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@BenFortune again someone not familiar with async nature of xhr: stackoverflow.com/questions/41959284/…
that 666 symbol is really a 90 degreed ass
@CapricaSix Sorry
@KarelG Nothing new, see it multiple times a day
That first answer is awful
Hi guys, if I have two input=range If i move the toggle of one range, how would I go about setting the other ranges back to a default value? (say value=50)
input.value = 50
Could I do something life (pseudo-code) if getElementByTagName(input->range).attr(id) != this.id then change value?
you could, but I wouldn't
how come?
idk, code just looks bad
Could you recommend an alternative?
a common architecture designs for web applications or similiar? (for my project documentation)
twitter.com/Acosta/status/826197552995373057 <--- did anything happen yet that I missed?
!!> String.fromCharCode(...[9834,9487,40,176,46,176,41,9499,9495,40,176,46,176,41,94‌​91,9495,40,176,46,176,41,9499,9487,40,176,46,176,41,9491,32,9834]);
@FlyingGambit "♪┏(°.°)┛┗(°.°)┓┗(°.°)┛┏(°.°)┓ ♪"
@rlemon thanks :D
@GNi33 Bannon was put on the security council
Maybe that's it
well, it would be enough for me, thanks @KendallFrey
Can it be done without JS?
@GNi33 he's gonna build a firewall, and Kim Dotcom is going to pay for it
@RayPoward can what be done?
@ivarni oh yes, please!
dancing man
@rlemon cool
With only CSS
it got way too silent around King Kim
@RayPoward that would be diffcult
@RayPoward probably
@FlyingGambit nahh, just make all the parts elements and position them with keyframes
Moving all the animations to CSS seems to be popular
eh, it has its ups and downs
js is more flexible and in some situations faster (as in, updating the style attribute in a loop is faster than keyframe animations in certain animations)
@rlemon I've tried to add that to my current code to see if it worked. For some reason it doesn't. Wouldn't be the fact I have an onChange function in the html would it?
@F.Bar idk. don't know what your code looks like
If I upload it would you mind taking a quick look? @rlemon
only if it is a minimal complete verifiable example
where did you get the link from?
It got leaked haha
@F.Bar Stop vamping please
@BenFortune Sorry.
@KendallFrey it's happened
It's fucking happened
I'm losing it
@rlemon I fixed it, sorry. I didnt define ranges as global xD
@F.Bar did you?
Yeh, thanks for helping me
@BenFortune So, in human language, watsdat?
@Cerbrus I only skimmed it, basically saying they're giving military a say in education.
Does anyone know of a way to capture console.log calls in Chrome externally? I have a piece of code that generates a lot of output, which I want, but it's causing a problem in itself in that DevTools becomes pretty unusable :P
I started removing the es6 and commenting it
you can review if you like
@OliverSalzburg @Zirak might
@BenFortune I must've read over that then
@rlemon cheers mate :)
@OliverSalzburg jsh.zirak.me he wrote this, only reason I think he's a console master :D
I guess we'll find out when it's time to stake a stand again...
@rlemon Watching the "real" console while using that → O___o
@OliverSalzburg Someone forgot to disable debugging statements.
Why does the following code "hangs" my browser: (If i remove it, it just loads):

@ErwinOkken for(var i=0;i<modules.length;i++)
modules.length never change
oh god
I see
Oh, you can just wait for all the logging to complete and Save as the console
just discovered it ? :P
@KarelG Kinda. But I mostly realized that it would work as a solution for me
i know a coworker that even displays console.log for each things, each line. Eventually there were sometimes 4 lines of that calls
I pointed him of using the , inside the console (like console.log(foo, bar); )
then he: " ... "
nostalgia for free :) gog.com/game/constructor
never heard of that. Maybe something for @Loktar
thanks, added :P
My gog collection grows!
haha, I can't wait to finally play XCom again after all these years tonight
@GNi33 Sexy
lmao who flagged Sterling?
isn't he getting flagged by default now?
anytime I work in a react project I feel so disconnected from my beloved DOM :-(
anytime I work outside of react now I get a bunch of problems because className="foo" isn't what I want to write
@Loktar woah! I have 9 gog games?! I remember buying one
Is leaving debugInfoEnabled a security threat in angularjs ?
yeah I buy games all the time
Maybe you synced it with your steam account? There was an option to add some games you own on steam for free
^ they regularly do that
you have to visit the page though to get the games
which is a bit of a bummer
I recently started to love humbebundle
@Mathematics No
^ I've had monthly for a few months now
The games are great, got XCOM 2 this month
yeah, I was thinking about monthly as well, but for now I'm fine with a bundle every now and then
the best of 2016 bundle is pretty cool
@Mathematics It's a development feature though. So you're supposed to use it during development, when security shouldn't be a concern
we have a dog at work.... it walks around to every office every couple of hours to get petted.
what kind of dog?
But petting dogs at work gives you dog-smell-hands
@GNi33 i'm not a fan of that subscription thing :/
however i visit bundlestars. They sometimes offer nice promo
@OliverSalzburg But if everyone has dog-smell-hands, then nobody has dog-smell-hands
I hope that dog is distributed evenly
Got batman arkham asylum GOTY, origins and city GOTY ( + blackgate ) for 11 is $ ( -91% )
just watched the david letterman typing challenge and the band is playing barbara ann when both of the competitors are named barbara :P
@RayPoward labradoodle
@HatterisMad Like a recurring theme? Because that happens so often?
@OliverSalzburg hmm? oh i haven't watched much letterman? did they play that song a lot?
it's a sign
@HatterisMad That's my question
@rlemon To get a new email address?
> 11.98 GB (79%) of 15 GB used
might just clear out some old mail
!!> String.fromCharCode(3666)
@RayPoward "๒"
that means "2" in Thai
I cant even read Thai numbers haha
they use them so rarely
Me neither, I googled it
I have a feeling that most javascript katas on codewars can be solved with either reduce or map
@rlemon it's not your email: 2.32 GB (15%) of 15 GB used
> 11.79 GB (3%) of 302 GB used
You guys are lightweights
But that's just the monitoring, why would one read that?
> New company policy, all emails must be read.
@Luggage it is. my emails are just bigger
> I have the biggest emails. Everyone says so.
the size depends of each emails
> 7.66 GB (51%) of 15 GB used
my box is stuffed with support and db data. That sys admin retard decided to flood our mailservers with the logs
"because the logs isn't always visible to the devs"
Yea.. It's common for emails to be abused with noise.
looks like half of it is photo backups
> 6.22 GB (32%) of 19 GB used
I should really start using drive properly, it's pretty great
y'all should use outlook
@BenFortune Don't. Once you start using it properly, you'll find out the parts that really suck about it ;P
@OliverSalzburg like?
My pubic email is outlook
Drive is nice. I like it.
I bloody hate outlook
@BenFortune The Windows client is a POS. Conflict resolution (or the lack of) is annoying and for some reason, recently empty folders started appearing in it
@towc You have a bleak outlook on the usefulness of outlook, then?
people in school now have started using it for their personal mail because that's what the school uses, and they think that it must be better
Then there's the annoyance with the missing NIX client
an outrage, it is
I just use drive through the web UI..
I say we all use yopmail
I really don't care what mail client people use
outlook isn't a bad client in fact
I have it sync to my mac, but I never really use that part of it. Just through a browser.
thunderbird is okay..
I should get to configuring mutt at some point
@OliverSalzburg Last time I used it, I used github.com/odeke-em/drive
I guess it was something else mail-related that died
I thought it died
my mail client is now the gmail app on my phone
and the gmail browser interface
I love gmail because it requires almost no setup and is easy to get the way you want it to be, unlike most other mail clients :/
I don't like inbox
I have 4 public mailbox :/
reverted to the old one
1 private for friends/contact. 1 for online shopping. 1 for gaming and 1 for advertising
well, I guess for mutt you only need to save your muttrc somewhere
yeah, sure
only issue then is making sure some of the info isn't there every time you change and republish it
so you need to re-curate it every time
I accidentally committed an auth key that was in my .npmrc
there ya go
I think I also sent you my gmail password at some point, pootis
I probably didn't notice that
oh, nvm, not password, but other data that you could exploit
wasn't it you trying to help me figure out mutt the first time I touched ubuntu?
oh dammit, it was awal
I don't think I've ever used mutt
my git password is stored in some commit messages when I was new at git lol
@rlemon ever tried inbox?
4 mins ago, by rlemon
I don't like inbox
somehow I entered my pw when filling out the e-mail field
my major screwup was using the internet
@KarelG That's when you nuke it and start again
oh, didn't see that
It really grew on me though
@KarelG Git has passwords? Since when?
your username and email is wrapped in the commit log each time you do commit. But instead of my email, i wrote in my password
made a big /facepalm when someone pointed me on that
Git has usernames?
* waves *
ya mean github?
@KendallFrey I think it's fair that you call them that
@KendallFrey that's one way to auth
Git has auth?
Kendall doesn't work with remotes, he doesn't need your hipster stuff
No, Kendall is saying that git does not do any auth. It does not.
But since you access it via https or ssh, you can use auth on those protocols
He's being pedantic, of course, because most hosted git solutions provide auth (private key and/or username/password)
Good morning!! I am a freshly graduated Comp Sci student with a disability. Because of my disability, I must work remotely, but as soon as I mention this to interested companies, they turn me away. I graduated 3.9 GPA Summa Cum Laude and its still a problem. My question is this, is JavaScript my best bet on finding remote work? It seems like there are more remote JavaScript jobs than anything else.
@Tricode Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
github, gitlab, etc.
@Tricode hi
Hello GNi33
@Tricode Anecdotally, I hear about lots of remote JS jobs, yes, but I don't know true stats.
@BenFortune I think I used grive, but it's a joke compared to my expectations ;D
While you may have some difficulty now, once you have some experience there will be more remote opportunities available. Stick with it.
people on github are building a list of companies that offer remote work, I'm pretty sure you'd find companies using all kinds of languages on that
I don't know if it has merit, but I understand the desire for inexperienced people to be non-remote.
as with JS, what Luggage said
@GNi33 Neat
I know remoteok.io exists, but I don't know how good it is
cc @rlemon @KendallFrey
Thanks GNi33! Thats a lot of companies! And yes, they seem to mostly be JavaScript. I wish I would have studied more JavaScript and practicing building webapps, because I mostly just know Java and Data Structs and Algorithm type review questions.
you should be fine with Java I think
Why does the mouse cursor switch to crosshair when I press Alt and hover over the text input of the DevTools console?
Is that just me?
Those programming skills translate to other languages.
but yeah, no work experience is probably the bigger obstacle
I have work experience. I interned at Lockheed Martin and IBM.
But no full-time experience
I know the skills transfer, and I do know a good amount of JS, but what I dont know is how to use it together with other web technologies (MEAN, React, etc) to make web apps. I have made a React-Native app and Swift app though. And an Ionic and Angular app, but again, I barely touched the surface. They are very simple apps.
god dammit... hate when you're like 3 hours into an interface and realise it wont work :(
@rlemon Make it work, it's what we do 😃
like.. ugh. sure I'll "make it work" but re-writing all the css and html
could be worse. it's only like 200 lines of scss
oh god, the story about the 5 year old boy is kinda scary
He is a madman
One more question and I'll leave you alone.

I have two choices:

1) Work on my existing Java skills and study more Data structures questions using Leetcode and try to get a remote job at a big company with high pay (this is less likely to happen)

2) Work my way through FreeCodeCamp.com so I can learn all the web technologies, and try to get a JavaScript or React job after I do that (which will take longer, but more likely to happen)
3) both
😎  that's where you're wrong, kiddo
finger guns > not finger guns
Ok, thanks guys. I'll work on both. A little of both each day.
you certainly have a unicode cheat sheet somewhere robert ...
@rlemon * moves mouse cursor to "Report abuse" and clicks *
@KarelG dark theme is the dankest theme around
dumb question: is there any advantage to having a tree-like structure on react-router vs flat?
Dark theme is amazeballs.
@rlemon. How long did that take? It's fucking great. It would be cool to have a monokai theme, just for shits.
work in progress. hard to say how many hours
most of the css came from @OliverSalzburg -- I tweaked a few things // added a few more, and made a bunch of js 'enhancements'
Niece is being stubborn and refuses to be born... they're waiting until this evening, then they might do a C-section
@ndugger would you want to be born?
shits all crazy right now
No, but I'd want to die
that was a bit dark
like this theme
@ndugger I have a solution!
that was ... wtf Doritos?!
Haha, they ran that commercial for the Super Bowl a few years back.
haha dat commercial
anyways i'm off. g'day
Enjoy your smoke and a pancake.
Chat was down for me for like a half hour.
Nobody else?
I dunno, I just got here several minutes ago
@ndugger dat flex doe
dank boiii
I'm stuck with a sorting thing... I tried hundreds of examples, readed a lot of SO posts but I cannot make it working
@Jhawins You sure you weren't just shadowbanned?
I need to sort DESC an object by subkey value
jsfiddle.net/wswe4eor please help :S
@Trasiva shadow bans would mean that he could still say things in chat, just nobody would see it. He said he couldn't even access the site
the object is very small:
var obj = {
	lemon: {
		icon: 'image.png',
		scores: '80'
	orange: {
		icon: 'image.png',
		scores: '55'
	lime: {
		icon: 'image.png',
		scores: '90'
@ndugger Whoops, you're right.
I'm always right
@neoDev use a map
objects aren't meant for keeping things ordered
Hire a cartographer
@Trasiva Probably. I tweeted @Spolsky with the ShameOverflow post about his Trump rant this morning. I was legit probably shadow banned hahaha
or me
@ndugger I'm partially dying, so there's that.
@Jhawins jesus
I'm always dying
@jhawins why would you try to dump money into a v6 when the v8 is stronger and cheaper :(
@ndugger Well, I've got cold like symptoms, on top of hacking up phlegm and blood from a raw throat.
i mean i get doing stuff just to do it... but that is a lot of money
I'm always coughing up blood
@ndugger That sounds like a more serious issue.
I'm always a more serious issue
@HatterisMad I wouldn't?
Blood goes inside a person!
Hey guys, quick question, does anybody know offhand of there's a good guide for what's supported on Pocket IE 6? CanIUse.com is great but I'm not sure if Pocket IE supports everything IE6 does.
@jrh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jhawins yeah i didn't literally mean you
ie6? ouch
probably even worse than IE6, a stripped down IE6
you can... pretty much just guess that if you need it, it probably isn't supported
visual basic might be more supported than javascript at this point
@towc can't figure out even with map()
flash maybe?
well, that's on you
or simply use an array of objects
what kind of things were you looking for in IE6 support?
The ability to display images, a table, some text; ideally the images would be able to resize to the two or three resolutions I need to support (320x200, 640x480, 1024x768)
ah, so you'll just need some js that detects browser width and swaps out sources
@HatterisMad But. The answer to why build a V6 instead of a V8... Maybe practicality
I'm totally new to js/HTML but it looks like <div> isn't supported by IE6, as far as I can tell anyway.
@neoDev Objects aren't guaranteed to be iterated in any order, use an array.
div is supported by ie6.
You want me to swap suspension, transmission, transfer case, drivelines??
That is NOT cheaper and easier than modding the V6..
I figured it out... I missed the final 's' in the second argument. Based on this stackoverflow.com/a/33198147/5638869
Basically swap the entire drivetrain, or build a motor in the bay. Option #2 is 1000% cheaper and simpler lol
@jrh quirksmode.org used to be the source for IE6 compatibiltiy info. I don't see the mobile version listed, but I'd assume IE6-like support, then test.
@Jhawins You are telling me that if you wanted to put 700-900 horse in you wouldn't have to beef up the drivetrain components?
I mean... IE6 is an ugly piece of crap, but even this construct was able to render DIV elements.
i guess the better question is why would you spend $20k on 450hp
do you really need 450hp at that point lol
Thanks guys, I'll check the test code again, quirksmode should help too.
Pretty good cat.
lol I stole that from reddit
I laughed
he looks so proud of the cat too :)
Now I want to see a Pictionary game by all former US presidents.
I want to see carter draw a bicycle in a hurry.

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