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@FlyingGambit they are the exception
and even then they are probably not stronger than the average male soldier
steroids !== strength
@Mosho I don't understand
@KendallFrey yes
@KendallFrey that should be Number('0.129752')
what happens when you do 0.1 + 0.2
@SuperUberDuper So then you described exactly what the regexes do
@Mosho (0.1 + 0.2).toFixed(1)
floats gonna float, so you'll need to fix precision before displaying
yeah I know that
!!> typeof NaN;
@jAndy "number"
but can that happen when you convert a string to a number
Wait... is that why it's called "floating point"?
Hm, joke doesn't quite work.
I call them floaters because they're basically shit
Nope, that joke didn't work either
@jAndy wtf I told the interviewer that its "NaN" and he accepted the answer
@Mosho As far as I know, strings are parsed exactly the same as literals
what do you mean
What part isn't clear?
any of it
0.3 is fine
0.1 + 0.2 isn't
that's because the result of + can lead to floating decimals
so can I convert a string to a number in a way that introduces the problem
Well, exactly what are you trying to find out?
the result is then supplied to Number
the Number() itself doesn't produce it
without any arithmetic
I hope
yeah I don't know what to expect
@Mosho Yes, that's possible.
@Cerbrus wtf is that
If you mean Number(x).toString() === x will always be true for valid strings, I think that is the case
@Mosho Converting a string to a number, introducing the "floating point" problem.
@KendallFrey yeah, that's sufficient
@Cerbrus oh come on :|
If the string has more precision than fits, that won't be the case
eh trumpie got involved with another scandal today
@KarelG Tell us when he doesn't get involved in a scandal
Then we'll have news
is that day not yesterday?
really, i'm happy that he got elected
A good dose of laughs from time to time
clinton is ... * shivers *
The good thing about US elections is, it's entirely irrelevant which face wins it.
So somone made a gun designed to look like a phone and they didn't bother to give it a SIM card? What a missed IoT opportunity
Both suck. Trump doesn't pretend he doesn't suck.
!!urban IoT
@FlyingGambit iot In tech world, it stands for "Internet of Things"; literally means physical objects with internet capabilities such as smart watches, cars, buildings .. etc.
yeah, that summarizes the US election of 2016
@FlyingGambit buzzword.
Means: "Stuff gets connected to the internet"
got it, thanks
my thesis has IoT involved. I found that an annoying term
Oh yes.
And then there's people that can hold talks about IoT
Like... Yay, My microwave can play songs from my iTunes list
Who doesn't want their microwave to play the final countdown when the food's almost done?
While it's frying my cat's Google calendar scheduled food
Lots of IoT is ridiculous, but there's some pretty great things.
On a dish with a bluetooth homing beacon.
I recall a system engineer whom modified the work's coffeemachine that it has a timer in that. If he sends a command, the coffeemachine is ready with a cup of coffee right in the time when he arrives at the machine.
well "IoT" is only useful in domestic applications
but people should SECURE it lol
:35046764: With the hit that b*** up command? :P
@Cerbrus my current attitude toward it can be summed up as: "S in IoT stands for 'security'"
@KarelG Haha I read that, lost my shit when he said "ssh'd into the coffee machine"
@KarelG Actually, the "s" in IoT stands for security sooo....
oh damn I was late :(
I can connect with my neighbor's heating system because it sends discovery messages >.>
@KarelG Is your neighbor "hot"?
I was so annoyed because I was busy with inspecting packages of my media server and my home's network
so I turned that off
"that" as in "heating"
later, he complained that he once arrived at a cold home
@tereško Apparently xD
Could have been dangerous.
If he had pets or it got cold enough to freeze pipes
Not in the Netherlands
It doesn't get cold enough to freeze pipes in homes, here...
@rlemon he's from Belgium, not Finland.
Pets might need to snuggle up to a cushion, but that's it.
Not all pets can snuggle.
Oh right, BE... Still not cold enough
It's rare to have < 0 °C inside houses
also, it's mandatory to isolate the houses when renovating/building one
@rlemon those are not "pets". They are pests and reptiles.
double glass + isolated walls + isolated roofs + disclosed cellar
!!Are you alive?
@rlemon Of course!
Phew. PC still works. Just got a call from work. There was a flood
Uh oh
Someone turned off the heater and the pipes froze?
@ivarni That does not sound logical
@rlemon do you use your work pc as terminal for cap ? :P
I thought that she was running on an old 2nd pc that you got at home
I have a question
Must be a long one if it takes that long to type
!!> console.log( 823456789123456.3 );
@Mosho "undefined" Logged: 823456789123456.2
shouldn't computers be good with numbers
@ivarni a co-worker has entered 22 ?'s in his query string manually to insert a data to a large table.
I replied with "man, we're programmers. Why don't you use the computer to do stuff for you"
@KarelG ironic, after a computer just failed to echo a number back to me
it doesn't have an own will
gosh javascript
if (... && event.target.href) <-- should give true, even if not defined because I want to add eventlisteners to <a> but '' is falsy :|
* performs tagname check *
@Mosho If I gave you a 16-digit number, could you repeat it flawlessly?
if it was written down or if I had memorized it, sure
you can do better
Double confirming before handing over to a git newbie, does these steps look sane
1)  git stash save "stash_name"
2)  git status
3)  git pull
4)  git status (check for merge conflicts)

5)  If there are merge conficts resolve them else go to step 8
6)  stage all conflict resolved files (using git gui)
7)  git commit -m "Merge commit"

8)  git stash pop (do this only once)
9)  git status (make sure all changes are intact)
10) stage files to be committed (using git gui)
11) git commit - m "commit_message"
12) git status (it will say that your branch is ahead with # commits)
13) git pull (make sure repo is up to date, if you encounter conflicts follow steps 5,6,7,12,13,14,15)
@Mosho So can a computer if it also gets to use more memory
Not sure what they'll be verifying with git log
@KarelG she runs where I am most during active hours.
@ivarni to check if the commit was successfully pushed.... I noticed that he does not read half of the messages that are printed in the cmd
I'm pretty sure git log doesn't tell you if it's pushed?
It gives you the local commit history
does it not show the from branch and to branch ?
like dev -> origin/dev
something like that , i dont remember very well
not by default IIRC, but I've used an alias for ages
  lg = log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit
That will tell you which branches has the commit
woah thanks
for instance my latest commit shows as * e24949f - (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD, heroku/master, master) Allow link text to wrap (3 hours ago)
indicating it's on origin/master
unpushed commit shows as * c6a2390 - (HEAD, master) blah (1 second ago)
@FlyingGambit no development in branches ?
Yeah, I was thinking that too. It's prettier to rebase than to make merge commits all the time
it would spare you lots of merge info on master ;)
But letting people who don't understand git near the rebase command can be a bit dangerous, at least disable force-push on master if you do
Our team learnt that the hard way
if you write a clear git workflow, then it can be ok with that
there is one wiki page that describes the git workflow at our work
almost everyone got started with that easily
Yeah, but we still had That Guy who discovered that -f removed all those noisy warnings he was getting :/
is it about me or this question is confusing as hell

@KarelG its just a single simple repo with one branch called master :D
i use that sometimes because i'm sure that my git commands would work well :P
thats how they setup things, I can only help the guy not change the branches and repo
time to leave
@Srle phe is a frequent visitor here :P @phenomnomnominal
bubye guys
have a good day all
@KarelG question seems interesting, i have spent some time to debug it. On other hand introduces too many confusions
Basically you need 3 modules to recreate that, and have 2 of them import the same constructor from the 3rd
@ivarni check my answer on question with example
if you ask me ...
hmm.. I guess I'll fire up the ol' node and check myself then
his approach appears a bad design
I wouldn't name functions / objects too generic if I know it would be used for something else somewhere else
rename that CustomError as ModuleACustomError or something
I want some action.
javascript is kinda flexible on that
or put the error as part of the module
const CustomError = require('errormodule')

const errA = require('a');
const errB = require('b');

console.log(errA instanceof CustomError); //true
console.log(errB instanceof CustomError); //true
well then
@ivarni yes i have added same example, and test with bluebird filtered catch
I thought maybe requiring from node_modules would make a difference
apparently not
hm.. what about node versions?
Please I need help with an ASP.NET AngularJS problem
@ivarni that should not affect anything here
I have this boostrap timepicker that displays time in AM/PM format
and I need to be able to store the time value in database where the column has the datatype of time(7)
but when I save to database, the time value saved is
@ivarni that is the reason why i ask in answer what he means by 'npm deep dependencies' in his example. requiring whatever from node_modules should not ever change anything
I don't know how to convert the time in string value to timespan before saving to database as I am using AngularJS
@Srle Could it be a problem after it's transpiled to run in the browser?
it's tagged though...
@ivarni maybe, but again i doubt it. Plus he didnt mention anything about browser
Well, @phenomnomnominal is probably asleep by now (he's from NZ if I recall correctly) so we most likely won't know for a while
maybe he is not using new keyword when creating those errors or something like that
that would introduce unexpected behaviour or something like that
I bet 'errormodule' is an ES6 module and is exported in the ES6 way because CustomError seems to be a function instead of a plain object.
Will you check it for me? I wanna know if I've guessed right.
@Srle Yeah, works in browser as well after browserifying it. I guess we don't have enough of the backstory to recreate this
@ZhengquanBai his intention is to export function and to use it like a constructor function
@ivarni thank you for debugging
@ZhengquanBai I just used module.exports and npm link
@SterlingArcher youtube.com/watch?v=qeAjk72BiDM (cc @Loktar)
@ivarni If so, how can you expect CustomError to be a function? It should be an object, that is, what module.exports is set to.
this is what browserify came up with btw
@rlemon Much prefer Metallica's version
module.exports can be set to anything
@BenFortune idk, I like em both
Oh, that's true.
now I'm imagining machine heads cover of master of puppets
^ this is the real reason I use underscores for empty argument functions
I get a little face looking back at me
@rlemon Silently judging you
@rlemon you remind me of a=_=>a
> y u write dat?
@rlemon I find it ugly :/
I prefer it over ()
@rlemon because you want to win code golf challenges
no, because I prefer it
I never made the argument it is shorter therefore it is better.
@BenFortune In what senario will you quietly judge sb.?
ben is always judging me
@BenFortune What kind of mood are you in when you are silently judging someone?
@RyanKinal you rock out at your desk yea? do you ever find your putting more pressure on your wrists to keep you hands stable while moving and typing?
I think I need to get a padded keyboard thingy
Sometimes. Since I noticed it, though, I actively try not to
Also, I don't often move while typing
Because in Chinese, we have a statement which I think is pretty close to what "quietly judging you" conveys. So I just wanna make sure.
I can't help it. I'm constantly shifting about
At least, not in a way that compromises stability
@FlorianMargaine happy birthday! :)
@FlorianMargaine Happy Baguette!
@ZhengquanBai Is "sb" supposed to mean "somebody"? Because I've never heard anyone else use that.
Yes. Haha.
Because in Chinese, we have a statement whose meaning I think is pretty close to what "quietly judging you" conveys. So I just wanna make sure.
@ZhengquanBai Why did you say that twice?
@ZhengquanBai Why did you say that twice?
Because I think I made a grammatical mistake.
@ZhengquanBai no one cares
Oh, I didn't notice the change. Funny how our brains work.
No one gives a shit?
It's not funny. It's scary.
@rlemon quite tiny image there
Who would come to a JS room meeting in Cancun?
With 6-8 months notice
@ZhengquanBai your language is fun
What does Cancun mean?
@ZhengquanBai It's a city in mexico
Good to know.
Also wtf is that question mark
chinese keyboard

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