bet, though. You win. I'll stick with what the docs say because I'm a square.
Squares will always be squares; you have to live a little--take risks--make babies--etc
One question. If i'd like to make some kind of text formatting based on input text in a textarea or make something like Wordpress' built-in text editor with formatting button options or something like that what would you use? I mean, I asked and tried to do something small using regular expressions but got stuck, and i was told regex is not the strategy to follo in order to do this.
@Lorthas WordPress's editor is called a WYSIWIG editor. It's not really a textarea, and it's something you should try to use a ready made component instead of DIY.
just use markdown
Oh, so Markdown is a kind of language and WYSIWIG is an already made compoenent... I didn't know that. I thought it was hand made and I see some WP plugins use text editors as well
I thought it was all made using Javascript
It is... I don't think you understand how javascript works
@Lorthas The editors are hand made with JavaScript, yes, but the plugins just reuse the one in WP and the editor is... pretty complicated.
I understand Javascript yes, but that's why I was asking, know I know
@Lorthas Let me seeeee... does JavaScript have classes?
@Sheepy div.className = 'noob'
yo guys whats up.
I have a little question. I've got this list animation with velocity. codepen.io/dd-tch/pen/gmMNjm?editors=0010 any Ideas how I can do something like play sound each time, each list item are scrolled up???
i was afk
javascript don't have classes per se, it is based on a prototype system.
I'm not an expert on Javascript but I worry about learning it more and more ever day and that's why i'm here. I don't understand that behaviour.
@Lorthas Which behavior?
Nah, sorry, probably missunderstanding
There are so many options to configure for AWS things... I have no idea what I'm doing.
@ndugger You can take comfort in knowing that no one else does either.
None of this is gonna scale... I'm gonna have to redo it all later lol
@ndugger You mean AWS isn't automatically webscale?
Without knowing anything devops, I have no idea if that's sarcasm
Most important thing about AWS: Just with anything else, if you're using the web UI, you're a lightweight noob and not to be trusted with any responsibilities
Next, find everyone on your team who says they understand AWS ACLs, then fire them or have them fired, they are dirty liars
Third, the only sane way to configure AWS ACLs is through the web UI, I know, because I understand AWS ACLs
I'm just trying to create a redis instance that I can connect to from my local machine... You can't just use their elasticache... you have to create a VPC, then launch an EC2 instance inside of it of redis that you can then only connect to if you do a bunch of local config using a private key
@ndugger We have Redis running in Elasticache. Works fine
The EC2 instance is created implicitly
And you should already have at least one default VPC as well
Yeah, but you can only connect to elasticache from something running inside of another AWS instance; if you want to connect to it externally, you have to put it in a VPC
If you want to connect to whatever on EC2, you need to assign it a security group that allows your home IP address access to the desired application port
I never did that with Redis though. So you might be onto something there
@OliverSalzburg check this out: jsfiddle.net/testopia/69r5do1e
Had some time today to write some code
But we do that with RDS instances and I don't see why those would behave differently
I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just clicking a bunch of buttons until something works...
I was able to connect to my postgres DB on AWS without any of this
so it's a bit odd
Okay, then maybe that is special
Fuck... this is stupid. Gonna delete it all and start over
why does this return undefined?
$('.remove').on( "click", function() {
var movieid = $(this).next('button').id;
am i getting the button id correctly?
Without seeing your markup, who the fuck knows... I'm so sick of seeing jQuery in here
is it syntax correct? the script?
Aside from the fact that you're combining jQuery with the DOM API in an invalid way, sure
how is it invalid?
jQuery does not have an id property
oh is it .attr('id')
I dunno, why don't you try googling it
well you seem to be a lot of help
And you seem unwilling to put in any effort of your own
i dont stay around negative people like you
!!s/negative people/people unwilling to give away free jQuery code snippets/
@ndugger i dont stay around people unwilling to give away free jQuery code snippets like you (source)
@TheCodesee Doesn't .on just return the same jQuery object?
Oh, it's already solved
Failed successfully
Hmm... maybe I might give google cloud a try instead of AWS... it seems slightly more beginner friendly
@littlepootis Quick, force quit!
thanks google... so helpful.
I can't figure out google cloud at all, even though the web UI is nice, nothing is explained
would you recommend jekyll to non technical clients instead of wordpress?
@SuperUberDuper No.
Holy hell... I was over here scratching my head about google cloud setting up redis, and I had it working the whole time... I just had to write the code to connect to it...
This shit is way easier than AWS
I'll have to move my postgres DB over to it later as well now
postgres switched over already... I am a fan.
@ndugger How much do they cost?
Well, there's a lot of "free tier" stuff on AWS; for google cloud, you get a $300 credit to use for a year
How much do you pay for said $300 credit?
You get them for free as part of the free tier?
Yeah, GC has a free trial that just credits $300 to your account
"free trial" implies it's time limited
yeah, I said for a year
How much credit are you in so far?
0, but it might just be delayed for a day before it calculates
At this point, though, ease and convenience are worth more than money, so if GC is a bit pricier, I'm willing to pay due to how nice it is to use
@ndugger Yeah, I'm just trying to get a handle for the price, is it ~$10/mo, $50/mo, etc
For a not-very-large app
I can certainly let you know later
I'd appreciate that, thanks.
Who did I share my ducks with? @FlorianMargaine or @OctavianDamien?
Anyway we have two new additions
are they ducks?
Neptunia and Darth Quacker
Or was it with @rlemon?
Whoever it was, anyway...ducks.
oh, fake ducks.
I was excited to see you with real pet ducks
Says you
You can pet them
Anyway, there's a new(ish) store at a nearby street with lots of cool toys and science kits for children, plus lots of nice postcards and miniatures and apparently rubber ducks.
I was stormed by goats today :3
baby goats
jumping around me trying to eat me
it was sooo cute
I could pet them while they were trying to bite my clothes off
(I wasn't torturing them I promise)
@MadaraUchiha it would be around ~$50-ish (some SSD space, 2 vCPUs) cloud.google.com/products/calculator
@MadaraUchiha $5 / month for a minimal VM. They have a price calculator that covers all services: cloud.google.com/products/calculator
oops, same link Filip pasted.
I don't recall who I was speaking with regarding this topic the other day, so I'll ask again: Does webpack allow validation of non-node app? Basically I have a Java/JSP web app and I want to make sure the image files, CSS files, JS files and any other external resources that the JSP HTML references actually exists. Is there a way for webpack to go through each file and check for existence of the resources and report back if they don't exist?
@DemCodeLines That doesn't sounds like Webpack job, honestly.
lol, I was messing with colors in chrome's devtools for a thing. Turned to hsl (from hex) to manage the colors more carefully (just clicking the color ends up in a complete mess for me). Tried a few things, then finally found something that could be good. Switch back to hex to see what to write in the css file and... #addbad
@towc So are you gonna take it's advice or are you gonna add it anyways?
I don't know. The devtools never lie
@towc Why return to hex?
All modern browsers support HSL AFAIK.
@MadaraUchiha to be consistent with the rest of the style of the file
I like seeing hex when reading css
I hate it. I can't imagine what color it is offhand, and I can't manipulate it easily.
arguably that's a bad practice, you're right
background: hsl(0, 100%, 50%);
border: 1px solid hsl(0, 100%, 70%);
I don't know why, hex seems cleaner. But it's true that it actually makes what it is rapresenting less obvious than hsl
That's a lot nicer to work with.
another point in favor of hex though is that a huge amount of professional devs still don't know hsl. But following this logic, the web should be written in python...
hmmm I might switch to hsl-only after this "project", good call
@towc Following that logic, we should all be still using document.write() and for loops, because everyone knows those.
Also, that's not a point in favor of hex, it's a point against a huge amount of professional devs.
yeah exactly
it's also probably not true, since most color tools default to something other than hex
well, rgb/hex
I may not have looked around much, but I've never seen something (whose purpose isn't specifically to do so) that shows you hsl
@ssube They all default to exporting hex, though.
@towc photoshop, gimp, every single tool
You select colors in photoshop by HSL by default
The color bar is the H, the 2d map is the S/L.
I think the other irrational reason for me not wanting to write in hsl (but still use it to do programmatical stuff) is that there's a lot of information lost. WYSINWYG in terms of data, which doesn't happen in rgb/hex
most art tools use it, since traditional RGB can't cover the Adobe or sRGB ranges
@ssube I haven't looked around much at all then
actually, #1 reason: rlemon's dark chat extension doesn't support previews for hsl :P
@towc Let me ask you this: When was the last time you selected a color by moving 3 bars, one from cyan to red, one from magenta to green, and one from yellow to blue?
then... learn HSL?
@towc Learn and PR support :P
@ssube I can use hsl. It was a joke. It's as if I was standing behind rlemon
@MadaraUchiha don't think I've ever done that
@towc That's because using RGB to describe colors makes a lot of sense for computers, and absolutely no sense for humans.
So instead of doing the computer's translation work for it, let it do it for you :P
@MadaraUchiha it may be because of my lack of experience, but rgb makes fairly intuitive sense for me 😒
#7f2ce3 what color is that?
I think it takes less time to teach a non-programmer to interpret rgb than hsl (without a diagram). I might be completely wrong. I'll try
@MadaraUchiha dark-ish red
@towc Nope.
oh no fuck nvm
vs what color is that? hsl(267, 77%, 53%)
(hint, they're the same color)
(saw that as 3e)
well, good point
don't know what was I thinking
240 is blue, so purplish blue, relatively dark (53%) and not too vibrant (77%)
it's also helpful that you can interpolate between HSL colors, but you can't interpolate RGB
@Shmiddty Yes, after I edited it to reveal the color
@MadaraUchiha Don't watch Deadman Wonderland
waaaaaa it was a good one!
I might actually rewatch it now
The plot just...ended. And it was choke full of tropes it was hard to see content
tbw, I did end up making a very simple todo app in react, because I was noticing that I'm probably using react completely wrong: github.com/towc/simple-react-todo
@Zirak well, the series didn't get completed, but it didn't pretend to either
The occasional glimmer of content was great, yeah, but the fighting was meh and the dialogue was meh
cough firefly cough
@towc Dude, the plot just...ended
@towc Firefly didn't have a plot, it was completely episodic
DMW had a giant backstory they constantly hinted to and a few points where you said "oh this will be a huge plot point in another episode" and then...nothing
anyway, I'd be really glad if people could tell me why does my react look so messy, if anyone has time
@Zirak I so wanted to know what happened to the guy who the army had let through after seeing his identification
well, who he was
that was plot enough :P
Maybe the manga's amazing because the story does sound interesting but meh
@Zirak a mock-up season 2 started. Last time I checked there was only one episode. Did you watch that?
@towc What about their childhood? What happened to this place? Why did he suffer from Perfectly Placed Amnesia? What happens when he fucking finds out about Shiro which is the whole fucking point?
The entire show hinges on Shiro's backstory and it was mentioned in maybe three scenes
@towc The OVA? I didn't bother, it'd be setting up for nothing
They need an entire second season to cover the minimum viable plot
it's good enough of a season hanger. Shiro was the main only point that wasn't addressed, and for a reason. The place being so fucked up is only a point of slight interest, not the main idea. I would be ok if they never ended up explaining that
Minimum Viable Plot
ok, I'm starting to watch it again
@towc As a season 1 ender it's fine
(any help on react would be supeeeeer great)
But I didn't feel like the show itself contained enough meat. It started condensing towards the end but then...poof
Lots of filler, lots of fluff, lots of generic anime shit
we can't be friends anymore
if we ever were
You have shit taste anyway
Hey look, it's me, talking about Harry Potter, ASTs and a language I made up: http://youtu.be/82Yqfpr0BL4 🐍⚡️🌲🦄💯
I talked at a thing

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