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knowledge isn't the only thing that makes a person qualified for a job
I know JS but don't know ExtJS
I also pay attention to the presentation, motivation and ability to communicate
and honesty
at which place on my linux server should I place my nodejs application? Is there any recommend place?
@elsololobo the media server at my home (Debian) has server data on /srv
There is a statement in Chinese programming circle which says a programmer can't sustain programming when he reaches some years of age. The argument is that the intelligence level and the energy that programming calls for will decline during aging. As a result, he or she has to transition into a project manager or some position that doesn't require too much coding. What's the situation like in your country?
Most of the older people in my country barely know how to use a computer, let alone code
the chinese are smart people sometimes
i think that applies to people who can code as they get older, not the general population
@ZhengquanBai That's the industry talking. They don't want older programmers because they have to pay them more so they seed this idea that programmers have to be young and underpaid
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is there a way to use Bluebird.promisify/All without the whole library?
I've left companies before because the only way to advance in their hierarchy was to become a manager and that's a shitty job I don't want. Big companies like Accenture and Steria suffer from this
you can become an expert
i'm a team leader atm
I do have to do that project management thing, but I also do coding jobs
I had a tech lead position but I found I made 30% more going independent
but you've less job certainty ?
Technically yes, but in practice no
there's a lack of programmers over here
And if I ever run out of things to work on I'll just crawl back to the enterprise world
@corvid That would be why the bundle is big then. Inline sourcemaps are fine for development but in production you either want to skip sourcemaps completely or have them in a separate file. IIRC chrome will only fetch the .map.js file if devtools are open. It can be handy for debugging in production but most of the time you might as well skip it entirely.
You'll want to build with NODE_ENV="production" when you're dealing with React anyway, so make a separate target for when you build the JS you're actually shipping.
I´m trying to run node as a service. But ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/node is empty and runs into an Error. Someone know the correct path is on debian weezy?
Does running which node tell you anything?
Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/local/bin/node: No such file or directory
or what did you mean?
if i go in to the app dir and do node index.jsis works
can you run node from the command line and get into the REPL?
but running which node fails?
` which node
i was wrong
so try that path in your start script :)
aha didn´t knew the "which" command
@ivarni is something wrong with putting my app in /var/www/ ?
@ivarni even then, on long term, you've less retirement fees. At least in my country. Independent job workers has to stack up their income or working undeclared to have a decent retirement.
Q: How to get google map user's Location from the database?

Ivin RajI've code to show map as per longitude and latitude, but instead of that, I want to show map as per location and type of the store(example pharmacy, hospital) which could be retrieved from database. Body Content <script type="text/javascript" src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=...

@elsololobo uuuh, if you installed the nodejs package from the Debian repository, the command is nodejs and there is no npm
oh, sorted out o7
@KarelG Yeah, I save up for my own pension, that's included in the math I did. If I didn't account for that it'd be more like 50%
@IvinRaj it's more a code request than a question ...
can you help me sir @KarelG
@-webkit-keyframes animatetop {
	    from {top:-300px; opacity:0}
	    to {top:0; opacity:1}


$("-webkit-keyframes animatetop").css('from', '{top:0px; opacity:0}')
$("-webkit-keyframes animatetop").css('to', '{top:-300px; opacity:0}');
log the req.body — akinjide 1 hour ago
is this vallid to change the properties of the "animatetop"?
you got your locations. Just query google API to get the corresponding lat/long and then use the result?
no sir @KarelG
@rlemon Hahaha I love this guy. Have you watched his Egg Series? youtube.com/…
@Mr.Toxy that's not how jquery works. the $( ...) searches the DOM tree to get the matching nodes. I would suggest to check the CSSOM API for correct manipulation of independent CSS rules from js
@KarelG I'm checking this now jsfiddle.net/russelluresti/RHhBz/2 seems to be what I need
@ivarni that's nice! some states don't have private pensions funds and you might have issues paying if you are an independent contractor
@FilipDupanović I'm not in the US though. I'm already covered by the government regardless of what happens but it's nice to save up some extra on the side
i don't think filip is in USA either :P
hell, I don't even have a form to report my incomes, even though the law says I have to make a voluntary deposit 4 days after the client's funds are made available to me on my account
I just assume that when someone mentions "states" they're thinking of the US :)
Well, there was a big debate in my country about retirement funds some years ago. A group of experts has released a paper with possible solutions and their recommendation. They started the research themselves. I have checked the paper and it's well funded and keeps the retirement payable in the future. Guess what the government did ?
they just dropped it. Didn't do shit
Now, one of those leading parties that were in the government back then is now in the opposition. And they're saying (keh, that woman actually yelled in the parliament) that the government doesn't do something about the retirement problem, causing social drama and is not social acceptable.
We have a massive oil fund that's been saved up since the 60s but it's all tied into lucrative retirement plans for the '68 generation and now they're cutting back on it so we have to work longer for less benefits
i had a big "wtf ?" moment
Welcome to politics :)
well, at least something is moving with universal basic income, although I still have no idea how that's supposed to work out
but Finnies have 2k people on UBI, Utrecht is also about to start soon I think
it seems that node can´t find my files if I run it like: `ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /var/www/app/index.js` -> `Error initializing middleware
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir './controllers'` how do i have to chage it?
with node index.js in /app it works
I'm a big fan of universal basic income but it would hit the software industry hard over here since a lot of public IT revolves around complicated rules for benefits
@ivarni can you please expand on "complicated rules for benefits"?
There's a lot of bureaucracy around our current social benefits. A flat universal income would probably be a lot easier to manage and reduce the need for complicated software systems
Right now it's a literal jungle of rules to figure out how much someone should get paid
@elsololobo I don't know much about this, but it sounds like the working directory is wrong. Maybe some clues here?
@ivani put this in my .service file right?
Ugh, just wasted a bunch of time on a pretty interesting gotcha with node modules.
@ivarni well, if UBI came today, there's still tons of work to do... tracking property, making data transparent, decentralizing storage and processing so you can scale to handle an increasing amount of public services
@elsololobo I'd assume that but like I said I don't know a lot about running services
ok thanks
I'm sure the IT sector has another nice decade with respect to public funding to make certain systems happen
I have a module that does error handling stuff. Some other modules use a CustomError type from that module. But (somewhat obviously in hindsight) the errors that each of the consuming modules make are not instances of the constructor that the other one imports.
So they each get their own instance? That sounds like something I'd fall for as well
their own instance of the constructor
There's no way of making it a singleton?
which means that CustomError in module a, isn't an instanceof CustomError from module b
Not that I can see. It's literally different code, imported from their respective node_modules.
I'm reading this now, it sounds promising but I dunno
it sounds a bit... dirty
yeah woah
the reason I need it is for cases like .catch(CustomError, () => whatever
I'm just going to export isCustomError and make it do e.constructor.toString() === CustomError.toString(), which will solve it for now
As long as you're not writing a library for others to use that should be fairly safe
any other better ideas?
nop, other than fixing the references properly
maybe you can do .catch(FooErrFromA, handle).catch(FooErrFromB, handle)
I can't think of any other ways that won't suffer from the same problem of checking either constructor name or some other (hopefully) unique property of the object
hey guys, what's the coolest, friendliest js playground for console stuff? Like jsbin vs codpen vs ...
You could try to ping Benjamin, he knows a lot about node
Have you ever ran this command in the JS console: `Object.keys(document.body.style)`?
@Thaenor DevTools?
heck, maybe even post a question on SO main
@LearnHowToBeTransparent wel.. true...
Yeah, I guess I haven't posted a question in a while :P
Do link it if you end up posting one, I'd like to see the answers
I really like codepen if you want to show stuff. But I prefer jsBin if you want console based output
there is a new kid in the block though, called webpackbin
How would you call a function that takes a string and either throws if it's not X or does nothing?
assert(value === 'X')
that returns a boolean
X is an example
@ivarni your idea was right. Changed the workingDir in .service file and it works. gracias amigo
It's not generic.
e.g. parseAsX parseAsY
I dunno if parse conveys the throw/undefined behaviour…
actually ... you should limit throw usage
@KarelG thanks but it's the main usage of the function
so yeah :)
there should be a very good reason to throw exceptions around. exception throws impacts the code flow very drastistically
put a function that attempts to parse it and return with default value or something
invalid arguments for example?
@Knu I think you would still call it just a function
@FilipDupanović are you a troll?
not sure there's anything specific for naming functions that will explicitly throw on certain pathways
I am talking about the name of the function
function function() {} < try that
naming stuff is so hard --
please help me out
you don't need to put anything special in the name to signal that you'll throw an error
i m struggling since yesterday
kewl nickname
!!welcome cool
@cool Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hello @BenFortune @CapricaSix small issue but i am not able to do
something that verifies that a string is formatted in a certain way (follows a spec.)
@cool You're not able to read?
If I worked on a bot Id try it out here.
If I can fool programmers, I am good.
What's the difference between a robot and a bot?
i am not able to solve sir @BenFortune
Hi guys , can anybody tell me reason behind memory leak when we use closure inside callbacks , and how can we get rid of that ?
@Apoorv Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Using `instanceof` on objects created with constructors from deep npm dependencies

phenomnomnominalBackground: I have an npm module that I have common error handling code in, including a custom error: function CustomError () { /* ... */ } CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); CustomError.prototype.constructor = CustomError; module.exports = CustomError; I have some other ...

@cool But you haven't asked a question yet
@Knu just parse(), analyze() is enough or parseFoo()
people have to look at your code or read the docs, when they see you're consistently returning undefined or throwing errors, they'll get the idea on how your functions are supposed to be used
the all point of naming things… Am I maybe falling into the Hungarian trap?
There's a limit to what you can infer concisely from the name…
you can also introduce a context... a lot of helper methods are assigned to an object, like JSON, Reflect, Object
Maybe I should ask differently. It might please @KarelG. What's the most useful, knowing if something is valid or not or throwing with a specific reason?
you avoid doing conditional checks or allocating results from functions
but you do get interrupted if there's an error
on one hand you have a boolean
on the other hand you have the reason
personally Id pick throw but maybe I am in the minority
and ppl don't care about the reasons
Or a crazy mix: throw or true
how's that?
Hey, sup?
you sort of infer true by not ever ending up in the catch block
there's no catch on my end
the function throws that's it
well, the block will return once an exception is thrown until the first catch block up the stack, most likely the caller immediately or whoever needs to display the error
that's up to the user at that point
if he wanna catch that's his responsability
so update(foo) { Foo.validate(foo); Foo.save(foo); } is enough, you really don't need Foo.validate() to return true
yeah that's what I right now
you consistently return undefined or throw errors, that's what you'll usually run into
@FilipDupanović so you have seen that kind of pattern before?
it would tip me off if I saw return true; in Foo.validate();
or, in my case, the lack thereof
it's quite common
throw/undefined is?
yeah, like... React's PropTypes validation facebook.github.io/react/docs/…
if you have an example… thanks
@FilipDupanović Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
ugh, that's actually not a good example, they're returning error instances
so much easier to name it if it returns a boolean ffs
well, pick what makes the most sense now and refactor later
@FilipDupanović can't, actually it's done and I am picking a name for publishing it on npm
well, shit, that usually sorts itself out along the way
o wow
if all modules were scoped it wouldn't be problem :)
I ranamed mine half a dozen times before I published the first release
I was reading an article to create an instance of given generic type inside a class that supports generics. It's from 2007.
wasted my time to scroll through the whole article >.<
@Knu Well, you can still rename it and either provide an alias for the old name or bump the major version
If someone has "*" in their dependencies that's their problem
the worst that could happen to a noob would be to end up on ressources about XHTML 2 or ES4
@ivarni oh rly? is that a thing since that guy pulled his packages from the repo?
@ivarni just searching for conventions
Does anyone know how to change that arabic name to text ? ^
@FilipDupanović No, npm has always supported semver
Unless we're talking about the package name here
we are
I thought this was about naming a function
oh ok, ignore me then :)
if it's a single function, it makes sense to have a name that matches it internally even if the user can name it whatever he wants
got another question: validateAsUSA(); or validateAsUsa();?
tl;dr: are you a camelcase nazi?
just validateUSA()
never been to programmers or whatever the new name is, too lazy, is it the kind of questions that are on topic there?
yeah, I guess
I think it's like asking what's better between vim and emacs. There's no universally correct answer.
man I wonder how they pick the right answer
ivarni well, at least according to the specs, you have lots of HTML-, DOM-, XML-, IDB-, TCP- names
well I saw an ex-vimer talking about his switch to emacs
that was funny :)
I'm looking for something JS-scriptable like phantomjs, but with actually showing a GUI. Any ideas? I guess I could still just use chrome extensions
chrome --remote-debugger --headless https://foo
no no, I want the head
that's the point
oh wait you want to show the GUI
ok rare breed, well, chrome --remote-debugger https://foo
Just run stuff in a browser?
@ivarni the script would go through different pages, and the javascript, rightly, gets lost between 2 pages
nightwatch.js provides a sane API to selenium and you don't HAVE to use it for testing
you can also embed Chromium into your application in some environments
The Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) is an open source framework for embedding a web browser engine based on the Chromium core. It is a convenient way to add web browser control and implement an HTML5-based layout GUI in a desktop application or to provide web browser capabilities to a software application or game, and provides the infrastructure developers need to quickly add HTML rendering and JavaScript to a C++ project. It also comes with bindings for C, C++, Delphi, Go, Java, .NET / Mono, and Python and runs on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. == Overview == There are two versions of Chromium...
you get the same command-line switches available when you create an embedded instance
@towc when you read validateX(str) do you assume that str will be modified for the validation to proceed?
I assume nothing, lady
guess? @towc (I am no lady sorry)
troll or not?
@Knu that was the joke
I never expect a function to mutate its input
no just guinea pig
@ivarni not mutate but return a new string
Well, then it's not modifying str :)
cmon :)
you can't modify strings anyway
you're not passing the reference
But no, I would not expect validateX to return a different string
I would expect it to validate
@ivarni thanks
I expect it to return something that tells me whether the string was validated or not
or throw
@BhavinSasapra Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
> I would expect it to validate
that's not precise enough :)
checking out nightwatch... how come there's no easy way to script a browser?
one would think you didn't need a separate server running selenium
because html is forgiving?
even just a JS script that moves the mouse around and clicks -_-
ok, she's a troll
@towc I guess that's just not something a browser is designed to do
but still, why a server?
if you start Chromium with the debugger, you can connect to it from Node.js and send strings to eval
or you can connect from DevTools, or using the command-line debugger
@FilipDupanović oh, that's what you meant!
ok, makes slightly more sense now
ok, I need to learn how to do that then
Or you can use a websocket to send commands to the browser. I've made a tampermonkey plugin for that and I install it on people's browsers every time they forget to lock their screen
do you have a good article explaining how to get started with that?
no, fuck it, minimal setup is best setup
I'll just use chromium with nodejs
@ivarni ur the devil
you don't have to make things too complex @Knu
the name should indicate what the body does
heh --disk-cache-dir=/dev/null
@KarelG throwsIfInvalidThing() would be a mouthful :)
and it sounds like Java
you need to check how validators work. They're usuually objects with validation rules inside that
just pass data to validate and validate it by eg .isValid() If false, get errors by eg .getErrors()
@KarelG yeah, apparently that works, tested by another user from some answer
My validators return null if everything is ok and an object that contains all failed validation rules if something fails. I suppose you could return true/false but then the consumer is none the wiser
it's certainly a clever move but ...
@ivarni I am with you.
chrome checks that directory before corresponding the web and fill in that cache with entry if the data isn't in cache
if only null could hold an Error
I can then do const errors = validate(formData); and if(!errors) { .. } but I feel this largely comes down to personal preference
and I was using that damn "disable cache" option which behaves strangely
uhh, it's pretty hairy, there are a couple of switches otherwise where you have to set cache sizes to 0
is there a cache guru around?
got an unanswered question…
@FilipDupanović articles on using chrome (--remote-debugger, ideally with head) with nodejs?
oh, I haven't tried connecting the debugger, I guess I might have a go
switches are over here http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/#remote-debugging-ad‌​dress
I think chrome --remote-debugging-port=2222 http://foo &; node debug -p 2222 should work
the -multiple return values- feature from GO would really help me out
urgh. I'll go have lunch now
if you can find anything please do send it my way
would I then have to connect phantomJS to node or something, for example?
chrome just listens on a port to receive info from anywhere, and I can set up something like nodejs to send the right info over that port, right?
but what info?
uhh, dunno, I have to look up the docs
can't connect to it with Node's debugger, it's an HTML document
the only scenario where I am failing miserably is when the input is foreign…
e.g. the string comes from a form
the dev has to catch the error himself
that's not practical to say the least
no wait this is great I catch the error and reuse the message
@FilipDupanović validateX() it is :)
can anyone explain what this regex is doing in Unix?
echo $input | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/,$//' > /tmp/poolId
cat /tmp/poolId
@SuperUberDuper I first thought that it's not a valid regex
well its doing several
I'm used with \ 's :P
the input is like this:

you can check the man page of sed
it has a whole list of regex syntax
my command only seems to remove the trailing ,
and "
probably aggressive escaping
@SuperUberDuper Does it also remove the leading "?
is it possible to get that trailing point shit when using Number(str)?
@Mosho What trailing point shit?
@Mosho wth have you seen the muscles on some of the ladies out there
I believe that is the official term
You'll probably need to be more specific
All numbers are subject to rounding
console.log(Number(0.129752)) // 0.1297520000003

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