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whoo, getting two in-person interviews at local shops. Hopefully one of them will turn into a better jerb.
did you fill the resume envelope with glitter, like I said?
@ssube congrats, and good luck ^^
@Luggage gmail took that button away :(
that's why I use hotmail.
@bitten thanks. Both look good, neither uses all of my favorite tech, which is probably a good thing.
mongo/php/angular 1.x
on IIS
made with notepad
one is a local startup with a lemp stack, essentially, and the other is a multi-office place with a mix including a bunch of .net
but they both use teamcity and/or gitlab and chef/puppet and all that, so
I use a HEMP stack
@ssube you don't want to get sick of them?
@bitten I want to learn more stuff, which this place can't and won't do.
When developers refuse to use memcache because "the [virtual] network latency could be a problem," you end up with serious tech stagnation
the only place we're allowed to do new stuff is entirely on the ops side, when it won't scare the devs
as opposed to querying/whatever each request?
@Luggage oh, so redis/memcache were too slow (against the same host or worst-case over the rack's switch). Instead, one of the more senior (readas: diva) devs took 3 weeks and wrote their own "distributed" cache.
ah that too
It uses mongo for service discovery and the service's actors hit each other directly for updates.
I'm sure it's better than redis.
(not serious)
@ssube yeah, sounds like time to look else where. i'm feeling a bit too here but i can survive for a bit
Didn't work, so they added memcache for other stuff, just to shut us up. That ended up having a noticeable (5%+) boost on performance in a few services, despite being on a fairly cold code path.
i mainly miss someone senior that me who i can learn from and work with
These are devs who were taking a table lock in SQL, making REST API calls from the thread while holding the lock, and claimed it wouldn't be a performance problem.
It's become a pretty predictable "ops says X will break because of Y, mgmt says 'no, devs arent that stupid', X breaks, devs scramble for a week while ops restarts the box every hour, turns out Y broke X"
plus some shady stuff from other teams
@ssube oh dear
Having learned on-the-job, I have some sympathy for the mistakes.
but not much
we hit 18k mysql queries/second with 100 simultaneous consumers
turns out they had a list of IDs and were querying in a loop
(and then making REST calls when the query came back)
... for each ID?
for each and every single one
rather than getting all the data for a consumer (a few KB?) and filtering on the server, or an IN clause
any decent data layer should have done that, if any was used.
well.. more on the ORM side of data libraries.
my favorite, though, was a class leak because one of the most senior people wrote his own wrapper for rhino and it was reloading all the classes (little map/reduce functors) every few seconds
we pulled up the graphs, showed the kernel OOM killing the JVM, showed the loaded classes hitting 65k, and mgmt said "that can't possibly be the problem, he's our best developer"
we rolled back a JVM update to try and fix it, from 8 back to 7
good developers still don't know everything.
we've got those "good" developers who don't learn new things
and upper management is too busy fighting over who gets to be in charge of ops to care that prod is down
and that's only the stupid-but-sadly-funny shit, none of the potential illegal stuff that's going on
@ssube i really hope i never get stuck there
sounds like a normal corporate environment
but I'm cynical
@bitten you'll see it coming a mile away
this was not something that appeared one day, it's been building for a long time
ACS/Xerox broke me.
I'm just curious what will happen when half or more of the ops team quits in the same month
but that's neither my frog nor my cup of tea, if these interviews go well :D
i've only had 1 bad company, but it didn't get close to this
If we go down, we're taking Canada with us.
but i do try and avoid corporate environments and now also ad/marketing agencies
We have nukes pointed at Canada just for that reason.
@bitten working at something bigger than 20 people (bigger than 100 is better) is a good experience.
The dynamic is very different when you start to scale the work being done at once.
@ssube is it? i'm worried about being a cog in a wheel on their 200th edit or just becoming a code monkey
There's a whole pile of things I would never have learned if we weren't running a build every 30s, like how to scale sshd for 10 conns/sec.
@bitten but those aren't entirely bad things. Sometimes following orders is an important skill.
@ssube hm i didn't see it like that
you won't get the same social skills at a small company
in both a negative and positive way. The big company means you have to be more compelling to get your ideas heard, the small company is nicer to you.
@ssube true, but i just like having some kind of connection to what i'm doing.. unless you are a senior that seems very difficult with such large numbers
@bitten that's part of why I won't go work for Target or Best Buy. I don't want to be one of 1000 cogs, but sometimes being 1 of 50 cogs is just fine.
One of the places I'm looking at is about 100 people, which is how big my current company was when I started, and the other is ~850.
@ssube sometimes communication is easier in large companies though, a slack message or e-mail is less distracting then someone leaning over to chat
@ssube yep
@bitten yeah, the dynamics change across the board, so both are useful.
> the small company is nicer to you.
@Neoares it's Barbara or Barbie
localstorage only persist across the same domain?
@rolu same origin (sub + domain + port)
yea, large or small group of devs can both be fine. very situational.
@ssube thanks!
@rolu for specifics, look up "CORS"
@rolu roger!
I've had the opportunity to join larger dev teams, but... I just can't imagine working with a group of others. The few times we had a 2nd developer it never really worked out that well
depends a lot on the size of the company and amount of work being done
group sex really makes a dev team close. Try that.
the best argument for peers is that introspection is fucking hard, especially if you've done it before
if you look at your code 10 times and pick out 10 issues, you'll find the same 10 most of the time
if you get 10 comrades to look at it, you'll probably end up with 40 different suggestions
38 of them shitty
actually my experience is with devs not wanting to get into arguments or offend others and just rubber stamping code reviews
the issue we had when i first got here was the other dev was extremely slow at everything
to the point where it was faster for me to do it all
the issue I had was the other dev left in 1997
i'd rather deal with slow but learning over fast and careless
reality was he wasn't a dev
he was a sales person trying to be a dev
@KevinB that's just like, most people who are not seniors
@rlemon lol
@rlemon lol
@monners those caps look sexy
@Loktar They're personality-appropriate ヽ(´ãƒ¼ï½€)ノ
Where'd you get them from?
Is it intended for node to fk up when doing async calls withing loops ?
@KarmaDoe Depends how you're handling the calls
Not uncommon to loop a bunch of requests that return promises. But callback-based async calls in loops would be a nightmare
for (i =0; i < array.length; i++) {
  array[i] = asyncFunct(array[i]);
use let
@KarmaDoe for (let i = 0; ...
@Loktar Did I send you that video of the guy that used a snes glitch to program in flappy bird into Mario World?
Or even better
const newArray = array.map(asyncFunct);
@rlemon How to get strangers to harass someone for you
Sounds doable
A: 2016 Stack Overflow Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

CerbrusI'm Cerbrus, and I'll be answering the questions here: A 10k+ user regularly has their comments flagged as "rude or offensive" or "not constructive", to the tune of 4-5 flags a day. No comment by itself is particularly offensive, but their general tone causes them to be flagged by multiple...

What have I gotten myself into... ;-)
psh, politics
good night all
and have fun tomorrow america
we will
finally social media feeds will get back to memes again
@Luggage hehe
at least your cocoa will stay warm
let is not supported
go figure
in what?
I thought you were on node.
I am
But i may be outdated
--harmony doesn't fix it
I think you are. Very.
Yes, indeed chap.
< 4.0
like 0.12
might as well use IE6 :)
I code in a typewritter.

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