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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

anyone had issues with parsing body data in express using the bodyparser package?
I'm trying to access the dashboardPreferences and Email property from a Json object like
var p_email = req.body.email;
var p_dashboardPreferences = req.body.dashboards;
but get undefined when I post the data on these vars
the data being sent looks is in the form of:
userData = {
                  dashboards: userData, email: email
@Zirak there was something else
@BrianJ I'll say the same thing I always say: console.log() that to see what you really have.
req.body, I mean.
@rlemon choose a new UI style yet? I've been toying with react-mdl (and I played with materialize-ui in the past). Both have annoyances, but both could be 'good enough'.
@rlemon ^
Guinness World Records
rolls eyes
I have simple question:
How can I transpile es6 class to es5 code that can be loaded to regular html page via script tag.
I am using webpack curently.
it does the transpile part but my class is not accessible from the global scope
on the page
^ babeljs.io, there's github.com/babel/babel-loader you can use with Webpack
oh I am also using babel
"export default class DoughnutChart {"
That is in original code.
<script src="app/doughnut.js"></script>
@Develoger Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
"app/doughnut.js" have es5 version of the class but I can not access it
define "can not access"
@Developer you won't be able to do it that way, you'll need to use Webpack again
@Luggage yep I was having trouble running local so no trying to log the body
the entry point scripts get wrapped with Webpack's runtime, so they're not really useful... so you'll need to define it as a DLL and pass the manifest to another Webpack application
I hoped that I can avoid that :)
Thing is that this is just some chart that I wanted to write in es6 and transpile it to es5 so that I can use it in regular page, outside of webpack.
or just tell webpack to make a UMD.
you could just use Babel and forgo Webpack, is that an option?
a UMD will export to global, if there is no other system in place.
yeah I think that will solve it
// in the webpack config: webpack.github.io/docs/configuration.html#output-librarytarget
output: {
    libraryTarget: "umd"
you'll need to define the name, too, i think
OR.. leave it as a plain webpack module and just put window.foo = foo; in your code.
but I prefer making a proper module. webpack does all the work for you
maybe a bit of a noob question..but when I log the req.body I get [object Object]
how to do I output that to see the contents of the object?
what's the type?
json..yep gonna try stringify
Hey all. I'm trying to write a quiz using client side JavaScript. The script I'm writing builds a form in the DOM, the user fills out the form.On completion the quiz should calculate the user's score and display it to the user.
No. it'll either be an object or a strin.
Imagine one of the questions are "When was the war of 1812?". option 1: 1812. Option 2: 1912. Option 3: 2012. I'm imagining a form with radio buttons for each question. Now I'm thinking about how my application will add up the score.
stop calling EVERYTHING json.
I could have the value attribute of the form element represent 1 or 0 (answer true or answer false), but I realise an end user could inspect the DOM and figure out what the answer is from inspecting each input option.
Is there a better way and less-hackable way of validating the answers?
also, if it was json, stringifying would be useless. You really need to learn the difference between a JSON string and an object because it grows tiresome to keep trying to read between the lines.
lol I know it will click eventually
So.. what is the type?
so my req.body after call to stringify is empty
info: request body: {}
on the server
I send a JSON object to the serer like this
What is the type?
@Luggage if you send a JSON object in the request, you'll get a parsed object on the other end
the type being sent?
yea, but with his previous confusion, it could be stringified too man time, it he amy eve be sending a string with "[object Object]"
So.. i am trying to find out the type, but I am about to give up, too, since he refuses to tell me.
the type being sent is a json object
@BrianJ dump the request headers, make sure the content type is JSON
@BrianJ I told you. it's be a string or an object.
Hvala ti @FilipDupanović :)
you call everythign JSON. so stop.
ej, no frks
my bad it's an object
because you explained json is the string
console.log(typeof req.body)
don't fucking guess
That's why you are lost... you keep guessing
Also, your browser debug tools (network tab" can show you the exact body sent over the wire
from the type of log
yep sure
Then, you should be able to console.log(JSON.stringify(req.body)) like Filip said earlier.
yep I did and it showed the body contains an empty object {}
ok, then. the problem is likely on the client side
assuming you've sent JSON-format strings before and they worked?
and this is my request payload sent according to network tab:
that's url encoded.
was that from the body or the url?
it was from the request payload in the headers section of network tab
I'll show you what I'm posting exactly on the wire
Is this the first time you are sending data to the server? Has it worked already?
if you're sending JSON, you need to set the content type header on the request and send the JSON string in the request body... shouldn't matter which method you pick, but take POST just in case
so I create an "object" containing two properties. email containing a string of the email value, and dashboards containing a string that holds user data
github.com/request/request is pretty awesome, it'll do the heavy lifting
dataType: "XML", ?
for the response
my bad shouldn't be xml anyways
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify(userData)
contentType: "JSON", migh work, but that'll be a jquery shortcut, an dI don't remember. jsut use the real one.
you dont' need to worry about the return type a long as the server sends the right header. jquery will parse it correctly.
or fetch() if it's on the web, rly :(
ok makes sense
yea, but I'm not interested in asking him to swap out jquery.
jquery will work just fine and he should know contentTypes and such anyway.
@BrianJ you better not be using jQuery only for $.ajax >.>
one thing that I'm not sure of..the email string var needs to be passed in the ajax post also
shame on you if you are!
just build one object with all the data and JSON.stringify it and put it in the "data" field in $.ajax.
@FilipDupanović shame on me, too, then.
I never switched.
@FilipDupanović I possibly might be :P
so to build the json object with all the data in it I would do this then?
and I could access that from the request with.. req.dashboards and req.emails
hey does anyone have experience with xpath
@theForgottenCoder Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
errm yeah forgot that
thanks will give this a go
cool Caprica
i want to query for multiple nodes at different node levels in xpath
so my new example above will work then? where I stringify the object containing my user data and email
sokra would disapprove, jQuery does not lend itself to tree shaking ta dash
@BrianJ does it?
@FilipDupanović the dude is struggling to get a request working and you are telling him that his choice isn't good for tree shaking? put your dick away.
@Luggage yeah gonna test this out actually
don't know if it works yet
im doing some xml work i want to be able to use xpath to query multiple node levels to see if two nodes exist but the return type has to be a element not a boolean
for example i came up with this query boolean(//nickname[contains(text(),'invalid accountnumber')]) and boolean(//Identifier[contains(text(),'12312312412')])
although the return type of this query is a boolean
@Luggage did someone surgically remove your sense of humor?
@FilipDupanović I wish it was surgical.
well you have none, that's obvious wa wa waaa
I have a sense of humor, but I'm trying not to have people attacked for choices when they are seeking help. If that makes me humorless, so be it.
I'm all for anti-jquery, but it can get tiresome. It's not like you are being original.
man, star trek makes no sense.
it's soft sci-fi, doesn't have to :P
the ship is strong enough to ccrash land on a planet, yet they can jump through a window to get out..
Yea.. I forgive it when they break the laws of physics. That's fine, but it can be inconsistent minute-to-minute with the fantasy physics.
@Luggage thanks that bit of wisdom in regards to json and objects will stick with me :)
working now
now it's time to get rid of jquery. :)
I was trying to do something simple where I set a button to disabled dependent on a state value. But change of the state doesn't toggle the disabled state on or off
but I might take that one up tomorrow
basically done this
<Button primary={true} disabled={!this.state.email} onClick={this._onSave}>Save</Button>
and even if the state.email value is populated disable is never toggled off on the button
yea, as long as the state is set properly, that should update..
I'm thinking then it doesn't have access to this.
well, what is email? what value? null? empty string?
in the return
This is in render()?
That has access to this unless you are calling it manually somehow
if react is rendering, it has this set properly
console.log(typeof this.state.email, this.state.email)
so I defined the form like this within an if conditional
ok will try that
this.state = {
  isLoggedIn: false,
  email: ''
empty strings are "truthy"
disabled={this.state.email && this.state.email.length}
that'll handle null and an empty string.
shouldn't it be
disabled={!this.state.email && this.state.email.length <= 0}
disabled={!(this.state.email && this.state.email.length)}
or.. no..
whatever, you'll figure it out. the point is, an empty string is still "true"
cool didn't know truthy and falsy were even a thing
should be
disabled={!(this.state.email && this.state.email.length == 0)}
now you are assigning..
== or ===
close enough
yeah doesn't like that expression
anyone seen transcendance?
it was ok the first time
ok, im debating if its worth my time to watch
ok.. means its not that good..
when will we get strong types in js?
would love to see it in babel
use typescript or flowtype
dont want to in this case
dont want anything non standard
or in the spex
a typo just revealed to me that you can select elements by id in your view.. so if you have an input with an id="example"... you can query it directly just by saying... example (i.e. example.value)
is this a bad practice.. I would certainly think so.
if not... why is it a thing?
@captainrad show some code
perhaps this works becuase of the use of "this"?
just pass the event in
more normal
then get the value
sorry, I wasn't asking a question about how to do this properly.. I was just asking a general javascript question.
this was an accidental discovery on my part because of a typo, so I included that typo in the jsbin
dont use oninput
do it in a js file
the typo in this case being the reference to the id
that's not what I am concerned about @SuperUberDuper I was merely unaware that javascript could do this
im confused
so I'm not asking for help just asking about javascripts ability to query an element just by refrencing the id
.. i meant this as more of a meta question
God save our gracious queen, and save our souls too!
@captainrad setting an ID attribute on input elements can simplify handling user data in JS
Hi there, i was wondering could anyone help me make a 3 rows of 10 JButtons within a JPanel?
I don't think I've seen other examples where it's been used; so you can either quickly get to a particular form by it's ID and access the elements by their name or you can get to a particular input element by it's ID if it's outside of a form
@SterlingArcher I WAS DOING SO GOOD! 😬
Has anyone used codeschool as a way of progressing in programming at the intermediate level?
Kind of weary to put any money down until I can get an opinion on if it would be of use
if you're into warming seats, packtpub.com offers free access to their entire library for the first month
anyone familiar with node build's?
tried.. npm run build
npm run-script build
npm ERR! node v4.5.0
npm ERR! npm v3.10.9
npm ERR! [email protected] lint: `esw webpack.config.* src tools --color`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] lint script 'esw webpack.config.* src tools --color'.
was the error ^
ok I'll try that
got the same error when I run.. npm run-script build
also already did an npm install so the package shouldn't be missing?
gonna try delete modules, re-install and run build again
Is there a generic term for transforming a matrix by transposing, mirroring X, mirroring Y, or any combination of the three?
I switched to VS Code, Atom just keeps crashing on me.
For webpack builds, is the dist folder meant to just contain the entities that were built by webpack/babel/react/etc or supposed to contain the entire deployment of the web server?
@rlemon thanksgiving bite you in the butt?
hey, 1480199628841-0 what timestamp format is this with a -X at the end?
used in a socket.io http handshake.
Can anyone explain to me the difference between null and undefined in JS?
@SterlingArcher was hanging a light today. Decided a pile of scrap wood was easier than a ladder. Busted up my shin/foot. Nothing serious, scrapes and bruises.
But I was on a serious streak there.
@Zirak @BadgerCat
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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