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From you guys with more experience, what was your favorite programming job? (languages, company size, products, location, hours) kinda interested :)
Air Force, huge, html/js/css/asp/php, Nebraska, 7:30-4:30
I don't mind my job now either though honestly
this is cute strml.net
@Loktar how much did they pay? Were you an expert?
current,JS,small,the fuck you mean?,canada,40/week
@Loktar you did web development in the air force
@towc I can't remember exact pay, but it was sort of shitty
I mean like what did the company sell or develop
@William yeah and network admin + helpdesk
@Loktar but allowed for good pension / other benefits, right?
@BrianJ planes, bombs, and arranged for meetings with God
@Loktar I imagine you didn't stay in 20 years did you
@towc yeah the benefits were amazing
nah I did 4 and then went over to the private sector
I would join but dq for health reasons
@Loktar can you name a few? Are they still ongoing?
worked in the gov for another 8 years or so
clearly yall need to get into the corn game.
@towc 100% medical for my family and I, free housing
You old
@William hi
Only been programming 3 years
benefit I still have today that I love is the VA Loan
lol has the npm header always made up acronyms and I never noticed
@neoDev how are your svgs going or whatever it was
no money down on a house
@Loktar oh heh
!!define Va Loan
do you remember potrace?
@towc No definition found.
> A VA loan is a mortgage loan in the United States guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The loan may be issued by qualified lenders. The VA loan was designed to offer long-term financing to eligible American veterans or their surviving spouses (provided they do not remarry).
I also got the GI Bill as well which I still need to use
like 35k for college basically
yh yh
it is going so cool. where did you found it?
that does sound good
worth it?
I'm still toying with the idea of moving to Germany for work
yeah for sure
but under 2 years industry exp so far
I loved the military, just got out because the money was better outside of it
was there room for getting higher in the hierarchy within a small amount of time?
I went from making probably 35k to 70k when I left
@towc it works more like Riddik. you keep what you kill.
oh heh that's really not bad
yeah in the 4 years I was in I made staff sergeant which means I was a "lead" basically
what do you make now? 0.o
more :p
6 digits?
lol nah over 5 though
7 liar
@Loktar including decimals.
@Loktar just think you could have been working with Trump right now
I know :(
hacking n shiz
I toyed with the idea of going back
hacking into Playboy
why playboy?
not in the military but to gov work
lol what
Dunno imagine Trump would like to hack into it
reason I left the gov was because funds were drying up under Obama
oh yeah, that's the other thing. With trump, getting in the military (or staying in the US at all) is probably not the best idea. Arguably
our contract changed and I got a promotion but would make 20% less lol
that's when I left finally.
I'm sure that's all logged here somehwere lol
I joined the chat when I was halfway through gov work
I joined SO when I started this job
it's how I keep track of how long I've been here :D
Anyone watch man in the high castle?
Man in the high castle?
@simeg React.Children.clone()
High man in the castle.
White castle?
I watched the first few eps @BenFortune
but it moved too slow for me and I lost interest
I quite like it
High man in the Whitecastle
It is a bit slow though
!!3 simple queries which return clean or one giant query which needs cleanup?
👁 _ 👁
wtf is that?
The best answer.
!!info 3
@rlemon Command 3, created by tarboy9 on Wed, 04 Nov 2015 00:49:33 GMT
that's pretty awesome
hats off to @tarboy9
honorary @tarboy3
all hail @tarboy9
with await it is just so easy to run the multiple queries
@BenFortune That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: 0, 1, 3, i, d, y, !, ^, π, ?
const a = await query(..);
const b = await query(..);
const c = await query(..);
return {a,b,c}
@rlemon wat?
Hi, guys! do you recommend vue.js over ractive.js? this is a simple project with statistics through web socket
@LeoGasparrini Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@LeoGasparrini no
it('should return a proxied function when mocking a function of an unknown type', () => {
    let hero = ineeda<Hero>({ proxy: true });
    expect(() => {
    }).to.throw('"Hero.holdOut.then" is not implemented.');
I am so proud of this code.
proud is one word for it
not the word i would choose maybe creative definitely
Well fuck you too :)
naming a function "it" isn't a good idea IMO to start with
you know what that is, right?
I guess you have no idea about any test frameworks then...
it's a test running...
@towc what did someone name it a library
"it" is the standard function for starting a test case, in most testing libraries/frameworks
look at examples for mocha, jasmine...
not in the ones I have used
but that is still possible
which ones have you used?
describe('something', () => {
    it('behaves in some way', () => {
async, jade
jade is a template engine?
async is not a thing, and jade doesn't do testing...
unless there is another jade I'm unaware of
or wait, is async a thing other than the concept?
I meant their source doesn't matter it may be a standard I haven't heard of
Definitely trolling at this point
oh fuck you
Mocha is super common, it is its terminology
Or turning it into a troll to not look stupid
more like it ^
hey i have more rep then towc and pheno something combined. counts for something
Hello people :)
no it doesn't
you don't know me
Would anyone be willing to help point me in the right direction on my question?
waterymelon had like 10k I think
@Ricky which question?
Neal has like 80K
Q: Cannot set property 'display' of undefined at HTMLSpanElement.<anonymous>

RickyI am inputting a Show/hide span tag on my page, in which when clicked will display the paragraph below it, and hide it again when clicked again. I have previously done this before by setting multiple ID's on the elements i.e: function pageLoad() { display(); noDisplay(); } function ...

@William why don't you have a go at telling me what that code tests.
... i have to go anyways should be studying for exams
@towc It is probably something really simple, Im still trying to get my head round Javascript
@William you know I can see edit history yeah?
a wing place next to my house has "napalm death" as their spiciest level
@Ricky getElementsByClassName returns a HTMLCollection
you can't just .style on it
so i need to put another queryselector in?@towc
yeah ^ just that I think
@Ricky no, you need to loop through the shows
or use array methods, it will feel/read easier
@Ricky if it is a single element, querySelector it vs getElementsByClassName
if it is multiple elements, yes, iterate them
1 message moved to Trash can
@Ricky Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
I tried it that way, but got a different error :/
@CapricaSix sorry :/
well you for sure are getting your error now because you're trying to change .style.display on an HTMLCollection. it doesn't have a .style, so you get that error
.queryselector is not a function, .querySelector is
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've been working on this shit again github.com/phenomnomnominal/ineeda, it's pretty dope now
so to loop through getElementsByClassNames you need to use a querySelector in a for loop incrementing, so I would need to input another for show?, similar to the clicker variable?
for most purposes you can treat an NodeList as a normal array
try logging the contents of getElementsByClassName
you'll see that it acts just like an array
you successfully looped through the first NodeList
you just need to do the same with the other one
a NodeList is basically an array of elements
@Ricky no you got that all wrong
.style is element specific, so you need to apply it to every element individually
google "how to iterate a HTMLCollection"
@phenomnomnominal reflect-metadata ftw?
doesn't capture full types
you just get "object" for complex stuff
@towc this is where i am lost on where to input the loop for "show"... Do i do inside the "for" loop for clicker or seperate it as a seperate function and call back to it inside "clicker" "for" loop?
I'm waiting for the day it comes out, and this lib becomes like 2 lines :)
@Ricky inside
- loop through clickers
 - for every clicker:
  - loop through every show
   - for every show:
    - apply style
@phenomnomnominal what comes out?
urgh, I need to find a way to get money out of helping people out with JS
you may know something about that, Ben (Gruenbaum)
@BenFortune yeah sure, but I'm not professional enough and I don't want to do that full time
@BenjaminGruenbaum complex types metadata annotations in TS
ofc it's a good idea to get more professional
@phenomnomnominal ah
oh, and I kind of thought about my enjoyment in reinventing wheels: if I make enough frameworks/libraries, companies will surely start coming after me asking if I can reinvent the wheel for them as well, contributing to their base stuff
for now I have to read files and parse the types manually and it's lame :(
although that has to develop over time, certainly not worth putting on my CV until I have something marketable to show for it
but the API is really nice to use and I should be able to get rid of the gross bit without changing that
was thinking of making a library to be used very similarly to the current 2d context canvas syntax, but quite optimized because it can use webgl in the background, albeit quite simple
something lightweight
@towc @towc That was exactly what i needed, I just couldn't place it thank you :)
It now works a treat, (well with abit of fine tuning) :)
oh, another thing that I should start doing is getting a list and force a good review out of everyone I've helped, then show them on my site
@Zirak next tuesday, will you, umm, well, be mine?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I took you advice on the Jekyll site..brianjvarley.github.io :)
gonna shut down my other blog and copy over posts eventually
wait, didn't I suggest jekyll?
benji taking all my cred
!!afk I will not stand for this.
oh well @BenjaminGruenbaum -1 (brianj_creds);
@rlemon +1 (brianj_creds);
feel bad now
+11 for errbody
@towc I posted an answer, are we allowed to tag members in answers to give credit?
sure, you can link to my profile if you want to
but it's not going to make a difference :)
oh yer :/ you wouldn't get the rep gain
well next time you post a "decent" question and not one like mine :P
I probably still wouldn't understand it haha
hello dears
Does anyone know if we can change the log level in node on the fly?
? you mean with some logging module you have installed?
No. From "ERROR" to "INFO" level.
Was piece of cake in nginx or apache.
does node even have that at all?
I'm using bunyan at the moment.
Not sure if bunyan has it.
it has stdout and stderror, both of which get output to the console unless you're redirecting it elsewhere
yeah still scouring the internet if there's a better way to do this. think I read something about dtracing.
are you using console.log for your logging, or something else like log.info('foobar')
the latter one.
then yeah the setting you're looking for is in bunyan
Yeah, I think dtracing is probably the only one.
Not as easy as changing log-levels in nginx though. :/
@rlemon heh my girlfriend sent me that picture last week and said "make this for me please"
@HatterisMad rlemon is afk: I will not stand for this.
!!afk I will stand for this.
> The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said 'This is mine', and found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society - Rousseau
I mean
strong words there Mr Jean
hey guys, has someone ever wrote continuous testing?
you just did
just thinking, should I run an action as many times as I need, or should I run it only once and force to stop if altered
why do linters not like for...of?
Are we supposed to talk about Node in here?
@Allenph Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
node node node
Hey all. I'm a back-end PHP and front-end dev. I'm building a service for my PHP API to consume which is a long running process with multiple queues inside of it...all over a cluster of multiple servers (AWS Beanstalk), with an HTTP server as an interface.

I tried to do this with REACT PHP and finally bit the bullet and conceded to use NodeJS.

I was wondering if Node is stable enough as a long running process to run all of my queues and HTTP server as one process, or if I should have one HTTP process which spawns and controls worker processes.
i feel like in the scene of Harry Potter when Filch arrived to the main hall full of students having dinner and yelled "TROLLS"
the silence was an answer to him
@Allenph depends on what you're trying to do really. If it's stateless then spinning up cluster works great for perf but if your app has to share state then might be more headache to keep passing state from ipc.

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