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> probably more than a month's pay
yeah probably
@rlemon Oh man, do you know what he actually got for it?
if he sold it? idk.
they just tell you what it is worth
@rlemon what is the $500 a month reference to?
he said at the time he made just under $100/mo on military salary
oh that is what that translates to today with inflation?
inflation makes $120 -> $490
so he was making ~$500/mo (less)
with low/no cost of living
So who got a Switch?
cause urmy
was that during wartime?
@HatterisMad cold war
and nam, technically
they said 1960
cold war covers so long of a period.
it's a safe answer
but we didnt enter vietnam war until 65 apparently
it's the US, there's a 90% chance we were at war at any given time
Do I still need to put event listeners in a document load function if the event listener is in an external JS file?
not if you include those scripts in the body after your other html
Fuck me, does anyone have a good nintendo switch unboxing video without all the shitty memes?
@BenFortune yea check this one out youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
Ah but if it is in the top I probably should then
or move it
The only event listener is a window resize or a window scroll
Other than that the JS inserts a DIV right into the DOM and interacts with the DIV, and I want the DIV to load as soon as possible.
Would it make sense in that case to put it at the top of the page?
you're either waiting for DOMLoad from the head, or waiting for DOMLoad naturally from placing at the bottom of the body
@Luggage @rlemon
object.where("x", "=", 7)
.query(function(query) {
  query.where("1", "=", "1")
    .orWhere("1", "=", "2")
}).where("2", "!=", "2")
  .where("3", ">=", 47)
object.where("x", "=", 7)
.where(function(query) {
  query.where("1", "=", "1")
    .orWhere("1", "=", "2")
}).where("2", "!=", "2")
  .where("3", ">=", 47)
.where().query() is confusing. The second one, i guess.
Mkay. I also found a way to make the scanning a lot more efficient.
Using flat you can sort by values in a key, then you can SCAN until the value doesn't meet your criteria. That makes it so you don't have to SCAN the entire hash.
I'm not interested in techniques to use redis as database.
Still don't know your deal. I thought you said you abused Redis the same way.
Hmm now that I think of it I don't even want the event listeners to be executed on DOMLoad, I want them to be executed when a function is called. So, I guess I will make sure that the function is not called until the DOM is loaded.
Just as a job queue. I use postgres for data storage and querying.
@Alesana Here's a simple way:
@Luggage I'm also using it as a job queue, mine just needs to be smart.
My deal is that I'm just tired of going in circles about that. I stated my point. You are going to do your own thing, which is fine.
But I'm tired of trying to argue it.
I've lost interest in that.
Well you know more than me about it. I'm just still confused on a couple things I guess...

1) Why is it not acceptable to use Redis when it has benefits over light-SQL based databases in RAM.
2) It seems like you think I'm going about this the wrong way. I probably am I've never done this before.
window.domReady = new Promise(resolve => document.addEventListener('domcontentloaded', resolve));

function setMyEventListener() {
  domReady.then(() => {
    // actually add event listener here
There are light SQL databases in ram.
Hmm I haven't seen syntax like that before
@Alesana ES6
- Unneeded datatypes.
- No socket based channels I can listen to which works well with an event-driven language like JS.
- Doesn't give me the option of making some columns not queryable, which means I'm wasting RAM.
- Not as fast from performance benchmarks I've looked at.
you don't have to use one tool for all purposes.
But, I also suspect I'm architecting this wrong.
i.imgur.com/xL5cz2X.gif see, now THIS is a good prank
You don't have to pick a database OR a key-value cache. You can have both.
Ah okay
I better get to learning, then
I actually won't use it in my current project, just for consistency
@Luggage I do have both.

The buffer/cache loads sends SQL queries every once in a while to ensure that I have messages to send.
It's just a bad idea to be doing several SQL queries for every message.
My pool size would have to be massive and it would still be too slow for a 1S interval.
I have some work to do.
I tried finding it but couldn't :( #help-wanted — Madara Uchiha ♦ 26 secs ago
Maybe I'll be interested it re-stating my position over and over again later, but on't hold your breath.
I'm sure you're right. I must be missing your point.
Just go do your thing. The only way to regret it is to try.
Also, i never said it wouldn't work at all
just that it's a lot of work to use a system like it's another one.
@Alesana for example, my game uses Redis and MySQL. Redis does all the heavy lifting, by splitting up the games, stores the player classes and dynamic values that come from being in a game. When the game is done, dump the relevant data to mysql for simple statistical storage
I've mis-used software and done all sorts of junk in my years.
So every piece of non-account related data is done on the fly and frees up so much speed
@Luggage It's times like these I wish I worked at a larger company. I'm not experienced enough to be a lead dev.
@SterlingArcher hahah omg
I just don't see a way to use SQL fast enough, and my limited experience tells me to just abuse Redis.
@OliverSalzburg Nice
How'd you find it? (Or did you remember it?)
Hmm was that directed towards me?
Also, can you post it there?
hey guys anyone knows any js api for getting flight distance ?
@catchiecop Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
You are assuming SQL isn't fast enough for your one-request-per-second junk, and I just don't see it
@MadaraUchiha I added it to your answer
but.. just go do it. you mostly want a queue and messge saending.. thta's redis. Maybe your small amount of querying will work out.
\o/ thanks
but I won't be helping with it. I don't use redis that way and don't feel like learning that to help you with it.
@Luggage It's not one per second total.
It's hundreds of businesses each sending a request per second, and their timers are offset.
@MadaraUchiha I have rebecca.blackfriday redirect to localhost in my hosts file, so think of my surprise when I clicked that and suddenly out of nowhere: Smart Portfolio
How to Exhaust Luggage's Grace, by Allenph
still trying to go work. Are we done?
@BenjaminGruenbaum lel
Although I didn't use rebecca.blackfriday
I used a direct embed
@Luggage, sure. You don't have to respond to me bugging you. You don't owe me anything.
I am getting [object Object] when trying to print a Variable in jquery, can anyone help?
then don't ping.
@NathanMarotta JSON.stringify
Why are you printing a variable?
1 message moved to Trash can
@NathanMarotta Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Just to see what I'm getting out of the input - beginner in jquery
If I define window.functionname= function() {...} at the top of my JS script, and then call it from an iframe (window.parent.functionname();) it says Uncaught TypeError: window.parent.functionname is not a function, but if I define it at the bottom of the page it calls the function without any problem... anyone have any idea why?
@MadaraUchiha then how the heck did it redirect :O?
@Vanndy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
OMG did I write an extension for this and forget about it? Now I'm a little scared
You probably wrote a browser extension for it years ago and forgot about it
sounds like a timing issue.
Do you have a proxy or something?
I have a proxy through the router but I'm pretty sure I hard-reset it at some point because the shitty Bezeq router.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Now I'm scared O__O
Thanks @Capr
Incognito doesn't redirect, probably a greasemonkey thing I installed
So port 443 is HTTPS over TLS right? If I have 3 servers running on a single machine, how do I make them all HTTPS over 443?
Or is that why they should all be on separate instances
@SterlingArcher Different hostnames.
@SterlingArcher SNI
I have static.madara.ninja and caption.madara.ninja both on the same server and port
But different hostnames (subdomains)
Ahhhh thanks!
anyone can suggestion some online guide about ReactJS?
@Vanndy The official docs.
the official docs are really good.
@SterlingArcher Are they all running the same app with an LB overhead?
idk what an lb overhead is
A load balancer.
Because you'll want to do the same thing, but it took me forever to figure out you need to change your LB to split TCP packets instead of HTTP requests to your servers in order to get SSL to work well.
no, and it's not the same app
App, chartserver, and mongo
All need to be encrypted
But it's meteor, so it's already a PITA
@SterlingArcher about 0.45 of a kg overhead
@Loktar I forgot & left you tetris codepen open in a tab overnight. I am genuinely curious why it only produces red long blocks now.
haha weird something is messed up for sure
the window is SUPER small though it looks like
@SterlingArcher omg people are still playing that?
so each section is clearing almost instantly?
idk that is super weird though lol
@SterlingArcher reverse proxy behind nginx makes this easy
@BenjaminGruenbaum actually apparently yeah, I got so bored from it
@SterlingArcher I had never seen PITA. I thought it was a programming acronym and Googled. xD
I don't think we can use a reverse proxy on the customer site :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum only big nerds are playing it now
my kids said it hasn't been cool since school started
I'm a big nerd and I'm not playing
So you're still playing it?
and only the losers are playing it
well, nginx can BE your reverse proxy / SSL offloading.
I mean the nerds that smell weird
12 secs ago, by Sterling Archer
So you're still playing it?
nah i never really got into it :p
I played it for like a week and got bored
but you're a smelly nerd loser
> The first line of almost any story can be improved by making sure the second line is, "And then the murders began." source
thank everyone
“I scowl with frustration at myself in the mirror. And then the murders began."
- 50 Shades of Grey
@SterlingArcher nope
I started using electron. And then the murders began.
reddit.com/r/behindthegifs is the best and my favorite subreddit.
Most fun I've had all week while being sick ^
Absolutely love BTG
> Call me Ishmael. And then the murders began.
@SterlingArcher yeah.

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