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"lock and batch"
not necessarily
lock can be just another command to batch
what do you lock on
you manually specify the list of keys?
if redis, the keys you plan to mutate
lock on ze missiles
WATCH money allowance
with lock(read=['foo', 'bar'], write=['money']):
    money_spent = get('foo')
Vere arre vi aiming generral?
ze invading martians, obviously
have you not noticed?
hm.. you.. you need to lock reads too..
redis does not because it watches, not locks.
obviously, yes
@david love it, thanks a bunch!
well, you watch the keys you read too, no?
it does not prevent writes, just flags yours as dirty do you know of the failure.. so it might not be a good model for that
no, i don't think you do
Ve have been herre, undergrund sinz ze bombings
you should, if you want to be told if your key has changed, no?
maybe you do.
> If at least one watched key is modified before the EXEC command, the whole transaction aborts,
also, I don't like the basic premise of this model which is that it will throw if something fails
i don't think so is erdis-land..
rather than locking to make sure it's executed properly
yea, well, then you want locking, not "watching".
then you can be more sure that you can complete the job
5 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
with lock(read=['foo', 'bar'], write=['money']):
    money_spent = get('foo')
@Luggage anyway, thanks a lot for the discussion, I appreciate your insights
sounds like you want postgres with the settings tweaked up to keep as much of the db in ram as possible :)
well, optimized for key/value with expiration too
yup. ttyl, i'm gonna get off the computer, too.
ohh, right, expiration.
@KarmaDoe That was over 70 years ago.
Ve know, ve have been able to grow our own foodz from craks on ze vall, vere ze waterr leaks, and ze dirt on ze floors, vere ze zeeds have grrown. The first zree years vere roffer zo, half ze crew ate zemselvs.
Ve vere vondering vi our hair vas vite.
Ve now know.
Ze other crew ate the zews?
Ze zews vere infected.
Ve made heat out of zeir corpzes.
In redux I have contacts and contact groups. When I add a contact I also would like to add the contact's new id to a contact group, both have their own reducers. How would I go about doing this? Is there a name for something like this in redux that I can search for?
thanks, looking now
Man I hate it when people ask a question then pull a ninja
a ninja?
hello the hell
@joshhunt could you help me?
possibly, I'm not very experienced with js but just ask your question and if I can't help somebody else probably can
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@Rahul Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
function clicked(item) {
var target = $(item).attr("class");
var foo = $('.foo');

<div class="bar-1 onclick="clicked(this);"><div class"foo"></div></div>
<div class="bar-2" onclick="clicked(this);"></div>
describe what you are trying to do
@KarmaDoe cheers, what did you change?
Select all and format it with CTRL+K
@KarmaDoe Ah, I thought you solved it, thanks
@joshhunt I'm wanting to move foo into target (multiple target divs)
Multiple target divs ?
won't there just be one target if you are doing it on click?
@joshhunt no, multiple, bar-1, bar-2, bar-3 (are the targets)
@joshhunt although is there a better way?
If that is not working, try doing it in al oop
take a step back and explain what you are trying to do
append foo to bar 1 bar 2 bar 3
Move FOO to BAR or BAR or BAR or BAR
on page load?
or AND
On user's click
If BAR1 clicked, FOO>BAR1,
if BAR2 clickeed, FOO>BAR2.
so when the users clicks ANY bar* move foo to EVERY bar*
No, just the bar they clicked
ok so then there is only one target correct?
per click obviously
How should I be doing this?
target.append(foo) ?
where is .foo coming from btw?
Foo is just a set element
It's already loaded in BAR1
@Rahul Using jquery right? jsfiddle.net/qaj55f0e
@ndugger did you just get summoned by "jquery"? I thought they were joking
@joshhunt Brilliant! Cheers! A followup, is there a way to do a transition (almost like a CSS animation to scroll foo to target)
@Rahul you need to change the code completely
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Is it much to do? It's not just CSS? or a premade function?
very much. not prepend, not append, you need CSS/tween library
if you dont have tween library, you can use linear animation
to do it in CSS you have to move it from point A to point B. In your case you are pretty much deleting and then adding it in again
i am trying to solve your follow up Rahul.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Cheers mate
r u making any projects?
One possible way is to only have one 'moving-thing', find the destination coordinates and then move it there using css transform: translate()
I was doing that before, but I wanted the thing to move in a restricted form.
restricted form?
thing[0].style.left = e.offsetX) + "px";
thing[0].style.top =  e.offsetY + "px";
Create new element with visible: hidden, get new position, make "fake" element to animate. Delete original element and animate the fake one into position. Delete fake and show new element.
That's how I was doing it before, the restricted form meaning I have a set amount of bars.
why don't we collaborate?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I'm just experimenting at the moment mate, I'll let you know if I plan to do something special?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Are you able to help with the animation thing for me?
doing. not yet. i mean the whole js room jump and fix that
@LearnHowToBeTransparent cheers
🐻🍚🍴 => The bear eats rice with knife and fork.
I don't want to tell you that I am stupid but in reality I am.
See my stupid effort
you aren't stupid, it is actually pretty tricky to accomplish
he said you aren't stupid
i know, but the timer runs, and the box move to top:0 left:0
use canvas
(index):68 3000
(index):67 305833.33333332924
multiple setInterval are running @ the same time. now i need to clear mess.
at least i cleared the mesh.
hi guys
@AlexPan hi!
@LearnHowToBeTransparent hey!
im working on facebook's react tutorial, codepen.io/ericnakagawa/pen/vXpjwZ?editors=0010 and they gave me that codepen to work with
but i want to develop it locally instead of on codepen
i copied the code over, but when i do open index.html i dont see anything
could someone point me in the right direction or show me what im doing wrong?
export it. click export. done. they are in
Share Export Embed
webpack and babel
When using JSX, you need to transpile it into JS. You need babel at the very least
im new to react, but i know some JS, could you explain what babel is? do i install via npm? sorry if i sound stupid
good luck
Babel is what takes javascript, which is supposed to just run as-is in your browser, and it adds a build process to complicate everything
but you will need it for JSX
i see @ndugger
@AlexPan you don't have to worry. i am much more stupid. command to install $ npm install --save-dev babel-cli
i will research
@LearnHowToBeTransparent i just saw that! it apparently installs it locally in a project. thats pretty sweet
remember sudo before it.
Don't use sudo with NPM... that's a good way to get bugs
sudo lose game !important;
mixing css with console commands? I like it.
sudo !! lose game
@ndugger i havent got bugs with sudo npm. what are the bugs? tell me. i want to know
so i ran that in my project root dir and it gave me this:
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Well for one, it usually just doesn't work. I'm sure you can find other issues on google.
Oct 16 at 9:46, by little pootis
@ivarni npm has a postinstall script feature, and they will be run as root....
no such directory package.json
but it did install a node_modules dir
so can i assume all is fine and dandy?
you know what? let me do more research before i ask any dumb questions
still having trouble trying to chain redux reducers :/ it all seems very complex
@ndugger after searching, i know the main bug is security. don't run sudo when you dont need.
mushroom mushroom
snek, it's a snek
i want to call ndugger.
jquery jquery jquery
are you alive?
what are you doing now?
source: 7 I knew it. If you say jQuery three times, @ndugger appears. - 11h ago by Luggage
Q: How can i create object basd on remaining point value?

coolHere i have calculated each user summary,which means each user remaining_points, total_negative_point,total_positive_point and once user reached remaining_points value 100 that time i'm creating objects everything is working. Expectation: one more object i need to create ,if once user reached r...

is this considered bad practice in redux? stackoverflow.com/a/33333402
@LearnHowToBeTransparent stuff
@cool next time - avoid oneboxes. add some characters before the link.
We don't mind oneboxes here; stop making up rules, please
@ndugger ok.
i forgot this is not socvr
an old brown joke
Quick update: this is actually the easiest and I think clearer way of doing it: jsfiddle.net/nicovank/ts9z9v3wnicovank 3 mins ago
Hey - any lodash experts here tonight? :-) I have a question
@jamesemanon do it. ask
I have this data I need, and it needs to sort an array, against two other arrays and create a sorting precedent. I solved it by doing the following, but it seems too terse.. I feel I could use a map or compose and shorten it up.. but I forget the algorithm.

_.flatMap(_.partition(_.flatMap(_.partition(sizes, val => byid.includes(val))), (val) => sizesortby.includes(val)));
I thought something like:
.map(somearrya, _.flatMap(.partition(sizes, val => byid.includes(val))), (val) => sizesortby.includes(val));
@jamesemanon So you're sorting by whether or not each element is in byid, then by whether or not each elt is in sizesortby?
i.e. those in byid and sizesortby are first, then those in byid, then sizesortby, then neither?
yeah.. basically, I have a set of items in an array, and if those items fulfill condition 1, they get moved to the front of the line, BUT, those at the front can move further to the front still, by comparing against conditon 2...
and those conditions are defined by being included in those arrays you mentioned.
So, this is working and this is what I have, I feel I can reduce this quite a bit. I guess I could just use .reduce, but was trying to use a more functional approach

var a = [22,33,44] // default sort
var b = [1,2,33] // current picks
var c = [43,44,1,666,7,33,99,22,222,2]

_.flatMap(_.partition(_.flatMap(_.partition(c, val => b.includes(val))), (val) => a.includes(val)))
[33, 44, 22, 1, 2, 43, 666, 7, 99, 222]
Wait so you're trying to concat them too?
c.map(x => [x, a.includes(x) + b.includes(x)])
If you need a to be prioritized before b, do 2 * a.includes
Then just sort by the 2nd element
let me see..sec
I probably wasn't succinct enough in my need. I am not adding/multiplying these, just sorting.
You're basically counting how many arrays each element is in, then sorting by that
kinda.. let me see if I can come up with a better example.
1 hour later…
Hi all. I am trying to implement a validation for FQDN. However after implementing it, its isnt aceepting even valid dns like "www.gmail.com". This is my code. Can anyone help?
@Phoenix Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
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@Phoenix Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
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@Phoenix Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
 var text_box = document.getElementById("ns_fqdn");
 text_box.className= "error_class";
 text_box.value= "Invalid fqdn";
var fqdnpattern = /^(?!:\/\/)([a-zA-Z0-9]+\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}?$/;
Hello.. Anyone around?
1 hour later…
How do you find all first words in the beginning of every string?
str.match(/^\s*(\w+)/mg) won't strip me the leading spaces.
/^\s*(\w+)/mg.exec("abc \n x") prints me ["abc", "abc"] (yes, two times!) instead of [abc, x]. What is happening?
Is there a function which just works on your planet?
Here is a nice piece of MDN: If you only want the first match found, you might want to use RegExp.exec() instead. if you want to obtain capture groups and the global flag is set, you need to use RegExp.exec() instead.
If you do not need .exec -- use it!
This planet is defenitely morbid.
@LittleAlien It prints [abc, abc] because it first returns the string is matched on. That is abc. Then it returns every capture group. You got one capture group for the word, which is abc. The results make absolute sense.
@LittleAlien Since you appear to be under the presumption it matches more than once: it doesn't. Not until you continue to iterate with the regular expression result. It will continue from the end of the last matched string, and capture from there. I'm not sure a ^ is going to make that a happy situation.
Apparently people living on other planets gets confused over it though
which imho isn't a big problem
Too bad for the martians :3
Hi guys. Right now I am using $http.get() in my Ionic/AngularJS-App in order to retrieve json data. What would be a good equivalent for writing data to this very same local file?
@RoelvanUden Do you mean that I need to specify a separate capture group per every line of input? I do not even know how much lines I do have!
Moreover, .match somehow manages to recoginze that I have a capture group per every line of user input. Is there any function that operates as match but returns me only the matches that I requested, (\w+) without the surrounding spaces that I did not requested with any caputure groups.
Wait, you say iterate since the last match. Should I use exec or match for that?
@LittleAlien No, you need to loop with the expression until you can't find any more matches. That is, indeed, using .exec. The .match function merely captures the first match, just like .exec, except with .match you cannot continue to iterate, whereas with .exec, you can.
@LittleAlien See developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… at Finding successive matches header.
@Käsebrot You can't write data to a file using JavaScript.
@Cerbrus When writing apps there must be some convenient wa to read and store local data. If it is not $http... do you know any suited alternative
@Käsebrot: Some kind of server call where the server does the writing.
Is there any difference between new RegExp('spec', flags) and /spec/flags?
@Cerbrus so you can't suggest a suited solution neither? Any options you know of?
You've got a server running that hosts the app, not?
Q: JavaScript: RegExp constructor vs RegEx literal

Gaurav AggarwalI am studying about RegExp but everywhere I can see two syntax new RegExp("[abc]") And /[abc]/ And if with modifiers then what is the use of additional slash (\) /\[abc]/g I am not getting any bug with these two but I wonder is there any difference between these two. If yes then what is ...

@Käsebrot What is your goal? Don't say writing to a file. You're trying to accomplish some goal: what is it?
Holy amazing wtf mongo. If findOne or findOneAndUpdate etc. don't find any record, they still succeed and silently return null. :/
well, yeah?
null is a valid value
that doesn't really surprise me
@RoelvanUden Well I have a json file which I am using top fetch data for my app during runtime. But I also want to be able to modify some of the values in this file. It doesn't have to be json. I would use any convinient approach.
mongo has a lot of terrible things
its API is not so bad though
@FlorianMargaine null is not a valid value when I asked for values which match findOne({ _id: 'foo' }), and also dicriminantly asked for exactly 1 value.
it is
just a matter of opinions
your opinion is wrong
still did your mom last night
you can't even do an opinion right, let alone someone's mom
@AwalGarg Oooooh!
@AwalGarg noice
@Käsebrot And these values have to be served to others clients, too?
Can some1 help me I got the error : Failed to execute 'replaceChild' on 'Node': parameter 2 is not of type 'Node'
i don't understand why
I used this script for 4 pages and it worked without any problem
and i use the same script with the same structure
and got the error
on the web they say things that i cant implement
Tip: Don't use your native language in code. It makes it unreadable for the English community.
Or at elast, tidy it up a bit, @Jrprogrammeur
thnx @RoelvanUden (are you from the netherlands)?
can you guys help me with this problem ?
@Jrprogrammeur what makes you think so?
The name
Think you are from the netherlands as wel ?
He is the Prince of Nigeria
@RoelvanUden if by client you mean other devices or whatsoever, no. I only need to implement a local data persistence which also can be modified
@Jrprogrammeur I am a prince in Nigeria. I have inherited big wealth, but need small amount of money to get it. I want to share it with you. Transfer $5000 to my account and I will fly over and give you 50% of the $20.000.000 I will get.
I think i can trust the prince of Nigerio here on javascript room
right ?
@RoelvanUden don't forget to mention that this is extremely secret information and that he must not tell that to anyone
I give you 5000 if u give me the answer
deal ?
shit i post it on my fb page
talking to prince
@AwalGarg You're right.
@Jrprogrammeur But yes, I am from the Netherlands, and no, I can't help you with this problem. I merely suggest you make it as convenient and easy as possible for others to help you (>= 99% chance they aren't Dutch). Using English, proper formatting, and separating chunks of code to make it readable and easy to follow is good practice when asking for help. Furthermore, chances are high you'll solve the problem when you make it more clear.
@RoelvanUden Hmm Thnx for the tip
bedankt ! ;)
I am really doing something stupid
I want to have a default option selected but I don't want to get it as a value as it wasn't the real value
have someone worked with the the CKEditor and can answer me a Question relating to add a new Command in combination to with a plugin?
have someone worked with coding standards here - please ping me immediately, thank you
spinoff of xkcd 435
ffs, markdown
cdn-images-2.medium.com/max/800/1 * d8TITW3skawGd-ioyHh2nQ.png
and wtf? Java is faster than C/C++ according to this?
ffs markdown again
Good morning JavaScript
I heared about Java being pretty fast nowadays after JITing
where does that chart come from?
@jAndy "nowadays"?
hotspot JVM has been the state-of-the-art JIT compiler for years
yea I just was told about the good performance of java recently, that's what I meant
you can say all you want about Java, but hotspot is a beautiful piece of engineering
@towc Wait a second...
even tho I don't really how how this kind of charts are measured. I mean C++ and especially C should be outperform anything except assembly/machine code
am I reading that chart correctly?
Is it suggesting Java can do in 6 seconds what takes Bash over 13 hours?
@jAndy found it in this article medium.freecodecamp.com/…
the question is.. when do they measure. Java's Jitter alone takes probably 1000x longer to run/compile/whatever magic it does than a C compile run
for a simple "loop"
so do they take that into measurement? or just run-time when code was translated into machine code
I think that Java is just better because the JIT had some logic to predict the result of the loop, while your standard C compiler doesn't...
but then so should JS
I would assume only runtime is accounted for
I guess so to.. because a gcc compile run for a nested loop in c code compiles down into a few byte code instructions
there is no way in hell to outperform that
@jAndy not necessarily
C/C++ are as good as what gcc compiles AOT
in java, it compiles JIT, profiles, compiles again, profiles again, etc.
Yes but the whole process Java requires must be signifitcantly slower than gcc
@jAndy ?
I'm talking about performance on hot code, obviously, that has been profiled multiple times
sure, but in the market it's the runtime that matters, unless what happens before that is very significant
but even than I'm wondering how
@towc Uh.. it's "Language X being faster than language Y" again..
The last time the Chicago Cubs won the World Series, Real Estate developer Donald Trump was running for President of the USA.
C code -> compiler -> byte code (can't get faster than that)
@jAndy first, gcc is not perfect
how does java outperform that
for a simple loop
@jAndy first, do you know how a JIT compiler executes code?
Ya'll would fail on a compiler optimisation test..
it transforms into byte code, too
kind of, I'm no expert tho
so you can absolutely end up with the same bytecode in hotspot and gcc
same !== faster
second, gcc only does AOT
I mean, in the end, if the benchmark code was something like a = 0; for( i = 0; i < 100000; ++i ){for( j = 0; j < 10000; ++j ){ a += j }}, after the first run the answer is known and static, I don't see why Java wouldn't just plop in the answer instead of running the loop every time
but runtime performance is not only about number of instructions
When you say bytecode, you should be saying machine code.
it's about cache locality, etc.
@KendallFrey (yes, but I didn't want to confuse him further.)
@KendallFrey It doesn't do machine code does it?
What doesn't?
gcc does
@jAndy runtime profiling can tell you that adding an instruction to keep something in CPU cache is better than having less instructions
@PeeHaa hotspot JVM does machine code too
@RoelvanUden TS question: Is it possible to give an alternate location of node_modules to TSC?
Doesn't V8 do machine code too?
> There are no intermediate byte codes
Is that still true?
That I don't know. :)
I'd imagine so. There's no compelling reason to add an additional step.
@littlepootis It isn't true for Android, and IIRC iOS as well, and it soon won't be true for desktops either.
Yeah, I remember reading about it.
> With Ignition, V8 compiles JavaScript functions to a concise bytecode, which is between 50% to 25% the size of the equivalent baseline machine code
Hmmm now I see that page I think I have seen that before yea
@AwalGarg I don't think so. Not that I'm aware of, anyway.
@RoelvanUden Hmm, I have another weird setup described here gist.github.com/awalGarg/fd7c6ed3c79296e386302c88b865182e. Do you think there is a solution?
in C, 2 mins ago, by little pootis
int *p = (int *) (5 * malloc(sizeof(int)));
@Awal ^
@AwalGarg Honest question: why are you changing the default structure?
What's wrong with a node_modules, a src and a dist folder?
@RoelvanUden because the build works that way and I am too afraid to change it :|
mthfcr is scared!
All I am doing is swapping out babel for typescript
Yeah.. okay. Sorry I don't know about your setup :-(
I would recommend just trying to touch that build
I'm confused on something. When is an array not an array literal?
I've always done it like this var x = [] , but how else could you do it? I'm assuming the other way would not make it literal? Or maybe I misunderstood the reading.
var x = ''.split(); // non-literal array
new Array() isn't a literal
skip the parentheses
An array is an object. An array literal is a specific piece of code that represents an array.
The same pretty much applies for anything else that has a literal.
It doesn't make sense to say that an array is or isn't a literal. It's just an array.
@AwalGarg That example clears up my confusion.
can only trust awal in such hard times

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