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with docker I can easily switch running ubuntu to fedora and to opensuse with just a command
the beauty of using container
well maybe the robot has reach sentient
people who haven't reached sentience need to pay taxes too
@rlemon cats need to pay taxes too (source)
is it possible to interact with a node app in terminal as a REPL?
Google says yes
I like to know what bing says
maybe google has reach sentience
@HiDayurieDave Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
anyone on?
I'm on .... concaindASe
I have jquery function alphanumers (prevent symbols), now I want to prevent "space" to on my function. var alphanumers = /^[a-zA-Z0-9- ]*$/;
Any idea for that?
Thanks @CapricaSix
I don't get it.
hey guys,is it possible to use angular2.0 in practical development?
@QI.soa yes, why do you ask?
for i saw some TP plug like angular-material,their document is not complete to angular2
1 hour later…
so warez-bb is down and tehparadox is also down. any idea what alternative sites to use so I can download HBO girls?
warez-bb lmao
!!cowsay Good Morning
< Good Morning >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
goog morning
@nonerth Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
okay well now that we are in the subject I got one really small question, how can I mask links?
[link] (http://..)
the above returned me that its not a function in node.js
@Caprica Six are you here?
@NikxDa A Java question once in a while does not hurt, besides we talk about crap stuff here anyways
I think one of the cars is toyota corolla
@Kondal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
2 hours later…
Q: Module name "crypto" has not been loaded yet for context

jeet.chanchawatWhile trying to use this library I initially got error ReferenceError: require is not defined. To solve it, I added required library. This now started with another error as Module name "crypto" has not been loaded yet for context FOR LEG PULLERS: This is not a duplicate question, As all the q...

Hi, Please help me here....
@jeet.chanchawat running in node.js environment ?
(it's only tagged as javascript. Other tags are not so relevant if you ask me)
There are so many things wrong with that
its a nodeJS require error
not requireJS
yeah, but he doesn't tag with it... then he adds require.js which is not for node
@jeet.chanchawat add nodejs tag to question
it could be that he's using a client side script, which needs a webpack2 or browserify
!!afk monday blues meetings
!!afk peeling bananas
in PHP, 2 hours ago, by Gordon
Today, R11's thoughts and prayers go to Sweden!!1
meh trump himself spreads fake news.
but the media neutrality is quite poor there
@KarelG Last Week Tonight had a very good episode about that
Trump spreads what he hears on TV, and his followers feel validated because their president says what they heard on TV, and now it's from a credible source
And then when he's confronted about it, he just says "just look outside, everyone are talking about it"
So he believes his followers, and they believe him, so it's a self feeding circle of bullshit
Hey, could someone help me fix a small bug?
@Omnitored I'm great with whatever fix you come up with
!!welcome Omnitored
@Omnitored Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Thanks Madara but I'm not new ;)
@Omnitored I'll emphasize
> Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
okay, sorry :)
I do have this script with codemirror: http://source-code-displayer.herokuapp.com/
As you see, the displaying of one character at a time works perfectly. I have added a few things, like the additional css codemirror mode, and for some reason the displaying of one char at a time stopped working. I've spent 2+h on trying to find what's wrong, with no results
Well, that's why I asked if I should upload somewhere else..
The fact it's an archive didn't help either.
or gist
hi ben
@MadaraUchiha My main concern is the lack of having a critical view on what the media is saying. I'm a daily newspaper reader and sometimes I see an article which requires further checks.
got three articles in 5 years which needed a correction.
* 6
@KarelG o/
"If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z, X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut." - Albert Einstein
Just found that lol
do you comprehend it?
@KarelG Yes ofcourse :P
I guess he said that creativity is hiding its secrets. Is that what keeping your mouth shut is all about?
I just need to put more effort into X part
const myEmitter = new MyEmitter();
myEmitter.on('error', (err) => {
  console.log('whoops! there was an error');
@sabithpocker I think he meant to say focus more
this will get executed every time there is an error anywhere in the system?
@sabithpocker not to argue with wife while working
@sabithpocker no, being successful is to find balance between three useful things: X, Y, Z. X is for work, Y is for having fun. Then Z is about speech i think. It's difficult to talk about something useful. So keep your mouth shut means lowering the chance to talk, which then lowers the unusefulness.
uhm, feel free to correct me if I interpret his quote incorrectly
Q: Why do researchers use extremely complicated English sentences to convey their meaning?

CoconutI will begin with a disclaimer, I am not an English native speaker, but I can speak fluent English and understand the English in almost all research papers I read. However, occasionally I come across some papers published in peer reviewed journals with ridiculously complicated sentence structu...

@KarelG Yeah I guess its about balance.
@GandalftheWhite no
Okay :l
before you go mad one me again
I am reading on it
Q: Karma config to exclude nested directories

Display NameI am using karma for unit testing my angular 2 application. I have following directory structure - └── src/ ├── index.js ├── index.js.text ├── index.test.js ├── README.txt ├── startuptest.js ├── lib/ | ├── util.js | ├── util.test.js | └── filters/ | ...

Anyone please help
@KarelG People don't like thinking
And it's very tempting to have someone else do the thinking for you
@Zirak Neat!
@copy Hey! Sorry I missed your ping on IRC and now you don't seem connected :(
Welp another quote from Einstein "Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking."
@KarelG ^
@FlyingGambit Lol, you're under the impression that most americans read often
Dude, don't modify Object.prototype. — Cerbrus 13 secs ago
What's your question? — Barmar 9 mins ago
Object.prototype.objectToArray=function(){ Yikes
guys where is the goddamn upload files button on github?
Q: onclick load div and loadback using jquery

Ivin RajI have there Languages which are added in the popup When i click onclick="loaddiv('english');" list all English countries Demo Page Medeil.com $(document).ready(function () { $('.intro-popup').mousewheel(function (event) { event.preventDefault('clicked', true); ...

Ugh, the repwhoring on that question... (the one I linked a comment from)
I give up lol
is there no way to upload files to github with windows without downlaoding git?
@Omnitored "upload files to github" Does that mean using git?
Because hosting git repos is kind of their thing
@Omnitored Sure there is
I can just create a new repo on the web and drag&drop files into the browser though
I have a rar folder with code, and people don't trust me on download link and I need help with the code so I kind of need to uplaod it to the github
@MadaraUchiha If they don't, isn't that a a good thing according to Einstein ?
Yeh man but I am stuck here
... how?
How are you stuck at a simple upload button?
not there
like, I have this link, now what?...
... You're asking the wrong question.
You're trying to create a repo
Man I have honestly no idea what I'm doing, first time I use this
Hey, I am plotting a spirograph using a program, something like epicycloid if I am correct. But it is drawn with many short lines although it is a curve. Wondering if a bezier curve can be generated instead of plotting each point with paramedic equation?
sabithpocker.github.io This is what I have. Problem is the huge number of points. The shape suggests that this can be drawn with lesser points using a bezier curve? Correct me if I am wrong! Any algorithm to convert a set of points to corresponding curve with lesser points is also welcome.
I want to upload files on it, no idea how
@Omnitored Have you ever used Git?
got to folder you want to upload and do a git bash
git init
git add .
git commit -m "First Commit"
git remote add origin your.git.url.copy from github
git push -u origin master

gitk  to check the commit
@Omnitored ^
Dude, he doesn't have git.
read, @FlyingGambit.
Madara I am on school pc with 50mb space left xD
I have 2TB home so can use it there, but need to upload this now
just use tortoise git in windows
@Omnitored What does that have to do with anything?
You will need Git to upload to GitHub
@Omnitored Create a new repo, and this time when creating the repo, select "Initialize with readme" and then drag and drop your files on the web interface.
but I think it's better to create your own github server using vps. and then connect to that server using vpn so others won't know what you're coding
Could someone do me a favor and just upload the content of a .rar to github for me?..
well one need a password to upload to github
@Omnitored No, it would need to be under your name
I give up..
yes just take a deep breath.
Been trying to fix a random js bug for 2 days
upload your rar somewhere else and do it from your home pc
THat just appeared out of nowhere without me even editing the code
I blame such bugs on the browser cache
well thanks?
@jacobian NO!
Use GitHub for Windows client, SourceTree, Git Tower, Git Bash, or anything else. But not that TortoiseGit Shell Extension bullshit
Also vi > emacs
@Omnitored if you want to share code, use gist. Works fine too
@OliverSalzburg Such hatred for Tortoise ^_^/
if you want to push your code in git, first you need to pull then commit then push. you can do this easily with tortoise. suitable for newbies
@Omnitored That should not be the attitude you should be having if you want to solve your problems
and also newbies need to know that when you push your code in git, then the program isn't final. you can revert back to earlier version.
Pulling is for rookies. git push -f
why not git pull ?
the usage of git is for collaboration and sometime those who can't code don't really understand this.
lol @ Ben
they really need to watch the usage of git in udemy to understand it better and why programmer use git.
@KarelG I think he is being sarcastic
Okay so, this is the old code working https://github.com/neodev2/source-code-displayer
demo https://source-code-displayer.herokuapp.com/

As you can see the displaying of one char at a time works perfectly.
After adding another codemirror mode (CSS) the js of displaying one char at a time stopped working, even though I changed all the id's etc to the new ones.
Does anyone have any idea what I did wrong? the code is exact the same, however it does not "trigger"
Edge with SVG text Ren rendering, <----- don't touch !
I love heroku and its dyno.
I love lamp.
I love you
@BenFortune lamb ? means sheep ?
@Mathematics lamb is the little one of a sheep, lamp the thing you would use for lighitng
!!urban lamp
@FlyingGambit Lamp To hit someone, especially in the face.
kk I give up, wake me up when javascript debugs itself.
I love and hate, when I should really like and don't like which is sort of a balance :)
@Omnitored it will when you will stop adding buggy code ? :)
Man the code is exact the same
@FlyingGambit I know that, but I was trying to stretch it
I changed nothing of that code, it is exact char in char the same
@Omnitored Man the code... never heard of him before
If you've pushed to heroku, doesn't that mean you already have git?
THat's not my heroku
Worked on it with someone yesterday
that someone is @neoDev
man, remember people, if you are going to work with them
I do remember him, but he's offline
And I want to solve this..
I said, that one WORKS
because I added another codemirror mdoe
... mode*
You can edit your messages FYI
!!urban FYI
@FlyingGambit FYI For your information
Is anyone looking at the code or am I wasting time here?
Idk really what to do, I can't find the error
Dunno, make a fiddle
Thats a lot of code change
@BenFortune Lol, he gave us rar files to download, someone asked him to post it in git, now you asking him to make fiddle :D
Guys i have ask a question about js, It will be kind if I can upvote the solution for that stack chat room users
@SusHill Soliciting points?
@neoDev Can I join in as well ? Will try to help on weekends
!!urban Soliciting
@FlyingGambit That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@BenFortune I have sort of fiddle, but I don't think my problem is solvable as it is
@FlyingGambit Soliciting To solicit sex from a woman (or man) as prostitution.
Caprica is crazy ^
flying sure you can join
But please help xD
@FlyingGambit Do you really need to urban everything?
@BenFortune Will try Google next time :|
but only on Edge, and it also displaces text too
@BenFortune I didn't get you but I think you are right :D
@Omnitored Can't I am in office and busy looking at the screen
@SusHill That would get you reported
did someone just ask us to upvote his question?
No he just wants to upvote all who answers his question
I just mean that I will upvote the good answer
does that get me reported
As long as its not your second account
That was funny
Microsoft needs to embrace Firefox or Chrome
@FlyingGambit when do you have time?
Weekends only
Saturday and Sunday
I saw a lot of changes in your code including change in folder structure, not sure if it affected the architecture
The code that is supposed to be responsible for the 1 at a time char display isn't affected..
Anyone have any idea what's wrong here?
var demo_input = document.getElementById('code-css');

	var type_this = demo_input.value;
	var index = 0;

	window.next_letter = function() {
		if (index <= type_this.length) {
			demo_input.value = type_this.substr(0, index++);

			// from stackoverflow.com/questions/18946546/…
			//editor.replaceRange(type_this.substr(0, index++), CodeMirror.Pos(editor.lastLine()));

			setTimeout("next_letter()", 20);

setTimeout("next_letter()", 20);
setTimeout(() => eval('next_letter()'), 20);
really eval ?
@FlyingGambit TortoiseGit is something Subversion users use who finally transition to Git after having used TortoiseSVN for years. If you take any pride in your work, you will look for a different client
I have never used TortoiseGit or Subversion, I take it from you that I should stick to GIT
@FlyingGambit Knowing Subversion exists is already too much knowledge about it
Lol, I could feel the pain you must have gone through
@FlyingGambit It wasn't pain at the time. It only hurts in retrospect
Thanks, Will have to watch it at home
That's the great "Your version control system sucks and you should use git because I wrote it and I am awesome" talk by Linus
I bet he has the right to say that, he is a great guy
Yes, he is also very arrogant
Haha he's a dick
And those are his own words
In that video he says he named git git because he is a git
He's in tech news every week because someone has pissed him off
IMHO if you can speak your mind and still make a living, you got it figured out
Knowledge, Money, Fame ... he probably has everything
including Linux and GIT
Lucky Dick :P
Getting rich off of dat open source
I bet you use Windows ^
@FlyingGambit Among other OS, yes
Just looked up in wiki, I thought he would be in his 80s but he is just 47 yo
His quote, "Software is like sex: it's better when it's free."
I always pictured him as Dumbledore from Harry Potter, but he does not look anything like that
like.. "eslint": "^3.2.2"
I think its "*", but not sure
"*" if you like living dangerously.
But just npm i --save or --save-dev and it would install the latest published version
how can it be dangerously if it fits the above stated conditions?
Betas not included
@jAndy It could update minors/majors from under your feet
as long it is stable, non-beta, should be good no?
I just feel it more and more annoying to check a list of 30 dependencies for new versions ...
@FlyingGambit Though that statement is bullshit. The people who apparently give sex away for free, are those you don't want to fuck
I mean I use "eslint": "^3.2.2" for instance, now version 3.8.4 is out, I want that
@jAndy Major versions usually include breaking public API changes
And open source software is only free if your time isn't worth anything
i.e. I used to call my method .foo() but now I've renamed it into .betterFoo()
Your code still uses .foo(), and so it breaks.
The library is stable, but your integration with it was broken.
@OliverSalzburg I wish I could put your comment right next to his comment on Google plus
@MadaraUchiha if you're using the "compatible with" symbol ^, it means npm will download the highest version possible? If ^1.0.0 is declared and 1.9.2 is available with is "compatible" it'll download 1.9.2?
@jAndy No, ^ means download minors
docs.npm calls it "compatible with"
^1.9.2 is equivalent to 1.9.x where x >= 2
~1.9.2 is equivalent to 1.x where x >= 9
* is equivalent to "whatever the hell you want, as long as it's stable"
so if you declare ^1.0.0 then 1.9.2 will never get downloaded
or is anything behind the major considered minor?
@jAndy Correct
1.0.1 will, 1.0.99999 will, 1.1.0 won't
that really sounds like a versioning hell in bigger projects
@jAndy Not really
It just means "Give me patches for this version"
Assuming the library follows semver correctly, it's great
so ~1.0.0 WOULD load 1.9.2?
@jAndy Yes.
But not 2.0.0
Q: What's the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json?

Fizer KhanAfter I upgraded to latest stable node and npm, I tried npm install moment --save. It saves the entry in the package.json with the caret(^) prefix. Previously, it was a tilde(~) prefix. Why are these changes made in npm? What is the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^)? What is the advant...

@jAndy Looks like I got the two mixed up
It's exactly the opposite of what I said, ^ will match minors, and ~ will match patches only
So ^1.0.0 would get 1.9.2, but ~1.0.0 would not.
I see. Ok thanks for now. I'm just afraid that you totally forget about smallish dependencies in big projects and you have to check each and every piece of software what changed when after 6 months or a year
@OliverSalzburg I see open source as a way to help one another
I am trying to do CBC
I am given a alphanumeric key and iVector
but the above link is having 128-bit key (Only numbers)
Do I need to convert it ?
Or I am doing something different ?
By different I mean Wrong...
Any help appreciated... TIA
@jeet.chanchawat Eh? Can't you just call aesjs.utils.utf8.toBytes on it?
@MadaraUchiha It is important to note that there are exceptions which can be unexpected
For example, if the major version is 0
@BenFortune checking... Thanks.
Guys, is there any easy way in browser developer tool console to trigger all buttons with a given class or id?
basicly, I don't want to click the "delete-note" button 980 times
@jeet.chanchawat the key is private, the IV needs to be random and it's public; when you create the key you store it securely, then you generate an unpredictable IV every time before encrypting plain text so that the output is always different even if you use the same key and message as inputs; you need to store the IV along with the ciphertext to decrypt later on
for(let e of document.querySelectorAll('.delete-note')) e.click();
I have my own website and I totally forgot about it :D flyinggambit.co.nf
It will be our little secret
:35744418 Your so quick when it comes to pointing out stuff :P
@BenFortune it only closes one at a time :/
did you really tried that for statement ? (don't forget to check the classname)
$x = 1;
while ($x < 30) { for(let e of document.querySelectorAll('.delete-note')) e.click(); $x++;}
Tried this (I have never worked with js so plz don't laugh)
Hey there, I asked this question in December 2016, but didn't get any answer, can someone please answer this question?
If I want to use nodeJS as my backend, would it be necesary for the host machine to have nodeJS ? Or can I somehow install it there, do they provide such facilities ?
@BenFortune I am given a 61 char length key and a 25 length iVector to decrypt the given message.
It says the iv cannot be more than 16
and the key can be of 16 or 32 length
why don't loops in chrome console work?
for (i = 1; i < 30; i++) {
for(let e of document.querySelectorAll('.delete-note')) e.click();
this only clicks one .delete-note at a time
What exactly does that mean?
let e of document.querySelectorAll ... is of a keyword ?!
This is new to me, and its not working on my console
Kendall, I do have a lot of "messages"
and they are all loaded in, and can be closed one at a time by pressing the button with class .delete-note
I want ALL the buttons to get pressed at the same time or one after another
@FlyingGambit It's two years old already. What browser?
@FlyingGambit can you help
but the loop doesn't work
@Omnitored "Doesn't work" isn't helpful
As I mentioned twice earlier, it only presses one delete button at a time
@KendallFrey Chrome v42
@jeet.chanchawat I am new to Angular
@Omnitored How is that different than what you want?
Because it only deletes one
so I would have to copy-paste the code into console 1800 times
@FlyingGambit y u no update
@KendallFrey I don't have required admin permissions to update my work pc
@FlyingGambit ok

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