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this is how it works on server
Sometimes it is in communication but most of time not
you can see the content load. Don't get why it s not working in fiddle
Cuz of patch
On Fiffler you have relative patch
Change to absolute
you are curious why the pages arent loading in?
Apply my changes in CSS and JS to your server and will work
Trust me, i dont like JS
@Luggage ping
same here
Same here?
hope older browsers go out fast
then you guys are in the wrong chatroom
dont like js
Ohh :D
we still need it
if you need it then you should learn it
Im c# but im just helping in js, c#, ruby, java
@rlemon pong
for the record, the errors you were experiencing were able to be viewed in the develop console in whichever browser you happen to be using
@user3799112 don't like JS? get out. (just kidding, while I love JS, it's flawed) :)
and that would have given you a way to figure out why it wasn't behaving correctly
@Luggage your DataLoading stuff... that only triggers on Mount correct?
>I love JS
I think on mount.. i forget.
oen sec
I'm pretty sure it is just mount.
I'd like to force it to re-query on update for certain pages
switched to react-router 3, so I can browserHistory.push(blah) now for the pagination crap
in trying to make the code elegant, I need to re-pull from the db on update
hm, so that dataloading thing doesn't have that.. it was just me trying out an idea..
yea, I'm asking how I would go about adding it in now 😀
I have the updating part in another block of code..
I read the code, but I'm not 100% following everything
yea, thinking of the easiest way.
it really just runs all the functions defined in "queries" with all params and gives the result to the component underneath.
you can give it another "load" method that you call manually
yea, but I've never used observables in js
so that confuses me
or... have it update when the params change.
@user3799112 When you finish making change on your server from my fiddler call me
ohh, i see. I am jsut using them as an alternative to 'state'
you aren't really using mobx for anything, right?
1 change of css and 2 in js
@Luggage just where you did
gist.github.com/rlemon/7b472370a1e4b0ac23cbb87b4a232295 here is the component I'm working on
ok. i'll write mobx out of that component, then it might be more clear.
(I changed css again :D)
now, for the update. do you want it to get new props from the parent, or have the child tell it something changed?
you are updating the url already, right?
brb warming coffee
so, verify that you are getting new props in componentWillReceiveProps and i'll go get mobx out
and seems to work
@BenFortune Pretty sure I'd have told you that if you'd have ever updated your swarfarm like you told me you were going to. :P
can you post as answer? so I can mark it?
@Luggage no new props in componentWillReceiveProps
@Trasiva Whups
just the current props
ok, give me a few to play with it. I'll just tell you what to do, if i can, but I need some time to get my brain in that mode
@ J.Doe. Done
@BenFortune ha!
@user3799112 Sure, peace and love without js
I mean as opposed to just doing it myself
@Luggage I'll update the repo then with my current clusterfuck
thank god for histories 😃
@Trasiva Despair/focus right?
keep in mind most of everything else doesn't work
@BenFortune Yep! Spd/ATK/Acc
everything is a mess. it's a learning project.
shit, does this use data, now?
I feel like the "atom" themed icons are getting out of control, just downloaded an app for buying tickets called "atom movies"
give me a: pg_dump -c -O -n public robogist
@user3799112 Posted, now time to some help Ruby guyz
or whatever your db name was
@BenFortune First, wind pierret is food, so stop wasting xp farming on her. Second...why don't you have a 5/6* Roaq yet? He's a fantastic early game, especially since his skill ups are farmable.
you can populate the profile_details
not that they are used on that page
reinstalling npm modules to see if that fies the errors. might be react 4 still in the way
@Trasiva She seemed alright, dno. Is roaq better than sath?
yup, there we go
That's all mobx was doing there, replaceing react state. A minimal use.
now, gonna look at the routing and how best to work that into dataLoading for updates
page: ({ page = 0 }) => Number(page)
was this just an attempt to pass the page number through?
ok, react router 3 passes in params.. lemme read up on that and try to cooperate with it. I just just pass through some of it's props untouched
@BenFortune Sath is better late game once your rage/blade runes are nice. He needs sub and crit rate subs though to really make him work. Roaq needs less work as a whole, plus he has the free turn when he kills something.
//put in dataLoading.jsx
componentWillReceiveProps(a) {
    console.log('here2', a)
you'll see that it is getting new props and all the junk from react-router. you can choose to pass through those you want (or just all of them)
return <Component {...this.state.data} {this.props} />;
then access url params the react-router 3 way (this.props.params.page)
@Trasiva So does sath, as long as you use the first skill. I'll get one, thanks.
Build rage/blade?
@BenFortune Yea, but Roaq's passive works for ANY kills on his turn. Yea, you'll want Fatal/Blade Spd/CritR/ATK to start.
The biggest downside to Sath is he's SLOW. Unless he's got the speed subs, and/or a Bernard to constantly boost his speed, he's not going anywhere anytime fast.
@rlemon oops, i meant: return <Component {...this.state.data} {...this.props} />;
figured as much
@Trasiva When should I start building vero?
@rlemon in componentWillReceiveProps() you want to:
- compare the params with the previously used ones
- if they changed fire off the 'queries' again
- store a new loading state that's different than the first (you don't want to show a loading message, but probably jsut show the old data until it's loaded)
@Luggage already working on it.
> - if they changed fire off the 'queries' again
don't quite follow that, but let me dick around with my current 'solution'
@BenFortune Frankly? ASAP. Vero's stupidly handy, and almost mandatory for running late game Giants and Dragons.
well, I fire off the queries with the values form this.props.params. so you want to store the 'ast one''
@Trasiva Okay, thanks. :P
after listening to songs for years and not liking them i start to like them. Does this happen to anyone else?
It's natural. We like things that are familiar. It's why repetition is key to indoctrination.
Congrats, you are human.
wonder why it takes like 10 years for me to warm up to a new song :P
@rlemon sorry, had to get the phone. I was saying that during the first query load, you save the param used, so you know later to update them (say, the page number is different, so fire it off again).
@HatterisMad you're a slow human? :)
@Luggage most probable explanation
you may want to get fancy later nd provide a prop to the child telling it that it's loading new data so it can choose to display that, but yup.
@rlemon and the back button works?
dunno. I fucked up the props.
this.props doesn't take the new props till it's remounted, which happens after I load the data
I'm telling mom.
I'm telling dad.
anyone got an idea how can i import interfaces in to a typescript namespace
instead of initialPage, forcePage={Number(this.props.params.page)}
that'll lock it to the url and let the back button work on it
this works... but I don't quite like it
@Luggage noted
what's wrong with it?
commit up, please.
@Luggage passing in the new props because the old ones haven't assigned themselves seems like I'm doing something wrong.
Someone talk me out of doing my own memory management in JS
Nah. You can use one of the other events, like componentWillUpdate or componentDidUdate, but then you might have to compare more
since they fire on state changes
when I tried to use update I somehow created an endless loop up updates
yea, becuase it updates on internal state changes, too
the compare to new props SHOULD stop that.. but..
er, what was the problem again?
no problem
just think my solution is sub-par
small bug fix: forcePage={Number(this.props.page) || 0}
your solution is quick and dirty, but that's how you learn.
there is lots of additioanl sophistication you CAN add.
@Luggage shoot, I even had a || 0 in there before
As far as taking some params from a url and loading data for the component, it's spot on.
This quick and dirty compoenent is still a better example of trying to take the data loading out of your react components where it shoudln't belong
ahhh forcePage AND initialPage are both required for back button and current tracking on back button
now.. some people will argue that even a single HLC is still the wrong place, but.. whatever, it still means it's isolated to one component instead of all over your view like some messy code
wonder why that is so?
no idea, never used reatpagination
@rlemon They forgot the moosic.
@Trasiva they forgot a lot more than music
keep watching
the screams are hilarious
Yea, I'm like half way through now, lol
I was really confused, I was like...C130s aren't remotely that quiet.
Wait, wait. They're rebooting the Mummy without Brendan Fraiser?
It's an LC130. Luxury model.
@Trasiva correct
it will be a disaster
I agree
@SterlingArcher If you don't start replying to either here or hangouts, I'm going to fly to VA and shove my size 11 boot up your ass sideways.
@Trasiva SterlingArcher is afk: protein
he's still young
...That is a really unfortunate afk message.
he could have totally pulled off that role again
Oh totally.
And Tom Cruise? For fuck's sakes.
@rlemon Before I forget, I started a new little side project
cruise is older than fraiser
robogist is where it is at
Robogist doesn't handle on the fly editing yet.
it's got nearly working back button, man
that's the store! and it works!
it's web 2.0
@Trasiva because gists are stored on gist.github and would require a login for you to edit them
they're not local remember
My plan is to transfer it to gist eventually.
mhm, sure 😃
when the store is done you can list them there
Tampermonkey is just nice because I can edit it directly, and then update the repo for back up purposes.
is // ==UserScript== a tampermonkey thing?
@Luggage Yea, it's part of their header file. I can probably remove it, but I leave it.
omg, you compile with babl in the browser?
That's Tampermonkey, but yea.
It's required for ES6.
Why would you put that on your repo? :(
That's just sad
better than 0%?
Because this is just something I'm working on the side for fun?
i mean... i know 100% is a pretty number, but, do you really need to test... everything...
"our coverage sucks, but we are suitably ashamed and open about it"
@rlemon It's almost done and ready to move over to gist. Biggest things I need to do is detection of multi-image albums versus single, and setting a listener to update the profile link.
The time spent on adding that badge should have been spent on adding tests ;P
What project is that? jQuery? angular 2?
@Luggage Reddit Enhancement Suite
loadData(params) {
componentDidMount() {
good call
no need for:
loadData(newParams = null) {
    const params = newParams ? newParams : this.props.params;
you use rr3?
me? no
I use github.com/tildeio/route-recognizer + the history polyfill that react router uses
I have a whole mess that started when my app was all knockout.js. since then I've switched url parsers, added react, etc. It's a mess.
well, it's not too bad, but it's way to specific to my glued together app to be useful to others.
but I'm working on that.
dataLoading.jsx was an early concept for what I am trying to make
(part of)
my boilerplate has an ultra-minimal version of the route-recognizer + history version, but it's too minimal to really use.
but that'll give you an idea of what I do. A non-react router that just updates properties in the main app.
ohh, right. I am using named routes in that boilerplate, too. Something I really like.
// I don't ever hard-code urls in my app, all routes have name:
<Link route="editUser" params={{id: 123 }} />
// outputs:
<a href="/users/123/edit" />
if I change the url for "editUser", it updates everywhere, automatically.
react router 3 supports named routes, but some gotchas. rr4 seems to not support them at all without a lot of work
<Router history={browserHistory}>
  <Pages />

return (
doesn't work in rr3
that sucks.
I need <Link to be rendered inside of a router context
yea, rr3 doesn't support composing
oh, i misunderstood
like links in the header?
guys I keep running into a problem with linters: how can you specifically tell it how to resolve a path which is in the resolve.aliases of webpack?
yea. thinking about it app.jsx probably shouldn't contain any layout information anyways
with rr3, you have "/" map to <App /> and then sub urls form there.
then it's ALL inside a router context
yea, but splitting the router into two different files doesn't seem to work.
hold on I'll try again and upload it
yea, i think that's the "can't compose" thing from rr3. rr3 isn't really "react" for the route config. It's just JSX.
so it looks like react components, but it's not.
You can probably just use functions instead. I'll take a look after you upload and see if this is what I think
{Pages()} instead of <Pages />
check it
you are probably correct
this doesn't register any of the routes.
> [react-router] Location "/" did not match any routes
ohh, you don't put <Nav/ > inside in rr3.
it nests with children. I'll fix. (I can't explain, gotta try a few things real wuick)
am I insane to have expected that to work tho?
considering my 'education'
rr3 jsut works differently
the routing is 'separate'
crap. the user={user} thing is going to get in the way..
speaking of crap..
Lemon went to the little boy's slide.
@rlemon github.com/rlemon/robogist-react/pull/6 made it work in rr3. I dropped the ref={saveAppInstance} user={user} to make it work, but we can fix that
@Luggage rlemon is afk.
Your route config in Pages was right, but you were ALSO having it mount inside of <app>
when you wanted rr3 to create <app> for you
@Luggage what is it you guys are working on?
I kept the pages config in pages/index and moved just the root route out to boot.jsx so that the pages don't know anything about their container
rlemon is working on robogist while also learning react and SPAs and html5 routing.
Pages() is no longer a valid react component since it returns an array. getPageRoutes() might be a better name
hm.. maybe you can use the data loading thing to put the user prop back into <App />..
Am i missing something here? since when are we able to catch promise rejections with a try/catch?
in an async/await function you can
like the exampel that guy pasted
that just seems so out of place
yea.. i didn't read the whole question.. no sure about the specifics of this case
does catching a promise in that way result in it being resolved, in the same way .catch() does?
I don't know. I would think it transpiles to .then(resolved, rejected)
.catch() is just an alias to .then(null, rejected)
ah, good point, could just transpile and look.
@Luggage I'll check it in a few
@rlemon my favorite part about this is the kid might not have tipped over if they weren't so top heavy XD
Hello everyone, does anyone here have experience building chrome extensions ?
@AnisSouames Just a bit
@rlemon Oh dude, I ended up getting a hand emulsifier blender for Christmas. Totally gonna let me up my soup/sauce game.
@KendallFrey I would like to know whether it's possible to pass message from a script used by popup.html to the background script ?
Why wouldn't it be?
Because it seems that it is only possible between content script and background script .
Also when does the background script start running is it when the browser is started ? The extension icon is clicked ?
@AnisSouames "seems"? Have you tried it?
1 message moved to Trash can
@JoãoPaiva Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
why is document considered undefined in eslint?
check your "environment"
@JoãoPaiva you need to return -1, 0 or 1, not one of the dates
anybody implemented an event queue kind of thing at scale before?
That question had a good answer, @Trasiva but it wasn't the accepted one
@Luggage I think it might be visual studio code then, because running the linter doesn't cause a problem, but it shows up as wrong in an editor
is it a .jsx file?
yeah, it is
  <Provider store={store}>
    <Router history={history} routes={routes} />
then i bet the commandline linter is jsut skipping the file
give it the filename and test
also, are you saying you already have browser environment specified in your .eslint?
if so, prove it.
hm.. i tested and adding env:{ browser: true} works for me to remove warnings about document..
@Luggage I'm just tired of literally copy/pasting his questions into google and spoon feeding him answers.
er.. you have "envs", i think it's just "env"
oh... I'm dumb, that worked fine, thanks Luggage
you are truly a cat among men

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