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Been looking for links or steps, couldnt find any
you download the package, put it on a flash drive, then run it on a different machine
or if you want to go full 90s, use a floppy
Yeah, that much i got
no npm tho
@ssube they had pills for that in the 90's bro
@KarmaDoe npm is part of the node installer
and you can use npm offline, pointing to a local repo
I'll try
we essentially use it in "offline" mode here for all our builds, just hitting a proxy server
so when github goes down, we don't have to
you can tell it to hit a local server or a directory or whatever
I just copy node_modules around
@ssube npm is not installed tho
@KarmaDoe then install it
how did you get node without npm?
It was here when i got here.
if you went to rent a car and found a dead hooker in the trunk, would you keep using it just because "it was [there] when [you] got there?"
If i found it attractive
what does she look like?
@Luggage Jackpot.
node -v
dirty work
such a good movie
Lord knows i have.
if you've never seen the movie, I give it a solid 7.4/10
Error: Cannot find module 'npmlog'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
What would you give it if I have seen it?
@AwalGarg I wut m8?
@KarmaDoe node -v
!!should I play video games or watch a movie?
@Zirak watch a movie
@KarmaDoe gee that's old
whant to upgrade to 0.10.32
@KarmaDoe what is restricting you to such an older version of node?
Production code is 0.10.32,}
probably the default linux packages.
Not my call.
or that
anywho.. that should come with npm, too
i think
hrm, that sucks. you should be able to upgrade to at least node4 without problem
Heavily advise to upgrade, at least to LTS. Lots of bugs were fixed.
with the exception of anyting that touches node-[pre-]gyp
that shit probably will break
the thing is
all the apis that got deprecated
what apis
or methods
I go between node 0.10 and node 6 most of the day
or whatever you call it in english
I'm stuck on node <= 0.12 due to a serial-port lib I need to use
otherwise, all is peachy
node buffer methods got changed
and some if not all of the modules stop working with newer versions
@KarmaDoe To fix a potential security issues
yes, those will likely need to be replaced or upgraded as well.
@KarmaDoe Update them as well
you can do this with a couple days work
It's at least worth a shot
and it'll benefit you and the company
so there is an actual business case for it
If you don't succeed you can always continue using an old version; if you succeed, you win.
unless, ofc, like I mentioned, there is a package or two that never got updated.
obviously be able to roll back if it fails.. git and/or copy of your node_modules.
I know @SterlingArcher and I have both tried, but never got node-serialports working on anything > 0.12
every time after I ran "make" to compile a fresh node build I say to myself: "I won't be surprised how long this took the next time". It doesn't work tho
but in the few years of using node, node-serialport is the only package I've seen that on
I cannot rollback,
Then never make any changes again
find a new job
i could
but it's sub optimal
all changes applied to production should be perfect
I meant, in your dev envirnment.. you need to be able to update thigns and test, but have a plan to go back if it fails
Hey guys, I'm using React.js here.
I need a way to do columns and rows in a similar fashion/order that bootstrap does, but this time with vanilla CSS.

What's do easiest way to organize modules of rows and columns using vanilla CSS ?
nnnoooo you don't do it on prod
You test it out
no "well".
i can do whatevs
In dev yes
@user3382714 flexbox
right.. I just meant that, in dev, make sure you have everythign you need to roll back. Assuming you are using source control, that covers the code
but installers for node, a coyp of your node_modules, etc..
@rlemon thanks
@KarmaDoe your npm is newer than the deps
deps *
Node has is a fast moving eco-system, in a way. It's best to stay up-to-date, if you can.
The longer you wait, the harder it will be
Then one day, you'll have a codebase that uses so many out-of-date libraries that someone throws it all away and starts over (which is a bad call, but happens).
Code doesn't go stale, but a project can.
I sometimes wake up imagining people are screaming that at me
@Zirak you convinced me to not have line numbers aside text buffers
@AwalGarg oh, yay! Victory for mankind!
See how wrong you are?
When is it ever useful?
the line numbers?
yea.. especially the relative ones. d10j, for example
not having line numbers helps you grow a man bun twice as fast :D
it's like writing Haskell: one day you wake up in Whole Foods with no recollection of your life up to that point
psh, whole foods is for posers. Haskell people grow things in containers on their apartment roof
@Luggage I don't really know vim, but I'm sure there's a visual mode based shortcut you can use in maybe a character more, which doesn't clutter your screen
All the time
clutter your screen?
the gutter is maybe 20px
I don't find it to be clutter..
and faded out almost entirely in my theme
and I run a pretty large font-size (old)
Of text near your other text
It's not information that's actually useful to you for the majority of the time, and when it is useful you probably have other ways
@Zirak what's your screen res? TBH I was primarily only convinced because I have a low screen res (1366x768px)
not cluttered..
In emacs I adopted something called avy which line jumps pretty well, but that's before primarily using something else called swiper which I've fallen in love with
@Luggage But why have them though? Why use a feature when you can choose not to?
Do they help you?
When? How?
IF I am going all-keyboard, they help me jump around easier
@AwalGarg Two monitors on 1920x1080
@Zirak i can actually kind of see an argument here but jumping around is a lot easier with them
@Luggage well snap
or knwo that it's 7 lines i want to delete.. since they are relative to my location
@bitten better ways to jump around. getting rid of line numbers helped me learn them.
@Luggage You never jump to a line though, you jump to a word or through some other indicator
You have other ways of grabbing what you want
maybe.. honestly I only use vim here and there.. most of my code editing is in Atom
@AwalGarg hm okay, that's a fair point
But I still like them and I don't find them annoying.
@Zirak wat? I jump to line all the time
so it's not actually the line numbers that you want it's some content in the line
Try disabling them, I trust you won't miss them
dd and 10k are my most used commands, by far
@ssube When?
I'll think about it.
almost everything I do is line-based because my lines are fairly short
@ssube the point is why do you jump to that line, perhaps there is some text that you need? why not just go straight to the text
if i understand the points being made
@bitten why type out and search for a line when you can jump to it?
if we're looking for efficiency, relative line numbers are the pinnacle
I don't understand why I am defending an emacs user in an editor argument. @Zirak you are a bad person and you should feel bad >:(
When do you really have to "delete 10 lines"?
How often does that happen?
@ssube what about jumping to a column?
sometimes I make 10 mistakes in a row
jumping to a line is only half of the journey, sometimes
@Luggage only 10 or only sometimes? :P
If it's the butter to your bread, then meh, fine. I just found them to be irrelevant information for 99% of the time, where I didn't find the 1% of my operations worth having them there
You might be right.. but they look cool.
and isn't that was really matters?
As long as it helps you pick up girls at bars
and of course we all charge per line, so how do you find that out??
"Did you see my powerline tmux theme?"
@Luggage That is what has happened.
"yo babe you see these numbers? they all flip around when I go down"
"Why are you talking to me, I'm a guy with long hair. Go away"
"plz don't reject me I'm so lonely"
@ssube don't see why it wouldn't work, but you'd probably need to pass CAP_SYS_ADMIN
but I don't antually use tmux very often at all
@Zirak same here, when I need them I can look at the modeline
predicted that I'd be on a standard theme?
That it'll be powerline :D
well, once I put it in vim, might as well..
@ssube same, doesn't mean I need them shown...
@Zirak @Luggage since we are sharing screenies: imgur.com/a/B9a0R ^_^
Why is arch linux invading Paris?
@AwalGarg nerd.
@FlorianMargaine wait, did you get your avatar from a php regular like pootis too?
@Zirak still running exwm btw, it's probably one of the longest WMs I've been staying on
his avatar is him..
@AwalGarg yeah, Wes
@FlorianMargaine hehe, nice
I can't say I am not jealous, because I am
@Zirak you say that like it can't be done
Q: Why might you want to do (0, eval) rather than eval?

George MauerIn reading through the SystemJs source code I find that what actually evaluates the loaded file is this line of code (0, eval)(getSource(load, true)); There's no comment explaining it and I don't see a reason to do (0, eval) instead of just eval - what am I missing?

oohhh I GOT THIS
@FlorianMargaine btw did you check orn. I ended up making it anyways. I mean sort of. almost.
wtf does (0, eval) do?
escape strict mode for one :D
@Zirak DO IT
@AwalGarg orn?
@FlorianMargaine that interpreter thing you told me to not make and do networking instead
@Zirak oh, it's a dupe, don't bother
@AwalGarg ah, cool
Q: (1,eval)('this') vs eval('this') in JavaScript?

shawjiaI start to read JavaScript Pattern, some codes confused me. var global = (function () { return this || (1, eval)('this'); }()); Here are my questions: Q1: (1, eval) === eval? Why it works? How? Q2: Why not just var global = (function () { return this || eval('this'); }()); ...

I was all riled up about finally finding an interesting js question
don't worry, we can get you riled up for another reason
We can talk about politics, again..
tl;dr it's indirect eval, executes in the global scope. Lets you escape local variable bindings and strict mode.
nah.. nevermind.
Possible duplicate of- oh wait — bitten 10 secs ago
@bitten gj
@FlorianMargaine github.com/awalGarg/orn now I can finally tell people I have implemented a turing complete language :D
@ssube had to be done :p
@Zirak so it's the corresponding part to strict mode within the eval
that prevents things leaking back out, this prevents them leaking in
@ssube Not sure I understand?
@AwalGarg do you know about unwrap_or_else?
@FlorianMargaine Sounds like a Trojan condom line.
@FlorianMargaine yup, why? Have you started hacking on rust btw? Code review appreciated!
Unwrap or else end up with baby batter in the baby makin' factory
npm ERR! node v0.10.15
npm ERR! npm  v3.10.8
npm ERR! errno EADDRINFO
npm ERR! syscall getaddrinfo

npm ERR! getaddrinfo EADDRINFO
npm ERR!
@Trasiva wouldn't that be anti-condom propaganda?
@AwalGarg I see some let f = match foo { Ok(f) => { f }, Err(e) {error(e);}} which could be let f = foo.unwrap_or_else(error)
@ssube Nah, like unwrap the packaging.
@FlorianMargaine Nice.
@FlorianMargaine hmm, whereabouts?
@rlemon Wait wait wait...did they fucking magnets, how do they work?
@ssube sorting through react source, trying to learn how to make a renderer. It's very obvious react was split into react/react-dom later in the life of the project
also, all requires() have the filename, but no path. Everything looks like it's an external dependency, making it difficult to find things
@Luggage heh, yeah. My bindings are going well so far, have it almost up and running (but been distracted with finding a new jerb).
@FlorianMargaine ahh, noted, thanks. There were a couple of those in vm.rs which I refactored earlier so I started looking there in case I missed some :P
also... ugh:
    let mut s = String::new();
    match f.read_to_string(&mut s) {
        Ok(_) => {},
I'm looking for a javascript library that can allows me to connect nodes together with lines, by clicking at one node and dragging to another. Nodes in this case being an object that can have several "connection points". Something similar to this, tinyurl.com/zmbud4p Anyone know of such a library, or something similiar to it?
isn't there a better way?
@FlorianMargaine wtf kind of horrible ruby/perl is that
@ssube it's not that bad
@ssube 1. does your jsx/react thing do updates / diffing like react? 2. Are you using react or just jsx and your own code?
@FlorianMargaine unfortunately try! doesn't work in main (or any function which doesn't return a compatible Result type for that matter)
@Luggage JSX and my own code, some intelligence around children, but I haven't even started to optimize it yet. I've got basic components working, doing the event stuff now.
ahh, events.. yea. you are doing something very different than I
@AwalGarg make a new function?
I want to provide a render that attaches a JSX tree to a screen
then you manage the lifetime past that
it will replace React but be API-compatible
ohh yea, the react-blessed thing.. i forgot
I don't see why main has more logic than just "parsing arg lines, running other code"
@Luggage if you figure out how to write your own renderer, by all means, let me know.
I'd love to put together a proper react-blessed lib folks can use.
@FlorianMargaine yeah, main.rs needs to be rewritten. I just slapped some code on it to provide some interface
Besides being render-once and no lifecycle, I also stream my output, since my output may be a 10+ mb xml file.
@AwalGarg tests? :)
a parser is like the one super-easy thing to write tests for...
@AwalGarg Also an article explaining your journey
@Luggage hm, yeah, I just need to use JSX for my text menus and shit
Day 1: :/
Day 2: :O
Day 3: :D :D :D :D :D
Day 4: hmm
Day 5: wtf
Day 6: I am happy with bash
you miss JS so much? :)
@AwalGarg err... you know that unwrap() is the thing you only use for toy programs, right?

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