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have like 3/12 for vero
Yeah you need you sum farming team
Vero is a must have for giants
Light inugami yet?
Get him asap
Like fucking asap
Unless you have Eshir or Colleen
Colleen is a good bella replacement until you get Bella, and much easier to farm
got my first 6*, raoq but has terribad runes
I pissed off my guild because I got 4 nat 5s in a week lol doubles on 2 days back to back
Ok neat, you do have Eshir.
Is he fully skilled?
Same with your bernard?
Skill that fucker up, I see that spare werewolf
only just got bernard
Skill up bernard as well
Eshir is your best healer until you get Bella
And he increases speed
Rune him up, use him.
got full energy on Eshir
Good good, that's a good start to him. His end game rests on critical damage I think
But you need to skill him up, his heal is only good maxed out
So, I have a meteor template called inside another template. This called template is a dynamic form input (for multiple). I can get the non-template input values fine, but when I try to get the inputs for the dynamic fields I get undefined. Is there some sort of meteor bullshit for dynamic forms?
Woke up to a disaster this morning lol
next time try buying beer instead of canned cat piss
No I don't like beer.
I'm a liquor guy, but if I drink beer, it's water
that would explain your mistake
To be fair the destruction of the beerymid was from either my roommate or my brother. I went to bed first
I vaguely remember a crash at about 4am
Is there anyway to hide or use different method instead of using this ?

var client = io.connect('http://217.xxx.xxx.xxx:466');
when connecting socketio ?
because this reveals the real server ip and port
Doesn't matter how you do it, people will always know which server you're connecting to
no, if I use domain url for example
they cannot know the ip
Yes they can, the domain just resolves to an IP.
(because if they ping the domain name the real ip has been masked)
That's not how DNS works lol
because I am using cloudflare's dns
ever heard of Cloudflare?
I'm aware of how Cloudflare works.
so why you said that
ping mydomain.com gives them cloudflare's dns ip
Because you neglected to say you were using cloudflare, maybe start with that next time.
you said people will "always" know
thats a logical incorrection
Cloudflare supports websockets routing through it's network. So as you said, use the URL.
How to pass an entire JS array to jquery post method?
@Retro fetch api and do a post....
Isnt this specific example saying, only pass values 'Jon' and 'Susan' ? $.post( "test.php", { 'choices[]': [ "Jon", "Susan" ] } );
I have a potentially large list of items I want to pass via POST I have in an array and am not sure how to send them all.
{ choices: [...] } should be fine.
@BenFortune yup
"Not trying to nitpick, but my answer was posted 4 minutes before yours. – redacted 3 mins ago"
people who comment stuff like this annoy me
I love it when the other answer is better
It takes more than 4 minutes to write a good answer, the poor guy was probably in the process of writing it and didn't see the answer spammer post his
What exactly does [...] do?
the ... inside doesn't do anything, he's just using it as a placeholder to say 'put your stuff here'
What would I put in there then?
the actual code will be { choices: ['Jon', 'Susan'] }
he's saying you can leave off the [] at the end of choices[]:
I dont want to define each item I want to send from the array...
I have...
it can be any string, it doesn't need to have [] at the end
@Retro Well then pass the variable containing the array.
variable meaning the array?
i didn't actually read your question, but it looks like you need to just do what ben says, pass the variable
{ choices: myChoices }
replace ['Jon', 'Susan'] with yourArray
one second please..
$.post('updateTracker.php', {'nesGameIDs': }, function (response) {
This is what I have..
my JS array is nesGameIDs
Wow, maybe you should learn basic JavaScript before jumping into jQuery.
$.post('updateTracker.php', { nesGameIDs: nesGameIDs } ...)
Vamping, yada yada
$.post('updateTracker.php', {nesGameIDs}, resp => alert(resp));
is this valid then?
$.post('updateTracker.php', {nesGameIDs}, function (response) {
this is my updateTracker.php page
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@Retro Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
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@Retro Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
This is my updateTracker.php pastebin.com/x9rkr3b1
I just want to verify that it is sending it OK and see results
You are the only one that can verify that...
I want to see a print out of the results of what I sent..
Based on syntax/logic it should/shouldnt work is what I was hoping for..
When I run it, I dont get my alerts so am thinking something is wrong
what errors are you getting?
does the request appear in the network tab?
Ok, I had the div set to a class and not an id for the returned stuff, thanks for trying @david
@Retro console.log is your friend
I use that, yes.
Hey all :-)
@david The game is coming along nicely dude, I'm giving a demo at my uni tomorrow to my lecturer to show how far it's come along ;D
oh sweet!
What kind of game are you making? :)
It's a multi player asteroids game that also has a lobby system so you can have multiple games running concurrently
It uses socket.io and express
Cool man
Thanks, I've learnt a load from doing it
Like I think I want to go for a job in javascript now over PHP which was my original plan
Yes personal projects are great learning experiences.
@lix sweet man, good luck o/
Thanks dude @FilipDupanović :D
maybe not the first one, but the rest would seem really interesting, and although I have barely been in the industry, also quite useful
that php code made no sense to me
also, haha, php.
I'm banned from posting questions
because I flamed a guy lol
@lix what's with all the errors :D?
That'll learn ya.
was it a good flame?
What's the best way to iterate over own property in JS object in pugjs
better than the way in the docs? pugjs.org/language/iteration.html
@Luggage that also iterates over prototype chain( enumerable property)
I see. Then try iterating over Object.keys(foo) ?
@Luggage Object.keys also return all the enumerable properties
each key in Object.keys(foo)
    li= foo[key]
ohh, you want own and non-enumerable?
Oh Sorry
I mistook something
Actually I was iterating over mongoose object and when saw unwanted properties, I thought it had some prototype. But now I see mongoose adds unwanted properties directly to object
I seem to recall a way to ask mongo for 'clean' objects. I don't use it, but played with it some
it probably puts a property on the object
that you can use to get the object without the properties
@david yeah but instead of .toObject I think lean() would be better for speed as I only need a plain Object
@lix are you using bash on Windows?
@FilipDupanović Errors?
Running npm start loads the game up
I also use console emulator :D
maybe the upstream needs updating
Did you download it from the repo?
yup, I'm at the tip
And it won't load at all?
Normally I just navigate to the projects root and run npm start then load up a browser on localhost
what's the repo url?
The repo has a bunch of unused files that I still need to remove xd
I also need to implement a bunch of tests
it listens on port 80 which might not work @FilipDupanović
oh no, that's ok
Also the keycodes only currently work for chrome
just that the repo is left in some state where you just started capitalizing all the file names for modules that export classes
Wait what? really
or you started undoing it; either way, I'm getting reference errors
works perfectly on my machine, very cool
Well this is making me nervous I was supposed to be downloading the copy from the repo tomorrow to use
Oh right, thanks dude
i'm on mac though, which i believe is case insensitive by default
if you're going to be doing this on a pc or linux it might fall over
The only thing I really have to figure out by tomorrow is how to get the projectiles to shoot from the top of the spaceship as opposed to middle
I run pc :o
@david I think Windows is case-insensitive too
Orginal plan was to use heroku, but I can't get it to load on that at all
yeah on linux it fails
that's probably why
So whats the issue here?
you have a file called src/client.js but you're trying to include it as var Client = require('./src/Client.js');
Nice, I just spotted that also
@FilipDupanović Just spotted the pull request, cheers fella!
@FilipDupanović Does it work for you now?
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@Retro Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Getting an undefined error when trying to do this, it happens when trying to add to the array pastebin.com/GJNVBHsy
I have checkboxes that have values - would like to get all unchecked boxes into an array as a list
@FilipDupanović what are these xo you've added here?
@lix I added github.com/sindresorhus/xo, you can run it if you have the time; it's a neat, pre-configured linter
let me check the updates
Cool, after my demo I've gotta write another report so I'll start adding to the project again in a while, thanks for the changes :D
My main concern atm is making sure it'll load
It's 11:22 but I'm tempted to cycle over to the hall and see if it'll load on the lab computer
what OS will you be demoing on?
@lix you just need to rename files to match the way they are included
or vice versa
Yeah I just corrected them in the last commit, for some reason my VS didn't care at all
@FilipDupanović after the demo and stuff is done I'll be back working on improving the game, but for the moment I just want to show them I did everything :-) Though thank you for the pull request fam I appreciate the help
you don't seem to have fixed them all
@Abhishrek still need that rush?
get on
Otherwise I'll probably be useless the entire season xD
I haven't got the calf yet though :(
does that matter? @Shmiddty
not really
the calf you can get any time
assuming the darkening isn't short term
@david There all uppercase now I think
:o My codecoverage doesn't appear at codecov now how odd
@Retro var nesGameIDsToRemove = [].filter.call( $('input[id^=nes]'), e => ! e.checked ).map( e => e.value ); // Untested
@lix yeah, david meant that you haven't updated the file names
Actually your right
I updated them locally but the repo hasn't gotten the changes
I sent you a PR, everything works for me now
@Sheepy thanks for helping. I am not clear on that code however.
how do I pew pew the asteroids? where are my lazars?
Spacebar is currently the shoot button :D
Though I've only tested chrome and I'm unaware if the key codes are the same for other browsers
@Retro find inputs whose id start with nes, filter out checked ones, get the values of the remaining ones.
@lix Huston, we have a problem on FF
I'm presuming you can move and stuff but just can't shoot right?
@Sheepy That doesnt seem to work for me.
@FilipDupanović I'll add the keycodes for ff after I've figure out how to get travis to generate my codecov report
@Retro Too bad. Without the html we can't test the code and tell what is wrong anyway.
One moment..
@lix huh, did I break it?
I think so xD
I'm great at breaking things
@lix yep, works on linux now: asteroids.zk.io
ooooh, let's host this with now!
I'm running ff as well
sec gunna reload with chrome
If you reload I'll rehost
i won!
Haha gg @david
Right now to go quickly see if I can figure out why the report isn't being generated
I'm on it
go away, I broke it
That's actually really exciting
being about to actually play against someone
I'm hoping I can get a static page running on heroku
@Retro That's not html.
@Sheepy Can you be more specific please?
@Retro You are giving us php that read from a database and produce html. But we don't have the database, and the html does not seem to be complete. Would be better if you provide the produced html instead.
Where better means easier for people to help.
@Sheepy Ok, I didnt know that was you posting that, and I have edited to show sample HTML. Sorry
@FilipDupanović I think it's because you removed the report that is generated in the repo puu.sh/tfSHn/fd51909c9d.png
yeah, you're supposed to keep the coverage reports out because they're generated for your local environment
Oh right, do you know how to get travis to generate it so it's ready for codecov?
well, looks like everything is ok in the logs
I wish heroku actually told you why it wasn't able to run the application rather than just providing a useless log that tells you to ask npm
oh, no coverage information collected
@FilipDupanović Where did you see that?
Oh yeah
Do you reckon I need to add some extra flags to the test call so it generates a log?

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