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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

lol, jsfiddle used like a gh-page fiddle.jshell.net/felixmc/nZ76a/27/show
cloudspokes.com/challenges/1493 challenge. You have to use backbone and a jQuery plugin. ._.
> Your code need to be compatible with only the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox.
You should be able to:
1) Be very good at graphical design
2) Turn around very quickly & stick to timelines (No excuses)
3) Speak & write fluent English
4) Please add "Magazine style app" in your response back to me so I know you read my description.

Skills required:Graphic Design, HTML5, iPad, Javascript, node.js
lol @ 2)
only one out of 6 bids added "Magazine style app" lol
hahaha yeah :D
copy/paste bots
just switched the caps lock and ctrl keys
weird to get used to
but sooo useful
lol some asshole downvoted 4 of my answers
all of them were accepted by the original poster
Reason included?
no it was revenge downvoting
You know because...?
I have this url var url = 'comments.php' + (current++ > 0 ? '?page='+current : ''); the last page = 8 can anybody tell me how I can set the last page?
well I checked one possibility but there is no activity for the account for the downvotes so it cant be him
I wonder if the stackexchange query tool would give answer?
I'll play with it after I eat
Thank you
See you soon
I try this now by the way var url = 'comments.php' + (current++ > 0 && current++ < 8 ? '?page='+current : ''); but this doensn't work...
the stackoverflow data explorer can't find my post
var suffix = '';
if (current > 0 && current < 8) {
    suffix = '?page=' + current;
var url = 'comments.php' + suffix;
Thank you my friend!
Though it'd probably be wiser to only increment current if there's a page after it
oh the votes cannot be found in dataexplorer yet
But there is still something wrong:
var suffix = '';

if (current > 0 && current < 8) {
suffix = '?page=' + current;
var url = 'comments.php' + suffix;

$.get(url, function(data) {
var results = data.split("<br />");

$.each(results,function(i,item) {
$("#flickr").append("<div class='flickr_results'>"+item+"</div>");

loading = false;

Well, if something is wrong in that pile of unformatted code mixed with horrid things, then it must be because of the leprechauns.
Move the increment to inside the if statement.
How do you mean? :$
There's the if statement, if (current > 0 && current < 8), and there's the increment, current++. You move the latter to inside the former.
replace current++ into current = ''; ?
Now you've intrigued me. How did you manage to understand that from what I've said?
And on top of that, how would it make sense?
sorry i'am from the Netherlands and I have some languages problems
the latter for example
Actually, changing to current <= 8 should work
It's still not good with current++
var suffix = '';

if (current > 0 && current <= 8) {
suffix = '?page=' + current;
var url = 'comments.php' + suffix;
after page 8 its start again agian and agian
lol dataexplorer hides the downvoter's userid
wow, that's just weird...
...actually, it isn't. You're just loading comments.php over and over and over
wait what
Because no matter what current's value is, you're loading comments.php
I'd switch to an early return...1 sec
if (current < 0 || current > 8) {
That should work
gggaaahhh, don't just paste a wall of unformatted code
And I know, I can see the source
would it have killed to check the code for syntax errors
it's not working for sure because no code in that script tag is executed
Firefox says no errors
that's not what is on the page you just linked
Strange I see this on zinomen.nl/test/sean/sean2.html right now
line 27 t/m 54
do you have clear your cache?
I'm tired, so I'll tell you what I meant in words: Check if the variable is not within the range you want, and if it is, just return. If it isn't (meaning, it is inside the range), load the url.
to if (current < 0 || current > 8) {
Do you want to help me still Esailija?
Hi eveybody,
i have small problem with my own jquery plugin, please stackoverflow.com/questions/10465322/jquery-drag-and-resize
I know I'm annoying but do you want me to help further Zirak?
Still a small problem yet
want to downvote so badly: stackoverflow.com/questions/10465455/…
Noby whan't to help me further?
Nobody *
@Esailija ??
This I have:
?page=2 must be the last page to show
i almost threw up in my mouth
what the hell is that ?
Q: Changing Javascript on an HTML page out of my control

palm3DI'm using an HTML page out of my control. It defines a Javascript function in an inline <script> tag and calls it in <body onload="..."> : <html> ... <body onload="init()"> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function init() { ... }...

hello :)
one quick question
why does everytime ajax function performs the memory usage of browser increase :S
finally cleaned up this mess github.com/BonsaiDen/lufa
statistical calculations with arrays, minimalist style
Q: Pros and cons of a html/javascript only web app

hofnarwillieI come from a asp.net forms background and have found server side coding very powerful in the past. More recently however, I have been wanting to phase out the server side code of the front-end and replace it with pure html/javascript which accesses the data through json webservices. I have no re...

01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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