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hi @asifa can you help me with this stackoverflow.com/questions/10440845/… ?
@Abhishek no
can someone tell me how to open a dropdown on focus
Q: How can you programmatically tell an HTML SELECT to drop down (for example, due to mouseover)?

Corey TragerHow can you programmatically tell an HTML select to drop down (for example, due to mouseover)?

tl;dr you can't unless you create a 'fake' dropdown list.
@Raynos i love u for that (XD)
straight way "NO"
@Abhishek u gay
not in that way -.-
Love !== Sex
I think the html select is more of a combobox than dropdown
Love.indexOf('sex'); // maybe -1 or > 0
Sexual preference has nothing to do with sexual intercourse. Straight people can be straight and virgins.
Love.indexOf('sex'); // undefined
can straight people be gay
Like me. ;_;
@rlemon i want to just open the dropdown and not increase the size of it. I am using asp.net dropdown
Some of the gayest people I know are straight
Define "gayest"
Wow, is this the JS chatroom?
Most gay
Is anyone in the mood for a JS related question? I'm beating my head against the wall

Q&A site for educators and professionals to discuss human sexuality.

Closed after 13 days in beta.

^ shame, that
My first advice is to stop beating your head against the wall; that might be causing thinking problems.
@Ryan: you have questions regarding your sexuality?
Point well taken.
Here's the question - I'm looking for a jQuery plugin that will allow me to do something basically identical to what is seen here under "Learn" (you have to click on a topic).
It's like a slideshow for text, with built in navigation. My google-foo has failed me after several hours.
@AndyE No. I just think it could have been an interesting site. Sexuality is a fascinating subject.
Looking for a jquery plugin? :/ loses interest, goes back to Prolog
> Today, the internet is negative about your mother.
> That's what. -She
So, I guess no one has any suggestions?
Sorry, what was the question?
Oh, jQuery plugins... right...
Not my field, sorry.
Doesn't have to be a plugin - I just want to emulate that learn area I posted.
There are so many home-cooked slideshow things out there your head will spin. But that's because they aren't super complicated to make
that looks like 4 jQuery animations called in chain, doesn't even need a plugin
@JamesHill have you tried reading the src
If you want a copy+paste solution, it exists; so why are you banging your head against the wall over this?
@Raynos, yes, I have. 1), there's a ton 2), I don't see anything related to the area I want to copy (other than css)
Today, the internet is very positive about javascript.
"Today, the internet is very positive about unicorns." Gaywads
@Zirak, did you look at the example? I can't find one even close. I'm not a noob, just stuck
I see fade in, and movement animation on some dom elements
@FlorianMargaine check this out :-)
nothing someone doing jQuery couldn't do himself after a week
that is, after a week of using jQuery in his life
o_O what and why ? lolz
sorry, it was @Zirak message.
@JamesHill Don't start by replicating the functionality. Start with just slides, then how to navigate; once you have these, transitions are just unicorn poop.
@Abhishek I wonder how those results are calculated
for the positive/negative about a subject
Me too
@JamesHill $('#link').click( function() { $('#slideshow-of-link').fadeIn() })
most probably forums lol
lets try a google
Please don't use the word "gay" with a negative connotation. I'd like to think we're better than that.
@RyanKinal That's just gay
@Loktar wow google them like
heh, reminds me of something Steven Colbert said
"You guys need to stop using the word retarded, its totally gay"
cracked me up
@Abhishek html5 + negative = flash
first result on ddg :D
@FlorianMargaine lmao nah for the whatdoestheinternetthink.net
Oh sweet internets love depression whatdoestheinternetthink.net/?s=depression
what the fuck, that entire site is for a plugin that is doing the effects you want?
I don't wanna live on this planet anymore
Which site?
lol at 1500 configuration options
well, hes a good designer ill give him that
very nice looking site
Fuck Crucible Code Reviews.
they configuration options are probably making sure that every corner case is covered, after all nobody can be capable of extending a jQuery plugin to do their custom functionality
alot of people dont want to be bothered to, or dont know how
they just want x functionality, now
I want it noww!!1
Time is money.
don't think they can configure it either
callbacks are complicated things
copy paste is okay tho.
I'm running state of the art machine and the animations are very unsmooth
@asifa programatically... you can not do this.
what is asp.net dropdown
read the answers in the question... it's been tried before. only solution is to make your own dropdown with html/javascript
is that a glorified html select
@Esailija yeah pretty much
which is a combobox at least in visual basic
@Esailija if that is the case than he probably can...
I hate asp.net controls
"Today, the internet is positive about negative, but only just."
but if he wants a 'select' menu to open on focus this cannot be done. iirc
my coworker had no idea what was going on with a style
im like, what is it?
a textbox! Im like no... what kind of element is it a textarea or input?
shes like... a textbox duh!
"It seems the internet cannot decide what to make of death monkeys." :(
im like omfg.
.NET has no place on the net.
it has its place for webservices though
(written in C#)
@Loktar w00t to that
hehe obvy :P I just hate ASP and ASP.NET
love C#
I remember one time when one of my coworkers tried to set visible="false" on a div.
As an attribute
well.. wouldnt it work if they added runat="server"?
Yes it would
I know you can add that to like anything..
god it sso dumb
I worked with this super amazing girl... she introduced a bug in a grading system we were building for a LMS which set the maxlength of the 'grade' input to the numeric value in the input.
isn't runat="server" a "do it magically" thingy?
so if you give someone 0/10 and submit the form you can never save it again because null input is invalid and maxlength=0 keeps the users input blank.
Holy crap, so I took a course on ASP.NET development, and asked the teacher whether there was any reason an ASP.NET control wouldn't have runat="server"
like you have to try to introduce a bug like that.
now that I think about it, I've never seen that attribute have any other value than server
He ran completely past my question, and answered by saying he has no idea why "HTML controls" exist, and he wouldn't be surprised if they were removed from the framework.
i also worked with some co-op who commented all over the codebase german swear words and dirty shit (in german)
Basically, he said he has no idea why anybody would use plain old HTML rather than ASP.NET controls.
and in his "never supposed to get hit" catch statements his errors were "DUDE?! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO GET THIS FAR? TROLOLOOLOLOL"
makes sense if you want to be fully immersed in the ASP.NET framework
@rlemon I guess some end-users got this message?
@FlorianMargaine no, I was the lead above him... so after he left I got the job of removing all of his crap :S
Best hipster vid evar:
I don't see any benefit of asp.net calendar control over <input data-enhance="calendar" or whatever
Less boilerplate!!!!112321 You'd have to like write 1 bagillion lines of code to make it work cross-browser. Besides, it's just so unelegent. asp.net controls are MUCH more elegant.
> asp.net controls are MUCH more elegant
worst sentence EVAR.
I want all of my code to be ASP.NET
hell, browsers soon have that control natively
Pizza is a vegetable. Your argument is invalid.
Wow i missed loads
@TomShreds i work in broadcasting too -..-
That's what she said!
and now that makes me feel bad -.-
where the heck is media going 0.0
<%@ Page Language="$" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="jq" TagName="jQuery"
    Src="~/Controls/jQuery.ascx" %>
<jq:jQuery runat="server" do="all_of_the_things" type="blog" title="ASP.NET + jQuery === DO ALL OF THE THINGS!"  />
@rlemon -.-
I'm leading the jQuery.NET revolution.
kill it -..-
no thanks :@
One $ to rule them all...
Actually, the one ring passage fits
One $ to rule them all,
One $ to find them.
One $ to bring them all,
And to the shadow bind them.
^ we should all start getting ready for it.
@Zirak and to manipulate them
> And to the shadow .bind() them.
and to create a cross browser memory leak if you try the other way of deleting them
Anybody else having problems with [grooveshark](grooveshark.com)? (e.g. it not loading/when it loads, can't do anything)
it's probably cos they are using jQuery
$('a.grooveshark_perks').live('click', function(){\n\n    GS.getLightbox().open('vipPerks');\n\n});
@Zirak try to resize the screen
jQuery.Net may cause troubles
you will love what happens
My screen is pretty solid; resizing it may prove difficult
the browser window -.-
ooooooohhhhhh! facepalm How didn't I think of it before!?
my window's pretty solid too.
hhmmm...Bowser doesn't seem to have a window
Q: ASP.Net button not resetting to default

TimeToThineI am using "BLOCKUI" jquery confirmation dialog box plugin, Its working perfectly except its not reseting the button it gets poped up on, Maybe its a logical mistake :/, here's the code, Script <script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/1033/jquery.js"></script> <script t...

@Abhishek @rlemon am baclk again :D
with more asp.net ;) LOOOL
@Zirak -.- -.- -.-
new rule
@TimeToThine Dude.... why input [id$=foo]
no ASP.NET allowed
if you have an ID just select it with that
ID's are singular... you cannot reuse them.
what you have is doing more work than it needs to.
@TimeToThine Can you explain what "not resetting to default" means?
@rlemon didn't get that
> $("input[id$='btDelete']")
@rlemon Because ASP.NET mangles IDs with prefixes
@RyanKinal as am disabling the button OnClientClick, so when i click NO on dialog box, it should enable the button again
ugh... stupid ASP
@RyanKinal yeah thats right
that is just retarded.
you can do .clientId
document.getElementById("input[id$='btnDelete']") should work
with asp.net
@TimeToThine ok do what @Loktar says.
However, if you use the ClientIDMode property, then you can make sure it doesn't mangle
tries to remember whats before clientID
@Zirak loltrollz
if Sizzle sees an ID first it does like 800 less things than when you pass it a complex selector like that.
Cross-browser, too!
@Loktar so using ClientID, gonna solve the problem ?
@TimeToThine not the problem but a problem
button1 is the ID you gave it
so in your case yes, and no I guess?
in your question I see ID=yes, and id=no
anyway I didnt read the full thing, lol just pointing out the best way to grab id's client side in .net because it friggin mangles them
$("input[id$='no']").click(function() {
    $("input[id$='btDelete']")[0].disabled = ''; // un-disable the delete button
    return false;
// and here is where the JS room puts a hit out on me
@RyanKinal YOUR a GENIUS,. thanks lot mate
@RyanKinal actually, return false also prevents bubbling
return false === e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault()
... no?
I can tell that memegenerator is done with php because it does image processing in the request
20 seconds to wait is awesome
> Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
sudoku ( Board, Solution ) :-
% syntax error, character 8
sudoku( Board, Solution ) :-
% works fine. apparently, Prolog is touchy about whitespace
I don't get it
@rlemon You gave me tutorial links for Java Script I was wondering if you pass me out some Jquery tutorials as well please
why is nothing bubbling up? jsfiddle.net/Ralt/Lz2Pw
@TimeToThine no.. read the docs
I'm sure it's something stupid >_<
learn javascript
whats the difference between Java Script and Jquery tho :O
except jquery is faster ;)
jQuery is a library built on Javascript... and is magnitudes slower than Javascript.
faster to write maybe...
jQuery is javascript
function $() {
    /// do some magic.
jQuery is to javascript what ASP.NET is to ASP
pretty much ^
I hate its syntax tho :L
because it's a DOM Abstraction...
.ajax() wtf?
@TimeToThine learn javascript... then once you know javascript to a certain degree you will easily be able to peruse the jQuery api docs.
sure, does JavaScript has Plugins like Jquery has
is @TimeToThine a typo??
was it supposed to be TimeToShine?
Javascript is a language... jQuery is a library.
or is it TimeToShine spoken with a lisp?
@Loktar yes :L
"Its my TimeToThine boyz"
jQuery's plugins are nothing more than you adding a method to the jQuery object.
the whole principal of plugins just adds more and more bloat to each $() call..
stick with vanilla JS (plain old Javascript) while you are learning.
it's like
jquery plugins are like adding methods to a class already full of stuff
and jquery is a big class written in javascript
jQuery is someones idea of how they can improve on javascript... it's not known by the browser.. you have to include the library and the user then has to download it to their machine with your page.
so if you want to learn how to develop webpages you should learn Javascript
then possibly use jQuery as a tool
got it, good explanation
@rlemon why isn't it bubbling? jsfiddle.net/Ralt/Lz2Pw
@FlorianMargaine It's bubbling for me
for 1 and 3, it should show a1, child1, parent1, I get only a1 :(
uh, really?
Oh, wait, no
It isn't
hey there
nice breakfast?
Search for currentTarget
Breakfast ???? where he';s from lol
India. And it isn't even time for breakfast here!
@FlorianMargaine which one sounds better [email protected] ?
@FlorianMargaine Btw, I think your example is set up incorrectly
@Amaan doesn't work either, it only gets the parent
set it up correctly then :p
@Abhishek .com
alright :-)
i have 3 options , 3rd is darkyen.com [ 'my web identity' ]
if you want professional, don't take the 3rd option
Hey guys, I'm currently developing a web app, where do you think I should host it? I'm currently hosting all my stuff on a VPS but once it'll launch I'm afraid about scaling and I want to back myself up a bit by starting with the right service.
@rlemon I know, why isn't the fiddle working then?
I'm having an AJAX issue that I'm not sure how to correct, when I send the AJAX to my PHP script it HAS to be POST or else it doesn't work, not only that but using firebug its showing the interaction as red in the console but won't read off an error message, the PHP script works fine when you go right to it so I'm pretty sure its a JS/AJAX request issue
@FlorianMargaine i want to be a bit 'out-of-the-box' with my blog
but want it to be professional too
still, keep your name
Heres the AJAX/JS : `function clock_insert()

if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)

aiight bought :D
oh wait, I get it
@FlorianMargaine jsfiddle.net/Lz2Pw/1
It doesn't ever post back the PHP echo
@Amaan yeah what i was doing, thanks
@RyanKinal looks like you were right... the article is plain wrong then :/
Anyone see an issue with my AJAX?
Event listeners are supposed to come between open and send, IIRC
Also, don't use innerHTML for inserting text
Done :-)
@Event_Horizon This sounds more like a question you should post to SO
Not here in the chat room
Well I figured it wasn't a HUGE issue thats why I came to chat
I mean I might be missing a line of code or something I have an almost Identical AJAX query that works fine using get and another php script
See my two messages for a possible fix and a sane practice
@Zirak no, it just needs to have send() at the end
@FlorianMargaine The question now becomes "Why does the demo work?"
Because the demo convinced me that I'm wrong.
@Zirak Why shouldn't I use innerHTML and whats the alternative?
maybe something about jquery?
@Event_Horizon Does your AJAX response have any HTML in it?
@FlorianMargaine that would be my guess
When you want to insert text, innerHTML is not the solution. textContent for non-IE browsers, innerText for IE, or create and append a text node (I think I had an explanation on that laying somewhere...)
I'm thinking jQuery handles return false differently than JS
Its just echo "Clocked Time" or echo "error"
@EventHorizon use this
while(element.hasChildNodes()) { element.removeChild(element.lastChild); }
^ not only is it faster, it doesn't rely on innerHTML :P

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