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@Loktar I found a game I completely forgot I had installed :D
If you've ever wanted to wave a lightsaber, try Trials on Tattooine
or go to the bathroom
I think if it's glowing, that's worth a trip to the doctor
i think there's dyes you can drink
that glow under black light
I used to pee blue.
well, for a few weeks.
Loktars Wife: Aah! Husband, some things were not meant to be cylonned
I read that in Labarbara's voice.
At least it's cauterized
nice refresher for HS science i've forgotten
I have a react structure question, say I have two components <Content> and <Controls> inside a parent component. What's the recommended way for <Content> to set the controls in <Controls>? <Controls> can't be a child of <Content> for layout reasons.
the "react way" is for them to have a common parent that give them both what they need.
the general idea is that those 2 components would be purely presentational, and you'd have a parent container component that would wire them together
so you'd move some of the logic of <Content> out to that new parent.
this is what happens when two people talk at the same time
@MasterBob Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
it's fine if we are both saying the same thing :D
We agree? That's the good outcome of two people talking at the same time.
the only one
this is what happens
although he already has a parent component, so maybe he is asking more about the specifics.
that doen't change the answer. His existing parent is unrelated (i assume).
yeah i think
in which case @joshhunt you would have the parent pass down actions to the content component which it could use to update your application state, and that state would be passed down into the controls component to be rendered
my app currently looks something like this:
        <Match pattern="/dashboard" component={Dashboard} />
        <Match pattern="/connections" component={Connections} />
        <Match pattern="/emails" component={Emails} />
where <Scaffolding> is the base html that I want all the content to be inside
and then Scaffolding looks like this: (with other stuff of course)
    { this. props. children }
is my structure ok or is it wrong?
ok, so far. What is controls? like a menu bar or something?
yeah pretty much
it's okay so far, there are many different ways to do things
if that then something like onClick
idk whats going on
are you using redux or anything to handle your state?
yup using redux
and... im not familiar with redux so im staying out
are you using react-redux's connect?
you want the current route's view component to be able to specify some children of <Controls />? Like put a button or text box in a shared header?
does your <Controls /> component have any state connected to it?
@Luggage yes exactly
the way i'd do it would be to connect some state to Controls, and update that from the routes to show whatever needs to be shown
doesn't have state connected at the moment but it can do. Just wasn't sure if that was the correct way to do it
thats over i guess
ahh, gotcha. Here is one way off the top of my head: use ref={} on the <Content /> component so that <Scaffolding /> gets a handle to that component instance. Then, that component (<Content />) can expose, as a property or function, the children for the header.
I think that's probably the way to do it, if you want components to talk to each other it should be through the one way flow of dispatching actions
So scaffolding will have a little logic to wire them together, yes.
I don't think the way luggage is suggesting is a good idea, it goes against the central idea of flux-inspired one-way state management
if I did it the redux way I would have to pass data and then <Controls> would have to build it correct? As in I wouldn't be able to pass a react element
It does, but the little "island" component is just a part of the main content. The fact it's separate is only due to the layout in the DOM.
I don't know redux.
I... don't think there is any reason you can't have react elements in your state... it does feel a little odd though.
it's not really 'state', it's just a re-location of part of the current page into a header.
This is the world of code: if it works, it's fine!
Although there's deprecated code, bad syntax, etc.
Yeah it does feel odd. I think I can make it work with just data but I'll also consider Luggage's solution and see which one feels better.
children (<Content />) is always a single element, right?
Oh well, I guess coders rely by "feel" these days :)
@MasterBob The problem I come across is that it works fine until I change something and then it doesn't work :/
@MasterBob yea, those non-tactile keyboards are terrible
@MasterBob when there isn't a clear (or known) reason to operate otherwise
well if theres two equally acceptable ways to go about doing something what else do you have to go on?
uh im being pinged so much
and @joshhunt true i guess
Sorry, you sounded like you wanted to participate in conversation.
Oh wow, I don't think I do!
I bet you use blues @rlemon, so you can really hear the width of your tabs
@david I've never ventured into the 'fancy' keyboards
although I dont feel like clicking
im too lazy
I'm rocking a $30 cheapo
i think blues are the 'quiet' ones, right?
*at work
i think i have blues in my daskeyboard
nah, blues are the loud tactile ones
browns are the quieter tactile ones
hm.. ok, maybe it's not blue
lemme check
Anyways thanks for the help Luggage and David. If you ever happen to need html / css help I'm usually in the html / css room.
blues also need more force to press than browns
i think ive got a blue
bye josh
oh nvm i think i have a brown
mines are so easy to press
I have browns for my main keyboard, and reds for a spare which i really should haul out and clean up
at home I have some steelseries gaming thingy, it's okay. at work I have some logitech off the shelf deal
I'm not fancy
as long as it has all the keys
the reds are like the browns but without any tactile feedback, they're smooth right the way down
@rlemon mines has all the keys so im ok too
@rlemon a mechanical keyboard is nice. You don't need to get too expensive, but they are usually more than $30
also i need to be able to push it
I've thought about it
if you've ever foudn yourself 'pounding' to make sure keys register..
but when it comes down to spending $100+ on a keyboard, I'll probably need to have nothing else on the list of things I want
huh i think its the reverse
@santa rlemon needs a keyboard for christmas :)
mechanical's register half-way down, not at the bottom. that makes all the difference as if you push it, it registers. period.
never been a problem for me to be honest
not one that I've noticed at least
neither for me
i bet it has and you just subconciously compensate by typing hard enough
I get the nicer keystroke argument. some keyboards are shit. but I've always got used to them within a few hours
but i doubt it
so it isn't an issue
and if your keyboard doesn't suck it may trule be no issue..
yeah its not a issue
but how did we get to talking about keyboards anyway?
you started it @MasterBob
why do we get anywhere in here?
the only issues I have are key layout for the non standard rows and stupid addon buttons like a power button and reset
i did not
on your keyboard, you mean?
@david "I bet you use blues @rlemon, so you can really hear the width of you rabs"
you have a home button?
home/end are used a lot
by myself*
ohh, that home button.. hehe
@MasterBob you started it here
i never use them
@david oh sure
easier than using the mouse
or arrow keys
⌘-Left and Right for me.
the mouse is attacked a lot by my cat
i have ctrl, i run windows
what about ^?
never tried that
what about it
or just shift-i
for home
you mean capital I
i get this: I
I just use the home/end buttons, they work well 😛
but then your hand needs to leave the home row :o
i never used them. ever.
and i need to stretch my right pinky
@david less work than leaving it for the mouse
and my pinky can hit it quite easily
the mouse is natural for me
not the home/end buttons
work on the command line for a while without a mouse (or in vim) and you'll soon break that 😃
oooh i see your point
I'm not just pasting in emojis
dark theme converts them
shit, she's here?!
hi mom!
you owe her money?
i owe her
my life
@Luggage no, she just likes to ask me to do general labor
oh lol
and the dark theme
im in incognito
shovel coal?
which I'm happy doing, but she has this habit of asking for one thing then adding in ten more
im not supposed to be here
@MasterBob shame
it's a nice theme
as for now
copy-pasting for me!
ok i just opened this website
gist.githubusercontent.com/rlemon/… paste this into the console.
space after the input triggers the conversion
:):space: gives you 😀
:slightly_smiling_face: lets see
oh nvm
that doesnt work either
try :poop: then hit space
uh oh
i fear
he's not using the dark theme, i think.
I linked him a stand alone
if he pastes it into the console it should work
remember im in incognito
that's ok
paste what
also, why?
2 mins ago, by rlemon
https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rlemon/103bd39ce41e68b02da0c9c91a63b87c/raw/4‌​c0a38007704c10567a4fa4814f0ca35b62227da/emoji-translator.js paste this into the console.
ok lets see
you have to hit space after the string
@rlemon you don't need the mouse to press I or ^
@david I dont' use vim exclusively
I have a for loop in my code, after which I do other things... The loop works fine, what I do after the loop works fine (but only when I comment out the loop)
more so use ST now
does vim know that?
@neoDev show the code
@Luggage yes
open relationship?
1 message moved to Trash can
@neoDev Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@Luggage I do a lot of remote patching
or hotfixes if you will
@rlemon install package -> vim
@david I'm fine with the ST keybindings
(i don't actually use vim keybinds, but i knew someone who did and said they were great)
I learned vim for necessity
var adapterrooms = [];
for(var room in io.nsps['/ok'].adapter.rooms){
	adapterrooms[room] = [];
	for(var socket in io.nsps['/ok'].adapter.rooms[room]){
		adapterrooms[room][socket] = io.nsps['/ok'].adapter.rooms[room][socket];
console.log('adapter rooms \n', adapterrooms);
after that I have
I used vim if i'm in a terminal, otherwise ST
socket.emit('availableRooms', rooms);
lets post something very unrelated to whats happening right now!
yea, I don't use vim much, but it's nice to know more than i, esc and :wq and :q!
Uncaught Exception:
TypeError: socket.emit is not a function
oh god it's the rooms again
you're re-defining socket in the loop
use a different variable name
did you fix your infinite loop yet neodev?
ok got it
thank you!
@david I almost figured it out :)
🎅 ⛄️ ⭐️ 🎄 <<< unrelated stuff
not in mid december, it's not
once you get off work/school connection you should install the theme
@luggage point taken
yeah ok
ill do that
i get off at 6
I think dark theme is purdy
I get off at 4:20
that looks pretty good
come on
then sometimes again at 5:30.
14 more minutes of hiding this from my boss
I always just used chat openly at work.
@Luggage for me, 8:48 sounds like a good time
oh shoot, gotta act like im doing something
he's saying that he's leaving work jsut now
(east coast time)
im pacific
@rlemon im looking back at your screenshot and the bookmarks you have
@MasterBob rlemon is afk.
ooh i get a christmas present from my boss
Where's the porn tab tho
i get to leave early
or whatever rlemon did
@MasterBob which would you like to see
nah im fine
and the videos?
they're all free to see
"Knife Making"
guess what im going to do!
input.addEventListener('keyup', event => {
    input.value = input.value.replace(/:\w+:/g,word=>{
 		const found = emojiData.find(item => item.triggers.includes(word));
    	if( found ) {
    		return found.emoji;
    	return word;
@MasterBob cry
I need to re-organize how the emoji data is contained
😢 would be better
then the listener will be MUCH better
but I'm super lazy right now
yeah its not like were going to work extra
I've thought about so many updates/upgrades for dark theme and robogist but haven't implemented any of them
🍽 yay
i got so many errors in my console
which are?
He was actually named Bob
"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 409 (Conflict)"
10 times
i think its the emojis
the emojis translate locally
nothing to do with the server
ok well somethigns going on
the chat has a throttle feature
@little im MASTERBOB! but it hid it so...
all right
lets do unrelated things now
bob is my grandfathers name, my name is Robert
and Bob's your uncle
i have a 8 feet douglas fir in my house
no uncle bob
I wish tho
!!tell rlemon google "Bob's your uncle"
Holly complained about the 'mess' of a tree so much I'm being stubborn this year and not putting one up
next year tho.. HUGE tree
make a tree out of rebar
and leds
my welder is still unused
stupid 220 requirements
uh my tree is so bright
and my 🐱 knocked it over once
you just gotta wear shades?

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