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import {promisify} from 'bluebird'; // done
well, yes, that's what I really do
Yeah but the dependency is still there
so? bluebird should have been there to begin with
So I'm trying to get rid of some dependencies if there are smaller things I can use
Is this server or browser?
I'd keep bluebird
All of my promisifying needs are on the server
and I don't really care about a few heavier-than-needed deps on the server.
clients don't get promises, they always break them
I asked about printing react components a few days ago, still working on that. I use react router, so many components access props in this.props.route, but now I'm creating a Print component that imports and displays the same components in a printer-friendly way, but does not use react router. Therefore, this.props.route becomes this.props. What's the cleanest way to implement that?
@rlemon fortunately bluebird has cancellable promises.
those are called lies
The cleanest way is just keep the same api. stick the in route if you have to.
@Luggage not sure what you mean by that. stick what in the route?
You can just mimick that form of passing props.
Also, you can use react-router on the server, so if you use it, might as well us it eveywhere.
I don't see how being printer-friendly requires a different router. It should be all CSS.
This sounds exactly like server-side rendering with react-router plus CSS and/or an extra prop or two.
* { background: unset; color: #000; }
img { display: none; }
Honestly I get not wanting to put bluebird on the client.
@phenomnomnominal oh, then I'd keep using bluebird. It's super stable now anyway.
Yeah I guess so
@rlemon #000?
Just being anal about not having too many
oh nvm color
@david yes?
Until we land util.awaitable anyway.
Caitp is working on it :)
@rlemon thought you were setting the background to black :p
// NathanJones
function FakeReactRouter({ component, ...otherProps) {
    const Component = component; //capitalize for react
    return <Component route={{ params: ...otherProps}} />;
That's what i meant by "mimick it"
@Luggage ah, makes sense. thanks.
@Luggage we mostly use getComponent, but yeah.
getComponent as the prop name?
I never knew I needed a piece of art in my life
i know people say that but do people actually have problems processing fast food like that?
i hear taco bell and chipotle get poked at for that joke
Taco bell is special. somehow.
I don't have any digestive problems with it. Just repeating torture nightmares is all.
is it because of the fire sauce or just like materials?
Hey, has anyone taken a look at Javascript30? I'm trying to figure out what the IDE thats being used is.
@WannaBeCoder Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
What's Javascript30?
Its a Javascript Course Wes Bos released for free. Its like 30 projects in 30 days.
@HatterisMad stop eating fast food for a year, maybe even 6 months, and then go have it. You'll feel ill right away and get pretty queasy, then later, more serious effects. That shit is so bad you can't eat it unless you've built up a tolerance. Ask lemon.
looks kinda like Atom.
Thats what I thought & I tried it out, but I couldnt find this auto-fill feature that is being used in the video.
@ssube i went abroad and had fast food a couple times when i was overseas ( they only had kfc and mcdonalds ) and it was a bitch to get to them. had no problems eating fast food when i came back to the states.
If it's intelligent autocomplete, it might be VSCode.. or.. what was that one for atom.. lemme think
@WannaBeCoder google.com/… ?
@HatterisMad maybe your stomach is too far gone
could be haha
years of practically every meal being fast food
yeah, I never did that, just kraft dinner as a kid
and to this day, I can eat a pile of chilis from any ethnic place and walk away (maybe in tears, but otherwise fine), but one sandwich from wendy's and I have to stay home the next day
You are sensitive to salmonella.
As I age, I regret too hot of a pepper, eventually.
like 4-24 hours later.
damn that sucks
too much sugar fucks me up
but that is about it
I'm going to eat spicy food, especially curries, until I can't anymore.
which will eventually happen and has to everyone in my family
im not a big fan of curry
goat curry with potatoes <3
never had that haha
or goat sausage curry with rice and sweet peppers
so many different types of curry
really anything with goat
@KarelG it's not actually CustomError :p
@ndugger definitely go for rainbow land
I tried
Anyone ever run into a problem where firefox says a site is insecure despite having the self-signed cert added to your keychain?
@Luggage parenthesis mate
Did you look within firefox to see "why" it sees it as insecure?
double click the lock?
no, look into his eyes and ask again. See what ff really is trying to say
> The certificate is not trusted because it is self-signed.
:| that's dumb
why is it dumb?
@ndugger "Which makes me look like a cooler person on social media?" you need to have your wife take pictures of you authoring these posts, while in the forest, from your typewriter
that just makes him sound like a lucky neckbeard
@rlemon sounds like a plan
bonus points if your wife is vegan and doing crossfit while taking the pictures on her $6000 canon
I wouldn't marry a vegan
@ndugger phew
good on you, standing up for what's right
remember that time @SterlingArcher went on a date with a vegan
@rlemon What a nut
what a meathead.
I think we'd all forgotten, but lettuce try to remember
Jul 20 '16 at 16:41, by Sterling Archer
Unfortunately I saw her vicious vegan social media game and had to break it off. but hey, got a really good kiss and a boobie touch out of it
@rlemon if I needed some RGB LED strips, would you have a suggestion?
@ssube no Kendall would tho
I don't have any strips, only single leds
@KendallFrey closely spaced LED strips, go
@ssube There are some on Massdrop at the moment that look decent
orly? link? or serial?
idk, I'd just start googling for addressable rgb led strips
see what you can find. they're all made in China and have a 20% failure rate anyways
@ssube I got Adafruit Neopixel strips. I think you can get up to 144/m.
I'm finding plenty, but good ones with the density I need are less common
@ssube get two, offset them
@KendallFrey oh, I've heard of those before
yeah, that's what I want, at least size-wise
Neopixel is the brand name for WS2812B or something like that
!!afk I've got ants in my pants and I don't mind.
This is probably gonna be my next RGB purchase: nanoleaf.me/en/consumer-led-lighting/products/smarter-series/…
@KendallFrey the trick will be attaching them to this bean
I was just thinking we needed more languages.
java script
isn't it java.script now?
what with all those web 2.0 domains
@ssube WS2801 work well
@Luggage that kind of already exists
in what form?
C# scripts, for lack of a better name
I believe this feature was introduced in Roslyn
roslyn exists to power it and vice versa, yeah
ohh, just interpreted c#?
not interpreted
I haven't used it since the preview days, so I don't know what it's like now.
it gets loaded up and compiled like real code
but you can work with it at the class/module level, iirc
@Luggage What exactly does tern do lol? I been trying to install it for a while now and I have no idea what I'm doing.
@Luggage Pretty much like JS, in that statements are legal in the global scope
oh, jsml already exists
and you can run a .cs file directly, without precompiling
@BenFortune the strand ones? I'm looking at the crazy high density (60-144/m) type ones.
@WannaBeCoder it's a tool to look at JS files and provide "intellisense"
This is part of a plan to replace a pair of $800 digital poi with something cheaper, so a $30 chip and $70 light strip is a huge improvement.
@ssube how many metres?
@KendallFrey like 0.5m each, top
@ssube I have both the strand and strips for my ambilight, the strips work well. Obviously not for you if you want high density. these are like 24/m
No, we need an unrelated language that is just called C#Script.
@ssube You say "each". How many units?
or, unlimited
so you can just buy a 1m strip and cut it in half
@ssube been to Marvel Bar?
@ndugger no, but I think I heard about it?
definitely heard about it but never been, rarely go to that corner of downtown
Alright. I was just curious. I have a date friday where we're getting sushi, and she wants to go there beforehand since it's right next to work
is she a stripper?
Is it okay to ask for help in this chat?
@NicholasSchleder Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ssube If cost is important, arduino/atmega is cheaper
oh, that's the fancy corner with the fancy shmancy restaruants
@NicholasSchleder sure, as long as you don't overdo it :)
not sure about form factor
right now @ndugger is asking for help right now because he doesn't know how to life
@ssube We're going to Wasabi Fusion for sushi; not too fancy
@KendallFrey it is not especially, but $100 per stick would be good. The bluetooth and accelerometer is the important part.
Oh you want the acc too
@towc You have no idea. I get a ton of dates, but I fuck things up like right after
I'm just having trouble pushing a momenjs [.format]ted date to an array. When I open the array up I get obj references instead of the string
One other recommendation, use translucent tubes if you want diffuse light
@ndugger well, that's one step further than basically everyone in this room. Except @SterlingArcher. He rocks
@NicholasSchleder if you toString the object references do they become the strings you want?
@ssube You going raving?
@towc and spills
@KendallFrey yep, that part is super important.
good point
@BenFortune absolutely. Spent two days at Duelle and Seven Lions for NYE, with 5 more shows (tickets bought) between now and the beginning of March. :P
@KevinB No, I still am getting date references
@ndugger are you paying?
got a squid hat and just got new emazing lights gloves today
@BadgerCat Of course
I always pay
Omg dating must be expensive af
Haha nice, I'd love to make something like the Deadmau5 head
@KevinB I'm not sure if this is because i'm pushing inside an angular $scope method
@BadgerCat Yeah, but it's money well spent rather than sitting at home and buy stupid video games or something like that
If I were single, I would create a tinder account and get free meals forever
Human interaction is so much nicer, lol
@BenFortune my roommate has a concept he's working on for a mask, with broken pieces of mirror set into clear enamel, over a black base
@ndugger I guess
he's the one who spins, so that would be awesome reflecting the poi
@ssube Sounds cool
I'm not much for video games or sulking around alone at home anymore
@towc doesn't everyone else in this room but those two have significant others?
I think girls should pay their share
#DateUntilIDie #ForeverSingle #AlCaponeWasInnocent #Alcoholism
the person suggesting the date pays, IMO
@ssube I want to create an effect like this, just as room decor
@BadgerCat All women are so different. You lot need to just make up your damn minds. SOme want to be friends before dating, some want to date without being friends, some want the guy to make all the dates and pay for them, and some want to pay their own way.
@BenFortune I've seen those, they're awesome. You could do that with a shadow box and some acrylic super cheap.
@HatterisMad does your significant other know she/it/he's your significant other?
@ndugger It must be so hard to date as a man
@ssube Wouldn't know where to start, since I don't even know how the effect is done
@BadgerCat Yes
Wait, is it just leds around the edges with a mirror on the back?
@BenFortune I think it's just a pair of mirrors, one real and one two-way, with light strips in between. They reflect off both mirrors, but since you're looking in the front, it looks infinitely deep.
As a woman all I have to look for is for a guy who is oblivious to the whole dating stuff
Well, that has been my strategy so far
And who doesn't know @copy.
Yeah, that too.
@BadgerCat I've been strategically playing the field. Step one? Photo of me holding a baby
@BenFortune yeah, per looking up tutorials, that's all it is. Super easy and you can get good acrylic mirrors from amazon for cheap.
I never realized chat works in https
That's useful.
Hopefully this would explain my situation better. I've never ran into this before
I've tried .toString() as well
Got me. I don't know angular and what magic $scope does, if any.
has anyone heard of tea houses?
Ah, yes. Screenshots of code...
tea houses like... places you go to drink tea?
I've had users take screenshots, but them paste them into a wod document to attach to an email.
or tiny houses for your tea?
@ssube yeah
or houses made of tea
Oh sorry. First time using this SO chat.
@towc im sure they must have noticed by now
@HatterisMad are they in chains?
@towc heard of em, been to a few, they're boring. Tea is boring. Leaves in general tend to be boring.
@NicholasSchleder someone else is changing this.
@NicholasSchleder you're assigning to it from another place
no @towc alice is not in chains
Or a getter/setter pair is defined somewhere.
Or a proxy
Or your $scope is not an Angular scope.
well, there's this one place where the tea wasn't anything like the tea I usually drink. It probably didn't have drugs in it
Also that code is pretty long for what it does.
@ssube >:(
place's in Slovakia, and I've lived in the UK, so that tells you something
but the tea wasn't the best part
there were people who came there just for tea, to chill out
@towc are you in Slovakia yet?
the give out sishas
@BadgerCat since monday
I'll get some tea
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh shit you were right. Ugh this killed me.
but issue is that this is the only place I've found like this
in slovakia and already going to a hookah bar
@NicholasSchleder what was it?
@towc you mean sisha like flavored tobacco, yeah?
like vapors, I think
I didn't use one. Just drank 11€ worth of tea, and it was the best thing ever
@BenjaminGruenbaum I was re-assigning the values in a function I didn't think was being called
like, really good tea of different varieties. Not just the bags, but the way it was done and everything
@towc when you're older, go to a college town, they have hookah bars with tea and coffee and stuff all over
plus every single person owns a hookah
@NicholasSchleder that's why I hate modifying data in controllers - mutations under your feet is one of the most common criticisms of Angular 1 apps.
@ssube hookah like hooker like prostitute?
no, like a group tobacco pipe
a water pipe that's actually for tobacco
oh, had never heard of it
it sounded really weird
they are pretty common here, and I assume in the Middle East
ohh, not "for tobacco" like I say in the shops around here?
we also have bars where you can go with a bunch of friends, sit around and smoke one, while drinking hot tea and turkish coffee
I want to go see a production of Wicked
@Luggage right, cause that will res up the tubes and ruin a hookah
don't i know it, I can barely keep my bowl clean enough to use
my lungs must look the same
@ndugger how come?
I really enjoy musicals, and I have that "... try defying gravity..." song stuck in my head
@Luggage I once heard about somebody who hypothetically had a really nice glass water pipe with a few honeycombs and even above the top honeycomb, the bubbles carried enough to leave residue on the sides.
oh, and funny thing happened. I went to a python meetup right down from where I stay. They were having a workshop on the NodeMCU with micropython. Everyone knew English, but were always talking in slovak. That was interesting, I got to learn a few words and all. It then came time to hit the pub. As a responsible underage, I ordered tap water. We then talked in english a bit. One of the guys says "you do have an amazing british accent". I say "thank you", as it really is kind of an achievement
he then says "it's not a compliment"
I just laughed really hard
he said that you "went native"
@towc are europeans still obsessed with motorsports?
forever and always
europeans are obsessed with pretending like they are not exactly like americans.
Europeans would totally deep fry everything if they had the technology
@Luggage they do everything we do, but class it up
@ndugger nah, keep the obesity.
classier racists
america is really the trailer park of the world
@FlorianMargaine Liar
@ssube Umm, the FREE trailer park of the world
@ndugger you mean freedom?
USA is the only country on earth to have freedom; read a book
we used to be free, until Emperor Obama elected his closest ally, Potentate Trump, and they spent their reign together passing more and more laws
I was surprised to hear that you don't have a real pregnancy PTO in US... Well, it's not even paid
france has a history of fighting for freedom, but i don't really know the current state of it.
@FlorianMargaine Depends on the company, but yeah, nothing mandated by the Govt
The company I work for does really good Maternity leave, pretty decent Paternity leave, and a pretty good adoption leave (for if you adopt a kid)
@Luggage not worse than UK for now, but probably heading down this path
Just don't be foolish enough to get pregnant.
Ah, "maternity leave" was the word I was looking for, thanks
On any given day, at least 70% of the population had the sense not to be pregnant, why didn't you?
I'm in favor of of paid leave for pregnancy because "why not, sounds good", but I can understand why a company would say "um, pay people to take off months for their choice?"
also, startups are trying to "fix" that by giving out absurd amounts of leave, especially for pregnancy
@ssube I ate an apple today, it was pretty good
@Luggage it's not the company that pays, it's the government
I do like apples.
@FlorianMargaine not ours. They don't pay for nuthin.
what? ohh that won't fly in the US, the current party in power wants to de-fund even Planned PArenthood
They don't want to pay for 1 condom.
Yeah, the land of the free
yeah, defund everything, i mean, we were fine a hundred years ago without it right?
> The government of today has no right to tell us how to live our lives. Because the government of 200 years ago already did.
We didn't have condoms or toothbrushes 500 years ago, so why do we need them now?
ndugger for President 2017
I find the predicted automation revolution to be such a political game-changer, potentially. I hope I live long enough to see it.
It could be like another industrial revolution.
they're already doing self checkout lines in stores, been doing that for a while now. Already automating manufacturing, been doin that for decades.
one day the NASCAR stands will stand empty
but no it's evil corporation's fault people are losing their manufacturing jobs
there are some interesting looks (not sure about real studies yet) into how jobs that robots can replace weren't sustainable to begin with
But that automated manufacturing could come at small scales, too. (e.g. 3d printers). It might be feasible to any person to start a company in their backyard making.. anything.
like, by and large, if your role can be replaced by a robot, it can't possibly be paying you a living wage today
well, robots will do a lot more. Even office jobs that might be decent paying.
they are now, but as the robots catch up, the pay rate will go down
hell, i've built apps in the past 8 years that have replaced people
(related to an AI explosion that I subscribe to)
also, in more amusing news, I think my neighbors were lazy and didn't shovel their driveway for a few storms, then slid into the side of their garage.
our entire product is to replace people
cause they seem to have a boarded up wall next to the entrance and a brand new snowblower...
but in reality it doesn't replace anyone. it just makes the people there more efficient and gives them more time to work on other tasks
getting rid of a few low paid paper pushers in your own company is nothing liek automating away an entire career.
like what might be coming to truck drivers
@Luggage which has been a notoriously miserable job for a long time
Yea.. I welcome this.
I'm not talking internal apps. My company makes automation control/process automation components
I can't name any good, well-respected (the position itself, not the people) job that robots are replacing.
But.. It can really stur things up
again, miserable job with high drug use
neural networks could read xrays better than a human. We already have tests where AI gives diagnoses
too bad someone hooked it into WebMD and now it tells everyone Cancer
@KendallFrey @Loktar
the steam logo screen in VR is scary :(
@rlemon looks like one of the things from the matrix
plug the wire in the brain
like, I get what you're talking about.. but ?
@ssube may be miserable but if it is the best way to feed their family...
@HatterisMad I'm not dissing the people, only the job.
@towc ^

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