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lemme tell you about this local mcdonalds
they're always out of something. i have never gone there and gotten my entire order
you should complain
on social media
if I keep going to mcdonald's I'm going to outgrow all my media
also, FYI, moving sqlite3 db to postgres is SUPER easy
❤️ pgloader
sudo mv db.sqlite3 /var/lib/postgres/data/
pgloader ./path/to/sqlite3.db postgresql:///newdb
I've been letting out the dankest most rancid protein farts of my life for the past 3 hours without realizing the window is wide open
Can you use webpack's devServer in production just as a way to serve up the client, if there's really no back end?
hrm, I grabbed a case of beer at lunch, and it's -3c out
think it'll be safe in the trunk for 3 hours?
sounds like it would freeze
It's not my truck so... sure.
and/or explode
but I don't drink beer and I haven't been in canada for over 2 years
hrm. I've left beer in the freezer for a few hours and it didn't explode
beer freezes at -1 to -6 C
but idk. might be pushing it
@Luggage yea, but the cases in the trunk.. quasi insulated
leave a burning cigarette in there to keep it warmer.
If it freezes you can start freeze distillation
I'm more tempted to just toss a magic bag on the case vs bringing it into my office.
it'll probabyl be fine
beer: now with 20% more probabyl
(“fine” grade)
all this talk has me thinking about the 2 beers i have left in the work fridge here
@Mosho speaking of which, when you coming back?
May 3rd
we can get Kendall to haul his ass down from hicktown
i.imgur.com/ZqlPTxA.png inspired by @Loktar?
sure sounds good
LMAO @SterlingArcher
@Mosho good, I've got some furniture to move.
you're spoiling me
looks like a standoff at this point
I still wanna go axe throwing
@luggage so i failed haha! codepen.io/rusticblonde/pen/qRMGyo tried push data from click into an array...... :P nvm, im sticking it all in a function :)
do people ever get away like that
in a car like that
@KendallFrey what he do?
no clue
chase is back on
@Mosho The moment you get a chopper after you, you lose.
high speed af
If you manage to lose them in urban areas, you've got a chance
maybe he's stopping to let the cops pass him
(Before they call a chopper, that is)
doesn't know they're after him?
yeah but in a shit car like that
@KirstyMarks You are still accessing the variable before the click.
driver is all chill.
@rlemon That would be unendingly stupid. And pretty funny.
No javscript code can read into the future. not until ES2018
@KendallFrey seriously.. the last like 2 minutes makes it look like something like that could be the case
pulling out is lame
drivers acting all chill right now
Is there an official term/phrase that describes why foo(bar()) bar is called before foo? Felix on main suggested eager evaluation?
Is that right?
Yup, surrendered.
The YouTube comments are disgusting
"Shoot him!" "SHOOOOOT!"
> so many people in the chats wanted action
between the barrage of swastikas and racial slurs
@rlemon Every time I hear any sort of American news I constantly think that I'm watching a show for the retarded...
@SterlingArcher order of operations?
now the car blows up
I still would love it is this entire thing was one giant misunderstanding
@KendallFrey I thought the exact same thing
they could at least bang his head against the door frame
> I swear officer, I'm a white dude in a minivan. I had no idea you were after me!
But it won't happen. Camera is too high quality. They only catch these things in potato quality cameras.
@SterlingArcher Well, in cases where that's not the case, it's called lazy evaluation, so eager makes sense.
I wonder if he was watching the feed from the car
@SterlingArcher Order of execution.
> Oh shit, that's me. Wave!
@MadaraUchiha most evil first. then by height
The arguments for the functions must be evaluated before the function can be called.
Under some conditions
Well, obvi :P
I can't think of a case where a function must run before the params are eval'd lol
Haskell is full of them
this is Javascript
man I think winter is over
hot af in here
@Mosho ship some here
stackoverflow.com/questions/42121899/… i don't think i've ever seen somebody do this
red font? are you mad?!
I thought most languages had strings
@SterlingArcher to evaluate n arguments
Perhaps, but in this specific case, they're just using it as params
@KendallFrey best I can offer is I can come over and we cuddle
not checking how many params exist
@SterlingArcher sure, I'm just giving you examples of when it would be used
i know :)
@SterlingArcher jsfiddle.net/kjg34Lwd do you know
do you?!
is fox etc. news national or does each state get their own
fam do you even spread
granted spread/rest would make this case less likely
possibly dumb question
@SterlingArcher arguments trick worked before spread/rest
@rlemon @SterlingArcher do you guys never sleep its been 4 months and you guys are always here :o
no, never
4 months? That's cute
sleep() is for threads. We don't do threads.
it's weird how people are here when i'm here and not here when i'm not here
Actually according to my fitbit I really only average about 4 hours of sleep per night
48 thousand more messages and I'm at a half million
You guys should put your SO stats on your tombstones
that's awful
@SterlingArcher in fact sir i'am using it in a project "not a homework or something like that" and i want things to look complicated. — Eyad Syria-lover 1 min ago
he lived how he coded. poorly and without class.
Looks like spam
I wonder what it's like not to be addicted to anything
I mean, what do you do
@BlunderCode good thing I'm no longer a teen, nor is it a problem
I identify as a teenage internet addicted male
> A recent study of 17
their entire study is 17 kids
like... really.
I identify teenage addicted males
To be fair, I'd study one kid and be sick of studying kids
So 17 is pretty impressive
> WHy don't you have a seat
17 kids .. aka.. we joined a COD game and a bunch of 12 year olds told us to get fucked.
> What are you doing here?
> -Friends are “viritual” or on-line friends that he/she has not met in person
Welp guys its been real but ill see you guys in exactly 4 months time, same time, same place. Remember.
if you come back with the same complaints I'm flagging for spam
and I'm ordering a drone strike.
and im ordering nuggets.
holy shit, you can just order those now?
holy shit Hansen has aged since his golden days
ok, gotcha :S
@KendallFrey he aged, but his girlfriends all stayed the same age :)
My pod mate... is... just... putting... shit... on... my... desk...
@SterlingArcher show dominance, take one on his desk
they seem to be putting a lot of periods on your desk
It's driving me nuts. There is now a keyboard, 4 cables, his car keys, and a pair of scissors on the back of my desk
free car
It's a toyota
pull your desk a few inches forward so they don't touch
Don't get excited
you can trade those for cash
@luggage i will get this. I think the way forward will probably be an event listener. Imho as i mentioned i could probably write this all in the function
I think I'm just gonna move to the conference room. I can hear him over Mastodon
stop showering
eventually you'll have your own office.
aging man
@SterlingArcher Move his office into the bathroom
@KendallFrey that's what happens when you cheat on your wife with (basically) a kid.
@Luggage You got me in the mood to rrroll >:(
roll up the rim to win!
there are a few types of rolling I do. I'm not sure which you mean.
Tim Hortons does twice a year contest
pretty sure it is twice a year
we'll see it again in teh fall
@luggage when ive done it, the way i were doing it, care to rip it apart? :D
!!afk there is now a large box on my desk can't handle this
moving to a fucking conference room
:Luggage has changed his name to Baggage:
@rlemon I don't believe you
you're correct. apparently it is just in feb
has he? 0_o
@Sheepy So do I, but sorry, I don't have time to dedicate into researching how to replace it. If you wish to do that, the room will thank you.
i had a replacement that broke TOS
stupid TOS
@KirstyMarks link me your latest fiddle/codepen. if it's the exact same thing then I'm done.
@FlyingGambit Potato
@Luggage. I said i was going to write it all in the function. Tbf it will probably work as i intended. I will just do all my workings in the function rather than try to access it outside.
@luggage Sorry if i sound thick. I am trying.
thicker than a bowl of oatmeal?
I explained why that is. Maybe you should look for a place that speaks your native language if you can't get it.
@SterlingArcher np. All in all it's a good language with a pretty good community, I just had a big moment of disillusionment since all I previously read about it was overwhelmingly positive. Given the opportunity I say go for it. Good luck
@Zirak SterlingArcher is afk: there is now a large box on my desk can't handle this
Sounds like you're dealing with some shit
@luggage im not sure what you are implying. Im very new to JS.
I am implying that I can't explain why the value only exists after the click event happens any more clearly.
So.. maybe someone that speaks your language will know how
I'm at a loss.
@Luggage ...English?
yes, i now understand this, hence writing my code in the function.
@KirstyMarks to be fair, you're not at all new to js
you just avoid learning it
@rlemon, hello. I am learning it, and trying to understand at the same time.
you can't say you're new to js when you've been in and out of this room for years
@luggage as for the point you made i do understand, the onclick event hasnt happened yet, therefore u cant get the value, i get this.
I'm not trying to insult you, so no need to get your back against the wall. just saying, we're all mostly regulars here and remember you. you're not "new"
1 message moved to Trash can
@Pennywise Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
Damn. I tried to format, I swear!
inbefore snip
ah, shit
@KevinB You can't inb4 after it happens noob
@rlemon, i enjoy talking to you guys. Hence why i been here for years. It doesnt mean i have been writing or attempting js for years neither.
hence, "avoiding learning it"
I am frustrated because we have progressed exactly 0 from where you first started a couple hours ago. Every few minutes you ping me telling me that you are thick or blond or whatever but ask no more specific question or have shown no understanding of previous attempts to help. So.. please stop pinging me. I officially give up.
@KevinB Hey man! Thanks for your help yesterday on the Datatables thing. I finally figured it out. As you suggested, I was targeting the wrong class. I had to remove the parent class, not the shown class. I really appreciate your time!
@luggage i am sorry.
@rlemon I will avoid coming in then. Sorry for the confusion or whatever.
lol. you've missed the entire point.
I just told you that excuse doesn't fly. never did I say don't come in here.
@luggage. Read above. I read and i understand why it wasnt working.
hence i said i would wrap it in a function as it will probably still do what i want it to do either way.
@rlemon i havent missed the point. Ive come on quite a bit in JS, alot more than 2 years ago (which is when i started being a regular in the room).
and when i get up to speed and know it better maybe i can engage in a more intellectual, valuable conversation instead of sounding like a moron. (Which clearly i am now)
sure, but when someone is trying to help you saying "I'm new to JS" isn't useful, and isn't true in your case.
making that excuse isn't going to help you and has clearly annoyed others to the point where they look like they no longer want to help you either
ok.... im not new, im just a dumb broad that is failing to grasp basics. Hopefully that is better.
"avoided learning it" is probably more accurate and not insulting, which is why I said it
but your back is up against the wall now and you're being defensive. so I'll just stop trying
Replying with "im just a dumb broad" just proves you haven't understood a word we said.
no back against wall. If the above is read, i said i could probably do it in a function anyways.
And i did say Luggage that i understand now why it wasnt working.
Hence my defensiveness.
and as for ripping it apart what i meant is I would attempt to write it, to the point it works, and u guys give me constructive critique on how i could improve it. That was all.

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