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I doubt the existance of jQuery improved this overal web experience from really shit to just shit
unfortunately, there is no way to proove it
having to postback to server for every little thing is really shit
hold shit if you want to learn how to make a cake you first need to know how to use the oven. We all agree on statements like this! why is it so hard to accept that if you want to write good code using jQuery you DO need to know JavaScript
noone is saying any different @rlemon
jQuery is.
Write less, do more
I might misinterpret that though.
you clearly do
Bingo! (and anyone that was arguing that designers who use jQuery on small pages are acceptable exceptions)
@jAndy him and 99% of all designers who use jQuery without knowing js because they think that is the point.
Write less, do more is ambiguous and leads people to believe jQuery is all you need.
my grandma's site about her cats doesn't really need a dedicated dom ninja but someone who can just quickly paste a lightbox plugin for the pictures and be done with it
the web as a whole would still be like, blinking buttons and ugly design and much more buggy/shitty scripts without jQuery/MooTools/younameIT, thats my point and I believe in it
@jAndy bullshit
even if people don't really know what they do, thats where the jQuery magic sandbox comes in
it works
@Esailija That would be totally alright if the library that is loaded in the background does only that, taking care of displaying the damn lightbox.
@jAndy the world as a whole would still be sand dwelling barbarians if jseus didn't come. That's my point and I believe in it
@Raynos: and you want to say anything about strawman ?
@jAndy you blindly assert that jQuery was a catalyst for the quality of UX on the web
Which is truly bullshit.
and I'm obvouisly applying reductum ad adserdum
it had its part of it, yes
Sorry @jAndy, the web started to get pretty when CSS started getting big... which was before jQuery was very popular.
since, jQuery does so many stuff for you, people (designers) with less programming experience could create creative and shiny websites (which also worked)
@jAndy I invoke poe's law. I can no longer tell whether your trolling or serious
}, 86400000);
I kinda anticipated this chat to be about helping people do things better in Javascript
var l = 1000000;
while( l-- ) clearTimeout(l);
@jAndy I did that way before jQuery in my web designer life.
@Justin That's why we are debating if jQuery is actually helping people or not.
@Justin we are... helping the world see that jQuery is a library which has been overused for the wrong reasons and by the wrong people.
@jAndy now if you said XHR was the catalyst for the web 2.0 movement, then I might think your not full of shit
I would hardly call this debating
@Justin your in the middle of a flame war
[ this jQuery bashing has been brought to you chat.stackoverflow.com .. heavily built with jQuery ]
@rlemon No you're not. You're arguing among yourselves about something that won't impact anyone outside of this room.
@Raynos: oh that makes you look even better, insulting me
@Justin I couldn't care less with what the chat was build. Did I build it?
@jAndy casual insults is what I do :D
Also they are supporting oldIE.
I feel bad for these poor sods: arstechnica.com/getting-it-done/2012/04/…
@Justin @robjb that is because outside of this room are a bunch of designers who pick up jQuery and try to be the next facebook and wonder why their 85 plugins are not playing well
@Raynos: you're full of rage, weird ideas (which don't work in the real world) and a way too big ego, sorry buddy I like you and know you're smart too, but sometimes you cleary crossing the border
jQuery is not evil per say... it is used a hella lot where it should not be!
Guys, why can't we just all hate on IE and get along?
it is the defacto for everything it seems. which it should not be...
We do.
@jAndy I don't have a big ego, at all. And yes, I'm full of a shit ton of justified rage.
hating on IE is a given... and was totally 2011
The majority of the internet fills me with endless rage.
I was thinking of going to jQuery conf
with like a "jquery sucks" tshirt
and preach the gospel about how jquery is shit and shouldnt be used
@Raynos your avatar fills me with rage... Y U NO COLOUR?!?!
signs of big ego:
- you say you don't have a big ego
Wear a mootools shirt, even better.
@rlemon He's a big polar bear.
I'm surprised no fanb0y starred any line the last 20 lines or so
@robjb how about a shirt with logos of all libraries revolving around my avatar ?
go do it
polar bears don't have ominous black outlines
@jAndy Because there are no fanboys?
23 secs ago, by Abhishek
@robjb how about a shirt with logos of all libraries revolving around my avatar ?
I didn't mean anybody precisely
@jAndy look at base2, that was an awesome library in the past. Look at json2, that was an awesome library in the past
did you just quote a message that you literally said 23 seconds ago
jQuery, it is an awesome library in the past. Any use of it in the present should be shelfed.
9 secs ago, by Esailija
did you just quote a message that you literally said 23 seconds ago
12 secs ago, by rlemon
9 secs ago, by Esailija
did you just quote a message that you literally said 23 seconds ago
11 secs ago, by Octavian Damiean
12 secs ago, by rlemon
9 secs ago, by Esailija
did you just quote a message that you literally said 23 seconds ago
have i ever mentioned that i love this chatroom? :D
@Raynos Why don't you find people that haven't drank the $().Kool_Aid() yet and teach them Javascript
That could be more productive time use
its not as much fun
@Raynos: partly agreed. but you guys talking about jQuery like it was created by luzifer himself and was a bottle of shit from the scratch, raging like Thor himself. Entirely wrong, maybe to solve some deeper problems in your lifes. I can't stand it. Now you're saying "past, great, blabla" but the average chatroom visitor just thinks.. "wtf"
also teaching noobs javascript is frustrating as hell
I already have a couple of students
@Justin i think the point is to teach the $() followers that if they knew Javascript they could be much more productive (while possibly still using their aforementioned library)
@jAndy you misinterpret me :)
@jAndy I have only ever taken the stand that it is the utter amount of retarded 'jquery developers' that enrage me... there needs to be some responsibility amongst the community to squash dumb shit. we need to make the web a better place.
the community of "jQuery developers" is another thing
that community needs to die.
how can I be expected to help someone with debugging their 5 mashed up plugins if their asking me what the DOM is?
I imagine these people sitting infront of DW design view dropping little turds on the page in the form of 'plugins'
damn I hate my english is not good enough to express my current rage
there is a plugin for that
ship it
and yes, I am aggressive when talking against jQuery
because someone needs to be. Most people are too neutral about it. And unless your vocal people won't do anything about it
just like hitchins is aggressive against religion :D
and Al Gore is aggressive against the truth.
beeing aggresive and defamation are different storys
@rlemon woot
jquery deserves a negative image
@Raynos I am all about meving from the vocal category to the "do something about it" category
what part of the library is useless today is not obvouis
best plugin for jQuery :3
delete $;
delete jQuery; //lolz
@Justin yeah, I'm working on that.
this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down, now i'd like to take a mintue just sit right there i'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called bel-air
I do that when I'm not being pulled into a jquery flamewar
@Abhishek jQuery plugin with no IE support... fail
@Esailija lol
its just pseudo code :P
I said 45minutes ago, "don't start it"
so.. I figured you need the rage and flamewar
@Abhishek delete token is invalid in ES strict
@jAndy that was you baiting me :D
@Raynos i know that 'use_strict'; + delete === exception
oh that brings a question
how do i delete an object on demand in use_strict ?
// best plugin ever
if( window.jQuery ) {
    $( $ ); // in all likelyhood the 99 plugins that are loading below will do this anyways....
58 mins ago, by jAndy
and I'm also no microsoft friend, but as with jQuery, I'm just no follower of blindly raging against something/someone which/who is very successful
@Abhishek token = undefined
You know, the majority of the people are just really dumb and easy to influence because they don't like to think. That is great for marketing people.
Now since it is the majority chances are good that you can sell something that is essentially a pile of crap with a nice cuff on it as good any it will be a success.
@OctavianDamiean why do you think we have 1.5 billion christians?
I don't like where this is going
Me neither but it is the truth.
didn't like it an hour ago aswell
Dieter Bohlen once said You can sell even a fart if you know how.
stupid permissions... why do I need to relog for group memebership to update! this to me seems like something that should have been addressed by now!
Despite of my personal stance to Dieter I have to admit that he just knows his shit.
yea thats right, this chat reached the level of a guy like Dieter Bohlen, this is poetic
@Raynos and that removes the memory allocation ?
@jAndy I don't like him either but he is very successful.
it will store the value of undefined in memory
but the original object will be GCd
because nothing points to it
there's like 2 types of undefined and null
could do with just null
token = null is better
luckily there is == null which normalizes all these useless values to one
If you can choose between using undefined and null, always favour null
I will undefined = true; all of your applications one day
!function( undefined ){
 //u mad ?
@jAndy ಠ_ಠ
anyone is using sass/scss on regular bases ?
LOL so we have this open position still.. and they are considering this "candidate"
I interviewed her before.. and she didnt know what Flash was
or rounded corners
@Loktar is the position for flash?
@Loktar so when are you leaving your company again?
its a web developer position
not knowing what flash is.. is positive :p
lol no dude..
she didnt know what flash WAS
I guess I didnt clarify lol
Q: Customizing a Javascript engine on firefox

redmanI was wondering if any of you have any experience in customizing a javascript engine for your own use. I want to be able to modify the Narcissus JS engine a little bit and make it my default engine. The firefox extension, Zaphod would allow me to do that but I am running into trouble making this ...

if she didnt know how to do stuff in flash thats one thing..
but not knowing what it is even.. and calling yourself a webdeveloper wtf?
she said if she ever needed to do animations shed use infragistics
thats when I asked her about flash
(I previously asked her about html5 and css3, she had no clue about them, but said shes highly experienced in html)
does she look great and has big boobs ?
lol anyway.. yeah they are pushing hard now to get her hired, our client is luckily pushing back
no dude.. shes like 43
then there is no reason to hire actually
haha exactly, but even if she was amazing looking idc
I want a competent coworker
@Loktar epic fail
@Loktar do you have veto power in your company
because you need to help your company gaurd against the noobs
what baffles my freaking mind is how they can even consider her at all
I would hire her.. doing all the work for her if necesarry
1 message moved to bin
even if shes entirely clueless
I work for a company, that is contracted by the government
@MattMcDonald: u mad ?
and on this contract there are like 10 contract companies
@Loktar again when are you leaving? :D
so I really have no power, except that me and the client are friends
@Raynos I hope to god next may or june
removing the message takes the context out of your recent posts :)
we are doing house repairs currently so we can sell it
@Loktar a whole year :\ sucks to have baggage
yeah man :? its painful dude
22 messages moved to bin
out damn spot
out out out
the irony is that your message just before the moved notice is not javascript relevant
I like the jQuery girl image :<
Where >!>>!>!>!!?!??!?!?!?!
I'll take a mildly off topic message over relationship advice and rage faces
how could the jQuery girl be not related to javascript ?
Number one reason not to use Perl for any modern project if you plan to use JSON. Properly encoding Perl data structures to JSON will not really work.
@OctavianDamiean is that really so
Perl + JSON = lifequit
@OctavianDamiean What about Python?
I'd totally love to use Python there but it is not under my control.
I mean.. the latest version from the CPAN JSON is.. somewhat ok
and of course CPAN decode/encode :p
Well, not really. Checkout the mapping section on simple scalars.
anyone here use Yahoo Email with Outlook?
@jAndy it's fine; the whole conversation was veering a bit out of control
I have a specific question.
yea I know.. but even tho, I never had problems with wrong types in JSON generated strings by perl
Except then there are rational numbers.
@Abhishek can I tweet that link of the faces?
or is it a private thing?
its so damn amazing man
Paulina Gretzky’s Awesome New Pictures! #SFW this is what super rich super hot chicks do on their spare time
1 message moved to CSS

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