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Q: Style-less writing -- Lack of real structure for blog article

nduggerI used to write a lot when I was younger, and I like to think that I was even decent at it. It's been years since I've tried to write anything other than code, though. I'm quite out of practice, and have found that my writing is very unstructured and chaotic. When it comes to blog posts, or jour...

Dang can't believe it's already 4 EST, today is flying by.
@MadaraUchiha any luck with your observable -> async generator problem?
I'm been trying to think of some disgusting way to abuse generators.
I have been messing around with it too, but I'm too lazy to actually set up an environment where I can test it :D
generators existing at all is abusing my brain
truthaboutdata.com took too long to respond.
@david um, node.
or jsfiddle. just include the regenerator runtime in external dependencies
> Change your hat at least once daily for three (UTC) days in a row.
what, the only change i've made is removing my hat today
pretty sure you'd need babel as well with all the right stuff
here, have a generator based react wizard thing I played with making: jsfiddle.net/luggage66/tLLsyfeb/12 (fixed link)
jsfiddle has babel
node doesn't need it
generators are standard and the latest node has them
async generators though?
@david Nope
oh, er.. no, but that's easy to add. also i think async/await is in node under a flag? not sure.
@david You mean, go to jsfiddle and change the language level to "babel"?
langage to babel, plus add external resource: rawgit.com/facebook/regenerator/master/packages/…
sweet, that's the link i was having trouble finding @Luggage
Go to work early, or stay late, what's the preferred?
go to work on time, leave on time
Go to work late, leave early
ractive.js is different from reactivex right?
Tagged template adlibs: jsfiddle.net/luggage66/zq7cgoc7
(trying to think of examples for tagged template strings usage)
speaking of leaving early, it's quitting time. Well, 2 minutes til.
i have 2 more horus to go
err, 3
fuuu, the babel setting on jsfiddle doesn't include async generators... probably cos they're stage 7
Under chrome inspector, i am getting a array with 6 objects. it states that the array is 0 but i can expand it and see all the objects
is there a way to access those objects?
are you sure they're not keys on the object ?
how are you creating the array
Array.from(new Set(eval("JSON.parse('[]')")))
The object is automatically created through firebase, i am just calling it. Its very weird. It looks like this pastebin.com/g1VUkXrM
arr[0] doesn't return an object?
what i am doing it trying to convert it to so it looks like: pastebin.com/8MaXhNxd
just get an undefined
usually i would have gone with that approach i.e. arr[0].target but i cant seem to access those objects
@MadaraUchiha Here you go, this seems to turn an observable stream into an async generator: jsfiddle.net/oLywLpn4/1
i couldn't use for await because that syntax doesn't appear to be transpiled properly
@david Nice
I figured it would be something like that that uses deferred objects
But I'm too used to Promises and encapsulation, it's getting harder to think outside of it 😃
it feels a little bit weird having resolve in a higher scope, but I'm not sure how else you'd do it
yeah, you're kinda forced into breaking that encapsulation it seems
that's completely wrong
i think it relies on the producer and consumer operating in lock step
if you produce faster than you consume then you will lose values
the transforming function might have to queue up the values...
@rlemon any suggestions?
alright, thanks anyways, will try another approach
@MadaraUchiha yeah, that won't work. You can see a slow consumer will miss values: jsfiddle.net/oLywLpn4/2
@Loktar just jumping in before i leave. Gotcha focus on i5-6600k + 2x 8GB DDR4 2400 + GeForce 1060 6GB
that will be a nice machine
I'd look at an rx480 as well if you haven't
2 extra gb of ram
and the 1060/480 trade on every game with the 480 coming out better due to recent drivers
cc @Loktar @KendallFrey
@rlemon that makes me sick to watch. the grass appearing out of nowhere constantly
Change the preset @HatterisMad
lol iphone7/gaming machine
it still fades in/out though I guess
idk this doesn't actually impress me at all though
I mean shit I did that back in 2007
ten dollars for a screen saver
I made over 1k on them actually
back when people used screen savers
my glory days!
my simplest ones sold the most, blizzard and comets
hello yes i would like to pay money to change what my computer does when im not using it thanks
people pay to send poop to others, you can make money off of anything
I'm just waiting man once OLED monitors are the thing I'll be back in the game
I don't believe there can be a better screensaver than Electric Sheep
@Loktar nice logo
WordArt ?
ahh WordArt. the difference between a boring book report and the fucking bees knees of book reports.
@rlemon crashed safari
at 2 fps
because safari
chrome gets like 15
were you running it on a potato?
Instead of working today, I wrote 2 blog posts as therapy, since I've been heading for one of my infamous depression stages...
have you tried capri sun?
How does juice help with depression?
you get to squeeze it until it dies a slow horrible death
@ndugger that sounds fucked up
The people in the commercials seem happy. I'm sure it's genuine
@david What does? Capri Sun?
nah the blog post
no contract signed?
@david I was 20 years old
I didn't know any better
So, this sounds like a sadly typical startup story.
Without the 'boss/friend' aspect a friend of mine went through similar things at the startup he is still at (but looking to leave). broken promises.
I cannot even describe to you the lows that I sank to... I had gained like 30 lbs, my hair was uncut for like 7 months, and I was depressed as fuck... It was a very miserable time in my life.
I won't pretend to know how you felt, but i'm no stranger to drpression.
My case isn't special. Depression is terrible, regardless.
i dont actually understand depression
lucky you :)
never have been able to without experiencing it
like anxious, i don't understand that either. people can explain it but i don't know that i have ever really felt what they are describing
My anxiety is fucking weird. I can walk in and totally own an interview without sweating it at all, but I can't pick up the phone to make a simple payment on a bill...
in your defense phones are fucking terrifying
hehe, the ever-growing todo pile of mail.
@ndugger i have heard people say that yeah
so how do you eventually solve the problem?
By eventually mustering up the courage and paying it late
drive there and talk in person instead
Starting my second watch-through of Westworld.
I have anxiety problems with anything that has a lot of unknowns. Once i do a bunch of research and feel i know what i'm doing, it goes away. that... "unknown" never goes away when it comes to talking to people though. I'd much rather use discord/slack/skype, where i can "fix" mistakes
but could you guys do stuff like skydiving and waterskiing or mountainclimbing or anything like that
anxiety can be way more than being nervous about a new task, but instead being constantly distracted by some other problem or perceived problem in your life such that you find it difficult to focus.
does that affect you, or is it entirely the social aspect
I go hiking (off trail) all of the time
Being outdoors seems to help the anxiety
eh, for example, I want to buy a house/need to move out. any time i start to get serious about doing so it's all i can think about. it impacts work, sleep, etc. but iguess that's kinda understandable, it's a pretty big deal.
It's the social clutters of modern living that makes me anxious
i've been wanting to move out for like 4 years now
have the financials to do it
do it. just be conservative. don't get into more house than you can afford
which may be difficult, depending on where you live.
i always wanted to build my own house as a kid
I've moved like 7 times in the past 4 years
oh, housing is cheap here
Just give me a closet with high speed internet.
If i really wanted to i could buy outright at this point
but now that i have grown up and my parents aren't really around to help i know i would never trust myself to do it all
hahha, buy a house outright.
no where near that, here.
I could buy a dollhouse
300k for a 'starter house'
lol buying a house outright where i live means like $40-100k
i couldn't 4 years ago, but living with parents and cheap rent means i can put a lot away
yeah, 40-150k here
for a 3/2
yeah i think my dads house is $60k and is 2/2
my 950 ft2 house (3/1) was about 280k
whew thats tiny
where were you living
more than enough for me.
I grew up in a small 4/4, but with 5 kids, and living in poverty, it wasn't fun
My father turned it into a 5/4 by adding a bedroom in the basement to match with the bathroom that's in the basement
i lived in my grandparents house at one point... was 9000ft2, but 3000 of that was garage
that was really nice
A smallish (but quiet) apartment is all I need.
I eventually want a house with a decent sized yard
I'm only 24, though. There's still a ton of time for that
or is there?
Unless I get hit by a bus, of course
i want less than 2 acres that i have to maintain
:( i just went heh 24 you are old in my head..... and then realized im 24 now
haha, you're old.
Luggage is like 72
guess so haha
you're not old!
cuz i'm not old
With the nonsense I've been through, I certainly feel old, and ready to jump off a bridge
or just retire
pick your poison
have another 50 years before we will be able to retire though
You can retire to the streets at any age.
:finds nearest bridge:
Welp, time to head home
1 more hour
sometimes i wish i started work earlier
I've had enough of pretending to work for one day
i'm an hour late every day, so i work an hour late every day
you'll get over that, eventually.
the second part, i mean
anyone use puppet?
Status update: after a month of moving around, we finally moved to a beautiful beach in Mexico, so now you all can visit us.
We are renting a coworking space and it has a pool and everyone here talks very loud about javascript. The only downside to it is that stackoverflow doesn't work, but you can't always have everything.
how does stack overflow 'not work'?
does the internet not work or is stackoverflow specifically blocked?
The main website is too slow, we don't know why.
But the chat works, which is the most important thing.
And I overhear all kinds of fun conversations.
i seem to remember stackoverflow has an optimisation for new users, have you tried loading it in incognito mode and checking if that goes faster?
No, still slow.
@BadgerCat well at least you can follow the ongoing vanillajs vs frameworks debate
Where is the debate?
@Trasiva :(
Here. Mon-Fri, 9am - 4pm
I love you all.
search my messages)
lol I'm using strings for type information to avoid circular dependencies in python
that is just wrong

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