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@KendallFrey 👻
Is there something wrong with the mayo clinic?
oh, I believe the baby/water thing
that's easy to verify
buzzfeed is just a garbage site and is otherwise mostly bullshit
It's possible for adults to die from drinking too much water
34, but a lot of those questions I feel don't apply to non-americans
just saying
somebody had to replace gawker
It's just shitposts with occasional journalism
@KendallFrey You can drown
they spend half their time talking about pumpkin spice things :|
They don't though
I don't trust anybody who talks about PSLs that much
That whole privilege quiz is quite a load of BS...
> I have never been called a terrorist.
@Cerbrus It's on buzzfeed, what do you expect haha
@Cerbrus well yeah, they weight everything equally
You can't quantify that shit
I've been called a terrorist quite a few times online.
also, yeah, buzzfeed is quizilla and gawker combined
@rlemon that doesn't count
they don't specify
I checked it, but I didn't feel like I should have
Listen to your heart
@Meredith, I should retroactively kick you for linking that.
Don't get me started on gawker, glad those fuckers are declaring bankruptcy
if I'm white and you call me a terrorist online I shrug it off? but if I'm brown and you do it I'll probably feel a little bit more like that was directed at my race and not my CoD abilities.
@Meredith vote your conscience.
(Privilege -1)
@Meredith it just keeps going "thump thump" :\
@Cerbrus What does it say about you when you get angry when you have to be introspective?
Oh yeah you wouldn't know cuz you get angry when you have to be introspective
Mine goes "thump.. wheeze.. thump..
@Meredith: That's just so much wrong with that question.
since November 8, 2000, we've all been called a terrorist at least once
@Cerbrus Heh heh heh I was right
but most of us haven't been called a terrorist outside of CS/CS:S/CS:GO/CoD
Right about what?
T's win
@ssube How can terrorists be white /s
About you not knowing cuz you don't know how to be introspective without getting angry
@ssube I don't play those. Priv +1
Get lost.
@Meredith how does any of this have anything to do with being introspective?
you're shit talking
@Cerbrus wtf dude?
that was a bit rough
@Cerbrus should I be taking back my vote for you?
I don't have to deal with that crap.
none of that was kick worthy
@phenomnomnominal: you're free to do so.
holy shit you're running for mod and you got kick-angry at that?
Are you trump?
I still can't understand why firefox graphically mix up on version 50
Anyone here use velocity-react? I am having trouble getting a few simple things to work
that was a trick question, but those aren't worth kicking over
Yeah I think I will
i had this problem from version 49
Someone is losing kick privileges
@ssube sounded like she was baiting, which we do kick over
@Meredith I'm on your side, but shh about it, please.
@rlemon Exactly.
@rlemon making people think about questions and flame baiting are.... iffy
We kick trolls.
@Cerbrus You kicked somebody for disagreeing with you.
that was super shitty
"you don't know how to be introspective without getting angry"
@rlemon Then maybe you should kick cerbrus for baiting
That's a direct insult.
> Oh yeah you wouldn't know cuz you get angry when you have to be introspective
^ baiting and kinda insulting
@Meredith I will if this keeps up.
@rlemon Also that
Yeah get him out of here
He doesn't need to be here
oh come on
@Meredith you're not helping
@Sandro Could not process input. Error: command.name is undefined on line 4953
can we at least kick them both
woah Meredith was kicked...?
@Cerbrus next time don't be an ass and rage kick people who disagree
@Sandro Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@phenomnomnominal if he adds fuel to the fire more, I will
!!tell sandro sandbox
@ssube: He was baiting me. I bit.
@phenomnomnominal ehhh not since a mod did it
@sandro Please go and play in the Sandbox
Alright, everyone calm down.
@Cerbrus yea, that's on you
Okay, fun fact: I have zero tolerance for trolls.
Take that into consideration in the elections.
@Cerbrus Fun fact: If you're about to be a mod, you can't have that attitude.
Then don't be a room owner if one half-pointed remark makes you kick
Or a mod for that matter.
There's no black and white.
@Luggage dugger baits, we kick him for it
And @Meredith Instead of escalating things further, some restraint is appreciated.
if someone is actively trying to start an argument, kick them -- I don't care how 'regular' you are
@rlemon dugger isn't getting at a real point, he's just trolling
You aren't some troll from I don't know where, you're a regular here.
@ssube And you kick known trolls, right? 😃
Meredith had a real point and was being an ass about it
@ssube what was the point? he said that article was shit, she commented back saying he gets angry when he has to self-evaluate. THAT was shit
@MadaraUchiha black is the absence of white
@Shmiddty No, it isn't.
You're thinking about light and darkness.
@rlemon the point, as I saw it, was that you shouldn't get angry when people question your privilege. That point was delivered very poorly.
@rlemon That /followed/ a threat to kick.
Worth warning over, but not kicking.
That kick was 100% a spiteful, petty, rage kick.
@ssube to the point where it was flame baiting and insulting
@ssube: Now you're assuming intentions.
tbf, I probably would have kicked her the second time she said it but he did first.
I think I'm going to go back to IRC.
I would have kicked later
@MadaraUchiha lighten up
@Shmiddty how do you know light is up? maybe you've been thinking about the universe upside down the entire time
pun wasn't intended, unless my subconscious is a boss
@Meredith welcome back. look at the starred messages before you get angry, please. I think we're about to move on.. hopefully?
if we aren't, people are getting kicked
So, instead of digging it up, let's move on.
it's gotta learn.
keep playing
should have drawn a snake
maybe it's just at a different part in the song
I want to know how it got necklace
That explains why I consistently fail with trombone
What does your trombone look like?
I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
I think I see a clarinet
how do people not know what trombones and aircraft carriers are?
of all the obvious shit not to know about
I get mixing up trombones and trumpets
But someone drew a clarinet
three people drew snakes
at least three people drew clarinet/oboe things
that top left one could be a flute, but it sure ain't a trombone
grapes need the stem
@Luggage When I drew that it thought it was a blueberry
more stems = more points
I was robbed
it's the opposite of everything you've been taught
I'm playing narwhale.io
@Banana Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
it got the joke before i could finish it
that hand looks like a rubber glove that was run over a few hundred times
Wonder what would happen if I just kept training it with phallic objects
Maybe it'd eventually start to like them
there is precedent for that in Kendall's family
for 'pond' i just started drawing and then it instantly got it
@Meredith new business idea: conversion therapy for AIs
aww, peas? that's impossible
Room question: How would you develop a 20 questions algorithm using local storage?
> Oh, you grew up believing you were supposed to detect objects in Google image search? While, with some really awful searches, we can teach you to detect coke cans anywhere in the world.
@Luggage Just a bunch of small circles, worked for me
some1 link this game
5 hours ago, by Neal
i keep dying in narwhale
it's less a game and more a teaching-google's-latest-AI-to-recognize-objects
but it is fun, so technically, it's a game
@ssube Can we talk about my recent suspension?
@rlemon a hand-iron?
@KarmaDoe No
@KarmaDoe You can bring that up with a mod, I'm not touching it.
Your post was flagged and you were banned for 30 minutes.
I know
Im not complaining
I want to know why was it offensive
Are you serious?
Don't talk about raping people
Are you serious? ... You cannot be serious
Or was that someone else
Nope, that was him
@KarmaDoe you suggesting raping people before they could do it to you
@Meredith That was him/her/shkler
what fucking part of that do you not get?
OHH MY GOD!!!! I just thought of the best new feature. paste images from clipboard and have them upload to imgur FROM THE CHAT INTERFACE!
@rlemon Sounds fun
if you can add that in the dark theme, do it
Wow this neural net is pretty good when you actually try to draw the thing
The part of why would someone be offended by implying doing such things to a murderous, homophobic rapist.
Yea, that would be easier @rlemon
@rlemon drag/drop too please? :-)
it's super annoying to snip, save, and upload
@rlemon window.addEventListener("paste", ... TIL
@BenFortune yup :D
@Meredith except for aircraft carriers because nobody draws the boat. But, if you get the outline and a couple major features, yeah it's pretty good.
problem is getting around the api crap without letting everyone use my key
so I'll have to recheck their api docs
@ssube It got my cruise ship right
Idk how
It was bad
URL.createObjectURL I'm guessing
@KarmaDoe It doesn't matter who. I'm done discussing it, talk to a mod if you want more insight.
@rlemon Your imgur key?
@rlemon can't you just trigger the upload button we already have with a fake file?
@rlemon Can't you hack and use the chat's uploader?
@ssube jinx ;-)
@ssube Or just POST it to chat.stackoverflow.com/upload/image
There's an upload button?
ohh, there is..
@ssube It's not a matter of who, it's a matter of why.
Could you point me out how to get in contact with a mod ? thanks, and sorry.
I never noticed.
I've been trying to sneak penises into my doodles
@KarmaDoe you can ask on meta or you can try to ping one (a blue name) when they are active elsewhere.
@Meredith Reminds me of NSFW
"triumphant veiny bastard"
Hello everybody,
Sorry can someone please give me a link to angular 2 typescript tutorial pdf file?
Thanks, ill try that.
Just google "angular 2 typescript tutorial pdf"
I have googled it but didn't get a good one
Do it on meta so they can tear into you
how can I do it in meta? I mean in which section of meta?
@BenFortune clipboard data
drag and drop is probably fine
no clue about clipboard data
clipboard is a pain in the ass
@hpns not you
but if you can get a blob, then you should be good
@BenFortune thanks, I don't have to google now 😃
either way, I'm not working on this till later
gj reverse vamping, Ben
just handing out answers like this is some kind of help site
Is there a term for injecting people with blood they don't want?
I vamp all the time, what ya gonna do?
hey, that's on the list of sentences you'd never expect to hear
"What am I being arrested for?" "Other"
@BenFortune cool
@Luggage Vamping I think.
@Luggage "Stabbing" to say the least.
@Luggage Intentionally spreading aids?
Honestly though just use an empty needle
I can't find the scene, but there was one in "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" there Frank Reynolds is talking about injecting extra blood to make himself more "virile"
was it the one where he dropped his magnum condom for his monster dong (actual phrasing?)
I don't remember, but my gut feeling is 'no, different episode'.
@rlemon monster condom for his magnum dong
@KendallFrey what ever happened to Kyle
was there a falling out? or he just had enough of the chats
@rlemon Remember when he died?
Do they make padded condoms?
the one who made the leaderboard
sounds right
I think he just kind of had life
you gonna make me open a new tab?
yea, he's off the chats but not main it seems
> last seen 173d ago (chat)
> last active 6 hours ago (main)
he's one of the tree owners of the trash can 😛
if i have this
1 message moved to Trash can
@user3504751 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
can i change it to use a class instead of a div ?
if i have this
$('div').on('inview', function(event, isInView) {
  if (isInView) {
    // element is now visible in the viewport
  } else {
    // element has gone out of viewport
can i chane it to use a class instead of a div
@Zirak Or as I call it, Fuck yo eardrums bitch!
a <div> is an element. elements can have classes. I'm not sure how you can replace a div with a class.
ohh, do you mean replace the selector 'div' with '.someClass' ?
!!afk kfa fka akf fak kaf ...

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