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@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/S61CtLs.mp4 what does he do at the end of this one.....
Do I look like I've ever savage'd somebody?
idk lol
Srsly. Watch it again
It's more like waving your hand in front of your face like jogn cena "you can't even touch this no no no"
It's taking forever for my avatar change to propagate to chat
wow its so dank nick
i.sstatic.net/Bsv03.jpg . 4 screens at my desk now.
Why are you playing php games?
Why aren't you?
@SterlingArcher after chipotle i.imgur.com/F9T6qf0.mp4
@SterlingArcher that's not your desk, stop lying
I see a distinct lack of food crumbs
fuck you I keep my desk crumb free
@ssube "But only pterodactyl"? Is that a genre? Specialised bestiality? A position!?
@Zirak a specific video
@phenomnomnominal Did you have fun at Fest?
that she unfortunately likes showing people
@ssube Can I be one of them?
I would send you a link, but
@ssube BUT WHAT?
@Zirak one of... the guys in pterodactyl costumes in the video?
@Zirak but I don't want banned.
delete it
If need be
I will find it and send it to you later this evening, once I am sufficiently intoxicated to search for "pterodactyl porn."
Pterodactyls are one of my favorite reptiles
or, you could look it up yourself
Idk if I like them enough to look at pterodactyl porn though
meh, I lost the excitement of the moment
that's for the best, trust me
@ssube excellent
congratulations Rahui, you've taken the first step!
I just got done finishing codecadamy's reactJS courses. What are some of the best resources you guys can offer me as far as learning whatever they might have missed and moving into less theoretical, more practical development?
@Loktar twitter.com/TheGreatRupert/status/793910836028923904 I need twitter love on this from you
you're the only one I know who also cares
Hey guys, a quick question regarding if statements
Is it possible to do if((var1 || var2 || var3) === null)
@rlemon Yes you are internetting wrong
instead of if(var1 === null || var2 === null) etc
@MagnusBurton no
you can put them in an array or something
if( [var1,var2....].every(v => v === null ) )
still ugly tho
Oh I see yeah that's not as tidy as I thought
Anyways thanks man
np, good luck
@MagnusBurton Shameless plug: stackoverflow.com/questions/9121395/…
@rlemon That was beautiful
insane levels of animation, and the story was quite cute
the water and the sand... just blew me away
Any reactJS resources? What do I do first? How do I get started now that I understand the basics?
I normally start with the official docs
@PeeHaa I'd like to try to focus on practical applications now rather than theory. I spent the last two days doing tutorials and I'm not sure how much more education time I'll be able to bill to this employer.
I feel like I have a strong enough grasp when it comes to the basics, maybe a chat application of sorts. ReactJS doesn't need nodejs to work does it?
You are just starting with something new thing and you wonder about employer costs?
@ssube what are you opinions on using this in production.. d/ling apps from the interwebs?
!!learn O_O <>http://i.imgur.com/5z5osaQ.gif
@rlemon Command o_o learned
- name: Add apt-key for nodesource
  apt_key: url=deb.nodesource.com/gpgkey/nodesource.gpg.key id=68576280 validate_certs=yes

- name: Add nodesource apt repository
  apt_repository: repo='deb deb.nodesource.com/node_6.x xenial main' state=present mode=644

- name: Install node.js
  apt: name=nodejs state=present
I'll show my pokemans my plush
@Luggage hehe, don't do that, specifically for nodesource
I got bit just yesterday because they changed the repo files
(rotated keys, mebbe)
@PeeHaa yes of course I'm concerned about cost.
just take the snippet they give and put that in your script
well.. i don't wanna really deal with it.. especially for a single sserver that'll only likely ever get installed once
I am making a simple application in theory but I want to use Entity Framework, Web API, and reactJS.
shell: curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | bash - IMO
hm? what snippet? this? curl -sL deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash -
@Vap0r If you care about costs why on earth are you using things you don't know?
@Luggage that's the idea, yeah.
Specific syntax eludes me
i think d/ling a key and making sure it at least has the right ID was way safer than jsut running a bash script..
@Luggage use Benji's hash pipe thing
how is tha better than just installing a package that is signed?
@PeeHaa because reactJS seems like a good fit in this instance. Especially if reactJS isn't going to take forever to learn, it might end up cutting the cost in the long run
hashpipe I like that
@Vap0r How is it a good fit?
@Luggage it checks the script's signature on the way through, but you get the repo file they're providing
the problem I ran into was the repo file changing but the copy in my repo didn't
1) You haven't done anything with it 2) you care about costs for somebody 3)?
they are more likel to change that script than their private key, i would think..
led to 404s, yum disabled it, picked up a version from epel, everything blew up
@PeeHaa The ability to quickly craft new data entities, have those semi-instantly spawned to Web API services, then have those services consumed by reactJS
Yay, avatar finally changed
@Luggage I agree with all your concerns and thought using the packages would be better, until yesterday.
now i'm not sure, but their script via hashpipe seems like the best bet
I asked because I value your opinion, but I am having a hard time accepting "just use a bash script and check that it matched a hash you take now" instead of a safe-ish way of making sure I get the right key that a package is signed with..
Do you value my opinion on jQuery?
!!s/on .*//
@rlemon Do you value my opini (source)
@Luggage you can import the key ahead of time, just not the repo definition
@PeeHaa it seems like the ideal MVC stack for what I need. especially considering that most of the data models are going to have slightly different properties, but the same actions and forms tied to them. From my understanding I might be able to leverage that in reactJS.
use angular 1
and if you're on RH and want 6.7 or prior, epel has packages
or knockoutjs
both are cutting edge I think
@rlemon you talking to me?
@Luggage also, if you have an yum repo you control, I'd just sync that every so often manually.
I am not. ubuntu 16.04. the place I am doing work for is all about 14.04, but I am hoping they won't mind 16.04 which has a few more packagea that I won't have to build from source
lol didn't mean it like that.
(if you are unfamiliar with ubuntu versions, 16.04 is the current LTS, 14.04 is the last)
you can also just copy their repo file, but fair warning, it might break
but was that referring what I was talking about? My situation is I have a maintenance app I'm building for the people who do inspections. Lights, fire systems, electrical, speakers, doors, anything really.
Again, single server, possible single install. this is half about just documenting all requirements instead guarenteeing it works 100% a year from now
it's been way too long since I've seen taxi driver
The only thing we need are forms to change the properties of whatever it is to be inspected, and a couple of notifications based on dates, so overall the functionality should be same from "object" to "object"
shit he was 33 in that movie?
My mom said I wasn't allowed to be robert de niro in taxi driver for halloween cuz she didn't want me to shave my head
he looked a lot younger than 33
My buddy told me the best way to go about this, at least on the server-data side was a graph db.
But I don't think I can delve into all that right now, especially since I'm limited to a rather tight MS stack on the server-side of things.
Anyways, @rlemon were you suggesting that instead of using MVC design pattern I use MVVM and move to knockout for such a project?
I'd be open to it that's for sure.
no, I suggest you sit down and weigh your options based on your own projects needs
its your project, your the one coding it, not us
And budget
And ability to maintain the thing
someone in here might love React and be really good at it, someone else might love Angular 1 and be even better with that, doesn't mean Angular 1 > react
or the other way around
you need to determine your own stack
What reasons did your buddy list for why you should use a graph db instead of the much more common and stable relational dbs?
@PeeHaa this is the key winner imo
Then throw it all out and just use the latest buzzthingy and use that instead
don't take a stack you can't maintain because you don't understand
this MS stack, is it ASP.NET MVC?
(or part of it, i mean)
@Luggage 1) he always suggests out there things. 2) he said it would fit my "generic object" needs better. Not sure why don't really understand the graph db
ahh, ok, full of shit. :)
@Vap0r Sounds like a moron manager
Are you on SQL Server?
@rlemon thanks, I understand each of your individual biases could come out on here, but I don't think I have enough time to learn knockout, angular, and reactJS and everything else that might be viable, and then weight my options, so should I just use what's comfortable that will ge the job done?
use express + ws + pg
it's all anyone needs
@Luggage SQL Server, IIS. ASP.NET (C#, duh)
@Vap0r Yes
websocket lib for node
@Luggage ws? web services?
SQL Server is fine. If you need to store schema-less objects you can do it there.
30 secs ago, by rlemon
websocket lib for node
ahhhh lol
what's pg?
ASP.NET is also fine. IS this new development or an existing app?
pg = postgres
Ahh thought it might be
the skook'mest db around
@Luggage new development
I'm getting a good amount of lee-way on this which is why I kind of wanted to go with the "better" solution and not just the easiest way I could get it done
well, asp.net can make a fine backend, and I would no longer start with the app templates I remember froma few years ago.. not sure if they have improved.
@Luggage they have not lol
so I don't use them.
I use a node backend, but miss c#. I don't miss the ASP.NET MVC disaster, but c#, I do.
@Luggage look up their repo, import it once, and go from there?
@Luggage what would you use on the frontend, assuming the backend that's already present?
please don't spam/cross post
@rlemon cheers, won't do.
without knowing your requirements, I lean toward a single-page app, all JS (i.e., no served html, just code).
react + something for state.
@Rahul at the very least engage the room between them so it doesn't appear like you're only here to dump questions. I probably wouldn't have even noticed had you.
You mentioned knockout, which is easier to get into for some people, and not a horrible choice.
also, it's easier to extend an existing page with knockout
@Luggage that's kinda where I was leaning towards. Between react and knockout, which will be easier to setup on my stack?
@rlemon I know this is a long-shot, but can you solve it?
neither should really have an advantage in 'setup' on a new app.
well, probably, but it is a top/left + translate issue
@rlemon right, cheers
I linked a related post
but react is the newer (but not too new) of them
there are dozens of them on SO, your question is a dupe
albeit a hard to google for dupe
@Luggage fair enough, you said "something for state"... What do you mean? From the 10 hours of react tutorials I just did it seems that react attempts to do something with state
@rlemon It didn't work. It doesn't explain how it works also. I tried the transformation-origin way before too.
react has a way to handle internal component state, but that doesn't scale up to "application state"
for that people use redux, mobx, etc
I use mobx
@Rahul keep checking similar issues. I know it's been solved on SO
I just don't have time to find it, and frankly I have a migraine so I don't have the patience either.
but I know it is out there
@Luggage honestly never even heard anything about these... What's a good generic name for these things? State engines? I want to do some general research before I look at the specifics of what mobx and redux do
@Vap0r I have no personal experience with it, but maybe look at Vue, too
> mobx: Simple, scalable state management
> redux: Predictable state container for JavaScript app
it's all about state.
Luggage, I do appreciate it and I've got some reading to do tomorrow...
I just want to say that I come on here and ask some out there questions, but I make an honest attempt to learn, and you've always been extremely helpful. I really do appreciate it especially since the questions probably often seem inane without any framing that I should be providing.
Haha but I'm serious. Good help is hard to find, and when the help doesn't spoon feed you. Even better. Have a good day I got to go!
You're welcome
!!afk cancer
An...erm...interesting idea: https://www.everythingcli.org/intrusion-detection-with-git-the-basics/
Put your entire filesystem in git so you can know when someone changed something
Sounds like some NSA Hilary Clinton Gamer Gate scam to me
You have a FOUC'ing problem (FOUC = Flash Of Unstyled Content) — adeneo 50 mins ago
@ssube aww it was deleted
what did say?
@Zirak not bad, although it's really using the wrong tool for the job...
@FlorianMargaine "Not bad" is quite the understatement
@Loktar upvoted
yeah I just saw it pop up and was like wtf is this question? He didnt have any code on it at first either
@Zirak hey, I wanna do a brain dump, you're available for the next hour?
then I went to main which I haven't been there in a while, and man
there are a lot of bad questions :/
@Loktar Why can't I flag as too broad
Or anything else but spam
probably because it's already closed.
@FlorianMargaine Unfortunately not really, I may pop in once every few minutes
@Zirak ok :(
@FlorianMargaine You can treat me like a sometimes talkative rubber duckie, though. I'm the right shade of yellow.
@rlemon Guess what! My Code is working properly, as in the normal setTimeout thingy, I just had to adjust timeout of uWSGI.
@Zirak alright, let's go for it
if (zirak.quacks && typeof zirak.quacks === 'function') { console.log('Zirak is a duck'); }
@Zirak so, I want to write a database
use jQuery
a key-value store designed from the ground up for sessions
sessions are a special kind of snowflake, and no database out there exists to really satisfy them
aka redis
for example, redis is a terrible option for sessions
sessions are an unbounded dataset, you don't want an in-memory database
I'd love to hear why redis is poor for that, but only if that doesn't de-rail your train of thought.
at some point, either you'll get OOMs, or if you use allkeys-lru, you'll randomly lose sessions

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