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yay and their lifes are so boring they all end up in drugs and crash
do Wayne deletes her Twitter account because she is posting slutty pictures on there. so she gets a tublr account and posts them all there.
There is an abundance of websites that allow girls to post slutty stuff for the world to see. I am thankful the web2.0 never lost it's porn roots.
brrrooa I can't believe I wasted so much time here, just becauuuseee
the whole internet is/was build on porn
I'm enjoying the hydra-like nature of conversation here
why does ubuntu not ship with GIMP
@jAndy you waste time because your misinterpret who's wrong on the internet :P
thats a pretty
you two are adorable
I like Lex Luthor in smallville
I guess that video is so expressive that I won't ever use my own 'wrong' again
better than C over asm
@Esailija: nah.. you could have made a way more evil example of that :p
yeah it was just something that was linked in the middle of the argument earlier and I edited it
user image
i had to
but you could have used that jQuery girl I posted earlier at least :p
you sleep with three red discs stacked on top of eachother.
they represent the bloated scope chain associated with every $() call.
there is no real scope chain in es5 anyway :p
Poor stack :(
just gets heavier as you go down :P
this is how you end up.. defending against people beeing:
and all the sudden you're the jQuery fanboy, which is also:
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah nooooooooooooo.com love the redirect... WTF?!?!?!
( i was two oo's off ) nooooooooooooooo.com
Hello guys can anyone help me in removing white bg in any image in photoshop cs5 ?
loool, genious
@jAndy it appears to me like there is a middle ground... which is jQuery can be accepted if the people using it learn what in the fuck they are doing.. problem now lies herein that the noobs will never agree to learning what in the eff they are doing
yes, this is the photoshop tutorial room
if any designer here
so you get uses of jQuery like in bootstrap which imo are well written... and then garbage after garbage plugin that kills pages.
I always agreed to that problematic and at the same time, said that this is actually not the problem of jQuery or any library
and out of this, my "the web would be much more awful without jQuery" speech was born because the same people would do even more horrific things
@jAndy but it is the problem of any library which implements abstraction.
basically i think you can look at jQuery like a specialized tool.. not the only tool (which is where we are at today).
@rlemon point me to well-written code in bootstrap
because I've seen none
@MattMcDonald Bootstrap js components vs insert random jQuery plugin here
I'm pushing the "NOOOOOO" button like all the time now
@MattMcDonald i'm not saying it's a masterpiece... but it's not abusing jQuery to the extreme is my point
(albeit i've only looked through like 4 of the 12 or so plugins)
People will abuse anything given the chance.
heh.. but Y they use flash
I'm looking through the bootstrap css file
@rlemon trying to convince matt is a futile attempt
@jAndy that button is a library default in flash
@MattMcDonald the css file is a beast... and I do end up making quite a few tweaks. but it is cross compat for all browsers I (and most of the world) care about.
nice to see zoom: 1 and the star hack make a triumphant return
I thought the star hack was gone with IE's conditional statmens and special classes
> Cross-everything
…not with .a.b in your file
but that's enough CSS for now
we might have to move it
the grid system is easy to work with.. and I like the pre compiled source for readability / management
If you're talking about IE6 not supporting many classes at once, ie6 is not supported
haha fuck ie6 .. so hard... from behind... lube free.
^ this is how i feel
@Esailija then their claim is just as erroneous as the 3 marketing claims on $'s front page
actually @Raynos: should have a picture in his sleeping room with a big banner of IE5
It actually says in the cross-everything header that it goes up to IE7
@rlemon why you start again
or down to IE7
IE5 implemented an activeX object which was able to create a XHR object for the first time in browser history
hey @MattMcDonald the rest of the world stopped supporting ie6 like 2 years ago. I think you're safe to hope on that boat.
starting the web2.0
@Loktar ofcourse you can mate :-)
**Works Everywhere**
Well, no; not really.
It works where we want it;
gotta love marketing.
I think you are reading it wrong
@Raynos sorry... i setup my argument with a setInterval... now i'm processing blocks from like 15 cycles ago.
it explicitly says major browsers
the heading doesn't
that's the point
what are you actually talking about ^^
how knows this man MДΓΓБДLL ??
Originally built with only modern browsers in mind, Bootstrap has evolved to include support for all major browsers (even IE7!) and, with Bootstrap 2, tablets and smartphones, too.
Hi guys, quick question how could i edit the success part of an ajax call so it brought in the contents of a php file and loaded into a div? any ideas

type: "POST",
url: "comment.php",
data: dataString,
success: function() {

^ this is misleading? Cross-Everything so I should assume ICE support?
no you should actually read the sentence below it you know
and it's not bait-and-switch.
@DIM3NSION: just use $('#idOfYourDIV').load('comment.php');
bait-and-switch would be
@DIM3NSION: optionally with a second paremeter which indicates the type of data returned
Cross-everything including IE6
No, not really IE6, that was to pull you in. Originally built with only modern browsers in mind, Bootstrap has evolved to include support for all major browsers (even IE7!) and, with Bootstrap 2, tablets and smartphones, too.
yeah that's more like bait and switch :P
that's what I've been talking about
can someone please give a 2line resume what twitter's bootstrap actually does ?
ugh. @MattMcDonald you missed the boat on life. this is marketing. they tell you everything you need to know with headers you'll want to look at.
or what kind of lib/framework whatever it represents
@jAndy front end toolkit.
**A Car That Parks Itself!**

*some driver input required.
CSS framework / toolkit.
@rlemon: I have no clue what that means :p
@MattMcDonald but they arn't giving you a little * at the footer. they are telling you straight up!
modern browsers (including IE7)
major @rlemon
whatever same diff
wait it says both
modern, major ... ie6 is neither of those anyway
point is they are not trying to fool you or bait you or pretend that it is anything it isn't.
so what is it
you're just taking their headers literally. which in the world today is dumb.
any compare to it ?
@jAndy jQuery UI
but Bootstrap > jQuery UI
the philosophy is different, in jQuery UI you have 2500 lines of code and 1350315 useless configuration options for every ui widget
where as bootstrap has more like 50 without configuration because most of it can be done in your css already
and markup
@jAndy HTML5 boilerplate for CSS
It's a bunch of CSS that's average
Skittles: Taste the rainbow
"Dafuq?! These don't taste a display of the colors of the spectrum produced by dispersion of light. LIARS!"
and you can then add classes and things to your HTML and its looks pretty
sounds not very convincing
I <3 Bootstrap. 1) it rocks. 2) I always hated the inconsistencies with CSS rendering, i mean dealing with JS is enough.... 3) it made me use LESS for the first time (probably the #1 thing I got from Bootstrap)
@jAndy bootstrap is a CSS framework
its for people who cant be bothered to write CSS
it also comes with a bunch of jquery plugins, but you ignore those. You wouldn't use jQuery plugins
so its like, html5 boilerplate + 960gs
@jAndy for example, I'm going to rewrite my blog using bootstrap at some point. And I expect it to look less ugly as a consequence
yes you would, because in bootstrap the jQuery plugin part is simply a mediator
RT @whencaniuse: Unlimited browser comparison with all features listed by support level + SPDY feature added - Details at http://t.co/vr ...
and you can use them without writing any client js
implementing something fundamental as dropdown in your js is retarded
a dropdown is a CSS thing
implementing a drop down in JS is retarded
maybe using some ~ selectors with checkbox hacks
it has been said, that implementing a drop down in JS is retarded
do you write code to make a div element a textinput
no you just use <input> and let the browser do magic
why would I use an UI framework
also the notion of abusing a div for a textinput
is just epic lulz
is that a rhetorical question ?
is "you" meant to be "Raynos" or .. anyone
well if you don't write the code for that, why would you write code for dropdowns
I wouldn't
a dropdown is <select>
an input is <input>
I thought a dropdown was $('select').dropdown();
not funny
i go for quantity over quality.
Now I admit a <select> has mediocre UX
I see that
eventually i'll get a bite.
@Raynos I'm talking about dropdowns like in facebook upper right corner for account
do you think that's a select element
@Esailija that's CSS
drop down menus are CSS using :target
what an amazing UX, anytime you click a dropdown, your history will get one entry
@Esailija it will?
well changing hashes does that doesn't it?
why would I change a hash using CSS ?
:target uses the hash, doesn't it?
:target sucks then
:target matches the currently selected element
This pseudo-class matches an element that’s the target of a fragment identifier in the document’s URI. The fragment identifier in a URI comprises a # character followed by an identifier name that matches the value of an id attribute of an element within the document.
hidden attribute doesn't make sense... just to throw this out there... it just adds a no specificity display: none on the element. .foo { display: block; } <div class='foo' hidden>i'm visible!</div>
it really clobbers the history
@Esailija ugh your right >_<
:target is the wrong one
there is another one
@rlemon yes that's what it does
you realize at this point I probably know you have never implemented this in real life?
@Raynos that is stupid. it should be the highest level of specificity
I meant :active
@Esailija so?
I believe :active is when you keep your mousedown
and when you release it, it is no longer :active
Then :focus is the only one left
which means the damn thing closes when you lose focus
I give up
@Raynos like... how does inline 'style' attribute carry higher specificity than hidden attribute. jsfiddle.net/rlemon/ueG3t
use JS
and if you use :focus don't forget to give the node a tab-index property
because some browser won't call :focus on it otherwise
@rlemon why wouldn't it
this was my beef the other day when I came acrossed this for the first time
if you use inline style attribute then you deserve death
@Raynos ugh... you're not arguing with any logic... you're just being the devils advocate and saying "why not"
@rlemon: I remember nick craver saying something very similar a long time ago :p
i suppose my point is why does hidden attribute effect CSS ...
@jAndy it's stupid... period. I cannot set a display on an element then use hidden to toggle it.
@rlemon the hidden attribute is implemented with a browser specific stylesheet
@Raynos and that is what im saying is stupid!
geeze... y u no listen
this reminds me of how jsbin fucks up your history when you switch between code and render tabs
it will change the hash every click
"Introducing the hidden attribute!" yay "This is what is actually does" ಠ_ಠ
so after a while your history will be :#code, #preview, #code, #preview
its time to push the NOOOOOOOO
which is probably what @MattMcDonald hates about sites who do single page navigation wrong
@rlemon no, your just being a nub
@Esailija @MattMcDonald hates all the sites
hidden is glorified style="display:none;" except more useless cos it has bad specifity
@Esailija thankyou 0_o it's the stupidest thing ever... but held the potential to be so great!
element.style.display = 'none' vs element.hidden = true; // and I didn't touch the display... so it can remain whatever it was and I don't need to be concerned.
specificity is the biggest piss off.... I cannot use hidden if I set a display rule. how is that useful.
btw @Loktar gimme yer twitter , i am finally making a twitter account :D
@Abhishek: I thought I was the last guy without one
specifity vs specificity, lol I know I had that one wrong
just use .style.visibilty = 'hidden'; :D
just use hidden
@jAndy awww you my brother :D
you shouldnt ever use code that's more specific then hidden
any styling whatsoever is always more specific than user agent stylesheet(hidden)
oh I see
that's a real issue then
anyone use Geany?
classic question to rage the jQuery ragers
Q: Creating vertical timelines with Javascript/jQquery

Renato Dinhani ConceiçãoI saw other questions about libraries to create timelines with Javascript. There are some libraries, but they create horizontal timelines, but I want to create a vertical. So, which is a good library to create vertical timelines?

I lay 10:1 the guy wants to create the facebook timeline with a plugin
@jAndy im sure your right
he wants instant efame
@rlemon I like how you closed all the porn tabs before screenshotting
I'm not a jQuery rager and that question makes me rage... but not more than the question where someone asked if all visitors on the site will see the effect of $().prepend() "like in facebook chat"
@Raynos: 100% agreed
@Raynos no they are in the incognito window.
@rlemon Y U NO USE VIM
@FlorianMargaine Y U NO USE GEANY?
coz it sucks :(
the argument holds no basis in reality. other than "I UZEZZ THIS ALL SHOULD TOO"
no seriously, I wanted to try it, and didn't see any good thing whatsoever
it's nice... you need to finagle with the plugins and settings a bit.
right now it's being funky for me... first time it's ever given me issues too.
and vim/emacs arguments are not "i uze dis all shuld 2", it's just "welcome to the world of productivity"
I use TextPad, u mad?
i mad :(
@FlorianMargaine no it's "welcome to the world of a VI like editor. which if you don't know how to use it, is not more productive"
noone ever said the learning curve wasn't steep
I was a notepad++ user... so geany is comfortable and i'm productive in it.
@FlorianMargaine i do use VI, and I don't like it. albeit i'm not well learned on it.
:? still a notepad++ user
notepad++ is awesome!
yeah I like it
but I can see the draw of other tools
i no longer run windows at all... so geany is like notepad++ for linux.
gedit is notepad++ for linux
like.. when I create an opening a tag, a closing tag being created would be nice
@FlorianMargaine geany is gedit buffed up.
@Esailija I use WordPad, u mad?
are you saying notepad++ doesn't have macros
@rlemon is geany the default text editor in ubuntu?
why not use aptana then? ;p
don't tell me no if you don't use it. like I said VIM / EMACS are not bad... i just don't use them or any scripting editors... so they are less productive for me.
@Raynos no gedit is.
oh wait gedit is the default one
gedit is shit
aptana is shit.
anything eclipse / or eclipse like is shit.
Komodo is awesome though
what :D
My editor has macros, run command line with interactive output in the editor, regex replacing/finding what else do I need
@Raynos gedit is not the greatest.. but it isn't bad if you mod the hell out of it. There are a few guides on askubuntu
@rlemon , i would disagree ( though not strongly ) .. i like Aptana for php/js , when dealing with third party code
@Esailija so does Geany... + some.
Just saying it's not like WordPad :P
@Raynos what :(
@Raynos fyi I don't use Edit, I have a payed licence, so you get the php debugger and all the good parts as well
@tereško I just never liked Eclipse... is Aptana still built on Eclipse?
Yes Aptana is still built on Eclipse
yea then no for me.
but it is much better for web development in most parts
it just misses the php debugger
php debugger... you can have this everywhere (including vim)
I never did much care for netbeans either. amiright?
@rlemon eclipse and netbeans are more or less the same
@sg3s , thats just you being unable to configure xdebug
so it only makes sense that i don't like either :P
you don't even know it :p
tbh the only ide i can stand is VS.. and only for windows development (no web)
@rlemon , well .. i would still recommend for you to try aptana ( again .. only for unfamiliar codebase .. i see no point in using it when i know the ins and outs of code )
however, the editor is where you spend a lot of time, so I really think it's worth taking some time to get productive with vim/emacs, because you gain a lot of time once it's done
Qt Creator is ok... like it's a really well written IDE.... i dunno... i just never like ide's ... they have too much junk and not enough substance.
but then again , thats usually when you need to look for big IDEs - to not get lost in the codebase
@tereško agreed...
Use vim or sublime text 2
@FlorianMargaine you can say the same with any IDE pretty much, as long as it's not eclipse with large projects, eclipse is bad when it comes to code completion when theres... plenty include paths
IDE and vim/emacs are for different purposes
i use vim , ee (easy edit), sublime text , notpad++ and aptana .. each for different tasks
sublime text/notepad++ for different tasks?
I use VI, Geany, VS2010 (well, when I have too I have a windows box at work I can dev on), and Qt Creator (more for organization and build tools)
I do everything in Komodo, just as easy as I would do stuff in Notepad++
yeah .. notepad++ if just messing around with unfamiliar code ,when i have no intention in knowing how it works , why it works and want to forget it as soon as i close the editor
and i really only use VI when i'm too lazy to pull the files off the server and just edit them there.
.. and for editing random config files on windows
I use IDE only for automatic stuff like refactoring and stuff, right click and you're done. Vim for any other text editing stuff, I'm just more efficient at it than any other text editor
@rlemon , windows user ?
@tereško nope
then nevemind
Ubuntu work/home - SUSE and QNX servers at work.
you should be able to use external files directly via your file manager
QNX doesn't play well with anything.
QNX4 not neutrino
mount it locally then
it should support NFS
what's qnx?
QNX4 FS is not recognized by anything other than QNX4 :P
seriously... it's such a strange FS.
real-time OS , iirc
yeah that's what qnx.com says, but that doesn't mean much to me :/
@FlorianMargaine embedded systems OS
dont tell me you working for nasa or in some nuclear reactor
in that case i need more details , to plan my relocation
@tereško nope. we build automated control systems.
for which kind of system?
we build control systems for commercial grain dryers. (corn, dog food, wheat, rice, soybean, paint pellets, etc)
@tereško we sell to china.. they still haven't figured out how to read the CF because we're using the antiquated FS with QNX4
so it's a nice unexpected security measure atm :P
it was meant more for development stage , not for deployed stuff
i only really patch the QNX stuff. i'm rewriting it all to run on linux.
QNX6 is hella expensive for licences.
and we only needed the rtos when we were running on <300mhz processors. now we run much faster hardware the jitter is actually hurting us with the rtos.
http://plugins.geany.org/ wrong room
Q: Going backwards in a matched string in Javascript regular expressions

Jinu J DIn my application,id attribute of HTML elements should begin with #.. According to HTML5 ,the only restriction in id attribute is that ,it should not contain any whitespaces and should be atleast one character long.. So i wrote the following regular expression which matches an id attribute accord...

you mean the twins brother that sued zuckerberg multiple times and got millions out of it?

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