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any ideas when AWS lambda will support node 6?
ye gods, people can be such a douche sometimes. i posted a question about an odd console behavior, and some nutcase named Luke starts in with a 'we are not a "fix my code" website' when all i asked were thoughts, not solutions. :(
what question?
@SuperUberDuper It already does IIRC
No, my bad
Lambda sucks.
Q: Odd output for console.log between node.js and chrome browser

the digitalmouseI'm playing with node's crypt() and just wanted visual confirmation that the Diffie-Hillman shared secret between node ('Alice') and the Chrome client ('Bob') was matching up. I send the public keys over socket.io to each other just fine, and they output correctly with base64 encoding in their r...

and i get a -1 on it?? what the frell...
OK I went and +1'ed it
and -tve Lukes posts)
oh..um... i wasn't concerned about the numerical value of the post.. i'm more pissed off that he wasted my time posting a stupid 'we ain't a fix my code website' opinion instead of actually being constructive... but thanks! :)
@thedigitalmouse In an old chatroom where I used to help, I gave full solutions to problems and detailed explanations. People told me it was a bad habit but I can't stand it when the only response people give is "google it, not my problem" etc etc.
don't mind me, just irked me to the point where I needed to vent :)
Haha gotcha
@thedigitalmouse So one returns a buffer, the other a string
You're calling 2 different functions on 2 different platforms and their output differs. That really shouldn't be surprising at all
@Pigman168 agreed. I've done the same for others (I teach basic javascript and php at a local college) both online and off. usually i do a mix of "here is what i might do, or what could work" along with some "google it" in the same problem because often I don't want to spend all my time on a single need for help.
Exactly :)
@OliverSalzburg eh? ignoring the variable emitting back-n-forth between client and server - i deliberately left that out of the snippets because they should not be causing the problem - the code is identical on both sides.
Q: Autocomplete search working in mozilla but not in chrome and other browsers

user5348fh8y5In site, "Autocomplete Search suggestion results". were displaying in all pages. but now "Autocomplete Search suggestion results" are not displaying only in home page in chrome & other browsers, but working in mozilla firefox.... <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var...

@thedigitalmouse Not as far as I can tell
The functions you're calling have the same names, but that's not the same thing
i console log both the client and the serves public keys and they output fine. then output the shared secret and, using the same code, they differ in output on their respective consoles
@thedigitalmouse Are you really downvoting this user's questions ? If so please revert it.
Oh and now that you mention it, was it hard to find that job? @thedigitalmouse
I think I'd enjoy teaching at a college 15 years down the road.
wait what? i didn't downvote anything.. it's my question :P
lol I did
@thedigitalmouse Your question shouldn't probably have been downvoted but he's not 100% wrong. You should have made it less verbose and more to the point
@SuperUberDuper That's very wrong
maybe he won't be such a smart aleck
@thedigitalmouse The code in your question also won't run on my Chrome and the actual relevant parts are omitted
hello everyone, do you know why when i tape in input 'coup' next 'cou', next 'coup' results its differents ? jsfiddle.net/xbuppd1r/43
@MadaraUchiha please come here
@DenysSéguret I'm here
@OliverSalzburg true! it did not feel relevant to supply the entire code base, otherwise i was afraid of being too verbose, as Denys points out.
@SuperUberDuper read the last messages
and this
Still "odd result" gives no clue about the problem and code you posted is not sufficient to reproduce your issue. Giving minuses to my questions won't help you get any result. — Luke 7 mins ago
It must be clear that downvoting a user's questions just because he made a comment elsewhere is not allowed
anyone can help me for this strange problem ?
hmm.. can't undo
@Unmecparla from a quick look in the code, I suspect that this line doesn't do what you think it does: var index = list.data('index') % newHTML.length || 0
@DenysSéguret He can't even downvote :P
why does it use the modulo (%) operator?
for pagination
@BenFortune superuberduper did it
Oh right
just i have not all data in jdfiddle
just for example
var data = {
many more in there
@DenysSéguret "should have made it less verbose" ? if i did that, it would be unconscious :P
@SuperUberDuper Downvoting people based on comments they made on other post is seriously not OK.
Downvote a post if the post is bad, not if you dislike the user.
@Unmecparla ah k, then I read too fast
in that case: no idea so far
ho shit :'(
how much less verbose could it be? it's only a short paragraph and some supporting console output and relevant code snippets. if i did "using the same code on client and node server results in different output on their respective console outputs. any thoughts as to why?" might have had the opposite reaction.
maybe @MadaraUchiha can help me ? (i know he's good hihi)
@MadaraUchiha ok, Ill upvote some posts to counter balence, cant undo
@SuperUberDuper No, don't do that.
Your votes will be invalidated. Don't do it again.
@Pigman168 at the time I started (2008), no. I got lucky. while playing Ultimate Frisbee some girls on the team were having trouble with a PHP project at that college. I helped them, and they petitioned the school to hire me. I started a week later. :D
hi guys..
Do anyone know about how to access named pipe using javascript in IE
@thedigitalmouse That's awesome! Did you get lucky with the girls too? :p
@Shubham You want to access a FIFO in IE?
@thedigitalmouse The entire code base would be a bit much, but some details about the function that is producing the output you're wondering about would be a good start ;)
@Shubham That's not going to happen. JavaScript can't access the filesystem, unless you're running on node.
As it currently stands, you're presenting two calls to two functions which are unknown to the reader. Their output differs, but given that they're both black boxes, that is in no way surprising
please go to this link and check it once
> namedpluspipesplusinplusjavascript
activex lol
Why the fuck
I just want to use IE
but how to get return or read through pipe
nothing is there
@Shubham Why are you doing this to yourself?
no documentation
@BenFortune what ??
@Shubham Why are you using a 20 year old technology?
I think that's what Ben is asking.
@BenFortune @MadaraUchiha requirement is like this ... seriously i hate working on IE.
Sounds more like an X/Y problem.
@OliverSalzburg the code snippet on the client side clearly shows me generating the shared secret using base64 encoding - just as on the node server side - but the client console.log() output looks like a buffer whereas the node output matches the expected output.
@Pigman168 almost! then they all moved away after they graduated :D
@BenFortune Any help will be much appreciated :)
@thedigitalmouse No, your code doesn't show anything relevant
The only thing relevant is the calls you're making to computeSecret and that function is not known
you can check socket.io ...
anyone can help me here pls ? : stackoverflow.com/questions/41697274/…
@Unmecparla that's what happens when you teach variables to new coders
@OliverSalzburg it is known. it's a part of node's crypto module. but having said that, i guess if people are not familiar with that library it would be the first place to look.
i don't know @BartekBanachewicz :p
@thedigitalmouse So how are you using node's crypto module in Chrome?
the issue is that function is outputting a base64 encoded string, yet giving out 2 different outputs on either side.
@OliverSalzburg oh that's because I'm using vue.js and browserfy
@thedigitalmouse A-ha
Surprisingly, suddenly the problem becomes more complex :P
So you're just require'ing a Node module and browserify compiles that node module into your browser code?
@MadaraUchiha Do you have any alternative to access named pipe.
@Shubham No, you can't escape from the browser to other processes, this is by design
It used to be possible 20 years ago, it's not possible anymore for obvious reasons.
I'm using a hta application
so I only need to access it via ie
@Unmecparla if you keep state you can't manage properly, that's what happens
"hta application" O__o
just i think my script its not good for pagination
@OliverSalzburg correct. it's a common method to reuse code libraries on both sides whenever possible. but of course as i say that, there might be a small chance that console on node behaves differently than console on Chrome regarding that one crypto function. :P just appears confusing as the two earlier console.log() outputs behave as expected (base 64 output) on both sides.
@OliverSalzburg and i would not really consider the problem being more complex. it's the same library, the same code, and the same output except for that Chrome outputs what looks like a buffer (not really), and node outputs the base64 encoded data.
@TheSockpuppet Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix thanks
@Unmecparla you're looping through both obj.Texts.DescFR and obj.Name which obv returns as what you want
(keh that loop isn't required)
try to analyze the code. It's pretty clear if you follow the statements
@TheSockpuppet hi! and Caprica is a bot - just so you know. :P
so is that account
@thedigitalmouse look at the profile you will know what's going on.
@TheSockpuppet whose profile? yours? or the bot?
@KarelG but im beginner, i don't inderstand all the code. Idon't inderstand where its not good
:3144485 Correct! I am testing my bot. When Caprica pinged The Sockpuppet my bot didn't answer. I had to answer the ping manually.
@thedigitalmouse I would assume it is much more likely that the ton of Node code that was merged into your browser code behaves differently on a platform it wasn't intended for ;P
Especially since the real Node version returns a Buffer, a type that does not exist in Chrome
Your assumption that you can run any old JS code through browserify and have it merge Node modules into it and the result should be identical is simply false
Also, insane
But if you're convinced that it is console.log playing a trick on you, why not log something other than the object itself? Like the typeof to see what it is you're logging
Office time over!! b-bye fellas!!
signing out!!
@OliverSalzburg the crypto module returns whatever i declare it to - hex, latin1, base64, buffer. i chose base64 deliberately to avoid conflict with Chrome not having a buffer type. and the output really isn't a buffer, but appears to be more like an array of numbers. ha! great minds think alike! I'm actually trying what you suggested, thanks. :)
later Shashi
I´m a bit confused. I´m using node serverside and mostly response in JSON with objects like {"myData": result, "myOtherData: result2}. Is this good practise or should it be an array of objects?
or just from case to case
@rlemon LMAO
@OliverSalzburg i guess i'm just hanging up on the fact that i base64 encode the public key then console.log() it and it appears correct, but the shared secret key is treated the same way (it's output is defined as base64 encoded in my example) looks right in node but wrong in the browser. meh. thanks for the banter, i will have to beat on this later! :)
i'll probably start with another encoding, like hex, just see if that makes any difference
Welcome to the Star Ship Enterprise,
I'm Chief Engineer Geordi LaForge. I'll be your
( ◦_◦)>-■■■
Super Visor.
*:cue intro:*
did anyone have encountered a problem that you have to iterate through a collection in a high level programming language (C# / java / ...) but don't trust its content. The iterator can return with a null element. To solve that, a co-worker used a decorator pattern for that.
I'm quite ... impressed. But heh, idk what to say
if( value === null ) continue;
done and done 😃
@KarelG What exactly do you mean? If it's as simple as elements being null, just a null check or filter is sufficient.
ofc, but a decorator pattern for that? :P
had to read two times
And that's why it's bad
like filtering before hand if you can avoid it (rather, if the set is dynamic)
You should strive to make your code only require reading 0.1 times
Shouldn't this return true?:
later kids! time to head home from work. o/
Cya @thedigitalmouse
@Pigman168 because !"1" is false, and 1 does not equal false
I hate when I'm half way typing something and the answer pops up on the damn screen
Would you prefer it to pop up on the keyboard?
and what about (1 ==! "1") ?
That's the same thing
You seem to be thinking ==! is an operator. It's not. It's just the juxtaposition of == and !
Oh, didn't know ! needed to be at the start
actually, you have !== in mind ?
do you want to use !== ?
Thanks :)
==! is not "known" but the engine treats it as == ! where ! is evaluated first
it is known
it's loose check followed by not'ing the right hand value
This reminds me of the "goes to" operator, -->
as in while (x --> 0)
const yourMom = { ...legs }; means your mom will always have unwrapped legs ?
which language is that ?
@FlyingGambit ... = "spread" operator
@KarelG quite a few, JS included
a += ++a+ ++b
--> in javascript ?
@KarelG ah okay got it
@KarelG x-- > 0
@KarelG You're missing the point. It's not an operator
O ok
(x--) > 0
is how JS reads it
@rlemon How does JS handle that? I suspect JS doesn't have UB
operator precedence ?
a += (a+1) + (b+1)
++ first, then + then +=
what about it?
@rlemon That's not the same thing
Even just a += ++a
@KendallFrey I realise, you asked how JS would handle it. I suspect that's how the operation is broken down when the compiler sees real values
I mean in terms of specified behaviour
probably wrong, but you asked so I answered
C has UB, I think C# has unspecified behaviour, what does JS have?
even tricker is a += a++
Did I start a war?
Any opinions on the for-of loop?
it's better than introducing a new function if you don't need one
I want to use: $.post to submit data with post method, but how about redirect there?
@AaronHall It's a tool that solves a problem. It is useful in some scenarios and harmful in others.
where is it harmful?
I'm thinking it's like a for-each loop like Python has, am I right?
You are correct
I would consider it harmful if used to iterate over a list of integers from 0 to n
I do think it's a tool that is useful more often and harmful less often than many other tools, relatively speaking.
if someone were doing a Python enumerate, and wanted to translate it into javascript, you'd rather they did a regular for loop?
You can translate what I said into "I like it"
I just didn't want to spew opinion without justification
I'm starting to wonder if I've gone off the deep end.
fair enough. :)
I use for..of everywhere I'd use a foreach in another language
has "The Good Parts" been updated?
do you need to track interations? for(;;)
do you need to introduce a function scope? foreach
do neither of those apply? probably for..of
if I had to think about it
@rlemon In what scenario would you "need to introduce a function scope"?
I don't know, I don't use foreach
@rlemon is it not normal that an AST is created when handling a statement ?
then it only has to follow the operator precedence procedure
@KarelG Operator precedence isn't sufficient to completely specify behaviour

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