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You'll find out mid to late game you'll start loving free rune removal day.
I found a great windows 10 app that helps me min/max my runes too.
But you gotta use that mitm program to get the json.
@Trasiva I've got a proxy switcher app on my phone that makes it easy as pie
@BenFortune I put some NFC pads on my desk to do that for me.
my music turned up so I cannot hear them on the roof is too loud, but whatever they're doing is fucking mind numbingly annoying
does that sentence make sense to anyone else
Kevin, Bhave
my music turned up so I cannot hear them on the roof, is too loud. but whatever they're doing is fucking annoying. halp
does that fix it?
oh, there's loud people on your roof
@KendallFrey I'm legal dude
Santa came early this year
I'll just use the big beautiful door
@Loktar we closed the door, you can use the tunnel. enjoy detroit sucker
@rlemon haha
@Shmiddty Sounds like Santa needs some performance enhancing pills.
I was really close to Canada last weekend
was at Cobo hall
took my daughter to Youmacon
I'm like 2-2.5 hours from the boarder (depending on where you cross ofc)
we could see you guys!
kendall is 45 away from me
not how I drive
I can make it from kitchener to milton in 25 minutes
if I don't get pulled over
@loktar swim across like that guy last year
I can make anywhere super quickly if I don't get pulled over
Omg lol if we had an autobahn...
would be a death trap here
People drive just as poorly over there and they're doing fine
407 is basically an autobahn. ofc there is a limit, but OPP are very seldom on the 407
at least, when I am 😛
(paid private highway)
eh, well, people already drive 80-90 on highways as it is, maybe it wouldn't be so bad, if they managed to keep slow people outa the left lane
I always enjoy the 400
^ youmacon was awesome
god I hate the 400 (near barrie)
cc @littlepootis
Because that usually means I'm going camping or cottaging
that road is not only shitty to drive on, it is shitty on my car
needs some serious repairs
going to barrie is usually 401 -> 407 -> 400 -> 26(?) for me
i liked driving on I10 going to florida
@Loktar middle one is yours?
the middle one out of 4
other are randos?
some awesome overwatch cosplay
@rlemon yea
people were asking to take pics with her
kept calling her mini, or baby d.va
did you dress up?
party pooper
going next year for sure though
not dressing up!
just going though :p
Gabi loved it, and I have to admit it was pretty cool
I'm trying to convince holly to go to a comicon and dress up
she has no problem going, but said she'd feel like an idiot if she dressed up
I tried to remind her it was comicon....
she didn't get why that would make a difference
@rlemon You should cosplay a beerfest
Go as duffman
be a beef brisket
crossplay a fraulein
you can use an outline
Holy shit, the stock market.
Did Nvidia announce something new today?
Ah, no. They got their pricing bumped up with a 'buy'
@Trasiva what about the stock market?
@corvid When I looked it was down almost 60 pts.
I don't even have a concept of how much that is, I'm poor
It's moderately significant.
@Trasiva when it has gone down -1000 in the last week.... Who cares lol. It's election month, ofc things are going to be all over the place
@Trasiva that is common
@Jhawins Fair point, I haven't looked all week. Kinda expected it to level out a bit because...well, he isn't actually in office yet.
it just hit a record high.
yesterday, highest it's ever been... ever
you always have a selloff after
people want to take profits
Was there? I didn't know. I'm starting to actually start paying attention to that stuff.
yeah after the election the stock market kept going up
> Stocks fell slightly at the open Friday after four straight days of strong gains in a week that saw the Dow surge to a record high as investors' fears about Donald Trump’s upset election win gave way to hopes the president-elect's policies could boost the economy.
Y'know, it isn't Trump that scares me. It's the people he taps for the secretarial positions.
wew lads, now that's an Air Force One
Haha, that's a really good shoop
@Trasiva Yea things went to shit... Then Trump made his speeches and acted like a very level headed pres-elect, calmed everyone down.
Lol I love how he said Obama is a great man and he intends to speak to him "many many more times", "including council"
@BenFortune lol yeah
Basically changed sides when I watched their combined interview... Err not really changed sides. But decided to completely embrace him
@Jhawins not an embrace, more about professionalism and being presidential imo.
hey friendos
Obama's rehtoric was much different as well.
@Loktar Wrong context. I decided to completely embrace Trump :P
ahh I see what you mean
it was in a thread with that gif
another amazing shop
Trump going to Washington DC
@Loktar LOL
@Loktar Yea, showed great character from both of them.
@Zirak is the point the cool link name or...?
@Jhawins yeah for sure, made me happy
btw, films anyone?
or series
I was just sitting on my couch like "Wait that was real"
or talk
Q: I'm working on a node.js (sails.js) project - The project uses Grunt to uglify and so on ... I didn't and don't understand: The whole frontend Javascripts are pooled togehter in ONE app.js file. and for example, I have in some js codes Selectors where I select html elements by ID, and this Code is now executed on every page - because its now in app.js ... and logically it doesn't find the DIV by ID on some pages... and that causes errors - Q: how to avoid?
@Loktar did you see this?
doesn't look like "draining the swamp" for me, but I don't know enough about these people and american politics to judge. What do you say?
@GNi33 it's more like picking the prettiest frogs
@GNi33 he hasn't actually picked anyone yet so it's still to be seen
draining the swamp had more to do with imposing term limits, lobbying limits ect.
which McConnel has already said he will fight Trump on
my biggest concern is the EPA tbh
@GNi33 Well the post you linked explains pretty well
> He is going to need some people to help guide him through the swamp—how do you get in and how you get out
well, we will see
I think term limits for presidents could be extended
You need swamp monsters to take you through the swamp lol
@KendallFrey it's too late, Obama is already out :P
@KendallFrey that just allows for more corruption
would rather see them shortened.
that a Mississippi senator and lobbyist said that doesn't make that very good for me
I think we could allow more terms, but the terms themselves seem fine
I mean tbh tho if we want to keep electing the same dude over and over why can't we
@Jhawins historically it causes problems
Lets be level headed about it, people want their guy in longer of course
seealso: the middle east
but if we had Trump for 12 years people would lose their minds
The way I see it, the paradigm is 4 years of trying to do good so you can get reelected, and 4 years of whatever you want because you don't have to try to get reelected.
and everywhere else without term limits
@KendallFrey and making them longer would just exasperate that.
there's a threshold where if you get elected that many times, the spot is just yours and you start offing the opposition
Well you'd need shorter terms and the possibility of more terms I guess
uh, no?
@KendallFrey there are two sides to this, yeah
Otherwise yeah, huge issues lol
I think it's not the greatest thing that in their first term, they have to campaign for 2 years again to get reelected
if there were no term limits, everyone would always try to maintain good standing until they announce they are retiring
@GNi33 it's because you have to campaign forever to get attention
I don't mean I'd like to see the 4 years shortened but if anything if we only allowed 1 term total I would be fine with it
Also you get to the point where it's like a championship moreso than an election. Where there is a recurring undefeated champion. Sort of
if we did a reasonable election cycle (3 months, mandatory voting) that would be a non-issue
@KendallFrey like Putin?
@Loktar likewise I don't mean lengthening the 4 years
@KendallFrey they would become dictators as quickly as possible, like Putin
@ssube How would that happen if the people keep switching back and forth between parties?
it's the middle management philosophy of "be very loud and jump at projects, do half and bail, until you get a chance to get promoted and be king"
@KendallFrey they don't/won't
hey guys sorry for disturbing - do you have 10sec for a javascript question?
8 mins ago, by PomeGranate
Q: I'm working on a node.js (sails.js) project - The project uses Grunt to uglify and so on ... I didn't and don't understand: The whole frontend Javascripts are pooled togehter in ONE app.js file. and for example, I have in some js codes Selectors where I select html elements by ID, and this Code is now executed on every page - because its now in app.js ... and logically it doesn't find the DIV by ID on some pages... and that causes errors - Q: how to avoid?
@ssube And why would that change?
@KendallFrey it's been sort of proven each cycle
most presidents end up serving both terms
and then the other party comes into power
people get complacent and don't go out and vote
but a potential shakeup always gets people out there.
people just assume it will be fine and then we have tuesday
@PomeGranate if statement?
if(selectedElement is not null) ?
is that the way to go? ok thx :)
if (selectedElement) assuming it isn't an array or object
ah yeah true
the other option would be to make that part not part of app.js i guess
@KevinB yeah thats what I actually ask.. actually I don't know what grunt is doing, it automatically puts all .js together - and I think it has a good reason for that
app.min.js:6 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of undefined(…)
if ($('.card-wrapper')) {
!!afk for the weekend
didn't work :/
yeah jQuery objects are.... objects
so you'll have to test the length
if ($('.card-wrapper').length) {
but, what were you doing that caused that error?
usually jQuery methods just silently do nothing if there's no element to work on.
I use card.js -
and create a new card object
var card = new Card({...});
seems this line is failing to do what it should be: github.com/jessepollak/card/blob/master/dist/…
I see. the code doesn't take into account the possibility of no elements existing.
so an if statement in your code is the only option. @PomeGranate
@KevinB yeah with the if statement it worked now :)
so you mean the card.js code is not "perfect"? could I send them a pull request?
but... by the same token you're calling their plugin with invalid arguments, a selector that doesn't select anything. :p
So I have a React predicament lol
aha yeah true haha
hey another Q
Hey guys do any of you mind if I poked your brains for a quick second?
@SamWilliams Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I use have some ajax requests, which upload a file to my server
production.min.js:6 Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check xhr.spec.whatwg.org.
We have a page that lives 100% within the reconciliation model. No component is unnecessarily destroyed.. Boil it down and it's a table with paging. When we swap the table contents, how do I get the page state to revert to page 1
How would I go about creating a variable that manually updates based on a user's location in nodejs
and my whole browser was freezed while uploading
hmm... and you're not using async: false?
!!afk 🍟 🍔
If I change an elements key does that force a complete re-mount
I am working on the server side. Do i have to download a module or can I just create a function to do so
If it is the only element, i.e. has no siblings
@KevinB enjoy your happy meal
For example: function geo_success(position) {
userInfo.latitude = position.coords.latitude;
userInfo.longitude = position.coords.longitude;
this is my ajax request:
                    url: "/campaign/",
                    type: 'POST',
                    data: formData,
                    async: false,
                    success: function (data) {

                        if (data.error == "OK") {

                        } else { }

                    error: function (data) {

                    cache: false,
                    contentType: false,
@Jhawins my guess it that it should .
Or var geo=false,latitude,longitude;
@Luggage That's what I thought... I'm going to try it
I am working in Nodejs on the server side
Can someone please shed some light?
you want client geo location but you only have server access?
@Luggage It does.
Yay that was simple af
grab their ip and run it through a service, but I wouldn't think that would be very accurate
@Jhawins but I wonder if that's defined behavior or if it may change later..
@Luggage It seems to be just how keys work
Like if you had keys 1,2,3 and then swapped them out for 2,3,4 it would shift 2,3 up and the create a brand new element for 4
Am I retarded or if you want to split a string by delimiter into an array you use String.split() right?
@SterlingArcher you do
So in the case of only having key a, swapping it for key b means creating a fresh instance
It's like DisplayName
That's what I though. Seems my console doesn't like this string lol
that's not a real thing
what is the string?
If the component has a different name it doesn't even attempt to diff them, just trashes it and makes a new one. key has the same behavior it seems
right.. yea.
guys whats the keyword for changing the center of attention in screen ?
just apply the trump attribute to an element and it will stay the center of attention
how to google on that topic ?
@ssube where you joking ?
I was, yes
why so much frustation on trump being elected as president ?
i am not american but i'm indian and in my point of view the reason why trump got elected is because everyone told he is bad
as if everyone else is perfect
I have a mobile app thatll will run with nodejs on the server side. As of right now I have tweets streaming from a static location for example (this is san francisco and new york):
twit.stream('statuses/filter',{ 'locations':-122.75,36.8,-121.75,37.8,-74,40,-73,41 '},
However my goal is to create a variable (or object on my map) that updates automatically based on the users location. For example if they decide to LA to San Francisco
@SamWilliams the browser typically has that info
you just request location access
15 mins ago, by rlemon
you want client geo location but you only have server access?
14 mins ago, by rlemon
grab their ip and run it through a service, but I wouldn't think that would be very accurate
Here is my code:
twit.stream('statuses/filter',{ 'locations':'-90,38,-89,39'},
function(stream) {
stream.on('data', function(tweet) {
right now my tweets are streaming or being pulled from a static location
the server has no geo-location abilities outside of knowing where it is itself. you need to take the information given by the client (at this point ip is probably the best bet) and run it through a service
or have the client send your their geo information
the only good source of location is the client telling you and even that is usually city-level, nothing more specific
Okay i understand
Any of you use a surveillance cam that keeps a rolling recording maybe every 24 hours or so? I need somethjng small and stand-alone that doesn't require a web connection for my garage. Someone smashed the bottom panel of my door in last night, I assume they were going for my toolbox.
Awesome sauce thanks you guys!
Idiots didn't realize you can just pull the key switch out of the wall and short the wires....
@Jhawins I saw one on woot or ars the other day. Those kind mostly just store JPGs.
variously battery power or wired into a light socket
Meh. SD cards are huge and cheap, I want like 720p and constant video
I have power out there I can just plug it in
I don't even have to pay for the electricity out there ;)
grab an rpi and a cam module for cheap
@rlemon I'm sorry Mario, your princess is at another settlement that needs rescuing.
pi + cam + long usb cable
so getting the request body from a post in express I used Bodyparser. Problem is the when I assign out the body values via req.body.propname they are undefined?
That's cool af. But yeah no wireless out there and no available light socket
any hints as to why that would happen? triple checked the naming matches the names specified in the request body
so like this.. var p_email = req.body.Email;
I think (it's been a while) that most of the wifi ones will fall back to local storage.
@ssube that's awesome actually. I can just stick a flood light assembly in the corner and plug that in. A bit pricey tho
yeah, you can probably find cheaper
that has at least wifi and bluetooth
Idk what these hooligans thought they were doing. They tried to smash in the garage door with a car parked 4 inches from it lol

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