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@rlemon sorry had to research what a 'flag' is. I understand what you mean now. I'm storing my list in redux so let me tell you what my current plan is and you get tell me if it is good or bad
it's good
You got: You’re 18 years old with dark brown hair
- load home page. redux state.list = null; (this is so I don't have to include a bunch of data of the first load)
- load list page (via react router). if !state.list send a request to the server
- server responds with []. state.list = [];
- reload list page, state.list already exists so no need to send a request
makes sense then to have a flag or timestamp so you know you need to fetch data
yeah eventually I was going to add some sort of timestamp so you are right some sort of flag would probably be best
but it doesn't make sense to make a big hole in your state so someone can push both a square and a circle through, when you want to be fed circles... it just adds more lines and wtfs
you can always do away with begging for permission in your store methods (I think)
@SterlingArcher "blow job for a buck"
well it was more circles or nothing allowed. If I get fed nothing I'll go get the circle
@rlemon Aww
is there a font format that works across all browsers without surprises?
looks like they're all supported by now caniuse.com/#feat=fontface, can I just pick one and call it a day?
@Meredith You got: You’re 18 years old with dark brown hair
what the shit
@rlemon thanks, makes sense they'd all render SVG the same; I'll get to cleaning out the gunk on svgomg.com and I can always come back and blame someone else
you're a controlled substance
@Meredith Clearly flawed. They didn't ask if it should be toasted.
> You’re 26 years old with red hair
I don't get my sub toasted
@FilipDupanović no need to be snarky.
It makes it too greasy
I don't get my sub untoasted. It makes it too cold.
@rlemon you know lemons are on the Schedule J list :P?
if someone complains I'll just say they're having a bad trip and that the machine elves made me do it
I don't fuck with hallucinogens
tough <3, what do you think happens when you kick into REM?
I don't dream.
Could some please help me?
I have a problem that is really doing my head in
I am using Semantic UI
@Perfect_Comment oh don't mind us were here just for the colors
>.> my humor is triggering fatal errors tonight
Where am i supposed to place the javascript?
You're going to have to give us more than that
The semantic UI doc gives me some HTML
And states that in order to activate it i have add a little JS snippet
I think you need both the styles and the JS; styles in the head, JS tailing the body
Ok Fillip
Just add a script tag
I have tried that
As in <script></script>
and placed the JS in between
But no luck
Did you include jquery
& whatever plugin semantic ui uses
There you go
unless it is automatically added
I didn't add anything extra
Go add them then
I'l try now
sorry @rlemon, you helped and I went with SVG, it's just that my humor obviously failed
2 AM ftw
@FilipDupanović use woff / woff2 for fonts if possible
Jesus christ this is the most confusing thing i have ever done
JQuery is already installed
ok, I am targeting evergreens... but usually things render differently
I have a "javascripts/jquery-2.0.3.min.js" file
Don't pluralize javascript
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/semantic-ui/2.2.6/semantic.css" />
	<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/semantic-ui/2.2.6/semantic.min.js"></script>
and don't forget to reference jQuery too; you can move back to Bower, NPM sources later if you get things working first
Thank you so much
I will give that ago now
@Perfect_Comment Don't worry. If you keep on coding you'll create much more confusing things. Perhaps one day you'll call your creation "intriguing" instead.
@Trasiva accurate
@rlemon that's some hefty velvet
Is there a way to search for a specific filename on github filtered by the main language used by the project? eg. I want to find all .travis.yml files for projects that also makes uses of javascript. Note that filename:.travis.yml language:javascript does not work because language:javascript ends up trying to find .travis.yml with a .js extension which is completely wrong.
> One of the most awesome things to happen in the React ecosystem since the framework was created has been the introduction of create-react-app, a nade based command line interface for easily bootstrapping your React apps.
lol love that typo
it's gonna BLOW UP
how do i have multiple html element on jade
a.btn.btn-xs(href=post[i].sourceLink role='button') source » simply did not cut it
space before each tag still trigger new line
My biggest achievement ever
Evening all
@WayneBunch Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
After I create countdown = new Date(temp * 60000);is it possible to have a button change temp?
or once Date is created, it's set?
I'm trying to use a function that increases temp +1 every time it's clicked, but it's not doing anything. The button works in the console
I'm assuming you really want to increase countdown?
You could use an object to observe a property for changes, then when it does, trigger a function to return a new date with the temp
Ohhhh maybe a Proxy!
@Meredith not really. I want to create new Date with the temp value that the user has selected.
Looks like you're trying to make a button that increases a counter by 1 minute every click
it starts at 25, but if they click the button it increases.
yes I'm doing a pomodoro clock
but since countdown is already declared it just stays at 25
but I have an idea now that I'm typing ;) be right back
Just use date.setMinutes
Letting the argument be getMinutes + 1
@BenjaminGruenbaum @MadaraUchiha how would you use a proxy to observe a variable change ^ I'm reading that get() might be handy, but then you'd need to use an object. Basically, if temp changes, return new Date(temp * 60000)
What I'm thinking.. button click alters temp, and when temp is altered, countdown should automatically be the value of the Proxy handler return
this is probably easier to explain it
it's my addTime() that I'm messing with
I'm a rookie so take it easy haha
Yeah just countdown = countdown.setMinutes(...)
I'll let you figure out the rest
const handler = new Proxy({}, {
    get : (target, prop, receiver) => {
        return new Date(prop * 60000);
gotcha, thanks!
@SterlingArcher I like it! Too back I don't know what it means
Proxies are ridiculous lol
I don't think that will even work lol
Assume your button is hooked to call temp++ or whatever you do to temp, the proxy forwards these changes and returns a new Date
@Meredith did I do a smart? lol
I guess
I've never used proxies
It all seems very...unmaintainable
well that was easy, thanks @Meredith
Yep np
lmao probably
ok im going to bed laters taters
I'm glad I found this chat, be ready for lots of questions
Good noodle
I had some bad noodles today
You're a bad noodle
Your mum has a bad noodle
Don't say mum
This is america
I spent my entire thanksgiving break bedridden and ill while watching British TV.
They've infected me.
whats a bubble jacket
the worst looking piece of clothing ever
I've never worn one of those
Gatorade was invented here
My memerinos are fresh, like irish spring soap
Florida is gross
You can get free gatorade and condoms at the infirmary
except for some of the beaches
Is it bad to have 8 event listeners for button clicks? Should I just have an onclick or does it even matter?
Nah that's fine
@Shaam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can javascript be used with php ?
I guess
1 hour later…
Hey guys! Can anyone help me out with this?
@Shaam, yes it can be
@SterlingArcher You don't need a proxy - a getter/setter pair is enough
I need to learn haskell
in like 5 days
mind throwing resources at me?
2 hours later…
> Our friends at DigitalGlobe are using a Snowmobile to move 100 PB of satellite imagery to AWS.
That's a lot of pictures!
That's a lot of bandwidth!
They moved it with AWS Snowmobile
Which must have quite the throughput, I imagine
ah, I thought they were on tapes strapped to the back of an actual snowmobile :D
Hi, need help in JS
because THAT would have been a lot of MB/s
@SGG Well, look no further! You have come to the right place
@ivarni I would assume it's pretty similar though. Probably a truck stuffed full of storage, according to their LEGO images
I Have downloaded an image from google drive. The format look weird. I don't know how to convert it into base64
@SGG cat filename | base64
> This secure data truck stores up to 100 PB of data and can help you to move exabytes to AWS in a matter of weeks (you can get more than one if necessary). Designed to meet the needs of our customers in the financial services, media & entertainment, scientific, and other industries, Snowmobile attaches to your network and appears as a local, NFS-mounted volume.
Would be nice if it had USB, so I can connect it to my phone
I'd mount the snowmobile under /home/oliver/selfies
The response looks like postimg.org/image/ibqk0isev
What the hell is this? ����JFIF���ExifII*12i�:�Picasa�0220����L�� �!�0574d43ad57953cc0000000000000000R98
How to convert it to base64 format?
@SGG Looks like plain old data
Q: How can you encode a string to Base64 in JavaScript?

usernameI have a PHP script that can encode a PNG image to a Base64 string. I'd like to do the same thing using JavaScript. I know how to open files, but I'm not sure how to do the encoding? I'm not used to working with binary data.

Q: How to do Base64 encoding in node.js?

murvinlaiDoes node.js have built-in base64 encoding yet? The reason why I ask this is that final() from crypto can only output hex, binary or ascii data. For example: var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('des-ede3-cbc', encryption_key, iv); var ciph = cipher.update(plaintext, 'utf8', 'hex'); ciph += ciphe...

Reading material for days!
So I got this basic promises based code running . gist.github.com/mrudulp/0bcda106534a407561fb6291edd26aff.
I would like to eliminate the block if (maxVerCnt == versionDataProcessed){is there a better way to do this. Right now I am counting the loops and then appending to array. this looks bit hackish to me, which is why I would like to improve on this
Q: Is there any way to breakout the jquery UI progress bar into different sections as well as support > 100%?

leoraI am looking at using the jquery progress bar but i have two requirements that don't seem supported: The ability to put different section into the progress bar. For example, instead of just having: Total 100, Current 50 (so 1/2 the progress bar is filled out). which would look like this: ...

@payamsbr Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
please help above question awarded fairly, im really new, sorry if i'm breaking any rule here
@SterlingArcher Proxies are only for objects, I'm adraid
@payamsbr If you are asking for upvotes then don't do that
i dont said "up vote me" !
Lines 221 and 222 of this are causing me headaches , please advise codepen.io/jey/pen/jmClJ
When you move the mouse over the text in a bar it starts blinking and i am getting this error Error in parsing value for ‘left’. Declaration dropped.
lines 221 and 222 are the cause, but i can't find a remedy
please advise :(
yea you gotta mouseover on the rect
not the text
@misha130 on both actually , on rect works perfect
it's the function after
@payamsbr What are you asking then?
@payamsbr Ew, why the hell are you using tables for that?
@madara asking for some one help me and remind me what the hell are tables for
That progress bar isn't filled to 50%
And how does the progress bar have to support more than a 100%? If your 100% mark changes, make that the new 100%. The bar can't be fuller than full
@BenFortune i used table because of its easy cell sizing
Howdy Ben
@OliverSalzburg well, thats the reason i said a basic override, supporting more than 100% just needs a bit manipulating ,
Why would the visualization component need to be able to handle unreasonable input when you control the input?
guys thank you all , you make me interested! sorry for bad english. i'll thinking for a better solution that removes tables !
Sweet, Postgres-compatible Aurora
if I let an authenticated user create something in the database. Should I send things like the userID from client to server or should i just take the information from the session that lives on the server?
@elsololobo Use the session, anything coming from the client can be spoofed.
ok thought the same. Thanks!
@BenFortune You mean like a session cookie? ;P
@OliverSalzburg Yeah, well those are harder.
@OliverSalzburg don´t say that. It was your idea to use session cookies for my app :P ^^
instead of jwt
They're fine, as long as you're tamper-proofing them, I guess
...and hope
in fact that I have never heard of it, i guess no ^^
@elsololobo You've never heard of spoofed session cookies?
I did. but you said "you're tamper-proofing them" don´t know what this is
Like storing a signature with the cookie, so you can verify it wasn't fucked with
@OliverSalzburg special thanks ♥♥♥ fixed, i just missed that point of question, now numbers >100 will be ok
nothing :D
Down vote me = ))
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :(
can someone tell me what is this called
birdsview ?
@BenFortune thank you
Some might call it an overview, you know, like what is written right above it ;P
@OliverSalzburg Some of us are blind though 😃
@Mathematics organization chart
@OliverSalzburg I wasn't able to find it using google using overview keyword..
Anyone here use ReactJS? Why do the tutorials say to import the react libraries in the beginning of your script ? I never do that and it works just fine.
Do the latest versions of react no longer require that?
yes, they just automagically include themselves
@littlepootis thank you
@Mathematics Overview. Hint: the window's sitle
I am assuming I still need to set the script type as text/babel, too?
@Cerbrus brb
Has anyone used Semantic UI before?
I do not know where to place the Javascript
Is it just me or does jwt.io at no point explain what those "checks" are which they are highlighting for each implementation?
@Perfect_Comment nope, what is it
Its a front end library
buttons etc
Hey Guys could you take a look at that stackoverflow.com/questions/40900516/…
@Nani Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Perfect_Comment a Bootstrap alternative?
that's exactly what it is
@Perfect_Comment have yo uused both? Do you prefer one over the other? why?
I have used neither
I am learning Semantic
But i am aware of Bootstrap
if you want to follow the industry, use Bootstrap.
Well i am trying to learn it
Javascript is impossible
I'm not sure what is going on
you mean you don't understand Javascript? i'd say it takes about 6 months to get a good grasp with it
just like learning an actual language
but worth it
I am trying to build a web app
I know Java/Groovy
well then you have a great start!
you have the basic C language syntax already
But the structure of a web app has my head all over the place

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