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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

So, anybody who has worked with the government before: when picking your tech stack, what's one of the first things you do?
@SterlingArcher Pick my tech stack
You have to make sure it's actually ok to use as well
Today, that did not happen.
Today, we found out that somebody didn't do their job, and 7 months later, Meteor will not be able to be accredited by the government cloud.
aka, hell, and angry customers
@SterlingArcher So all this time using Meteor, and you're throwing it out?
We're discussing out options on monday, but signs pointing to yes.
Wasted efforts because one man chose a framework because "his wife was using it and it looked cool"
That'd be funny to someone who doesn't work in tech
Paired up with the fact that we had a mass lay off today, I feel like my job is now on the line
And it's because of something out of my control
Yeah man I'm stressed
Is nodejs accredited by the gov
I kind of expected White House shenanigans to fade out, but fuck, they're doing some batshit crazy stuff.
@William it depends on the branch using it, government accredited doesn't mean it'll be accepted by all 3 letter organizations
From what I'm hearing, nodejs is accredited with our customer
@KendallFrey @rlemon did you guys see the hi-res pictures of the 7 earth-like planets found?
It's no cob planet.. but it'll work
oh fuck you
teehee :D
is that from an actual photo?
I'll be honest I don't know
Did you see that anaglyph image of Mars' surface?
Is this a prank to show me a butthole
no, let me look for it
23 hours ago, by Kendall Frey
@rlemon https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/jpl/pia21463/layers-and-dark-dunes
I have a SBS black and white image in case you can view those in your gear or whatever VR you have
The map is projected here at a scale of 25 centimeters (9.8 inches) per pixel.
dat dpi doe
My nose just creaked
bodies are weird
my god
I love those comics
they're so fuckdd up they're the best
the man in the comic looks like elijah in hbo girls.
new primitive technology sick
and it's a farming one even sicker
@Loktar @rlemon @KendallFrey It's Otogi
Does it mean he is pedophile now
@William Congratulations, you finally got it slow clap
oh, it wasn't a dragon
it was a flying centepede
of course it was
can anyone tell me why I cannot deliver emails from this live domain?
give this domain a try
Anybody know why this regex exec is giving undefined?
const re = /(?:.*?(?:\|\_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\_\|)?.*?)/g;
str = "abc |_first_| and |_second_|"
@David Are you evaluating it in the console?
Did you put a semicolon after it?
I think that's why
Same regardless
Are you getting undefined or ["", undefined]?
Which one?
> Are you getting X or Y?
@ndugger Technically not wrong
your mum
that'd get you 500 upvotes on reddit
Oh, sorry, misread. ["", undefined]
ok, so the second element in the array is undefined because the first capturing group in the regex is not matched
So I can't have it be optional?
I don't know, depends what exactly you're trying to match
I'm trying to find all things that look like |_THIS_|, but all I want is the THIS part
So, in my original string, I want "first" and "second"
Oh, then you want /\|_(.*?)_\|/g
Well that would make things way easier.
> ** edit: and thanks for the down votes btw, it's always lovely when someone asks a reasonable question, then someone down votes and doesn't even leave an explanation as to why. A pox on you I say!
@Sterling Archer you seem to have some charge around this, were you part of the redevelopment? I don't see this meta section. — Agent Zebra 20 secs ago
rt if these pancakes look better than u https://t.co/spSz2SshAZ
> Routing, blessed are you among middleware. Pray for me in the hour of my death, which will come from this commit. Amen.
2 hours later…
Inexcusable crime...
@rlemon 1 for 2
2 hours later…
@KendallFrey I don't understand, whats funny in that?
it's funny alright
which part ?
have you even seen it?
I think I missing something
the guy in the photo is using windows
it's hilarious
and the guy in the photo is probably kendall
kendall, you're hilarious
great prank
are we talking about the cup ?
at least he's using opera
@FlyingGambit your vision doesn't stop at the cup. Look beyond the cup
I'm just messing with you, I have no idea why is it funny
Lol I almost opened the pic in photoshop to zoom in properly
but he is using windows and opera
Yes that I see
I think Kendall is drunk and posting random pics
hi all
Can I ask a question ?
yes fire away
Can mongo-xlxs npm module read multiple sheets of excel file?
well the question is beyond me. just wait for a couple of minutes and someone else might get back to you

I created a question. Any help is awesome
yes just wait, there are many great people here
yep, I know
Hey guys, just a quick question. I have the domain es5.ninja and no use for it, does anyone have a good idea where to point it to?
just point it to netlify for static pages. works like a charm and it's free
@jacobian I'm not sure if i get you right, it was meant like, does someone want to have it?
@littlepootis lol
Q: Why modern programming languages use 'this'

WeAreRightMany modern programming languages use 'this' instead of having internal mechanism of object recognition. I am specifically talking about javascript and php (in python their is 'self' doing same thing). In c++ or java their was no 'this' which looks good while coding, then why this modern language...

Ring-a-ring-a roses,
Fuck a full of roses,
Hasha Husha!
We all fall down.
Ring-a-ring-a roses,
Fuck a full of roses,
Hasha Husha!
We all fall down.
A Nursery rhyme that I used to sing when I was kid, years later, when I was college, while playing with kids, I realized that I was singing that song wrong for years. The original rhyme goes like this bforball.com/rhymes/ringa-ringa-roses.php
Just sitting alone in the office on a weekend and thinking about my life ^
sheesh when you hold cmd down and press a, the event code is different
quick poll: do ppl still use bower?
Q: Downloaded document getting corrupted using Blob method in angularJS

PhoenixDownloading a file used to work fine in my application until I upgraded Angular to the latest. Even now, the file is getting downloaded, but the issue is that it is getting corrupted. Upload file is working fine and if we check in the file server, the file will be intact. But upon download, I am ...

Can anyone help me out with this?
FYI- i have started a bounty for this
I wanted to detect cmd+a but the event.metaKey is only fired on keydown((
I was wondering how does this chat work the scrolling? like if we are at the bottom, and a new message comes in it scrolls, but if you scroll up it halts it, to allow you to navigate above or reach history. What I don't get is how does it know you're at the bottom to know it should scroll to bottom or not?
well what I want to know is how can I use this chat in my own website?
@FlyingGambit lol
@jacobian make your own :P
how come when you upload a package to npm you get a bunch of initial downloads?
@jacobian pay @Prix to make it
@SuperUberDuper there are quite a few around the internet actually
@SuperUberDuper bots
why did the chicken cross the roads?
Heard of that incident where chicken crossing the road resulted in the death of a child and an old woman?
@ndugger @SterlingArcher youtube.com/watch?v=-pLl0zID6UM
idk. I didn't like the explanation
you always love meme theory
can you have directional light, and specular light together? If so how, because specular light relies on a surfaceToLightVector, but with directional light the light has no position
@snowy500 The important part of specular light is the direction, not the position. Directional light does have a direction, so it can be used with specular shading.
btw, I've never actually bothered starting to learn angular. Does it even try to solve the same problems as react?
It covers a lot more. It's an everything framework.
React is just a 'view'.
like any other template engine (even though it works very differently than most)
oh wow, and google apparently has a buffer overflow thing 0.o
@towc OMG Minus calories weren't a lie!!!
butter diets actually work
you just need a lot of it
damn, 25kt of butter would lose me weight for my entire life
I think I'd die if I lost that many calories
@towc exploit this
I just broke into the pentagon
psh, hacking the US is for noobs.
Be original. :)
@Gemtastic Don't worry, the first 26765 tons would give you all those calories to burn in the final ton.
@MadaraUchiha That brings the question if that's the net result or the gross of calories :thinking:
(btw, only 331 tons are needed to trigger the overflow)
also, I love this:
it should be a butter overflow
(I'm easily entertained)
@towc It isn't a buffer overflow though...
It's an integer overflow...
oh shit it is....
But it's still a butter overflow.
only 1 dot. 1 dot is too few dots...
@Luggage That's true.
@Gemtastic That amount of calories is enough to turn 300,000 people to ice (approximated by human-sized bags of water).
So yeah, you're correct that you'd die
So, a butter-based freeze raw is possible?
Let's hope the universe doesn't really have integer overflows.
I make no claim about the caloric content of butter
I blame Google
Honestly, though, Wolfram Alpha is the best
Why do I keep seeing default gravatar pics on people that have avatars?
gravatar is apparently having issues
BTW, wolfram alpha says that the actual caloric content in that amount of butter could heat a human to 2 billion degrees
would anyone be willing to fix my code? stackoverflow.com/questions/42458041/…
Is it physically possible to eat enough to die from a fever? You'd have to eat concentrated calories somehow
      if (student_name == '') {
        student_name = '';
well I am learning ajax.
use fetch
@jacobian You should be learning JavaScript before that...
@ndugger I'd guess your body would fail to metabolize that much energy, and you'd probably die of some kind of toxicity.
@jacobian also why different accounts?
Anything is toxic in large enough concentration
why would someone say my code is vulnerable to sql injections?
what the hell is sql injections
because it's php
different account because this account got banned.
@jacobian Take that
because you don't sanitize anything and you run user input values against your db
15 secs ago, by jacobian
what the hell is sql injections
And copy paste it into Google.
@jacobian that is against the rules
donald trump is against the rules also.
Your code is bad, you're avoiding bans, and you don't know what sql injections are...
well I am learning here.
can you fix my code?
I am just waiting for miracle then
You're gonna be waiting a long time. Maybe you need to reconsider your career path
what career path? politician?
@jacobian Here's a general tip: When you know you're doing something against the rules, don't say it out loud in public.
@rlemon that may actually kind of makes sense. If it's falsey, then it at least gets turned into a string
especially while a mod is in the room
@towc it's bad
it is bad, but makes sense
I don't think he even understands loose equality
so I doubt he had it in mind
who is mod in this room?
"loose equality" sounds like it could be an American social construct
I thought there are only RO here
Me, nice to meet you.
well hi mod.
^ pls
even better
and relevant
did I just got deleted?
oh great, I just got deleted and there are many good question there that got answered
@jacobian Oh, don't worry, the questions are still there.
As for you, please don't open new accounts to evade bans. This one included.
I'll just have to be more discreet then right
@jacobian You can try.
well I don't know you're a mod.
But also please don't... your content is such low quality... stop spreading it around.
> So I should avoid getting pulled over next time I'm drunk, right officer?
lesson learnt then. I'll not post any stackoverflow link here again in this chat
wrong lesson
Argh, that's twice so far today people have rang my door bell to sell me a religion.
I'm gonna have the get a fucking sign.
I'm havins some trouble with an Angular 2 project
I actually don't get my .ts files transpiled to .js
I type in "npm start" in the command line
and I have ""start": "tsc && concurrently \"tsc -w\" \"lite-server\" " in the package.json file
but I don't get the .js files
Can anyone help?
is there any body that has experience with git
@prix you could just check that the current scroll position is the same as the maximum. Then you know you are at the bottom.
@AndroidDev If you're going to ask the same question from the PHP room
The answer will be the same
Go and read about bare repos and what they mean.
@Kikus tsc by default will write the files right next to the .ts files, in the same dir
Does that happen?
Ugh. I don't like mixing source and output when I can avoid it.
@MadaraUchiha If you wanna see the entire code I can send it to you, it's actually a verys basic boilerplate project
link the boilerplate, please?
@Luggage You can avoid it.
That's just the default behavior.
Yea, just saying I don't like the default.
Yep 1 sec
it's being uploaded
@Luggage how silly of me, that works nicely thanks
I meant the original boilerplate you used.
since its a div scroll I am using if ($('#divid')[0].scrollHeight - $('#divid')[0].scrollTop === $('#divid')[0].clientHeight) { ... }do you see anything that could cause issues that way?
I'm not one to ask, I do very little with scrolling.
Kikus Just link me the original boilerplate.
heh :P np thanks
Losing interest fast.
Is that the original boilerplate you used, or your broken one?
This is the github repository of the boilerplate of the tutorial I'm following on a video
It's a bunch of nothing..
Yes just the skeleton of a mean stack application
It's undocumented, and doesn't even list angular or typescript in package.json. I don't know what this is, but it's junk.
the Angular part is in the client folder
you'll see there is angular and typescript ine the package.json inside the client folder
ugh, multiple package.jsons..
crappy architecture
@MadaraUchiha can i have a none bare repository on the server which i can store my work there
Use a bare repo as the shared one you push/pull to.
If you wan the server to have checked out working tree, clone like normal.
you mean server clone from the localmachine @Luggage
i want to have a place on the server and when i commit the change on my local machine, i want to have it on the serveer
Then initialize a bare repo and then push to it.
i did it, but when i checked out on the server there was no project file
in the server
Bare repos don't have the files in a working directory.. You've been told that in the other room.
i know it
Clone into a working directory from that same server.
and i wondeing why u said it
how can u give me an example
an example of what?
doing clone from the same server
or give me a tutorial about that
git clone some/local/path
oh thanks
i just did it
// on server
git init --bare ~/myproject.git
// on workstation
git remote add server user@myserver:myproject.git
git push server master
// on server
git clone ~/myproject.git ~/myproject
// the .git version is a bare repo, the other is a normal cloned repo w/ working director
That's the general plan I suggest.
thanks man
hey, anyone here with experience with PhantomJS/CasperJS
what do you need?
ask the damn question, don't make us say "yes"
I'm seeing weird behaviour when casper is called from a script
interactive bash calling it, works as expected
don't make us say "go on"
when i run it from a script, the scheme, domain and path in the initial load are replaced with "file:///$(pwd)/" effectively
[debug] [phantom] opening url: "http://foo.com/bar/baz?id=moo", HTTP GET
[debug] [phantom] Navigation requested: url=file:///vagrant/scrapers?id=moo%22, type=Other, willNavigate=true, isMainFrame=true
best i can guess is something environment/TTY related, but i can't find anything about either for casper or phantom
if i run the exact command from the script in an interactive bash shell, the 'navigation requested' line matches the URL above, and it works as expected
wait for it...
wait for what?
someone to answer
so you have no fucking clue, but made a big song and dance about not checking if anyone present even knows what the fucking tools are?
I have some experience with them
> trolling. gone wrong. almost roasted.
there was no point in saying that
you should read the rules instead :P
!!welcome Stephen
@Stephen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thats a terrible rule.
you're a terrible rule
@towc shh, please.
yes mom
It's not. We do tire of having to beat questions out of people sometimes.. but.. the weekend are dead around here and I would not have done what towc did.
the "don't make us say "go on"" when the room is almost empty wasn't helpful.
that was a joke. I see how it's not clear though :/
right, but casper and phantom are hardly everyday tools.
no one is going to scroll back through the chat to see my question when they arrive in 2 days and then respond
You'd be surprised; with the rise of JS testing, phantom is all over the place
(can I argue against that mom?)
Yea, chat away.
@ndugger i pity those stuck with it.
well, what nick said
It has its issues, definitely
Should I go get subway or chipotle?
hi BrianJ
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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