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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

In the sense that red represents hot and blue represents cold, what colors should I use to represent rainfall on a map? I guess blue means a lot of rainfall, but what's the opposite?
the psuedo-icons for each flood have a color relative to the amount of precipitation, I think it works nicely
"Professional Experience
Freelance: Nov 2016 - current
Blah blah blah
Eoxplore: Apr 2016 - Nov 2016
Working in conjunction with the University of Reading blah blah blah
Freelance: Nov 2015 - Apr 2016
Hmpfh, duh"

love it
very professional-like
much experience, very wow
if( a )
  return x;

return y;

// vs

if( b )
  return x;
  return y;
second is more readable I'd have thought, but first one seems to be more common
return a && x || y
return b && x || y
return (a) ? x : y;
☝️ best one imo
well, assume there's more going on than returning
@towc I get way too crazy with one-liners:
private getAllExcludedIds(lineFilter: IProductLineFilters = this.getLine()): string[] {
  // Mash all available options together and mash all excludedIds
  return this.getAllOptionsForLine(lineFilter)
    .reduce((acc, option: IOption[]) => [...acc, ...option.excludedIds], []);
Is it annoying when I post screenshots yet
What is that?
A game/engine I'm working on
I just added the info bar on the right
Reminds me of starting Dwarf fortress or rimworld
It's supposed to end up about 70% Civ and 30% Dwarf Fortress
@jake Is that DF?
Yes, I was looking for my favorite screenshot, but I settled for my second favorite.
I've never gotten that far :(
I don't play DF well, I just browse reddit.com/r/dwarffortress
I recommend trying the Adventurer mode. You get a good apritiation for the engine without having to manage more than one dwarf dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Adventurer_mode
@Allenph It's not 100 people voting to kill a person. It's 100 people deciding on a rule, e.g. "Don't steal". The enforcement of that rule could involve involuntary restraint or other 'violence' that individuals should never be allowed to do (except for immediate self-defense). The state, like anyone, is subject to abusing that power we give them and we have to constantly try to ensure that due process is applied
The reason the state must do this is that the aggrieved party can't be impartial (or sometimes, even rational). Other 3rd parties, besides that state, could carry out this role in various forms of government or society, but in ours, the state is the one that makes the most sense to me.
I have no idea if that's a "counter-logical proof" but that's my line of thought.
@KendallFrey no didn't realize it was out
you try it?
@Luggage That's am abstraction I the same thing. Democracy is either an oligarchy or mob rule.
If there is need to abstract, the people are not truly in power.
So, you believe in oligarchy. Which is a legitimate belief...but generally frown upon.
@Loktar Ogar.
Is that where you name is derived from?
yeah from the original warcraft
If wanting police is an oligarchy, i guess so. But I think of an oligarchy more like a few people in power of the government instead of properly separating it into non-partisan agencies.
That's what any abstraction on voting is.
Because you're saying we have to concentrate the power to fewer people.
We always give up some power. Not every citizen can be expected to know all topics and competently carry out every task. Punishing a criminal, knowing what chemicals are safe to drink, etc.
And again, you can't delegate a right you don't have.
Well, that's still a reduction in freedom.
And it ALWAYS requires force.
Yea. There can never be 100% freedom.
Instead, we must choose those freedoms we require and can give us the power to keep improving our government and lives. Like the freedom of press.
Anarchy is not freedom.
My argument is centered on achieving the least amount of cohesive force.
Read about voting systems. Even if your argument is correct, there is no medium setting in freedom because it's mathematically impossible.
And definitely oragmatically.
I could have just said force honestly.
I think I'm being more pragmatic. What system gives every human 100% freedom and power?
I should start linking you to books and essays the same way programmers link to SE questions.
I can't possibly explain everything.
I thought we were having a conversation, not you charitably explaining to me how I'm wrong.
@Luggage like I said, it's not Utopian like socialist ideologies tend to be. (We're just one brutal murder away from utopia!)
It's like programming. You always have to have an acceptable error rate.
You just find your best case.
@Loktar Yeah, it's pretty intense. Not my genre, but enjoyable and seems to be fairly in-depth.
I still don't know what you are arguing for. Is it no government at all?
I can't work with that. It's an extreme position.
All extremism is bad?
Because that's an extreme position.
Is it possible to have no government? Social animals, and especially humans, naturally organize into groups, and there are always individuals with more influence than others.
With 6 billion people, surely there must be some form of law. Like I said before. We can argue about how much government, maybe even you want way less than I. but to say either "none" or "total control" are both unworkable extremes.
@KendallFrey & @Luggage it means no rulers, not no rules.
You should totally take the quiz on politicalcompass.org
@Luggage are You familiar with the invisible hand?
@KendallFrey, me?
Is that when you wake up after sleeping on your arm and try to masturbate?
I have. Bottom right.
or everyone
I'm mildly libertarian left
I have taken it several times since I reached the age of reason.
rolls eyes
@KendallFrey Hears of AnarchoSyndaclism?
I went from mildly top right to bottom right.
@KendallFrey It's bottom left. It's people who believe in noncohersive collectivism. I think it's not pragmatic, but it works on micro-transactions the same way.
@Luggage The invisible hand is what Adam Smith called the invisible workings of economics.
What are some of the benefits of such a society?
The inability to enforce contracts.
The regulatory body is built in to human behavior.
ohh wait, that's a disadvantage
@KendallFrey absolute freedom with the benefits of a sharing-is-caring society.
I wish there was a "I don't know." option for questions like: "Controlling inflation is more important than controlling unemployment."
"a sharing-is-caring society". Hahahah.. Also Rainbows.
The thing is AnarchoCapitalism works for communes if they're successful. In AnarchoSyndaclism it's very easy for one individual to break the web if sharing.
Absolute freedom sounds kind of vulnerable to people who want to exploit others.
@Luggage I can explain why there isn't in a second. That's a VERY well thought out quiz in my opinion.
But I don't want to influence the quiz.
@KendallFrey You are correct. My argument is that government raises the net amount of exploitation.
Intuitively, I would project those exploits as becoming government.
Those who value the group as a whole could potentially leverage those who have taken power, and that would make it similar to a democracy.
@KendallFrey Also true. The idea is that you will always have the same cycle of totalitarianism to individualism is back, but 100% individualism is optimal and it will take exponentially longer to reach the same levels of totalitarianism.
individualism and back*
That it scales exponentially rather than linearly...similar to Moore's law. The more technology you have the easier it is to get more technology faster. Similarly, the more power you have, the faster it scales.
So I'm Lib-left.
Individualism sounds fine, but it seems more effective to have organizations to increase the well-being of those in the group
Thus leaning more to the left
Similar to the economic theory wherein specialization leads to higher efficiency overall
@KendallFrey That is theoretically true, but not pragmatically.
Again because of human nature.
Capitalism is a way to put a harness on human ambition to maintain freedom and fairly distribute limited resources.
Government becomes a tool.
how would you guys automate a drag and drop web event?
Technically there are no true monopolies without government.
IMO, the primary reason a perfect government or society is impossible comes down to people being selfish
@KendallFrey That is a premise I believe to be correct. The question then becomes, "What is the OPTIMAL system?"
@William I need more context.
I'm not convinced there is an optimal system
@KendallFrey There is necessarily an optimal system. That's logically provable.
@Allenph if you want an actual example I would like to automate the drag and drop interface for google play music at music.google.com
You just have to define objectives for the system.
@William I'm on a phone and that opens my app.
Describe your specific circumstance so we don't waste time.
Well for one thing, I'm pretty sure no group will ever agree completely on objectives
@KendallFrey That's something Capitalism excels at. It is inherent to all humans to get the best deal.
Read the Story of The Pencil.
@Allenph what library are you thinking?
Or watch Milton Friedman explain it.
@Luggage That's impressively centerist.
Just an observation. :/
I haven't seen one that close.
I get the impression of capitalism as a system where being rich or poor is largely arbitrary and not up to a person's control
@William We can talk about libraries AFTER you describe the situation.
drag and drop. Do you want class names?
@KendallFrey The more you read and think about it the more you realize it is actually government and mixed market economies that make it seem that way.
It also tends to distribute wealth unevenly. The utilitarian side of me says that approximately even distribution of wealth generates the most utility.
you drag and drop the order of the songs up and down
Read about Keynesian and Austrian economics.
I don't have much time to read tonight, but maybe tomorrow you can link me to some material
I'm always interested in learning
The Free To Choose series is bias, it's by Milton Friedman. He talks about Chicago style economics which is a derivation of Austrian economics.
But they have a debate for the majority of every episode which is not bias.
I pasted the wrong image.
after reading and scrolling down...
I'm just a bit closer to moderate
The Wealth of Nations is a good book on Capitalism...but don't read into the beginning. It seems like he support the Labor Theory of Value, but actually doesn't in the end.
These are very dense books though.
Tag me tomorrow and I can link a lot of material.
If I don't respond try on Monday.
Hey, I could use some audiobooks to listen to during vacation next week, if you know any
preferably free :D
@KendallFrey I personally can't do books that internationally dense on audio.
You have to reread pages A lot.
Their like textbooks but it's really the only way to get it. It's harder to learn than programming as far as not reading books goes.
Is that even a word? Whatever. I'm on a phone. Leave me alone.
@Luggage We agree that freedom is important at least.
When I see people on the tippy top it hits me right in the empathy.
They put most major US politicians near the top
Not surprised.
Trump is off the page.
well, not really. somewhere near hitler.
@Luggage Now you're just buying into the fanatical media view of him.
I hate that guy too, but...come on.
No. things he said.
They all do the same things.
It's all a reality TV show.
We'll see.
I have some cartoons that are actually really fun and show you how our voting system is mathematically fixed.
And introduces a bunch of alternatives and their flaws.
No one in the US cares about the voting system until a week before the next election.
@Luggage That's a result of a mathematically fixes system.
On that note I'm out.
I like the idea of instant run-off, so people can safely vote for a who they really want, and pick the "lesser evil" as second choice.
Cheers, all.
@Luggage Now I highly suggest watching those videos.
ohh, i've seen his.
That system is also flawed, there's an even better way.
yea. i think i saw that one, but i'll take a look
The problem is the more you move to a fair voting system the more you move towards mob rule.
well, still a representative democracy
I read once that there is no possible voting system that always generates a result that seems completely correct
Because STV legislative bodies, while statistically fairly representative, have to vote on policies where majority rules.
Which is essentially the same as the vanilla democracy that killed Socrates.
Not all decisions should be majority rule. If 51% of people vote to opporess the 49% it's still a broken system.
That's why we don't vote on every issue directly.
@KendallFrey STV is pretty damn close to perfect.
Ah yeah I remember that one
@Luggage At the end of the day, no matter how you Jerry-rig it, it's ALWAYS mob rule or oligarchy.
Yea, well, if it means that we choose someone that knows how nuclear power plants work to decide on safely rules, then I guess I like oligarchy.
I don't trust the populous to vote on that.
I live an hour from work and I'm about to head home. I may jump back on. Who knows. No promises.
I'll be asleep soon anyway. another day
@Luggage That's different.
guys dont laugh me, but I had a really weird problem today, I have been working to findout where was the problem, then I saw that if a username connected in socetio includes "porn", the message wont send. And thoughts ? does this socketio has some prevents for these words ?
And in my system ONLY the people who know about them make the decisions.
It's the difference between programmers being able to dictate architecture vs the same developers explaining it to a manager who then makes a decision.
@user3304007 I really doubt socket.io cares.
Okay, peace.
got it working @rlemon
Does the lazyload works actively after instantiating it? Say:

    $("#container img.lazy").lazyload(
        effect: "fadeIn"

So after I called it once it will keep watching for lazy class and converting or is that call going to work once after the page is load and that's it? I am trying to make so it watches for dynamic content but no idea what to change
@Prix Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Hey I need JS help
Why should I split game logic and render loop?
They're all in the same thread so I think it won't make any difference.
or should I just $("img.lazy").lazyload(); on any callbacks that should be affected by it? Not sure if that is a good way to go since I am not familiar with lazyload and afraid it could drastically increase memory or something
I am so tired I just went over to a 7 to try and put it in lowercase
cc @BenjaminGruenbaum @SterlingArcher @Shmiddty @bartek @Shrek
Trying to check if a value contains a space or just spaces and it seems like its not working
@Luggage @KendallFrey youtu.be/FkpcA3El944
You don't have to respond now. I just remembered this guy when I got home.
Good mornin guys
I am just stuck with google map issue
The map is showing
but not the place marker coming
InvalidValueError: setPosition: not a LatLng or LatLngLiteral: not an Object
This is the error showing when I checked in the console
Previously this had been working
Please help me
@towc as @ssube said, alt isn't used much in linux, hence free. vim uses ctrl and has to work inside tmux, for instance
Need some help with scope, how do I access it outside of the function?
Morning frnds, one question. I am focusing on plain JavaScript without any library. Is it good to move to ecmascript or to stick with JavaScript?
They're the same thing. ES ist the standard for what we colloquially call JS
1 hour later…
@sagar - @Some
@sagar - @SomeGuy is correct. To elaborate - ECMAscript is the specification, written by the ECMA committee, that dictates how any javascript engine, like Google's V8, should process javascript as a language - what functions are native, how certain things should behave in a given situation, what are the data types that need to be supported etc. When you are coding in javascript, you are coding in javascript. they are the same thing.
@SagarV What i think you were really asking though, is whether you should start learning es6 (aka es2015), and the answer is yes. ES6, is a newer specification, than what is commonly supported in browsers (still on ES5), however ES6 will be natively supported soon by browsers (and is already largely supported in node).
@SagarV - the way es6 currently fits into the js world is that people will write in es6, and then use something called a transpiler, which will read the es6 code and rewrite it as if it were written in es5. Any modern js dev environment (including those at real jobs), like if you are using react, angular2, or node, will assume you are using es6 and transpilers.
@SagarV - now on the plus side for you - es6 is EXACTLY THE SAME as es5, except with some added features that will make your life easier as a coder. If nothing else, at least learn what arrow functions are, learn a little more about this and bind, and learn what the spread operator is. Supplement your js journey with those, and you'll be good for most es6 code snippets you encounter today.
The only additional thing you might want to learn about soon, but not yet, is the async await feature. It is not supported yet (you can do some additional transpiling config to get it if you want it now), but it is something the js community at large is very much looking forward to. So keep an ear out for when it is finally included!
@astrosixer - are you guys using typescript? that looks like a type error, meaning that the data you are passing in to the setPosition function has an invalid data format.
Hello all
Need your support regarding this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/42593980/…
2 hours later…
guys I am doing x += y, where x is 1, and y is 0.5, and im getting 10.5!!
i even tried casting both x and y to float with parseFloat, but i still getting 10.5
check your cpu
yeah i noticed it was dying
I was kidding
3 hours later…
@Allenph In my view, he's confusing authorization with delegation.
@rlemon That ending
the stache, the canadian tux, the accent.. man. he's a living legend
@Allenph That was two people arguing past each other. The guy on the left, I assume a politician, speaking my view, but the guy on the right determined to trip him up on that one point "delegate something you can't do yourself". Really, "delegate" is just the wrong word. I acknowledge that a state having a right given by people without that right sounds like a contradiction.
It's a compromise we make so that we have a society where you can travel to another town or community and expect the same laws to be enforced, allow commerce since contracts can be enforced, etc.
And if that sounds like me giving up liberties for safety, yes, but not essential liberties (e.g. speech).
I still desire to minimize the ways my government controls my life.
Just never to 0%, like you. :)
My dad just got me to debunk a perpetual motion machine from one of his friends :D
Like, in person?
or described?
what was it?
> In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics.
@Luggage He had an idea where logs would be placed underwater on a sort of belt elevator and they would float to the top and then come out of the water and ride down the other side, powering the belt.
Could someone kindly point me out why this regex doesn't work? jsfiddle.net/fj9u1Lsc I want to extract the url from the textarea but escaping or not it doesn't ignore the img tags
@BenFortune @2:30
lol girl in the red
@Prix here is a better way to test out regex: regex101.com/r/0Ktrdd/1
@Prix You're not escaping your []. You should probably use a regex literal instead of a string.
You want to wrap the [img] part in a "non-capturing group"
@KendallFrey from the val()?
i think..
@Prix In your regex
wait \ is not a escape?
!!> "[img](.+)[\/img]"
@KendallFrey "[img](.+)[/img]"
nvm silly chat
oh I don't need to escape the []?
Yes, you do need to escape them
And you're not
ohh, i see what kandall is saying. I missed that.
but they are escaped on the jsfiddle
There are two reasons to escape. and you only do one.
Not in the regex, only the string
"\[" is the same as "["
wait you guys are confusing me
/\[/ is not the same as /[/
Helps if I post the right video
@Prix console.log your regex string and see if it contains what you expect
You need to escape the \, so it gets passed to the regex to escape the [
so because of the single quote its not escaping it?
OR use a regex literal, instead of a string.
@Prix It's because it's a string literal, not a regex literal
var found = message.match(/[img](.+)[\/img]/);
Oh, I see
I just replaced ' with /
facepalm, thanks guys completely overlooked that...
Camera shutter speed synced to helicopter`s rotor. https://t.co/oYTTuhJjkH
That's so fucked
well shit
I just came up with a (probably not original) really simple way to make a popup modal via JS. I just made a modal and then gave the open/close butotns the class toggle-modal, then in my code I put..
Then in css .active {display:block;}
Why do popup modals have to be more complicated than that :P
because you don't always want the content sitting in the page
I guess that makes sense
But the container that shows/hides can be that simple..
Right.. I'm using jQuery here but vanilla JS would be just an extra conditional
@Alesana So you just figured it out and you don't understand why it would be more complicated? And you only needed jQuery to do it?
I am surprised by this
What suprises you?
That you haven't gathered the same amount of experience that other people collected over years within your 5-minute experience with modals
I think the point here is that I did gather that experience in my 5-minute experience with modals
Yo, so if I'm making a Chrome extension for a website using React and want to programically click on an item that only appears after hovering on an item, is there any way I can do this? Simulate a hover maybe?
bash people.. how do I kill a echo $(yes)?
My PC crashed.........
Does findIndex support lambda?
Has anyone seen a JavaScript library that produces the scroll hijacking that the tumblr.com homepage uses?
Oh. That. Just don't do it. It's shitty.
@littlepootis x => x.id !
@littlepootis Why do you think it's shitty?
@Luggage is that yours?
@littlepootis pkill -9 yes. If you are unable to start another terminal while it is running, hit Ctrl+Alt+Shift+PrntScr+K.
Shmiddty As in did I make it? No. I saw it of Hacker News.
@MohamedAhmed yea. Those arrow functions are real functions. Anywhere you can use a function, you can use them.
Ugh, scraping Facebook sucks
don't they have APIs?
I'm basically making a Chrome extension that adds an element to each post item, making something simpler for myself/others in the long run.
I'm hoping MutationObservers are my friend
1 hour later…
Sci-fi where the president has lost his mind and everyone knows because his private thoughts keep appearing on little slabs in their pockets
any idea how to log verbose build errors in react native?
@Ananthu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 message moved to Trash can
@Ananthu Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
I just made the most badass hacky Chrome Extension EVER.
1 message moved to Trash can
@Ananthu Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
contrl+k not working
paste in clean formatted code, then hit CTRL-K to indent by 4 spaces. If it doesn't work it means it think you already indented.
If you can't indent, make a gist
leading spaces on the first line may lead CTRL-K to not work.
u mean git?
or jsbin or jsfiddle or pastebin, etc
react-native run-android builds my app, but any idea how to include verbose error log in that run command?
at the moment it's spitting out a short build error with not enough detail to decipher
		var element=$(this);
			url : '/posts/like_category/',
			type : 'GET',
			data : { category_id: element.attr("data-like-id")},
			success : function(response){
				element.html(' ' + response)
here i used the button element to get the count of likes and dislikes, But in my html there are other submit buttons, now they are not working how can I solve this?
$('button') this selects all buttons. You need to use a more specific css selector.
like, use an id, if it's a single button.
I used an Id but it will only incremente for my fist post(likes and dislikes for my first post)
Q: Button Like In Django- Getting likes For only the First Post

AnanthuI am Trying to implement like buttons in my Html using Django, jquery, and Ajax. I thought it was working well, but later realized that the likes are only getting incremented for the first post. Here is the HTML page <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1"> {% for it in lists %} <div...

ok, so you have more than one element, so you can't use an id, but you don't want all buttons, so you can't just say "button". You need something in between. Something on just those buttons you want to modify.
You could use a class.
I have a question about something I have already done a long time ago.
There is a website where I can watch short movies. The movies are split in little chuncks and continuously streamed to me.
.ts - files
However I am now looking for a way to assemble all those ts chuncks in one big file which I can download
Under the "network" tab of my browser I can see the link to all those .ts files
but there is somewhere a link to the entire video in stead of those chuncks.
Any idea's?
@trilolil If you want to pirate movies, do it from a decent Torrent site like a sane human being, at decent quality.
Why do it from crappy streaming sites at low quality?
@MadaraUchiha it's ok found it. No I am it's a HD stream. And it is something very local, so you will never find any torrent from it . :)
1 hour later…
I'm trying to figure out a way that I can delay an action inside an event listener until the bubbled event is fully resolved. Example: jsfiddle.net/nymf0hnh (open() needs to happen after the document click even resolves)
My example is just in plain js but I can create a react example if you need me to show why it needs to be this structure
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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