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Hi! Does someone have an idea for this stackoverflow.com/questions/40448674/… ?
This happens because focused element is textarea rather than window
maybe try force focus when such buttons are used
@Kunok true. How to force PG UP to be transmitted to window?
Honestly I would do some workaround, first I would add event to these two buttons, and when that event is executed, the line of code would look something like this window.focus()
Should search for proper objects tho
maybe document.querySelector('body').focus(), need to play with it
could anyone advise me a book which covers angular sharing values between controllers in details? thanks :)
ok @Kunok i will try
I am using this pattern in a node project: darrenderidder.github.io/talks/ModulePatterns/#/8 . Let's say buz.js requires this node module: github.com/sprice/represent. How would I write a method of Buz that calls one of the Represent functions?
var represent = require('represent');
The docs should tell you, but it's a reasonable guess.
Does anyone have any idea how to solve my problem? stackoverflow.com/questions/40442738/…
@AwalGarg right and it's one of the caveats I mention in the readme. It's technically non-preemptive but I'm having trouble seeing a better way to do it in Javascript. I think the end goal is to have that compiler that will add those explicit yields. It's pretty close to preemptive scheduling though. Open to ideas!
Is there any html element, which does support formatting some parts of its content bold or italic, and still has a selectionStart property?
Also most user level threading libs work based on the sigalarm handler to enable random context switching, which is impossible (to my knowledge) to replicate in js.
@Unknown Probably any contenteditable element
<div contenteditable>
@Purag Right, you'd need host support for that. You can probably right a very small C++ node extension to allow calling alarm and relay sigalrm signals to userland JS and then build a "proper" scheduler on top of that.
@Luggage where in buz.js do I put var represent = require('represent');? within a constructor or method?
contentEditables don't support selectionStart
Have you tried googling your question?
In redux I need to create an id in one tree and then pass it to another tree. Is a good way to do this to create the id before calling the action and then having that action run on both reducers?
Or is it better if I call the second reducer with the result of the first reducer?
@Unknown it's not just cursor, it's text cursor, also known as caret. that might help with your google fu
hi people
I developed this little thing, as a utility for node
I hoped you could give me some thoughts on the repo, and even contribute
Anyone experienced with angular 1 here? I'm using a template expression.. ie; {{ report.data | json }}
and I want to call a function after the dom is re-rendered
$scope.$watch is called WHEN the variable is changed, but not after the doms with the expressions are rendered
Don't typically use angular, but I'm tasked to a small task that requires it be used.
Found a cool trick for anyone who's interested, though it's a bit hacky.
Using $timeout, even with a delay of 0 seconds will be processed after the digest.
How to delegate a keypress to another div than the one which had focus?
Example: keypress of PG UP in a textarea? i would like to propagate it to window...
hi bye
@bitten Yeah, I know that. Thank you anyway :/ I'm just starting a new question describing my exact situation.
@Unknown so you want to replace the contents of a contenteditable element, but keep the position of the caret?
@Abhishrek we did it: qz.com/828754/…
Does someone understand how to use this code:
It should allow to detect mobile browsers
but I don't find how to use it
@Basj all events propagate to window
if i have an object B and i want to add its properties to another object A
[...A, B];
sorry, i meant
{...A, B};
the problem is that i don't want B but rather its properties adn values to be added..
i.e. I don't want {...A, {x:"y", z:"p"}}, i rather want to see this: {...A, x:"y", z:"p"}
without the brackets of that last object, just its properties
i thought i can replace the object.assign with the spread operator
Yeah do what @phenomnomnominal said, use Object.assign({},A,B)
3 minutes to midnight
ok, that works
got it
thanks a lot!!
You guys always rock!!
actually if you're using babel then the rest thing should work
it's... stage 3 though
which might need extra flags
but just use {...A, ...B} maybe?
@david that works for sure
quick question if someone is using sublime text, i want to import class from file.. is there a good plugin to find those classes for me, autocomplete kinda thing
never mind that last question..
i don't know it still
i remember while writing import, it detects the name of classes and functions from the file i'm importing and makes autocomplete
hi guys
How can I use jQuery custom selector, <div uyemi="1">
is it correct
did it work?
then it's probably not correct
@user3304007 try $('[uyemi="1"]')
Hey @rlemon can I pick your brain when you get a chance? Not at all important
using redux, i'm getting my state like this: 0(pin): """
1(pin): "d"
2(pin): "a"
3(pin): "s"
4(pin): "d"
5(pin): "s"
6(pin): "a"
7(pin): "d"
8(pin): "a"
9(pin): """
it's not coming as a normal string
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