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@rlemon I don't like how the default in the chat theme is to hide oneboxed shit -- can you make it default to open and hide or make an option to set default pls?
You're well past the line into just flaming with a dash of casual racism, which will not make you any friends.
If not it's ok, your theme lol
@SterlingArcher go to chrome://extensions
@SterlingArcher Thanks, I'll look into that.
find the extension, find the options link
click it
Q: How to encapsulate HTML and JavaScript in Angular view?

vitozevI have a very large piece of markup, which is wrapped by ng-controller, it looks like this: <div ng-controller="MyController"> <script> // MyController is bootstraped with current_item_data to save additional work of loading data using service, etc. var current_item_data = <?...

Any ideas? :)
@rlemon you're so smart ty
@vitozev uh, you can't do that. That's not how JS works even a little bit.
throwing scripts in the middle of what I assume is a template, from PHP, will not do what you expect. The script will run in the global scope, not as part of the view.
I have a list of files that I need to load. the import (api) crap gives me a callback, and I want to load them all in order.
I'm like.. stuck thinking promises. but I don't have bluebird
What do you have?
@vitozev do the existing answers not solve the problem? both answerers seem to be requesting feedback,
a coffee
@rlemon you can make a promise recurse by just popping an array at the beginning and bailing if it's empty
recursion then
@ssube yea, and I was trying to code that but failing hard
brain fart... I've done this before
const next = foos.pop(); if (next) { return Promise.resolve(doStuffWithNextFoo).then(doThisAgain); } else { return Promise.resolve(); } }
Format your code you filthy beast
it's not as elegant as map or any of the real ones, but it will work
@rlemon What's the original problem?
@Zirak I'm loading scripts / styles in chrome extensions and need them to load in order. api only provides callbacks, my 'list' is N length based on your selected options
@SterlingArcher I did, but my code formatter treats line breaks like your mum.
like.. like a queen? :(
but I will do the recursion thing
The thing is that I'm working on endpoint where PDF can be created and I want to reuse some of existing parts in my app... I think that's a downside of HTML, it has very poor encapsulation
@SterlingArcher it strips em
!!afk vape
!!afk vape
Isn't that what Shadow DOM is created for? I know it's not working on all browsers, just wondering
@rlemon Sounds doable
I'll duplicate some code, I think there's no "good way to go" :)
To me it just looks like you're trying to get JSON from your server (php) to angular
@rlemon but you have an array you can mutate?
cause that's all you need
which.... should probably be done with ajax?
function loadScripts(urls, cb) {
    if (!urls.length) { return cb(); }

    loadSingularExceptionalScript(urls[0], _ => loadScripts(urls.slice(1), cb));
@Zirak like I said. Brain fart
@Zirak that makes a copy every time
@ssube OH NO
Over thinking things
which means you can't let those scripts push stuff onto the array
you're also just making a million copies for fun
wrapping it in a function, slicing once at the beginning and then mutating that array is better imo
I dunno about the former, since how will the scripts change your variable from inside them? And I don't care about the latter, because I don't care
function load([firstUrl, ...otherUrls], cb) {
    if (!firstUrl) { return cb(); }

    loadSingularExceptionalScript(firstUrl, () => loadScripts(otherUrls, cb));
@ssube I never ment to offend anyone, and if i did, im sorry.
I can be caustic sometimes.
Doesn't matter at all
@Luggage lulz I sometimes forget about rest
@rlemon thats why I prefer the OOP way. And a module loader that calls a callback after CSS, JS and module related stuff is loaded. Together with some intervals/settimeouts checking if everything needed is available and if it returns true create the instances.
@user2429266 Sounds complex
needlessly so
Aren't settimeouts async ?
@user2429266 why would you check at intervals?
I mean, more complex than a couple of 4 line functions
Maybe if you need complex X is required by Y rules, then sure
lmfao I just found the best spam email ever
It is. But there is no matter to load in order. Async all the things and check in timerfunctions if module is ready.
But all in all it's just a few lines.
fucking lol @Loktar @rlemon @KendallFrey
Cat stew for dinner.
@user2429266 anything you will need to load modules is already a promise or will emit events. Polling is a Bad Thing.
unless you really do need to poll, which is becoming more rare
@SterlingArcher Time to see what's built up in my spambox recently
the more and more I use chrome extension apis the more and more I fucking hate how they're designed
@SterlingArcher wow, alright then
I get this nauseating Java feel while using them
@user2429266 Maybe they do matter, though. If one script depends on another...
everything is overly convoluted
@rlemon it's funny how Google's stuff is like that
I use fetch to acquire resources, then use eval to parse them
almost like they use the same coding style for front and back end stuff
@rlemon I know, right!? At first they seem all nice and fine, and then you delve into them and you realise how weird they really are
And how things are missing, or just a bit weird
inconsistencies are killing me
@SterlingArcher Steph must have signed you up
not necessarily with the api, but the documentation is all over the place.
@Zirak that's what it is about. You can load everything without loading script1 then 2 then 3 etc. Load 1,2,3 and then let the script create their instances if everything is ready.
@user2429266 you can't really do that
function stop_load_if_ready( id ){
  if( ! isset( typeof DEFAULTS['INTERVALS'][id] ) ){ return; }
  delete DEFAULTS['INTERVALS'][id];

function load_if_ready( callback, callback_check, timing ){
  var _init = (function(callback_,callback_check_){
    var  rounds = 0, id = _pop_.generate_timer_id();
    if( ! callback_check_() ){
        DEFAULTS['INTERVALS'][id] = setInterval(function(){
          if( rounds >= 200 ){
            stop_load_if_ready( id );
ew, snake case..
Hey guys! should I render a table (which is filled with a JSON) on the client side using JS or should create the table on the server side and render it using a templating engine?
@KsheetijSaini Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
get out of here with that nasty code
jtfc what is that
Somebody likes python
@KsheetijSaini Both are valid solutions
@user2429266 what tool generated that code?
to be fair, I probably am 100% safe to not even care about this shit. it's in an extension. I can't imagine
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file});
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file2});
is really going to get out of order
but can't be too safe
Mostly free money in multi-million dollar increments
But I found this
Lol. I minified it a little bit...
@KevinB Any pros or cons according to you?
@user2429266 Oh my
None in the general sense
> sweety pecker
@KendallFrey Had me at "sweety pecker"
@KsheetijSaini a good presentation library can do both
@Zirak works like a charm.
heck of a lot better than "pussy eater"
the deciding factor depends on your application/server/usage/userbase
@user2429266 I'm happy for you
@KendallFrey you say that but..
@user2429266 it can't possibly
Destroyer of Peckers
@ssube why?
because you didn't do it sean's way
dammit brb
I say no to butt
the animated ones are impressive
@user2429266 not is it unreadable, it's not how modules work
    if (!callback_check()) {
      if (callback_check()) {
        //Shouldn't get here.

@SterlingArcher You spilled something
dafuq is sean's way?^^
@ssube Im just looking if theres a convention
@SterlingArcher not the fish D:
unless callback_check() returns different values each time it's called.
@SterlingArcher Dude what'd you do to the cupcake?
you call it twice.
@KsheetijSaini the convention, as such, is that you can do either from the same tech.
@KarmaDoe it will. This creates a new timeout if the callback_check function returns false.
Look deeper
@user2429266 why?
Look more deeplier
We must go deeper.
all of those things have events
every one of them
Its ust a small data set of say length 10.
I was thinking of client side cause its small data AND it's more REST-like
you're also calling cb in functions that you've never passed it to
@KsheetijSaini Then render it on the client. That's valid.
Unhandled resolve cb is not deffined.
Let's assume the module depends on another one. The callback_check would check if the module is loaded. If not it runs the timeout again. Checking again if the module is loaded. And if it is it calls the final callback.
Me? I prefer to render everything on the client.. but then again, I don't care about search engines, load time, etc.
function load_style_sheet( m ){
  // later
  try{ l.onload=cb; } catch(e){ cb(); } } };
Its just a small data set of say length 10.
I was thinking of client side cause its small data AND it's more REST-like
@Luggage Alright Thanks
For some reason I have multiple emails warning me of sex offenders in my neighbourhood
I'm well aware of myself, thanks
@Luggage Shouldn't that be more taxing on low end machine users ?
what no i had to pee very badly fuck you guys
@user2429266 but waiting 200ms between checks?
@KarmaDoe maybe. If they have a 286.
@ssube cross browser problems. Onload isn't supported everywhere in this case.
@KarmaDoe it is, technically, but it's such a small difference
@user2429266 wat
pretty sure dom level 3 standardized onload events
I see.
@ssube It runs the callback first with no/less delay. The next rounds are 200ms.
why have any delay when you have events?
even require is more robust than that loader
Sounds like a bad case of, "I have no idea what I'm doing, so I'll just write spaghetti"
@ssube I had never had a failure since creation.
seriously, what edge case do you have where onload doesn't work?
and then you end up with tortellinis
Neat, I got a job offer in my spam box
I need to know this
Salary is $2000
@KendallFrey for the whole job?
@KarmaDoe Yeah, that's why I prefer client side if the data isn't much else server-side if there's a lot of processing
@rlemon stylesheets loading in IE.
"Dear {{lead.First Name:default= }," in my inbox
And the finishing touch:
> Sent from my iPhone
@user2429266 IE5?
Microsoft Edgelord.
In IE as far as i know you can create stylesheets with document.createElement and use document.createStyleSheet. How to attach an onload event to that?
@KevinB "Dear Scott" -- 20 minutes later "okay, so I messed that up"
can't create...
@user2429266 let elem = document.createElement(...); elem.onload = doLoadedStuff;
the normal way you do events?
what makes you think script-created elements are any different from normal ones?
this won't work in IE. You need to dynamically create the stylesheets with document.createStyleSheet
document.createStyleSheet is not supported since IE11
@user2429266 I love how you stand your ground against fact being thrown at you. You should run for office.
the only blog post I can find that even talks about missing onload events is saying the chrome doesn't do them
you're writing forwards incompatible code
the ie7/8 solutions around do use events
That's why there is a check if the function exists.
so most of that is dead code?
and it's starting to smell
IE5 is going to break on something else long before your module loader has a chance to hit any of those fallbacks.
You wanna hate? Go on. Lifes short. One fallback line...
plus, yknow, the fact that isn't going to be able to load most module formats
and the calling of undeclared params
in what version of ie does var styleSheet = document.createElement('STYLE'); not work?
@KevinB it isn't about that, it is about detecting the load event.
for some reason, you need to do that with programatically created sheets
@rlemon Luls. Saw your code.. Soo. glhf. @ssube what's your problem? It's a snipper. use_strict on every script and set the vars if you use it.
@user2429266 but you can't call params that don't exist D:
@user2429266 my code is the best code.
Everybody says so
grabs popcorn
A portion of code. Nothing more. No problem with other opinions but the deliver them in a human way.
Nobody respects variables more than RLemon.
you should check out wall.js
just don't ask me to do emails.
@Luggage Underrated post.
What is Masonry?
layout stuff?
@rlemon Guess thats why you don't load YT thumbnails and create the iframes onclick. Your Chattheme would hang the browser if 50 YT Videos are inserted. Have a nice day.
thats what i get when i hit feeling lucky with wall js
@user2429266 using events is a good thing
it's more efficient
they fire less often and can be scheduled better
it's a toss up between two clicks vs loading the iframe. I choose to load the iframe
@rlemon LOL this guy.
@ssube Did't think about events at that time. Maybe I'll take a look. But as you know. Never change a running system.
@Waxi that is rlemon, btw.
two years old now
how time flies.
@Luggage I could tell by the monopoly money.
@rlemon that's probably a really good way to get some exotic eye infection
I like changing running systems.
@rlemon you bought your house almost 2 years ago?
move in , nope
90+ day lead
@rlemon Yeah. And I get headaches everytime a page is loaded that loads 50 YT iframes.. No offense.
so don't load pages with 50 YT videos on it
@Luggage I like trains.
your edge case isn't the average case
I've considered the options, and choose this way
She sure does!
@Luggage I want to onebox the elf from the christmas episode of always sunny, but it's not worth the ban, so just imagine it.
the pantsless elf?
one of the many santas
query: do I bother compressing extension code? packing it for chrome zips it
@rlemon Don't say edge. Maybe in SO it is edge. But in normal Chats YT Videos are posted as walls if you're unlucky. It's Ok. As said. No need to like my stuff. But no need to start a war on some lines of code. Don't care.
@rlemon nah, you're talking a tiny amount of time
@user2429266 but the extension is for SO chat, and I didn't start a war.
so if you feel the need to have a pissing contest, leave me out of it
Ok. Hey folks. Let's do a YT party today. Yay!
do you want kicked/flagged for spamming?
I used to want to have pissing contests, but.. prostate issues..
folks pointed out very concrete problems with your code, you don't need to get all mad and try to break things for other people
@user2429266 Young & Tilted or YouTube?
Young Turks
@ssube define problems? Problem = won't work. Optimization and other ways are not problems.
Young Turks party, seems exotic, im in.
the name is a misnomer
you creep
it's 18+ turks
It's not exotic, it's annoying. :)
@user2429266 it won't work, we explained that
18 < Turks < 21
@KarmaDoe they just pretend to do news on youtube
I hate the Young Turks news channel. They are trying so hard, but their shit is whack.
They are OK, but they get annoying.
they're awful
@ssube Of COURSE!
of all the "YouTube News", they are not bad
compare them to their genre
@Luggage of course what?
That's what Cenk says all the time in a loud annoying way
not sure if I spelled that name right
Worked on all tested devices. It's a snippet so undefined vars don't exist .
youtube.com/watch?v=YwxnWi3mn6o TYT: "Of Course" complilation
let's get rooooooit into the noooose
of couuuuuuuurse
I actually start watching lots of TYT segments. They usually have the video/quote/whatever up front and then I leave when I get annoyed at their commentary.
But hey.. Let's stop that annoying discussion. Sucks. sharocity.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/…
if people enjoy listening to you comment, they often give you a forum in real life, rather than youtube
Once i listened to fox news, just for laughs.
First prize of the call and win was a shotgun. Much Usa. Wow.
What country are you in?
hey, your country is almost as bad as ours
Argentina: Civil use: Any non-semiautomatic shotgun with a barrel length of at least 600mm
so.. just like us
actually we might be able to have semi-auto.. but not sure
But whe don give it away as a prize.
Why not? :)
too much corruption
Anyhow, i never said my country was better, or that giving away shotguns was wrong, it seems odd to me.
the government was going to buy a bunch of shotgun prizes, but then somebody found out that the gun company was owned by the government
you realize that is just a news station, not the country as a whole, right?
in true south american style
i mean, if you even consider it a news station i guess
@ssube Yeah our last gun import from usa was sent to isis instead ):
better than having your old used pickup truck sent over, company vinyl intact
right? poor guy
That's funny, but dealers just send them to auction so.. I doubt much of a case (I didn't read it all)
Trump will fix it.
@Luggage yeah, they don't really get into where it went, just how much the dealership botched it
@user2429266 Trump has never -- to my knowledge -- expressed concern about anything leaving the country.
I doubt Trump can fix an uneven table.
A question to those frome america, wich are the years when you make reference to "make america great again" ?
We'll see.
@KarmaDoe unspecified
That's odd.
his catch phrase should really be "The government of today has no right to tell us how to live our lives. Because the government of 200 years ago already did."
Idk what happened but there's like a ~3x3" hole in the ass of my jeans now lmgdao
And I'm at my desk
@MadaraUchiha, @copy Looks like the Sombra patch hit the PTR, downloading it as we speak!
@KarmaDoe Guess pre Bush
@Zirak Won't be able to get to it till the weekend :(
Do tell how she feels
It'll be 6v6 Sombra all around
@Neoares earth is flat, we all know that
You can always go competitive in the ptr
And lock her quickly
@Zirak is that the new ubersquanch dood?
Quick question, what is a better way of saying this:
$(".layer").attr("width", $(".layer").attr("width") + 1);
@ssube Yes
have they added maps or anything to that game?
I wish I was there Q_Q
how much gravity is there?
like, 0.1? or what
@user2429266 That looks German to me.

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