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@VeeeneX commander
Generators are state machines, it's a function with a closure that changes a state variable and executes code according to it in a switch/case
It definitely is "more magic".
@BenFortune tj/commander?
At least in my opinion, in C# generators and async/await compile to the same bytecode
s/the same/similar/
@jAndy they're just more implemented by browsers
neither one is terribly magic, they're all pretty easy to reason about
@BenFortune Well I'm searching for done application some example
Big example
generators are 'magic' in the sense you can't just polyfil them, you must transpile.
if they aren't available.
You need to transpile async functions too, it's new syntax.
just for the async keyword I guess
3 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@SterlingArcher @rlemon
oh and the await keyword too
but with generators, async can be transpiled very naively.
@jAndy and await, yes. It's very easy to transpile to coroutines
I saw the hashpipe, but am not sure how or if it is supposed to apply to this.. ?
any tools that recommend downloading a script and piping it into bash, like Docker or Gitlab
there's no way to verify the script
I usually don't pipe it, I curl the script down, check it, then run, but having some kind of GPG-like verification would be nice
yea, same. d/l, looky, maybe run
but.. if someone compromised your server and uploaded a malicious script, wouldn't they also change the hash on your install instructions?
the instructions are often on github or somewhere
it's slightly less secure than GPG with a published key, but if you isolate the script and key, it's pretty good
then i would think the install script would be hosted at the same place.
curl mega-download.com/somescript.sh | bash
@Luggage obviously putting them in different places makes it far more secure
it's a shame that tool can't do some kind of GPG verification
curl sketchy-site.com/script.sh | gpgpipe some-key | bash
@SterlingArcher in r/whatcouldgowrong there is a post about kicking a hand grenade. If you wanna see a leg fly off. Watch it
Not I.
Q: javascript, nuber is diplayed NAN

juniorIn my html page, I have a number displayed NAN This number is got from a WS, it's equal to: 1,031.25 I tried to add parseInt('1,031.25') : in that case, I get 1 I wanna display : 1031.25 Any idea?

@towc (@littlepootis) No. I use fish, not bash.
@AwalGarg I thought that by shell he meant terminal emulator
I should probably get started on using fish actually
your dotfiles are a gold nugget :P
@towc Thanks - I try to keep them generically useful. I don't get much time to test them on random machines and distros, so please do let me know if you encounter any issues.
yes boss
@littlepootis btw can you make me an avatar like that? ^_^
do we finally get to see your face?
Only if he agrees to make me one
@FlorianMargaine crazy question: do you know if it's possible to use kvm (libvirt/virsh) from within a container? Like, mounting /dev/kvm into it or something?
ideally without installing all that in the container, same way you'd mount /var/docker.sock to use the docker cli client
@AwalGarg no 'set relativenumber' ?
That's the best.
@Luggage I don't even have numbers, let alone relative ones. I used to have them, but @Zirak convinced me to remove them. I might add them again once I have a machine with more than 1366x768px screen resolution
you dev on an iWatch? :)
@Luggage It is an "average" dell inspiron 15" laptop. I am looking for someone to buy me a Lenovo X1 Carbon :D
backs away
better bone up on the skills that pay the bills, then
it'll be pretty hard to find that much money to blow
if you use babel-node or webstack with babel-preset-2016
is there the 2015 preset included entirely?
not according to the documentation or source
that's kinda weird
I just can't seem to find out how to run babel-node with es2015 AND es2016
just add them both, in order.
just... use both
babel-node --presets "[es2015, es2016]" second.js
to your .babelrc
that won't work
babelrc, nub
what's the CLI version?
who cares :)
like all cli tools with an rc file
Can I use babel with my cli application?
that's a vague question, but probably yes.
I mean if I can use Classes with cli
@jAndy remove the brackets, and possibly the whitespace too.
@VeeeneX use classes in a file you run/compile with the cli tool?
gnah fu** it, I just created that damn rc file
good. that's the right way
also you don't have to re-do it for webpack, gulp, etc, etc.
but yes @AwalGarg that seems to work aswell
no whitespace allowed either
@ssube I'm using commander and I want to call class method is it possible?
always better to wait for awal to answer
No, the .babelrc is still the right answer. congrats on being right about the wrong way. :)
@Luggage for webpack I use the webpack-config anyway, I just wanted to do some quick testing on the async/await stuff
@VeeeneX what do you mean "call class method?" There are about a million different ways to do that.
and you put your babel config inside you r webpack config?
@AwalGarg I didn't think they could possible not allow whitespace characters
@jAndy the cli options are secondary to the rc file, to put it lightly
@Luggage I put the loader config into that webpack config
with a .babelrc you can just put loader: 'babel-loader' in webpack and be done.
babel is not really meant to be a tool you use directly or feed arguments too
and if you use, for example, the babel plugin to Atom, it'll also use that, so all your syntax always works
why not? If you have a single file or whatnat and you just want to run it on bash.. what else is babel-node for
yea, that's fine for one-off or testing..
@jAndy that is what it's for, that's just not a very common use of babel
they do support it, just not well, because it's not often done
I like it
also.. i don't want to type this shit in the commandline each time:
    "presets": [ "es2015" ],
    "plugins": [
        ["transform-async-to-module-method", {
            "module": "bluebird",
            "method": "coroutine"
what is that bluebird/coroutine business?
what is all that shit about?
not using regenerator for async?
async/await.. there are other methods to obtain it
@ssube Yes, I'm sorry I can't explain what I'm trying to do. I would like to use features of babel for running cli aplications, I mean creating classes and so on. But I think I need to compile that babel to javascript that nodejs knows
"syntax-async-functions" in es2015?
not in es2015, in addition to es2015
what not just use the whole 2016 preset?
it's not in 2016 either
@VeeeneX if I understand correctly, you should compile your ES6, yes. Node has pretty good support now, but not everything does. You can also use babel-node if you have one file to run.
es2016 is jsut exponents
where do I get that thing then?
those two links from earlier said that. :)
es2016 was silly
Hmm, TS is pretty good in this regard. tsc --init and done
@ss what config do you use for async/await?
I'm on the defaults for now, but interested in something bluebirdier.
I'm also using regular old promises, but same.
@AwalGarg by that logic, so is coffeescript. :)
@ssube So I need to run my file with babel prefix?
@Luggage are those plugins contained by the default npm installation for 2015 preset?
@ssube Or babel-node?
no. they are listed separately becuase they are NOT part of the preset.
start with es2015 and es2016 and jsut add what you want.
I wouldn't go crazy and load up everything you see.
@Luggage that is clear. I meant if they ship with the npm install or do I have to pull those seperatly
separately. all are separate
Look at the code for the es2016 preset. You'll see that it just lists the individual transforms as dependencies in it's package.json
@Luggage Possibly. Does CS have async/await and other ES specific stuff?
that's all presets are. a list of npm dependencies, and list of plugins.
@AwalGarg IcedCoffeeScript does
no, not es specific..
@Luggage oh btw, do you use CS much? Would you recommend it for new projects these days or is it dead?
It's dead or dying. I used it in this project in the beginning, but use all JS now
I hand-ported much of the code over many unbilled hours.
so.. no, i don't recommend CS.
I am debating between that, elm and TS for an upcoming front-end heavy project. I used TS a bit in a previous project and it is very enjoyable. Elm definitely is ahead of all three except in the ecosystem.
If not JS, I'd go TS.
Unexpected token (17:16)
var res = await createProm();
.babelrc is

  "presets": ["es2015"],
  "plugins": [ "syntax-async-functions" ]
and I installed it of course
you need the syntax-async-functions AND an actuall transform
that is just the syntax.
I mean.. that plugin lets babel READ async, but it still writes it out unchanged..
how to get that actual transform?
> This plugin only allows Babel to parse this syntax. If you want to transform it then see async-generator-functions and transform-regenerator if generator support is not supported natively.
you mean "transform-async-to-module-method"?
the literal first line of the docs :)
That's what I am using, but the docs suggest some other transforms.. I wonder if mine isn't correct accoring to the spec..
I don't think I really understand that transform-async-to-module-method plugin call
seems like you explicitly call it for bluebird
not for general transforming async/await calls
because it's using bluebirdjs.com/docs/api/promise.coroutine.html for the implementation
holy cow
so babel does not know on its own how to handle (transform) the these statements?
generators are part of es2015. I think it just transforms it into a generator and then lets bluebird handle the yields and resolve promises
@jAndy Just use the es2017 preset. it includes this
babel doesn't do anything on it's own. it's all transform plugins.
yea.. that.
babel is 'universal'
I just thought they ship the most common stuff..
I guess I go with 2017 then
They did until v5. Then v6 happened
does 2017 include 2015 and 2016 at least?
the es2017 uses babeljs.io/docs/plugins/transform-async-to-generator which is very similar to my version. I just use bluebird.coroutine instead of whatever is in _asyncToGenerator
confusing stuff... so you can use presets 2015+2017 right?
there is no "dependency"
might as well throw in es2016
this looks like a hell of a lot of fun
In Angular 2, does anyone know a way around 1 creating a bunch of custom DOM elements (E.G <hero-list></hero-list>) and 2 adding a bunch of extra container tags instead of custom DOM elements (E.G <div hero-list></div>)?
@AwalGarg still throws at me. I installed es2017 preset, updated the .babel rc to

  "presets": ["es2015", "es2017"],
  "plugins": ["transform-async-to-generator"]
unexpected freaking token
transform-async-to-generator is part of es2017 preset.
remove the plugin. I have that same preset list here and an npm install'd node_modules dir from last weak, it works fine for me
doesn't make a difference
if I remove the plugin
what does the transpiled output look like?
SyntaxError: /home/zer0cool/projects/sandbox/second.js: Unexpected token (17:16)
  15 | }
  16 |
> 17 | var res = await createProm();
is that transpiled or original?
that's what node throws
well, aer you still using babel-node?
@jAndy Are you sure your await is inside an async function?
then that's original
what does the transpiled output look like?
@AwalGarg no.. I'm not O_o
@rlemon Also looks like something the first drunk person on it will eat pavement.
I thought I can use await anywhere for any promise
Nope. only inside an async function.
Which, you can treat like a normal promise-returning function elsewhere
@Trasiva you assume they're not?
that's sad
looks like the back alley of some dingy russian bar
a little
It's the way it must be.
@rlemon I'm assuming they're Russian, which means that their alcohol to blood ratio is presently sitting at about standard median.
@jAndy Are you just trying to play with async functions? You can just use node 7 or latest ff aurora or latest chrome dev
Blood-tinged Vodka
... well
You gave us a visitor for the node type "ForAwaitStatement" but it's not a valid type
that's a new error at least
hold on, i'll try it..
actually I just wanted to try this
function createProm() {
  return new Promise(( res, rej ) => {
    setTimeout(function() {
      res( 'YAA' );
    }, 2000);

async function test() {
  var res = await createProm();
  console.log('res is: ', res);

@AwalGarg @Wes did it :P
@jAndy that looks right.. i think
@littlepootis who is that :(
but if node7 natively supports async/await, great
@AwalGarg PHP room regular
damn sizing doesn't work
i get the same error.. looking
but if I want to use those things in frontend code as well, I better get babel going right
shelterpups.com nice, you send them a pic of your dog, they send you a stuffed replica
ah alright
ok, that's working for me now, on node
you MAY still need to configure a runtime/polyfill for the browser, though
maybe not..
@Trasiva Roses are red, Pop comes in liters, i.imgur.com/KkONGGB.png
@Zirak .... i.imgur.com/qsnVKiC.jpg no words...
@rlemon I can't find the logout button for SO
@jAndy you good, now?
@Luggage I'm just running a nohup node 7 make on my machine right now
time to go home, I'll check later
logs you out of SO, and straight into my heart
There we go
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/WH6622I.jpg
bruh, where you at
@rlemon Man, haha
@littlepootis Why did he make you an avatar but not me. Awal demands justice >:(
ugh, react source is a mess..
@OliverSalzburg you are right. I told my mentor in the company and everything is fine
Guys what should I do if I need to handle many states at once? Like lets say over 20 states. For example: editState, dragState, onOffState, editedState, who the heck knows what more. dialogOpenState. You get the idea
I would need like so many flags (0, 1 or boolean) in order to handle all of this.
Sometimes I can embed the state inside a data attribute or in the class. For example "player paused"
Seriously, how to handle many states? State Machine seems like the wrong pattern for the job
And I mean all async

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