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@tereško I can likely help with gulp/sass. here is my webpack config for sass (with css modules, but you can turn that off:
{ test: /\.scss$/, loader: 'style?-singleton!css?-minimize&modules!sass'},
I use npm to call grunt which calls gulp which calls webpack.
I forget what -singleton fixed. you might be able to drop that option. Also -minimize. It was failing, so I stopped minimizing
and &modules mangles all the classNames to prevent collisions. you can turn that off if you want straight compiled sass -> css.
@tereško sorry dealing with work, but pinging @ssube as well
We don't need him.
He can keep being BOFH.
No one needs ssube, see just like to see his ginger face
Hello Escalator
There is no ssube, only Zuul.
If I have an array of objects..and within each object the properties can have values like..green..yellow etc.
Is there a siluccint way I could map each color value to a new value?
For example if the property value is green change the value to Ok
map and Object.assign()
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj).replace(/green/g, 'Ok')));
or loop and just mutate the object..
Which part of that are you struggling with?
I'm thinking an object with key values..then when I assign the value to the element..do a color=myMap.value[record.Status]
So if the value of record.Status is green, then find the value in myMap return the key..eg Ok and assign that value as color
@チーズパン your name comes up in the auto complete with simply "@"
annoys me lol
The more you know
I feel like I am doing something terribly wrong... why does react-router always dispatch an event on a route that is, in theory, not matched yet?
const statusMap = {
    green: "Ok"

someObject.Status = statusMap[someObject.Status];  //was "green", will be "Ok"
Is that what you mean?
Yeah kinda except that I will be assigning the value to the elements status property so..
<Icon status=statusMap[someObject.Status] >
ohh, gotcha
Something like that
is <Icon /> yours?
Jsx to be exact
or does it belong to something like react-mdl, react-bootstrap, etc?
So icon is like a grommet icon , think it's called something else but don't have code here
// I suggest wrapping this up in a simple stateless component
const statusMap = { ... };

function StatusIcon({ status }) {
   return <Icon status={statusMap[status]} />;
@MadaraUchiha J.Doe got banned for a year? I mean, I'm not challenging the decision or anything, and let's be honest no great loss, but that still seems like a lot.
don't bring attention to your shitty ways if you don't want to be held accountable for them
he probably would still be allowed to chat had he not went to meta and put a spotlight on him
T'is a fair cop.
mods can see the history we can see, and the messages which have been deleted in the past
@rlemon because SO uses border-radius. That's how they can spy.
@Luggage nice will try this in morning
@Loktar FINALLY! something that can run VR for me i.imgur.com/HF9FmkL.jpg
lol psvr?
/me jokeeeess
@rlemon how'd you get that picture of our prod server?
haha, a PCMCIA card.
border-radius on the building
you should get that checked
@rlemon shakes fist damn you!
in C#, 49 secs ago, by Kendall Frey
At least I know how to spell nauseous
poor jordan
> First Black C# Programmer
Lmgdao why wouldn't he get banned for a year
that's tame
he went off on the jews in teh c# room once
That's kinda funny (at least out of context)
and is a tinfoil hatter
@rlemon once? hah
He's gotten a couple week long bans but jumping from 7 days to a year seemed like a quick escalation.
in C#, 4 hours ago, by J. Doe
@KendallFrey conscience is kicking cuz you trying to cheat youself about world? True is sad and painfull - NSA exist, PRISM exist, JS, SVG, border-radius spying, cloudflare selling data to FBI
Thank you so much for giving me this username hahaha
border-radius spying
@mikeTheLiar I've said it before. ban someone five times for a week.. what will another week do? at that point what will a month do? user has been banned for that long collectively already .
at that point it's a hard call. we see a single act resulting in a year ban. mods see the entire history and justify a year ban
the "collective" argument is BS.
@mikeTheLiar They went from a day to a month for me lmao
it's like a judge giving someone 5 years for speeding because they've served 2 and 3 years in the past for murder.
@rlemon if only I had used more border-radius I might be able to see the whole picture
no, it's like getting a warning for speeding, then a ticket, then impounded, then jail.
lmao I found another place where he says he can't date his GF anymore because she won't use no-script
I'm in favor of increasing penalties, but I heard the "they have had more time separately, therefor all at once makes sense" argument a few times recently.
and I find it an odd argument.
I don't think that was the intent of the argument
@Luggage I don't think that's actually the argument
@Luggage lol its like the cops saw everyone else speeding but didn't really like that one guy
@Luggage They wanted him to make a new account. Obviously lol
Because that's all he's gonna do
more so, "look, we've given him enough chances that he's been banned for months already"
but if it was only a week at a time, then a month ban makes more sense than an 52x increase in ban time.
yea I don't know all his ban durations
any numbers I give are made up
Note: I wasn't here and don't actually have any opinion of the J. Doe thing.. just the general progression of time.
@Luggage The same crime repeated with no obvious intent to stop warrants harsher punishment
First they came for J. Doe. and I said nothing because I didnt like J. Doe, then they came for Rlemon and I said nothing because I didn't like Rlemon, then I came for Kendalls mom.
The mods are personal, they get emotionally invested in these issues and explode. Seen it happen dozens of times in the last 4 years. It's no surprise... It's the way SO works lol
@Loktar lol
Yea.. again. All for increases. I am only saying "1 week -> 1 year" sounds harsh if true.
@Jhawins in this situation I don't see any mods becoming emotional. jDoe was an offensive troll.
@Jhawins I don't think any mods got emotionally invested in the J.Doe thing
@Loktar and I said nothing, because really, who hasn't?
I'm surprised this didn't happen when he made a new account to circumvent the last ban
@rlemon In absolutely no scenario is 7 days turning into 365 days a reasonable reaction. They would have tried to IP ban him and removed him permanently if this were justified. It's just a personal response to a troll, nbd.
@Jhawins Yeah, no. It's not
well there is no point in having 'discussions' with you because you can't possibly be wrong
so I'll just leave it there
Hopefully the mods have some progression written down (1 week, 1 month, 6 months) so that it's not just completely arbitrary
I see absolutely no problem with it lol. The community is moderated by humans, humans are whiny bitches. Makes sense
I bet rlemon uses border-radius.
nahh, I use transparent gifs
I got banned for a month about a subject I had literally never even heard about lol....
not even pngs
@rlemon You see why I don't get along with him sometimes?
Where is Zigi at
well, in free services like this with thousands of active users all the time, there's no practical way to ban someone. The only way is to make it less fun for them to come
chat.so is very much ignored/unknown by the majority of users
Which is why we get away with what we do..
aren't there like 200 active users in chat.so all the time?
We just shoot the shit...
on average like 2-300 users online at a given time
I'd say, given timezones.. 1000 regular users?
But.. I think we should voluntarily clean up the language by ROs. Just ease up on lots of repeated profanity that happens sometimes, not ban it completely.
Nothing to get away with, honestly 99% of the "bad" in here isn't even bad. It's just someone's personal butthurt lol
hello, guys ? Could anyone help me, stuck on thing my angular $routeProvider do not redirect in async function :(
@Arti Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
If this were IRC and there wasn't a Tim waiting to smash the whole chat things would be much much "worse" lol
Sup guys? I'm looking for any tips you got for a problem I have... I'm parsing a ~10MB json string in FF\Chrome, but it explodes to ~400MB when parsed. I'm reading about stream parsers but am wondering if there are other solutions?
stop pointing fingers to Tim
sounds like you're just salty the system doesn't cater to your exact wants
I don't have any wants
There's nothing to cater to. It's an open chat platform.
a problem with Tim is what you have
poor tim
Well yeah, we all boycotted the chat for a month due to my problem with Tim ;)
I get you, I was part of the fiasco like two years ago. let it go man, or stop using the platform if you think so poorly of it
it's good you acknowledge it
Hmm? It's on-topic right now. It's not like I have bitched about it in 2 years
first stage is acknowledgement. Wait for depression now
I knew a Tim in high school... kid was such a tool.
Nothing to really let go...
you complain about this room quite a bit while you're here, or so it seems recently
let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore
@rlemon I genuinely don't think that's true..?
I complain about @KendallFrey
let it go, let it go, pull away and slam the door
Don't we all. KendallFrey is the worst. :)
@ndugger Friend of mine dated a Tim. He broke up with her and gave her three days to figure out how to move back with her cat and her stuff to Iowa from California.
@ndugger This room has been frozen due to activity
so tim isn't your only problem? Oh man, this requires medical attention
@ndugger please; stop.
just... don't spill any tim
@TrojanByAccident excuse me? Who are you?
the power...
Someone who doesn't like Elsa
@ndugger Someone asking you to stop type-singing let it go
@TrojanByAccident no
Do people actually talk about programming on chat.stackoverflow?
@mikeTheLiar it wasn't new who banned them, and I'm not familiar with the context. But I can't say I'm surprised
omg, MS Office updates a few times a week, it seems.
@RichardDunn if it comes up
A snow something something on a mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen
@RichardDunn If you got a question, shoot. Otherwise we talk about whatever we want.
@TrojanByAccident expression of emotions in non-destructive ways should be encouraged. How dare you
a kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the queen
@RichardDunn sometimes
a wind is roaring like a swirling storm inside
gotta keep it in, heaven knows I've tried
@rlemon I am yes :P
@ndugger *can't
Yeah I fired one into the mix a min ago, but was flooded out by chatroom politics/etiquette .
You know the lyrics better than I, sing with me!
@SterlingArcher dammit I had a really good joke for this. Now I forget. But it was funny. I told Holly. She laughed
Target phone screen in 10 minutes, y'all
in a few years we all need to get toghether and sing the friday song
@RichardDunn we talk about JS / programming quite often but react violently when people complain about us not talking about it when they enter the room.
and I mean violently :)
@ndugger I don't know the words but I'll always sing with you brother!
@ndugger gl
also yeah good luck!
always good advice
#LetItGo #Blessed #LaidOff #IdBeElsa
I hope the luck you have is good!
let it = go;
> Him: I'm touching cloth.
go is undefined
not in the program of my heart
@Luggage I've tried other rooms here before, python quite a bit, but it's just people talking about Justin Bieber, or Trump, or anything but programming. :/
go is a global in bob's heart
it('should go')
@RichardDunn so talk about programming
@RichardDunn Trump is a robot, so it's kind of programming
@RichardDunn unfortunately just means noone was interested in said question
@RichardDunn do you like haskell?
did you try Stackoverflow.com there is a way to ask proper questions on the main site
@towc You are a good disciple, young one
lol, no, think i gave it 30 seconds once
that's it @KendallFrey, I'm starting a religion
Go and spread the gospel to all nations
stackoverflow.com? what's that?
I don't even understand what a monad is yet
got to the part about basic IO on learnyouahaskell while I ran away, so that's good
@RichardDunn try irc`maybe ##javascript
copy/pasted from about 3 min ago.. Sup guys? I'm looking for any tips you got for a problem I have... I'm parsing a ~10MB json string in FF\Chrome, but it explodes to ~400MB when parsed. I'm reading about stream parsers but am wondering if there are other solutions?
yeah that's not an interesting question at all honestly.
a 10mb string in the browser, yuck
so, the religion will have to be about LC. At least I know every syntax rule in pure LC
Ok, but it's a question, I didn't ask for a review of the issues raised therein.
@towc It really made sense to me when I looked at the definition of a monad, i.e. return and bind (>>=)
@RichardDunn and no one answered it
@RichardDunn okay, but public web. so expect them
and you complained that no one did.
@RichardDunn beggars can't be choosers
seems like your issue is that you shouldn't have datastrings that large in the first place
^ bingo ladingo
@KendallFrey I googled it at some point, but was completely confused by what >>= did and then was doing something else
break up your data into consumable blocks
big data will always be a problem. but there are a tonne of workarounds documented on the web
but understanding what a monad does sounds like the biggest programming achievement
@Loktar g+
I think the biggest programming achievement is probably making something people want
@towc It simply accepts a monad and a function that maps a value to a monad, and it returns a new monad
> A: I wrote all of the software behind amazon
B: I can monad
A: sorry boss
It's coming up with a good name for a project.
That definition is all it takes to get the power of monads
I'm sure I'll get it at some point
@ndugger good luck dude!
@rlemon thanks, I'm looking at various solutions, as mentioned. I was asking here in hope of some quick pointers to known solutions. Also, the data has to be in one continuous set I'm afraid.
Thanks, fam
is it like one of those recursive types?
@towc "does" depends on what kind of monad. IO "performs" side effects. Lists can represent a number of (nondeterministic) possible states. etc.
@RichardDunn well, that requirement is flawed -- maybe not, but probably. struggle with the solution for a while then show the higher ups they asked for water from stone
@towc It's not a recursive type, no
@RichardDunn I had to do a double take on your avatar, I thought it was Mr. Bean for a second
but it monads the monads to monad...
@rlemon how is it flawed?
asking a client to receive a 10mb json string is more than likely a mistake
yournads mynads monads
I'm such a poet
why can't you break the data up?

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