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make a map of keys to id's for like keys, then make individual objects for those like keys -> then send those objects to the service -> then re-assemble those like keys with their original objects with your map
@rlemon sorry, I don't understand
@Thaenor make a structure separate from your main data which maps specific entries to ids, then you can send those specific entries as a single entry to the provider. when you get the response you have a map to provide that response to all of the specific entries that need it
ids: [1,2,3,4,5],
key: 'foo',
value: 'bar'
that means making more than 1 requqst.
with value being what is then translated by the service and applied to all entries listed with those ids
but you have given me some ideas.
I'm gonna have to sleep this one and try again tomorrow, hopfully with a fresh head and new ideas...
this is one of those assignments I got with a "this is simple enough you should do it quickly right? (cuz we sure as hell aint gonna fix things in our end)" - "oh, and mind you this should be done last year... so, better get crackin'"
@KendallFrey I have returned! :p
oh shite
@Loktar @towc @KendallFrey I have never left!
@rlemon I sent my address on hangouts
7 hours ago, by El Houssine Talab
guess whos back
@KendallFrey I need yo address
@FlorianMargaine you as well
For just a mug?
I'm not sure where, or what exact mug
but we will all have friday mugs
I'm willing to spend $60 to make this meme happen.
Send me a picture of the mug and I'll let you know
a real picture
I assume that is all I'll need to buy 4 mugs and send one to france
@rlemon when was the last time you shipped to europe/asia
@KendallFrey I won't physically have them before hand
it'll be a direct send from the website
will you have a proposed design?
lucky you haha
@KendallFrey yes, we can all review
@HatterisMad personally? not for a while (EU), company? weekly.
i sent something to thailand a few years ago for like $7, by the time i got back last year to send the same thing they wanted $60
@KendallFrey I looked earlier, chances are I'll have to 'design' my own on a site like caffepress
the RB swag market is surprisingly limited
@ssube we'll actually the government loves and encourages my beard and scrum in a relaxed nature works pretty well
I remember when I first grew my beard, they called me Jihad Jason
used to crack me up
My grandmother keeps telling me I look like a terrorist
But that's because anybody with a beard is an "arab" to her
Classic old person racism
@SterlingArcher start worrying if she can name names
> You look just like Mohammed Atef
That reminds me of the time that trump supporters thought that john mccain took a picture with members of isis but it was just random syrian dudes that they misidentified because all middle eastern people look the same to them
Leg day done. My calves are screaming
Pending tax penalty for 4-5 months of no healthcare (seriously, thanks Obama) I should get a decent tax return :)
idc what the ACA has done, it has wrecked my family for money :/
2 hours later…
@SterlingArcher yeah man
it's happened to a lot of people
hopefully something sensible comes along
@littlepootis Haha amazing. Truly first world
@SterlingArcher that is hardly limited to old persons
2 hours later…
somebody is here?
we're always here
they're watching you
watching me ?
Q: Can't see the full page content using cordova in-app browser plugin

gtzinosThe problem is that when a page from an external url have html tables, then the plugin not allow me to zoom out in order to see the full page content. My code: import { InAppBrowser } from 'ionic-native'; openUrl(url) //An external url { this.platform.ready().then(() => { new InApp...

1 hour later…
oh bloody hell -_- 10 minutes ago the sky was clear, now it's pouring snow like I've never seen it before (with my eyes)
take a photo
you want nudes?
I'm not in the best shape
nude snow-angels
2 hours later…
@towc you got wrong, i mean snow picture ,not person........................................
fine, I'll send you nudes
payment upfront
towc is a snowman
oh shit, you're actually a woman, sorry
thought you were one of the ol' mates
@towc You regularly send nudes to friends?
every day
Gotta keep 'em updated on the abs
@towc you should join the Sami people if you're naked this time of year in Europe
I'm romanian, we're worse
astonishingly is so hard to pronounce for me there is one s and one ʃ
@towc that's nice, my brother-in-law is Romanian, I somewhat get it
time to lunch
I have a 13:20 with a pizza that I need to attend to
pro... pronoun... pronounc--I give up
@Thaenor "Hello, World!"
@FilipDupanović r u fighting deadline?
Can someone explain this to me please? - codepen.io/Thaenor/pen/LxZryx?editors=0012
Did either object assign or merge mutate the original objects?
@Thaenor Object.assign mutated the first argument passed
right I just forgot I was in a function scope.
This is my new attempt at tackling the problem from yesterday... I'm going to try and compare the objects before merging them.
or doing the object.assign thing
What's the problem from yesterday?
check the pen, I've written that in the HTML part.
further explanation is just company drama pretty much and thigns you can't get around.
we're not here for the sole purpose of helping you, don't make us to unnecessary effort, plz :)
we're going to loose interest if you do
right sorry... I was wrapping things up.
In a nutshell I have object which have key value pairs (both strings). They will have things in common for sure, because they're text templates. Say all objects will have a "weclome" key with a text pair that says "welcome to this blahblahblah".
For this example I've isolated some dummy text in objects. Each I call a file.
My code currently goes through file 1 and 2 and removes these duplicate entries from file2.
Now my question is, how can I make it so that this works for many files
My code currently goes through file 1 and 2 and removes these duplicate entries from file2.
codepen.io/Thaenor/pen/LxZryx?editors=0012 - here's the codepen again, to save you scrolling up :P - also sorry for the lag but my Internet is freaking slow today
@KendallFrey so I made one of those rockets that shoots out satellites
results were not as good as op's, but still fun 😃 images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/169282950419060653/…
@towc lol
what the fuck, google+?
you can get married now
oh, the possibilities
what will the kids be called?
what if it's a girl?
i'm taken
can see all of those little yous running around
you won't need to get minions anymore :D
you'll have real ones
it would actually be kind of cool to have your family name be "Mistakes"
no like, actually
> Keeping up with the Mistakes
if there's ever a persecution of the romanian people, I'll rename myself "mistakes"
it actually has a lot of positivity to it
I like it
thanks maaaan
only question now is to find a good first name
Charles. So my british accent can be even more annoying
I'm growing accustomed to it
holy shit
There's some new player with my gf's family name in my team
okay quick question, the result Number(2) is 2. Is this called unboxing in JS ?
@FlyingGambit not that I'm aware of
@littlepootis grandfather?
@towc Should I ask that question on SO ? I have feeling it might get closed
what makes you think it's called unboxing?
I have never heard of JS unboxing
well JS uses the concept of boxing , so thought there must be unboxing too
what do you mean by boxing?
[] ← box?
@littlepootis left hand?
@towc no no , In languages like Java, every primitive has a Object wrapper. The conversion of primitive to Object is boxing and vice versa is unboxing
Like in Js, var a= 2 ; a.toString(); primitive was used like an object thus using boxing
the Object wrapper Number gives it that toString() method
Hi all :D
Hello :D
@FlyingGambit oh no, in JS everything is an object regardless
@rlemon lol
@towc no..
threre's no such thing as deobjectifying
@towc Everything is not an object
wait, what isn't?
for example primitvies are not objects. example 2, "hello", null, undefined
they're all objects
well technically typeof null is object but is a long standing bug in Js
they can hold more information than simply their location in memory, their type, and the primitive content
in my eyes that makes them an object, but I'm probably wrong
A: How is almost everything in Javascript an object?

Tim DownNo, not everything is an object in JavaScript. Many things that you interact with regularly (strings, numbers, booleans) are primitives, not objects. Unlike objects, primitive values are immutable. The situation is complicated by the fact that these primitives do have object wrappers (String, Num...

Yes ,its right ,in js, has boxing and unboxing also, there is book series called you dont know js, very helpful
@star Yup I am going through that book right now
In jQuery, if I am calling a function from inside an on click function should I have to use window.function(); to call it? For example...
oh, interesting
	$('#filesubmit').on('click', function(e) { //On upload click
!!> var a = 2; a.meh = '3'; a.meh
@towc "undefined"
doesn't work, but doesn't error
@star any idea where the unboxing parts are mentioned ?
totally clearly
Or should I be able to call it without the window part?
@towc thats weird
@towc but that does not prove that a is an object because the Object wrapper Number kicked in
@FlyingGambit yeah, I agree
let me check
@FlyingGambit you can see one of the book this&object_prototypes chapter3 objects
Objects are the general building block upon which much of JS is built.
They are one of the six primary types (called “language types” in the
specification) in JS:
• string
• number
• boolean
• null
• undefined
• object
Note that the simple primitives (string, boolean, number, null, and
undefined) are not themselves objects. null is sometimes referred
to as an object type, but this misconception stems from a bug in the
language that causes typeof nullto return the string "object" in‐
correctly (and confusingly). In fact, nullis its own primitive type.
@star ah in that book, I am still at book 1
i plan to read twice each book
so the boxing and unboxing ,i really forgot in which part
I will let you know if I find them , anyways I am planning to finish reading all the books by today
Objects are the general building block upon which much of JS is built.
They are one of the six primary types (called “language types” in the
specification) in JS:
• string
• number
• boolean
• null
• undefined
• object
Note that the simple primitives (string, boolean, number, null, and
undefined) are not themselves objects. null is sometimes referred
to as an object type, but this misconception stems from a bug in the
language that causes typeof nullto return the string "object" in‐
correctly (and confusingly). In fact, nullis its own primitive type.
i find it
@star You forgot jQuery in that list
there is no chinese version for the last two books
so would take me long time in English
!!> [1,2,3] == "1,2,3"
@FlyingGambit true
An example of unboxing ^
!!> ([1,2,3,4,5] + [,6,7,8,9]).split(',').map(Number)
@rlemon [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
an example of nothing ^
codepen.io/Thaenor/pen/LxZryx?editors=0012 - why doesn't this work?? In line 57 I'm suposed to iterate an array but it doesn't print anything to the console...
> lenght
> arr.lenght
Built-in Objects
There are several other object subtypes, usually referred to as built-in
objects. For some of them, their names seem to imply they are directly
related to their simple primitive counterparts, but in fact, their rela‐
tionship is more complicated, which we’ll explore shortly.
• String
• Number
• Boolean
• Object
• Function
• Array
• Date
• RegExp
• Error
These built-ins have the appearance of being actual types, even classes,
if you rely on the similarity to other languages such as Java’s String
The primitive value "I am a string" is not an object, it’s a primitive
literal and immutable value. To perform operations on it, such as
checking its length, accessing its individual character contents, etc., a
Stringobject is required.
Luckily, the language automatically coerces a string primitive to a
Stringobject when necessary, which means you almost never need
to explicitly create the Objectform. It is strongly preferred by the
majority of the JS community to use the literal form for a value, where
it's okay
Why doesn't codepen print errors to the console?
towc is a smart guy
That code is ridiculously broken
holy wall of text batman
maybe start a gist with a changelog if you're trying to write a novel
damn it codepen doesn't even show an error or anything... since my net is slow as balls I figured it was because of that.
!!> for( var i = 0; i < undefined; i++ ) { console.log('undefined is 0') }
because there is no error
@rlemon "undefined"
thanks cap
Hi and happy 2017 to everybody :)
I have a little question about javascript and CORS
It's not happy for everyone. Check your privilege.
I know that using PHP I can get all the content from a specific URL
thomas the dank engine
@littlepootis no, you're
but using ajax I can't
@KendallFrey no, you're
@ndugger no, you're
has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Jun 10 '16 at 16:52, by ndugger
No, I'm Thomas the Dank Engine
is there a way to get it using js like node.js?
(instead of using PHP file_get_contents())
!!google nodejs cors
@littlepootis no ur
@neoDev if you just google CORS, you'll get answers
yes I am googling but I can't find a solution
@neoDev if you just google "nodejs equivalent file_get_contents()", you'll get answers
the URL I am trying to get data from is not mine
request permission to?
I can't
If it's not a humongous site, I wouldn't suggest doing what you're trying to do.
I am trying to get receipes
like from Guy Fieri?
Rogdon Gamsay
    url: 'http://www.giallozafferano.it/ricerca-ricette/ok',
    dataType: 'JSONP',
    jsonpCallback: 'callback',
    type: 'GET',
    success: function (data) {
(index):1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
you can stop trying to do it on the client-side
you mean that I have to do that from my node.js server?
I am definitely trying it now! Thank you :)
hmm I had a weird one with ajax GET and passing params
running local and requesting from my remote web service gives back the required dataset
but publishing that react site to git pages and making the same GET requests throws me a 401
no difference in source code in the local react site and one published to git pages. Only difference I guess is that gitpages is hosted on https
I'm really good at titles: Rihanna had it wrong
inspired for my next post
"What to do when your hotline blings?"
about this ajax get error, I need to get a log of the response headers right?
to delve further
Does Node's FS module provide a way to read a file as a Blob?
@KendallFrey There's no such thing as a Blob, you have Buffers
Blob is a DOM spec
I'm using Electron
Through node no, because node doesn't know what's a Blob
You can convert it to a Uint8Array and maybe turn that into a Blob
Can you create an ArrayBuffer from a blob, and then feed it to Node as a buffer?
That's the wrong direction
I think I've got it
promisify(fs.readFile, path.join(__dirname, filename)).then(b => new Blob([b.buffer]))
it's that simple? nice
Buffer.buffer is an ArrayBuffer
so yeah
is this line meant to mean anything? github.com/expressjs/express/blob/4.13.1/examples/…
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (!module.parent) {
Anyone from Istanbul can ignore the following code
bro, do you even google?
My explanation was pretty good; no need to bring facts into it
didn't see any "istanbul" in the requires, so I though... :/
I should have googled anyway
nobody expects the turkish inquisition
it isn't a 'require'
it's a test suit
oh. I know nothing
better learn what package.json actually does
I've lived in rainbows my whole life
never needed no package.json file to make pretty rainbows
You should probably spend some time learning practical things, like tooling... Nobody will hire you to just make rainbow animations all day
that's what we were discussing yesterday
and we kinda compiled a list, which I'm happy for anyone to add to, or switch/modify parts; docs.google.com/document/d/…
Just watch this, and you'll know everything you need to know
this is ndugger's bible
I've seen a fair few companies have that in their job requirements...
@towc Git. UML. Documentation writing. Unit test.
@Sheepy oooh good points
can you add them in places you think they're more important than others?
tests are at the bottom
Can't see it. Only see "benchmarking". I'll leave the update to you :)
Most companies using backbone are migrating away from it and have legacy systems on backbone. It's not important to know. As long as you know javascript and can learn, you can fake it 'til you make it when it comes to backbone, and even knockout
I'll push it to the bottom of the list then
I personally would put "Google-fu" on top of list.
Which is a nice way to say RTFM.
that's not something I can really add on a CV though
"hey mr Company, I got dem googlez goin'"
I should put google on my resume
I mean, I was officially trained in "google hacking" after all :3
don't put "hacking" or "hacker" on your resume
Ah. Depends on what jobs you're applying for, that may be very valuable XD
if I saw those words on a resume, I would just laugh at that person
fun fact: that's the only certification I actually have. I'm not even a highschool graduate yet
but yeah, I woldn't
Get off the computer and go have some fun
I'm not even looking for a job in security
I regret being glued to the computer during high school
Really the only important things you need to know to be a good programmer are 1) How to break a problem into smaller problems. 2) How to recognize when you have a solved problem, and when you need to invoke #1.
@ndugger I'm trying to pay the bills here, not sit on my ass :P
@towc you haven't graduated high school yet, how do you have bills?
@KendallFrey you can't put that on a CV
I know
@ndugger long story
yours is worse, dw
@towc you don't
you demonstrate that
via projects and all. All of my current projects involve basic academic things and rainbows
I need to show that I can use the most recent frameworks. Step one in doing that is learning those frameworks
which is where I'm at
@towc That reminds me. Experience in cross platform development is good. Things like permission and path handling, for example. Unicode is another. Many, many developers simply does not know what encoding means.
where do these go in the current list?
Depends on the job and company.
I'll just put it in concepts
Oh yeah, that reminds me. Every developer should be familiar with basic regex
regex is amazing once you get a grasp of it.
That's an understatement
It was really intimidating at first, but now it's pretty easy
@towc *nix tools
It's really quite simple
@ndugger I feel comfortable enough with regex
ofc I'm no god, but if I decide to use it, I know what's magic, what isn't, and where to look for clarifications
a character matches a character, [] matches one of several, + repeats multiple times, () groups them into units
and I use it sometimes
@littlepootis you mean bash?
@littlepootis That's a deep, deep pit. vim? iptable? bash? The same can be said for Windows tools. Like PowerShell which should be considered a language like bash.
powershell is like the windows vista of shells/terminals
btw, today I learned that there's such a thing as a technically dumb terminal
@towc There's an O'reilly book that explain regx very well. The only regx book you should read :)

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