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@AwalGarg don't worry, I got you
perfect for Halloween
aka rash?
is that an acronym of all the peoples first names who use the account?
@Loktar pain in the ass?
ohh rash, because it is spreading
makes sense
@rlemon I see what you did there >:(
it's amazing how im ignored but you always happen to catch these
it's like, you don't actually ignore us, but want us to think it
You are not :)
probably a coincidence
do they switch ignore lists when they switch people behind the account?
@ssube ah yeah good point
How do you guys handle large amount of states in an async manner?
don't keep a large amount of state around
But lets assume you have many "modes" , like editMode, destroyMode, dragMode, deleteMode. I dont know what else, you get the idea.
how would you handle this? I hate using flags and a state machine doesnt seem right
how is a state machine not right?
@ssube I wouldn't be surprised if he has a sock or an plugin just to both see messages, and keep people ignored.
@rlemon what I'm curious about is why we don't just kick him on site. He's been kicked a few times, that one time for being a creep, and we know he's at best trolling and at worst violating every part of the ToS.
@ssube its not designed for async stuff? For example I can be in both "fly" and "speed" mode
@Asperger those sound more like flags then states
or both dragMode and deleteMode
what's wrong with keeping an array of flags, then when the state needs to update, check which are set?
or just a bunch of properties.
arrays are lame, augment a string of 1's and 0's
    isFlying: true,
    isRekt: false
@ssube I thought its cheap? Sometimes I even think of adding states in classNames or adding some data-attribute as boolean if applicable
@Luggage ya thats what im doing, I have flags as fields inside a literal
ohh, you are trying to stick these in the DOM?
just keep an object of your flags and when landingVelocity >= +Inf, set isRekt = true
not all, just a few. Some are like general modes which I cant fit anywhere
redux/mobx can handle taking the updates and transforming them based on flags
@Luggage when both are true is there an observer to automatically set isGonnaHaveABadTime flag?
plus it will do the async part for you, more or less
but lets say there is the typical "player" which has pause, play states
@rlemon with mobx, there can be
id put those inside the classname
@Asperger you shouldn't
storing state on the DOM is eval
@ssube oh crap, really? like className="player playing"
oh damn
the DOM (and any renderer, for that matter) should have a loose connection to the data structure, like React's key and IDs for most places
get isGonnaHaveABadTime() {
    return this.isFlying && this.isRekt;
@ssube ya right, MVC.
@Asperger that may be a valid class, if playing implies some other styles, but you SHOULD NOT use class names for state EVER.
even data attributes are iffy
but using classes to indicate state is a Very Bad Thing (unless the state has styles)
well it does change the style as well in this case
That's ok. Generate the DOM classnames from your state, but never read them
I dont store anything that is only bound to behaviour, only if visual appearance is also involved
Well I do read them. Damn...you are so right.
don't read them, that's too tightly coupled
But in general using flags for certain "program modes" is not cheap right?
what happens when you stop using the DOM and need to return a JSON response?
@ssube ya its against the model view controller principles
@Asperger booleans are super cheap dude
flags in general are a great way to handle things like flags
you just need a sane place to check the flags, which mobx solves
//something like
function calculateStyleClasses() {
    var className = "";
    if (this.isflying) { className += " flying" }
    return className;
ya thats kinda what I do for states tied to visual appearances
or the view
if you go that route, look at the 'classnames' library. much nicer way to build that string
Oh forgot, I even posted a question, maybe you want to check out what I wrote: stackoverflow.com/questions/40310872/…
if (!editMode) {
    editMode = 1;
   // Let the user edit all text
} else {
   editMode = 0;

if (target == purchaseButton) {
   purchaseMode = 1;

if (purchaseMode) {
   // allow purchases
this looks ugly and evil xD
also, it looks redundant.. you test for editMode, then SET editmode..
for some reason I've just never dug this up... but does anybody know of a teensy slingshot repo I can use to compile a babel script?
oops sorry, need to edit lol
@Shane other than, babel?
just something to get the boilerplate out of the way that doesn't do anything ambitious other than say, browserify, gulp and babel
I have no idea what a slingshot repo is.. but you can just use babel..
ohh.. a boilerplate.
just something I can compile quickly into the browser without any setup
> to get the boilerplate out of the way that doesn't do anything ambitious other than say, browserify, gulp and babel
having trouble parsing this
@Luggage corrected the example
@rlemon he's looking for a babel boilerplate project. just add your own code
in other words, I don't need to do anything but clone, edit index.js and type npm run build
so here I simple used flags to check modes which have nothing to do with the view directly or any dom element.
and I get a /dist/myfile.js
can be all async
you keep saying that word..
not anything elaborate at all, just a time saver so I won't hesitate to use a build script for smaller stuff
@Shane sorry, i don't have one for you. I know there are lots, but I don't use them and haven't really evaluated them
k, cool
me neither
assumed everybody but me was using them
I think ill just use a state machine but heck....uhh. It doesnt make my code flexible....
sorry if that was NSFW for anyone. I wasn't thinking.
Hah, fuck yea! My boss was saying I needed to rebuild our entire windows version of our embedded system because I clearly broke something. Went and talked with the guy who wrote this branch, confirmed I wasn't completely crazy and that he did in fact break something.
been so long since I've been in an office, completely forgot that was an issue
good reminder
@Luggage looks like shitty shake
it looks like an odd green color..
lel.. node 7 installed, doesn't support import, doesn't support async/await :P
hey guys!
Is anyone here good with NGINX server config in terms of reverse proxying to a NODEJS server
yes... a ton of people I guess, including me
what would make one... "good with NGINX"
anyone who can solve my problem @kevinB LOOL
how could we know if we're good then, if we don't know what your problem is
gimme a damn second Il say it
that's rude
who told me that node 7 supports async/await
we measure time here in planck seconds not damn seconds
@AwalGarg bleeeeeep
@jAndy I did. I guess I was wrong
or it needs a commandline flag
late kick
@Loktar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
read that Raja along with the rules
yeah kick was a bit late, was hesitant
but after a second he didnt post the question
and asked to asked
and acted a bit rude.
friday, friday,

layin it down on friday
@jAndy I did. use the --harmony-async-await flag. And no, modules are not supported yet, sorry.
lets check for the flag
wow you didn't have to kick me -.- you were being patronizing
that worked, great :)
@Raja where? I see no patronizing
@jAndy Think thrice before calling Awal a liar next time. I bite.
@AwalGarg You don't bite.. liar.
1 message moved to Trash can
@Raja Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
well it's half a lie with that... dude... that-is-a-long-string-flag.. but ok, I apologize for that even if it was in good fun
@jAndy the flag features are not production ready, fwiw
is there any basic angular application CRUD link :P
so in most practical situations, node 7 does not support async
lol @CapricaSix
man that is the best feature.
so I guess I just have to upgrade babel and use es2017 then
in angular < 2, is there any reason a ng-if would not work on an <animate> elements inside of an <svg>?
babel all the things.
that's definitely the most reliable choice atm
async support should come soon enough, it's a useful feature
@jAndy I know, I was kidding :)
she'll do
gonna make a repo of this thing so I'll stop making long js files all the time because I don't feel like pulling a script out of codepen
Idea for a tool. Feed it your .babelrc and your node version and it'll 'optimize' out all the redundant options.
same with minimum supported browser
you could pull most of the data from the kangax table of es* support
should I remove old babel files before npm install / update?
it doesn't matter
what does npm try to tell with with those lines
[email protected]  invalid
├── [email protected]  invalid
@ssube You got a Bella yet?
@jAndy peer dependencies are missing
@Trasiva yeah. I tried to auto giant's 7, but need to build up my bella and chasun.
"babel-preset-es2015": "latest",
		"babel-preset-es2017": "latest",
that is my package.json
@jAndy have you tried updating them?
@ssube :( Still no luck, another 150 energy gone. Got a light salamander one, but definitely not what I want/need.
making sure the proper versions for your babel are actually installed
@Trasiva yeah, it's totally luck. I got mine from a friend's dungeon.
@ssube I just ran npm update on the directory with that package.json, it should update them no?
hmm manually setting it to the lastest version seem to work fine
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.18.0",
"babel-preset-es2017": "^6.16.0",
I always thought "latest" will do the trick
update doesn't do what you think, because npm is bad, mostly
I think that may have been something yarn fixed
jesus ssube
I can't get on a main Q today without seeing your comments
my workload at work today consists of writing dope cover letters
I've had a headache most of the afternoon now
my phone charger broke :(
Q: Is there any way to save full html page with all its references JavaScript and CSS files on button click?

piyush baruaMain concern is that I need to save current page state after some modification on button click.

what a mess
Questions in the queue today are kinda garbage.
> You can use $("html").html() to get the entire page html and then you can save that. You can't access file system using java-script, so saving that directly to disc is not possible.. However, you can push file to get downloaded to browser.
I don't even...
wait a minute.. is npm written in perl? O_o
npm is written in js
@jAndy it may as well be
i like how the package manager has dependencies
Can node be updated offline ?
@KarmaDoe sure
How could i do that ?

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