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Ok I think I see how it'd work. I think I'm going to do all my editing from VS, but have the bundler be from the command line. Are there any suggestions you guys have as far as that goes?
inb4 "Waxi stfu"
if trump wins I'm probably going to ask the school if we can have some mourning time tomorrow so I can get started on the bunker
Trump won't win.
@Waxi what part of "the mods have shown up and told you to stop" do you not get?
"brexit won't happen."
1 message moved to Trash can
@KevinB again*
I mean apart from the large statistical probability that it might happen
whereas there isn't such probability on this election.
Or rather, the probability is leaning towards Hillary.
@towc That doesn't make sense, you're in France and his plans have basically nothing to do with foreign countries other than trade deals.
@Waxi The last time I suspended you for this offense, it was for 3 days
I wish I was in France
Take a week's break, and please, please stop when you return.
Oh where are you???
anyway, was thinking about the nuclear war scenario
and market crash
@Jhawins UK m8
@towc I hope your bunker is a spaceship lol
mars is also an option
I need to raise $10B first
I'm totes down to die in space if you put the project together.
@towc or just go on somebody else's ship
I can probably sneak in, right
@Jhawins where is the emphasis there? The fact that space is super dangerous or towc building a spaceship? :P
I just don't understand how anyone could think that Trump has a chance? Popular vote wise Hillary has an edge. Electorally Hillary has it in the bag. And this is coming from soneone who wants neither of them to win.
I'll be there in place of the ecstasy
same services. I last a lot longer though
@towc I don't think they're bringing amphetamines to space
@Vap0r my point is the polls regarding brexit showed the same
@ssube Well when we get to Mars.... Lol. Basically the first group is just fucked. We jus make some kids and then die. That's what I meant haha
@ssube :/
@MadaraUchiha rekt
@Vap0r it's very close to the margin of error, so it's hard to tell. Combine that with high numbers of undecided voters and you get enough uncertainty to make predictions difficult.
@KevinB only polls from conservative and progressive news sources. I believe it was a tight gridlock by any statistically sound polls that took into account biases of each polling service.
@Jhawins Poor kids
@Vap0r they were all within the margin of error for large scale polls.
Remember that, despite oversampling correction, we're still talking about a 3-4 point margin.
hrm, well, just re-wrote it again
actually kinda pleased with this object now
I'll predict the outcome Wednesday, not before. Cause I'm not full of it lol
gist.github.com/rlemon/4786be624accaace3927b38048f8a5b9 new dom watcher I'm using for Dark Theme
it's so pretty
@Jhawins I mean there are plenty of people who haven't been wrong over the last 10 elections and they seem to agree on a Hillary decision.
And they haven't had to significantly tweak their prediction models either so I don't see how they could be wrong.
@Vap0r yes, they have
@rlemon Your spacing is so weird
@ssube well maybe they have but they say they haven't so that's pretty nice.
@Vap0r What a nonsensical point to make lol
this election is rather unusual in both undecided voter numbers and fanaticism behind candidates
> Well he guessed right last time
@Vap0r no, they say they have
@Zirak I'm getting more consistent with it tho
even if it is weird
@ssube lol maybe not the accurate ones.
538 has tweaked their model a few times this year and are by far the most accurate
@Vap0r those statisticians stay accurate by tweaking their models
@Jhawins yes absolutely. Betting houses, political analysts, statisticsticians (including 538) are all pointless sources for info
When did their last guess take place? I mean.. If you tweaked your model all the way up to the wire and you got it wrong, you'd be pretty stupid haha
@Vap0r lolwut
@Vap0r I don't want Trump to win, FYI. I don't want either to win frankly... But your point is nonsensical.
stats are, for something as large as an election, pretty accurate
the law of large numbers is sooooo on your side with a national election
@ssube lol. So the graph changes and all of a sudden their modeling algo changes too? You're confused.
@ssube He';s being sarcastic back to me for saying 10+ people "never being wrong before" predicting this year doesn't mean jack shit lol.
@Jhawins it's not about who's going to win. I don't want either to win but I'd bet on Hillary.
@Vap0r they usually post a write up when the model changes
I'm getting nervous. I challenged myself to refactor a large part of a project without incremental testing. bout to spin up the whole thing and see how many errors I get
Alright... This is nonsense, no more politics in here. At least for me haha
@ssube yes and even then they admitted no significant changes all 3 times (or however much) it has changed.
they did?
Mainly due to I believe undecided voter turnout (you're right on that but they admitted it made little difference in overall prediction)
all those statisticians writing articles about how uncertain this election is and how they've tweaked the models... haven't tweaked the models?
Also due to inaccurate polling rackets messing up their aggregate (they said it was easily adjusted)
ahaha, nothing runs.
@Vap0r it doesn't change the prediction, it changes the certainty of the prediction
10/10 on not testing
@ssube I'm having trouble pinpointing what exactly he doesn't understand. It's more fundamental than polls lol
it's basic stats
what sampling bias and margin of error mean
@Jhawins do you know what they take into account for 538 polls?
Is it? It might just be basic logic period lol.
I have a lot of fun following 538's predictions and all the shit they factor in, especially since stats was the only college class I took. :P
poll predictions*
@Jhawins it's not
@Vap0r they don't do their own polling
> I dropped stats in college I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about
@ssube hence the poll predictions* correction.
they just run weighted averages of the other polls
@ssube they also tweak based on economic and historic information, it's not just a weighted aggregation of other polls
@Vap0r those are typically applied by the polling firm before it gets published
@Vap0r that part is called the model
the polls are the data fed into the model
it spits out a set of likelihoods and the margin of error for those
@Zirak erghad the fucking permission system is driving me up the walls.
That's what I'm talking about.
half the tabs api can only be run from background_scripts
but background_scripts have no direct access to page content
@Vap0r that's what we're all talking about
Hopefully that's less ambiguous than us having a conversation in which you pedantically try to choose points that make it seem like I'm confused.
So you do understand that those percentages aren't just based off of weighted polls.
1 min ago, by ssube
@Vap0r that part is called the model
I need background.js to inject all the css / js I need, then the content script needs to be aware it is done so I can call drain on the observer
I don't remember those APIs specifically, but there's a bunch of shit you just can't do without inventing a communication protocol between the background and content script
yes, that's what we've been trying to tell you
and I don't wanna use their message passing api
because I'm stubborn
it just baffles me that I can inject content to the page from background.js but I cannot access it directly.
@Vap0r if you want to understand it better, they explain most of the methodology here: fivethirtyeight.com/features/…
@Vap0r have you voted yet
counting McMullin and splitting a couple states were some of the bigger changes they had to make
@Luggage quitting time
@rlemon If you look at it through a prism, backwards, while drunk on marijuana
I might actually vote for Trump as a protest vote
It sooort of makes sense
@William yes I've voted
@rlemon indeed, but I'm taking a break.
@ssube thank you but I've already read it.
@Vap0r and who did you vote for if you mind me asking
Write in trogdor
@William don't mind, I voted Gary Johnson. Don't particularly care for him but that's my protest vote.
If you actually felt like protesting, you wouldn't vote
there's a box on the ballot for Aleppo, but you have to know where it is
Or you would organize a peaceful protest
@ndugger not true for third party.
@ssube slow clap
@ssube lol
@Vap0r did you see the colbert video here youtube.com/watch?v=tMR2B5GsaNY
I'd have to check laws, but if I were American I'd probably write in sanders
ah, "protest vote", the inability to choose between "very bad" and "very very bad" so you let other people choose.
@rlemon make sure you include the first name or we'll think you mean the Colonel
Just got tickets to see BILL BAILEY!!!
@William no I haven't. The idea though is the last time third party received a significant percentage of votes (I believe it was 7+ but don't quote me) it led to progressive election reform
@Vap0r if there has already been a reform recently what else can happen
Not recently, 1960s
We're overdue if you ask me.
@ssube what makes you think I don't?
@rlemon cause he's dead
@monners noice
@ssube make usa 11 herbs and spices again
But vote for who you want, the likelihood of it happening is slim. I just have too much of a conscious to vote for either Hillary or Trump. The crook or the idiot.
@KendallFrey I've wanted to see him live for years
Him and Dylan Moran are two of my favourite comedians
He has lived for years
@MadaraUchiha So I went looking at pistols this weekend. I had someone tell me I was wrong for favoring a 9mm over a .45 because a 9mm doesn't have 'near the stopping power, or damage capability'. Shortly thereafter, I discovered I can in fact, have a stupidity induced migraine.
why am I just thinking about googling this now ^
@Luggage ultimately it's my conscious. I would very easily choose Hillary if given the option between two, but I have more than those options so I choose what I want, for the reasons I want.
@Vap0r you have too much conscience to choose whichever of those you consider the lesser evil?
USA is ...ggggggrrrrrrrEEEAAAT!
@Trasiva MP5k 9mm.
@Luggage I'm going to regret my decision either way if I vote for one of them.
@KarmaDoe That's a machine gun, not a pistol.
Only if you set it to auto.
@Trasiva By that logic, everyone should carry around an M61 Vulcan delivering plenty of stopping power and damage capacity at 6000 20mm justice rounds/min,
perhaps, but a "protest vote" is just opting out of choosing one of the two people that will win.
I head the pleasure of witnessing what that does a to an armored vehicle
If you want a third party, you gotta start that long before now.
Anything short of a tank doesn't handle it very well
@Luggage then don't call it a protest vote??? I dunno man. All I'm saying is that I would not like myself for choosing either of them, so I won't. I also know that if the third party gets a significant percentage of votes that it has a good chance of causing voting and election reform by scared dems and republicans. That's a good thing.
@MadaraUchiha I mean, you're not wrong. I'm still partial to the GAU-8 Avenger. But that's because I love the Hogfather.
yea, again.. if you want a third party, too late.
@Luggage I don't want third party. You're thinking I'm voting for someone I want to win, or you're thinking that if I don't vote for someone I want to win, it must somehow be a "protest vote" it's not. I don't view myself as wasting my vote, seeing as history backs me I'd like to say I'm not. But who knows maybe I'm out of the loop and should pick one of the two severly poor choices just because someone tells me I should.
@Vap0r Johnson put his party in danger of losing their federal funding and being removed from the race entirely.
@ssube @Luggage if third party candidate was hitler I would vote for them right now.
I don't particularly see how one of the other two choices is any... less evil. but i guess that's more because i know less about them.
That is not hyperbole
that's fine. You have no opinion on the outcome of the election.
@SterlingArcher I just broke 640 event points, lol.
@Luggage and your one vote matters snowflake
It matters more than yours, in this case.
though.. to be fair.. are you in a state that is a close election?
@Luggage florida. so lol
then I stand by my previous statements. Except for my vote mattering more. Yours does
and you refuse to do it
@rlemon is the emote replacement your doing?
Or is it some new chat feature?
He just added that to Dark...yesterday?
What's supported?
@Luggage yes please tell me how it's a waste to vote how I feel I should vote.
@MadaraUchiha a lot
because florida is a deciding state and no vote for a third party will actualy result in anything
@rlemon Nice
there are only 2 valid candicdates, as horrible as that is
I agree they they are bad candidates.
@Zirak got 20 minutes free? I'm about to leave work and before I go I want to rage on someone about this extension
@Luggage in some states it does, even if it's a small portion
not Florida, iirc
Do you find them both 100% equally bad?
Next feature: autocompletion from : ?
Election reform due to just one state being won by wallace in the presidential election in 1968, even though he had no chance of winning the election, led to fairer polling for minorities not just racial, but also for women and poorer people as well.
how the fuck do I make background scripts run in the context of specific urls?
	"background": {
		"matches" : ["*://chat.stackoverflow.com/*","*://chat.stackexchange.com/*","*://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/*"],
		"scripts": ["background.js"]
@Luggage absolutely not, Hillary would be able to adequately service the position, while Trump would be a mistake, IMO
@Vap0r any reform this time will come from the collapse or internal struggles within the two parties, not from third parties.
Right, so you want to give trump a chance for your 'protest'.
Now.. honestly, I don't think he'll win, but..
@Luggage no, DNC colluded to remove Bernie from the election
@Luggage You shouldn't vote for the lesser evil. If you believe in a third party candidate, I'd tell you to go for it.
I refuse to support them.
They didn't think Brexit would happen either
In any case, my candidate has no chance of winning since he's dead... #PrayForHarambe
both major parties have done enough damage to their internal structure that some change is inevitable
@ndugger holy fuck a rational, actually american opinion
Right, but fight the corruption after you prevent trump from getting into office.
@Luggage no. I'm not your warrior. Trump won't make it.
@Vap0r You're also gonna vote for Harambe?
@Vap0r but you are supporting both of them by increasing uncertainty.
but.. only one of the evils is getting into office.. so, not voting for the lesser evil is just aiding the other.. @ndugger
@ndugger might as well I think Luggage would be happier that way
@ssube I didn't vote last time, so um... I don't really think statistically that I'm accounted for.
@Vap0r that's not how stats work
@Luggage so, just bend over and pull your pants down, because you're getting bummed regardless? No thanks
apparently you cannot have folders and expect them to work
@rlemon Look at that butt.
cc @Zirak
Fuck yall
protest votes do more harm than good regardless of your position, enough that they should have a box just for that
@rlemon who am I voting for, these guys are retarded
@rlemon wut?
@ssube absolutely makes no sense if I'm voting for someone with no chance of winning.
By your own admission, you have a preference between the two candiates
@Vap0r it does. Again, it goes back to statistical uncertainty.
@Vap0r bernie
You're removing one vote from the one you would prefer to win
@Luggage yes and my ultimate preference is to vote for neither so just fucking let it go dude.
It's my choice and ima put trump on there if you keep it up. Florida swing state too. Thugga
@Vap0r you're the one using ad hominem to defend a misunderstanding of stats
@Zirak in the extension, I have /css/style.css and I injectCSS('css/style.css') it doesn't see shit
Then don't go spreading around nonsense if you don't want to discuss it.
In my country votes determine funding for the next political season, so even if your candidate doesn't win it's still worth voting for them
you move style.css top level and include 'style.css' and it's fine
What would be the best way to return multiple values from a resolve ?
@monners they do here as well, with a threshold
@KarmaDoe array
@Luggage I'm the only one that has given any stats, you just say "vote for the lesser of two evils"
@rlemon There's some weird thing, but it's solvable
why thanks I shoulda read my curious george today and I mighta learned that.
I solved it
@ssube Where are you from?
@Zirak probably, I'll look into it more. just stupid is all
It was solved
@monners the US
yknow, that bad place
and not being able to easily debug background.js is a fucking PITA
unless you know how?!
@rlemon Bernie it is
peace out bitches
@rlemon hrm? chrome://extensions, you can open devtools on the background page
@Vap0r everyone here has quoted a pile of stats at you, you just reject them in favor of personal attacks
lol, ok, but private funding makes up the majority of campaign contributions in the U.S. In Australia it does not IIRC
@Zirak ahh sonofa.. I was looking and didn't see it
@rlemon Why not an object ?
@monners losing federal funding still hurts, apparently
maybe because I have "So Dark Chat +" installed three times
just curious tho
and the libertarians are at risk of losing it this year, in part thanks to Johnson's political/geography gaffs
@KarmaDoe why an object? you can answer your own question based on your needs
you gave 0 needs, you get array
Vote Canada for President
Canada would be the best president
So the answer to what would be the best way is "It depends".
I personally support a Trudeau time sharing system
Canada-USA gun tradein program - 1 glock = 1 poutine
All politicians use jQuery
lol, gun-vote tradein program - 1 glock = 1 vote
gun-TNG program. 1 glock = 1 spock
@monners uhh plz no
If I take 1 glock to Canada, I can take over Canada.
And they'll apologize to ME.
I have even been known to partake in activities that produce fun for myself and others.
@ndugger *winks*
has anyone ever tried to raise money for their church with a gun tradein program? "guns for nuns" seems incredibly under used
My church doesn't exist.
@rlemon but then the nuns have to do a calendar holding the guns
and nuns are notoriously prude
@rlemon Usually the cops do the buy back program. Zero questions asked, just turn in any firearms that you don't want/need/shouldn't have.
get'em drunk
the cops, i mean
@Zirak I had to google "guns for nuns" to see if it existed. imdb.com/title/tt1352388 my god
@phenomnomnominal How about a weight-watchers vote program? For every kilogram you're outside of a healthy BMS you lose 5% of your vote?
@Trasiva yes, I'm aware of how it works. you must be a blast at parties.
@Trasiva somebody else threw one that made the news recently, iirc
@rlemon Must see of 2016
I'm just trying to turn elections into something positive!
@monners that would become a racial thing so fast
@monners trying to take away my vote..
@ssube FINE! I quit. No more politics for me.
prevelance of obesity in low-income populations and all that
@monners GOOD! That's the right thing to do.
how about paying people $20 to vote. highest turnout ever
@rlemon Well excuuuuse me, Mr. Moose Mounter. I wasn't sure if you really knew how it worked or not living in Can-eh-da.
I suppose I'll have to give a retirement speech of some sort
@rlemon why not just mandatory voting like reasonable countries have?
@monners we'll let you off without it
I'm not sure about mandatory. There are a lot of stupid people out there.
> Politics are bad. They're the worst. There isn't much that's worse than politics.
@ssube because mandatory === "mah freedoms are gone!", paying you === "yeeehaw!"
@Luggage honestly, I'd rather have all the stupid people vote than just the loud and stupid ones.
I can see that changing politics to be even worse than it is. Then some people will be forced to vote based on nothign more than what happened the day before the election.
or just vote for their party
the problem with low engagement voting like we have is the whole middle section gets left out
@Loktar check out my new keycaps
forcing them to vote won't change the results much, but you will have much more predictable and consistent elections, I think
@monners wow nice
voting is for schmucks
@Luggage but a huge chunk of them will probably do a little research and that's better than huge swathes of the people who voluntarily vote.
@ndugger I used to think you were okay
@phenomnomnominal Really? Most people in here learned a good while ago that I'm terrible.
the worst part of this is how far I have to go for real non-election news now
@ndugger you should probably let up on that, I get your position, but calling everyone who wants to vote a schmuck makes you a jackass.
and I don't want you to be a jackass
I think "doing research" is optimistic, but assuming you have looked at that concept more than I, I concede.
I'm never not a jackass
@Luggage I haven't, that's conjecture.
ohh, well, I concede for a different reason then. I am losing interest :)
@ndugger I guess you just used to be a funny jackass
@Luggage that's fine, your rimworld is probably on fire anyways
teehee he said rimworld
we need MP rimworld.
@FlorianMargaine swear to gawd m8
I would love to invade ssubes rimworld.
@rlemon you guys wanna do a world-swap?
we could even do a seed world that everybody gets to start from and see where it goes
nahh, but I will stream one night and you can get on TS or w/e and give me pointers :D
any word starting with "rim" is bound to make me giggle
throw em in GH or something
@rlemon pssh, both of you have been playing longer than I have.
rimworld is the one game I think I'm a) good enough and b) is intresting enough to stream
This last settlement is my first good one and I haven't even touched the late game mechanics.
Skyrim always makes me chuckle
@rlemon like i said, i would watch it
I know a guy named Sky
@ssube so, live streams with outside commentary is always entertaining
fair enough. I'd comment on it.
@bitten it's not enough to just watch. I need interaction :D
@rlemon then.. i would join your ts channel?
if you have amazon prime, can't you just twitch stream it? :P
@ssube thx for your critics and your help. I have rewritten the loader.
yes, I will twitch stream it
but I would want others in the stream audio
  var module_loader = (function(){

    __extends(module_loader, Emitter);
    module_loader.prototype.Emitter = Emitter;

    function module_loader(){

      this.version = DEFAULTS._VERSION_;
      this.module_callbacks = {};
      this.defauls          = {};
      this.module_tracker   = {};

      var _this = this, step_callback = function( module ){
        if( _this.check_if_build( module ) ){
          return _this.trigger_callbacks( module );

      this.on('css_done', function(module){
@rlemon make it gmt friendly pls
or enable the archive on twitch ^^
will do
might actually stream something wed then
@user2429266 at a glance, that does look much better. The events make it more generic. I wouldn't write my own because I can't beat systemjs or webpack, but if you need to, that's not bad.
tonight I have to go out, tomorrow gym after work.
@rlemon hm, pretty sure I can get my roommate to watch too
get a dozen people giving you ideas, ruin the whole village :D
@ssube You where right. It is faster and cleaner. Easier to maintain.
events are dope, dude

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