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@deostroll can you give url of server so I can look at the 2MB of 'a' characters?
okay, it's pretty jank/messy, but I was inspired by my OS class to try implementing user-level threads in JS. (and it seems to work!) github.com/purag/concur
@deostroll are you specifying port 3000 when you fetch it?
are you fetching // host:3000/drain ?
why this doesn't work if I use
pieces.map( decode ).forEach( async piece => {
    console.log( 'new ingredient arrived! ' );
    cooked.push( await piece );
@jAndy very funny. you xor the characters in the url to that video with 666?
I made that little "work" for last friday, I'm wondering why I can't use arrow functions as container for await
but I guess I already have the answer, not allowed by spec
the location.assign happens way too early, doesn't it?
using the arrow function with forEach you mean?
location.assign is not in the same scope as the await. why would it block the location.assign? ( the commented out one)
Is there a way to enable Access-Control-Allow-Origin in an html header?
It must be in the HTTP header. Supporting it in the body would be a security bug. — EricLaw Aug 10 '11 at 21:01
I'm reading that page. Actually I had found that result myself. Maybe I'm having a reading comprehension error, but I can't figure out what is required form that page. By in the header, you just mean it must be in the portion to the html page that is set off as <head> // some stuff </head>?
no, they mean HTTP headers
they are sent before the page
i see i see
So i know how to do that in php
but how do i do it in nodde?
I want to just use the http sever
im just trying to serve some request from a mongoDB lookup so another page can grab it using ajax and integrate it into the displayed content. setting up express seems like overkill
i mean. I want to set up a very simple API, whereby my web app sends a query to my node database, node queries mongoDB, and the node database sends back a response (accessible via ajax) which is then used to display some content on my web app
dude thats exactly what i was looking for
thank you
1 hour later…
I've got multiple divs that have class sc. When using jquery, how can I get a div from an index and then fadeIn()?
css selectors count from 1, not 0
@Corgs is it right?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent $('.sc').eq(n) will give you the nth thing with class sc
if you need to access multiple, lift the selector creation outside the repetition: var sc = $('.sc'); sc.eq(2).addClass('example'); sc.eq(7).hide();
if you need a range of them, use .slice
if you want all but the first two: $('.sc').slice(2).hide()
if you want 4 starting at index 2: $('.sc').slice(2, 4).hide()
@corgs oops, wrong person ^
:33893475 ah, the chaining stuff
chaining isn't a requirement. most jquery methods that take a subset of or are relative to a selector push the history stack, so .end() will pop you back to where you were before
@doug65536 i updated the test case. thank you for a quick, free jquery lesson! i'll ping you tomorrow to learn more.
$(foo).children('.bar').hide().end().addClass('x') will add class 'x' to $(foo)
@LearnHowToBeTransparent np
negative positive
your message looks almost like tp
in SOBotics, 20 secs ago, by Learn How To Be Transparent
@NATOBot tp
I meant no problem, slang for you're welcome
@LearnHowToBeTransparent you forgot to add jquery lib jsfiddle.net/v9vrh6v8/2
click javascript at top right of js pane
.eq would get one object and nth-child can get more than one right?
@Corgs .eq(0), .get(0), [0] $('.sc:nth-child(1)') you gave me another jquery lesson.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent tell me im wrong but get(0) will not allow me to chain methods after...
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).get(...).fadeIn is not a function(…)
.eq seems to work though
yes that's 100% right!!!!
[0]/.get(0) : get real DOM element from JQuery element. real DOM element can't JQuery.
/*  | |------| |----|
    |    |       |________ get real DOM Element
    |  JQuery .sc
    |-------JQuery again

    JQuery, write more, do less.
@Corgs that's all you need to know.
Wait, whats the diffrence between .eq and nth-child?
@Corgs you taught me and you gave me a test?
Idk what it does...Im curious
How do you have a recursive anonymous function?
assign it to a variable
                               |   Marks      |     Comments            |
  Learn How To Be Transparent  |              |                         |
     JavaScript Room           |              |                         |
                               |              |                         |

1/ What's the difference between :eq() and :nth-child()?
       eq(n)                  |          nth-child(n)
   count from 0               |    count from 1
@Mosho it wont be anonymous anymore
@Corgs finished.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent but does .eq get one, but nth-child can get mutiple (nth-child will get all the first children of all the parents)
@Corgs :nth-child(an+b) obviously you're not talking about this.
i can't understand
<kbd>Do you want to play hangman?</kbd>
homework again (i know you don't hate oneboxes, so here)
Q: I need assistance with this program that checks whether a phone number is a valid British phone number

Jasmin Callaway✘ Number too long - Expected: 'Plenty more fish in the sea', instead got: 'In with a chance' Here is what the program should do: /* Your task is to write a function that verifies whether a given string contains a valid British mobile (cell) phone number or not. If valid, return 'In with a chanc...

tl;dr unclear
sorry, looks more like regex writing
Why'd you do her homework for her?
@Shmiddty Woo hoo for girls in computer science!
@Shmiddty why do u think OP is female?
do you want to do that homework?
Her name is Jasmine
Find me one dude named jasmine
do you use compilers->js
We compile to js using babel
But that's it
If I do any front end stuff in my personal time I use elm though
me: nø compilers
Don't be afraid of compilers
It's more important to make development easy than anything else
We'd use scratch if it was remotely useful for developing complex backend systems
i can't believe it i can send the whole jquery
my bounty is going to expire! what should i do?
Probably explain wtf dat.GUI is
@Meredith how?
Literally never heard of it
Is it a great way?
> **Don't be scared because of dat.GUI tag! It is a pretty simple library: https://workshop.chromeexperiments.com/examples/gui/#1--Basic-Usage. My real problem is because of some magical things. Take the tour, and see if you can help me. The only way I can see to solve this is:**
>Destroy dat.GUI controller and init again everytime I change controller.
>But I want to know another way.
btw your name reminds me of this song youtube.com/watch?v=hskLgFWEJNw
Cuz transparent is ok
Also you assign to controller which is not defined
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I guess at the moment you .add() the controller you add it to controller1 since control is just a references to ctrl1.
and think of it like a click event. If you remove the element with the clickevent (ctrl1) and replace it with a new one (ctrl2) it wont react to the click.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent yes it will
if you take a look at the DOM you see that your monitored value within gui is stored at "object.i" and it won't change after the click.
You can inspect it with this change:
controller = gui.add(control, "i").onFinishChange(function(){
But all in all .. Yes.. Create one controller for each value.
1 message moved to Trash can
@user2429266 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
    var ins = function(){
      this.x = 100;
      this.y = 300;
      return this;
    var inst = new ins()
        ,gui = new dat.GUI();

I was trying to change the images by the action of mouse onclick, onmouseover and onmouseout. But stuck, I need the image onclick untile another image is clicked

can somebody help
1 hour later…
/hey does anyone know how to handle exceptions with await/async
instead of writing try catch everywhere
@misha130 The way you handle exceptions anywhere else
hmmm I guess this was the advantage of "then"
making a scope of code where code could be affected
Q: Three JS Keep Label Size On Zoom

rankindI'm working on a solar system in three.js and am curious if there is an easy way to make the labels for the planets I have below all show up the same size regardless of how far they are from the camera? I can't seem to find a solution to this. I figure you could calculate the distance from each l...

@SusHill hello
@misha130 you use async not await
@LearnHowToBeTransparent do you know to block mouseout while in onclick
@Zirak this way jsfiddle.net/fg7e9vsk
onerror = function(e,f,g) {
That's not handling it, that's logging it.
@ivarni i thought handle===log //return true
@LearnHowToBeTransparent no, I use await
cause its comfortable
why there's no presidential election in SO?
@SusHill jsfiddle.net/172vuymy If you just want the graypart you could use css filters named grayscale.
@user2429266 if users enter the mouse then it should be colored and if leaves the mouse out then it should be b/w and if user click the image and leaves the mouse out then it should be colored
@user2429266 yea it is the thing i needed but how can i achieve same thing for multiple images ???
@SusHill this is a pure css attempt: jsfiddle.net/aLvwfsx0 Wait a minute for multiple solution.
@Purag It's nice, but in your test.js, you have manual yields inserted on each control flow point. Note that the way most OSs/schedulers work is that the yield happens only at a system call. An interrupt is generated and the CPU switches into kernel mode. So if you decide to run some CPU only intensive code, there is nothing to stop you unless your program does a system call.
@user2429266 yea man its good too
@SusHill and here with a function to deactivate all: jsfiddle.net/ubc0c8fm If you need to deactivate the selected ones if another one is clicked just call add_events.deactivate_all(); in the click handler.
@user2429266 i know you are trying to help me and also achieving good points for me but when users click in another image then the image which was click before should be grayscale
@user2429266 all the four image when clicked is colored but i what i want is if users clicked another image then otheres should remove color
okay man this is great
plz give asn to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40447628/block-mouseout-event-listener-if-onclick-is-pressed?noredirect=1#comment68141261_40447628
i will upvote you
i have used your code in this page, it was good in fiddle but in site it needs double click to get clicked action color, could you look into it, it will appear if you click in the image of the person the side thumbnail will display in right hand side
@bikkybarnwal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SusHill can you try this? jsfiddle.net/f1b3ugo5
less JS more CSS
PS: Du kannst auch deutsch mit mir schreiben.
Oh man. Not today, but very soon, I am going to need a lot of help determining what to use JS for and what to use CSS for.
That is not a problem that I am comfortable with solving on my own yet.
JS for code. CSS for style. You're welcome.
But co-ordinates? And sizes?
I'm sure I'll find some way to screw this up.
@Seanny123 The general rule of thumb is: "If it can be done with CSS, do it with CSS"
How does one become familiar with what CSS can and can't do? Is there a flow-chart or something? Or is it one of those horrible things you can only gain with experience?
Start there, work your way down the strictness tree.
@Seanny123 It's definitely one of those horrible things you gain with experience.
Generally, anything to do with design, colors, sizes, layout, position, etc is CSS
Anything behavioral (when mouse is clicked, do this) is JS
Seems legit.
Those are rough rules, but they should get you started
There are exceptions
:33895212 Create a page with Chrome or Firefox. Switch to IE-> learnby debugging. :D Today CSS can do mostly anything related to design, animations, element selection ( like find childs by index, or get the parent etc. ) etc.
For example, you can determine how something looks when the mouse hovers it with the :hover CSS pseudo-class
Oh yes, I recognize that one.
And you can do pretty much any CSS in JavaScript
Does the fact that I'm using PostCSS change any of this?
or create pseudoelements with ::after and ::before
Give it a try, ask questions, get your code reviewed
Wish I could have told you there was a shortcut :P
Gotchya! (:
in short: if it targets the eye use CSS. If it is logic use JS. If it is eyestuff based on logic use JS to change the elements class which then matches a CSS selector defined in your style.
That's a good way of putting it, yeah.
How to be an awesome programmer?
Stop being a bad one.
First learn programming. Second start doing awesome things. Like bunjeejumping, Mountainbiking, Surfing or whatever feels awesome.
In TypeScript, how do I make sure a class method is implemented by a subclass?
Gosh darnit. Just found the question I was looking for.
prototype instanceof works I guess
Turned out it had to do with the abstract keyword
@Seanny123 Yeah, you make both the class and the method abstract
@CheckMeOut I don't know how to be an awesome programmer, but to look like an awesome programmer, you gotta have a good Github profile and use l33t tools and terms - linux, terminal, tcp, root, hacking etc. Ask @towc, he has good experience with this.
that doesn't even sound sarcastic
it totally isn't
And PyCharm failed to compile TypeScript....
pinky swear?
Oh god, why have you forsaken me.
just use vim
I am sooooo not at that level.
It's really just my OS install that's effed.
Could even get TypeScript working with Sublime.
What do you use?
@Seanny123 Likely
@Seanny123 @littlepootis hadn't told anyone that he uses vim for like 15 minutes, so he was just desperate. Ignore him. Btw, I use vim.
Guys. I'm going try Windows in the hope that it just works better from some reason. Wish me luck.
What OS were you on all this time?
A really old install of Ubuntu that has seen some shit.
And consequently isn't always totally co-operative
Why not reinstall a newer version?
I remember using PyCharm in Ubuntu back when I first tried Python. It was laggy af. But apparently it is extremely popular among Python devs.
For TypeScript, as much as I'd love to use vim, I just use VSCode because it works better OOTB with TS. And I don't use TS unless I necessarily have to, so there is that.
I would reinstall a newer version, but I'm literally too afraid to at this point.
I've made horrible mistakes in the past.
@Seanny123 you're making another one now
I'm a l33t ASP Class ic programmer. I have an impressive set of SourceSafe repos and use tools and terms like "notepad", "remote desktop" and "NetBIOS".
@Luggage Wow. Words cannot describe how leet and intelligent you are. Fractions can. 2/10
Guys quick sanity check.
Nope. You aren't.
How's this for splitting a string by character, while considering HTML entities as a single character:
> JSON.stringify("M&amp;M foo & &#123; bar".match(/&[\w#]+;|./g))
'["M","&amp;","M"," ","f","o","o"," ","&"," ","&#123;"," ","b","a","r"]'
XY problem?
Looks inefficient
@littlepootis you are correct
It was an import problem all along
@copy I'm using a sort-of strategy pattern to determine how to split a string
@MadaraUchiha catches &0; as a single char, while that's not an entity
Each piece will be wrapped with an element
The naive solution str.split('') would cause HTML entities to be displayed literally
Because &amp; would become <span>&</span><span>a</span><span>m</span><span>p</span><span>;</span>
Is this code going to run in the browser? Or server-side?
@AwalGarg Browser.
Use a treewalker
Looks fine then (besides matching some non-entities)
Ehh...I'd probably just decode the entities, split the string, then recode them
@AwalGarg Treewalker?
@Meredith That would be more expensive, as that would imply DOM access.
It won't be as fast but at least it's more clear what you're doing
I'm afraid performance takes priority in this specific case
What are you doing that makes it imply dom access?
I'd like to remain within the boundaries of string manipulation
@Meredith How would you decode the entities?
The only way I know is to create an element, plop the string in the innerHTML and then look at textContent
And now I have Interface problems, which means it's time to go to bed. Thanks for the help guys.
@MadaraUchiha yeah document.createTreeWalker. But if you just want string manipulation, then not tree walkers.
@MadaraUchiha Wtf
@Meredith Do you know of a better way?
It's a one to one mapping
It's not hard to write a function to do it
@Meredith There are hundreds of named entities, and many more thousands of numbered ones, in several forms
And I can't count on the browser's UTF8 abilities.
Does anyone know what are those "wires" called which are used to hold wrapped wires in place? They are stiff and wrapped in rubbery plastic of sorts...
@AwalGarg Insulation?
so hard to google
Ahh, wire ties it is. Thanks!
also used for bread, etc.
more generically "twist ties"
@MadaraUchiha Numbered ones are easy. Named ones aren't bad cuz only like 10 of them are actually used
But if you need all of them then you can generate the lookup table pretty easily
Though at that point your solution is better, no question
I'm trying to remove an item from an object without mutating. Can someone tell me why this method is not working? jsbin.com/vixojuzoxe/1/edit?js,console
@TA3 Because: 1. You can't introduce dynamic bindings in scope; and 2. you can't (yet) spread any object - only iterables.
@AwalGarg Is there an actual reason for that btw?
Hey, I have a function like this my_func("param", my_conditional_func), which does something with "param" if my_conditional_func returns true. Does this look weird? The alternative would be if (my_conditional_func()) { my_func("param") }
@AndyStabler Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MadaraUchiha for which part of the two? :)
@AwalGarg Oh I see. Could you kindly suggest a way to do this?
@AwalGarg Objects not being iterables yet
@TA3 Build a new object without the properties you don't want
@AndyStabler It's a little weird
Btw they're called predicates
@MadaraUchiha Basically, there is too much ambiguity about how to iterate (order) and what to iterate. ES6 resolved the order issue, but what to iterate is still an issue. And semantically, marking every single object ever as iterable is a pretty bad idea.
@Meredith Ah, ok. Thanks, I'll go with if (my_predicate()) { my_func("param") }
But @AwalGarg this works fine jsbin.com/fuhigaxepi/1/edit?js,console
@TA3 yes, that's because babel supports the object rest operator. It is not yet standard though, hence why I said "yet". Your bin is marked to run after transpilation with babel.
this is the worst one yet lol
@Meredith How is buzzfeed still a thing?
Are people truly that stupid?
You gotta learn how to have fun boy
Seeing that he finds anime interesting, I doubt he could learn that easily
I find it fun to kick all y'all <3
You can't kick anyone. You can probably torment people by talking about anime for hours, but kicking requires guts, kid.
Oh yeah I have something to show you
@Meredith lol, it's not me, but nicely done.
Yeah you don't strike me as a kendrick fan
@Meredith "Not available"
Do you live in china or something
Not available for me either
I guess only americans can listen to kendrick
we lucky few
Well, it's the beginning of the end you guys.
It was nice knowing you.
I knew a weird guy in high school who kept trying to get me to play starcraft with him
Hi guys,
@GlenPinheiro Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I need some advice in chosing javascript framework to learn.., angular 2 or React js 15.., i'm aiming at new upcoming trends in 2017. Can anyone help?
@GlenPinheiro How well do you know JavaScript? Can you write abstractions on your own?
@GlenPinheiro learn all of them. doesn't take much time
right now i'm working as a php developer, know jquery
Just do backend and pretend they dont exist
@GlenPinheiro Learn JavaScript properly first.
@MadaraUchiha i'm familar with es6 concepts, and basics of angular 1 and react.
@MadaraUchiha i'm good with javascript.
@GlenPinheiro What I mean is: Do you know how to work with data collections? (Arrays, maps, sets, objects) Do you know what a Promise is and how to use it? Do you know how to write a function that accepts and uses another function as argument?
js maps suuuuuuuuuuuuuck
@MadaraUchiha yes, i know
@GlenPinheiro Learn both
Like @AwalGarg said, it doesn't take a very long time
Decide which one you like better and focus on that
But do try both to see what works for you
Why even try when Awal already answered a question. kids these days...
@MadaraUchiha i'm trying to focus on any one technology.., wondering angular 2 or react wins the race.
@GlenPinheiro You're doing it for the wrong reasons.
Don't try to be predictive, that almost never works.
Be reactive, be able to be confident in yourself and be able to get to a point where you can learn any framework within a reasonable period of time
Tomorrow a new trend might pop up that would overtake React and Angular
A person who focused the last 6 months learning React would be left in the dust, and the person who focused on improving their general understanding would be able to pick it up quickly.
Learn a bit of everything
Be able to be at least productive in both
@MadaraUchiha Please write a blog post on this. I am too lazy. kthnx
When you get to that point, you'll be in a much better position to decide for yourself which you like better.
@AwalGarg That might actually be a good idea
@MadaraUchiha sounds motivating.
@GlenPinheiro Sounds cheesy :D
But it's true.
@MadaraUchiha yes
It's funny because "reactive" is actually literally a class of frameworks where JS is moving - observable streams driving the entire state of your app and a hence-called reactive framework managing it.
@MadaraUchiha i agree with u
@AwalGarg Reactive is a misleading name in that context
Something is reactive when it can react to things
@MadaraUchiha Yes, reason why I put it in quotes :)
These frameworks are called reactive because someone called them "Reactive Extensions" because it sounded awesome.
Erik Meyer is a genius, but naming things is hard :D
He's an ass
@Meredith Don't let Benji hear you say that.
Why though?
@MadaraUchiha dude... erik just called them observables. Someone at MS (IIRC a LINQ dev) started calling them reactive.
Wait I was thinking of someone else
@Meredith Nah. I butchered his name
Erik Meijer
That's how you spell it
Eric Elliot is the one I don't like
@Meredith why so? because of his arrogant tone of speaking?
Yeah it's his tone
He seems so smug
hello anybody here?
/o\ oh god why
anybody here can answer this question please ? stackoverflow.com/questions/40440634/…
!!welcome SurazKhanal
@@SurazKhanal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SurazKhanal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
fail xD
\ /
ok sorry for that
i am currently working on ionic framework . I have a six pages total.
user image
Hello guys
@Kunok Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
How do you control your javascript code RAM usage?
Do you have any special methods that you would like to share?
Hey guys, any recommendations for code highlighting tools?
I can't seem to get either Prism or HighlightJS working correctly.
there's a 15 line function somewhere that does it faily well
in an SO answer somewhere
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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