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lol oh man I feel like some kind of zealot recently :?
hey there
every question I see that is tagged jquery and javascript I feel like I have to try pure JS
hey @Abhishek
@Loktar agree to what i posted on fb ?
thought it'd be good to use bit of my social network to drive people to upgrade
@Abhishek ah I havent been on today
was running late to work :?
you telling people to upgrade to chrome?
Nah .. i gave em a list of nice web-browsers
Chromium , Aurora , Opera 12 , IE 10+
ah nice
yeah man I agree :)
Chromium & Aurora because a lot of my friends are geek curious and think that being ahead of others is helpful lol
if they upgrade to chromium and aurora pretty much they will be fine :D :
@Loktar and @rlemon do you guys know why innerHTML is that slow? jsperf.com/innerhtml-vs-clearchildren/2
was just testing for fun, but i didn't expect that
doesn't it cause a page reflow?
yeah using innerHTML causes the dom to rebuild
that would explain a lot :D
so, now i see why innerHTML is that bad
yeah it also clears bound events too
for the element your using innerHTML on that is
I try to never use it
even when getting the value of innerHTML ?
Damn my internet -_-
btw there is 1 hidden reason for InnerHTML not just it causes dom rebuild it also triggers the whole stylesheet repaint
@GNi33 you want the HTML string from the DOM?
| tested it
nah, just asking
let me test it on firefux 13a
just saw a lot of things like this:
var tmp = document.createElement('div');

tmp.innerHTML = this.template.innerHTML;
this.element = tmp.firstChild;

return this.element;
generateFragmentFromJSON is faster than generateFragmentFromString
Sort of smart question :

I have a main window with an iFrame inside.
All my javascripts file are inside the main window.
Will the iFrame import those files and use it without having to import inside the iFrame window ?
yea mines faster if you really want a fragment.
var generateFragmentFromString = function(HTMLstring) {
        var div = document.createElement("div"),
            tree = document.createDocumentFragment();
        div.innerHTML = HTMLstring;
        while (div.hasChildNodes()) {
        return tree;
^ same idea you just posted.
@Andredseixas no
@rlemon Thanks.
you will need to import all dependencies
if you have a stylesheet on the main document with generic rules they will not be applied to elements in the iframe.
Good to know, will save some time from testing it. Thanks for the help :)
@Loktar :3 innerHTML will do a very bad thing
try that with CSS3 animations
mwahahahha it will give u a pain !
I never understood accepts with no upvotes. stackoverflow.com/a/10230428/829835
wtfrigs man.
accept should auto-upvote imo
I agree
I'll upvote anything if there is even a hint of logic behind it.
have an upvote for your generateFragmentFromString - example ;)
but but but generateFragmentFromJSON() is faster!
yes yes, i know :)
Today is a good day: entire room is unblocked. no trolls under this bridge!
@SidneyWidmer i love the homepage sidneywidmer.ch
fixed the slideshow. well the default img border of ie mess it out. JESUS! i got all over the script. just to later find out that the border is my enemy
a little proud of this one stackoverflow.com/questions/10231262/…
I took a stab at it, I bet she comes back asking for changes and revisions lol
which at that point I wont do.
@Loktar Quite impressive!
is still my fav
I just keep using the same code to answer these paint questions (with some modifications of course)
^ based on how fast you move the mouse
linethickness will change
Hi can someone just give me quick help I need to write a small piece of js to replace this url(%22 but the replace seems to think I'm typing a regex can anyone help - I can use a jquery lib
you need to replace %22?
hang on I might be talking rubbish!
yeah sorry talking rubbish - sorted it
sorry causing mischief!
@Loktar awesome
Q: Webkit as GUI in .Net/Mono

luckysmackI am wanting to make a cross platform application, which will also have a website where the desktop applications (Windows, iOS, Linux) will talk to the server and keep in sync the users data. So far the options I see are - Write a native GUI for each of the 3 OS's, so I would have 3 GUI codebase...

hi @RichardHousham how are you?
Do u want help someone? on JS
@Loktar r u there?
easy question: 7 answers on 1 minute stackoverflow.com/questions/10232478/…
Hi @FlorianMargaine How are you?
fine, thanks
how are you?
I have a question regarding call async method using Javascript or can we create small framework which call the webservice method and return back to object or array ~!
fine.. going Good
Do u have any Idea?
I want replace my OLD Asp.net control with lightweight javascript ..
so I got a question regarding this.
ask your question, I really don't see what you mean right now :)
are you asking for stuff about xhr?
do u know about javascript webservice call from page?
I know from jquery. but I want to know with javascript.
@Abhishek that method is called xmlhttprequest
so that I asking this
all you have to do is .
@Abhishek Hi.. Abhi.. same here
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
how are you?
where are u from?
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e){
if(xhr.readyState === 4){

and finally
good to know
btw i am fine and i am from central india , migrating soon to canada
New Delhi?
New delhi is in North.
@Abhishek: xhr = xmlhttprequest, it's the js object that allows you to make this kind of request
@Abhishek o/
@FlorianMargaine i know what
(the blue one)
ok.. I got ur point..
@FlorianMargaine \o
the first message was for the other abhishek :p
i was like .. wait a minute wtf !
ya.. Red Abhishek and one is blue...
yes... A... overflow.
now that's a shoot'em up, right? we gotta shoot'em all?
huhhh :/
yes @Abhishek Can u give me reference link for reference.?
why is getElementsByClassName on table-cells just returning half of the cells?
i recommend you read that book
thanks @Abhishek
Thanks a ton. .. nice to talk with you.. good bye.
bye @Abhishek @FlorianMargaine and othere.. see you .. good night to all
@Abhishek I will read it. thanks man
see you
see ya :)
@FlorianMargaine one of the worst sins of John Resig for internet
6 mins ago, by Abhishek
I know from jquery. but I want to know with javascript.
not saying / offending the other abhishek but 90% of those who find jQuery before js :< are lost in a world of ..... these
A: jquery check variable values

Florian Margainevar check = [ add, city, state, zip ].every( function ( v ) { ( v ) ? return true : return false } ) Just for the sake of showing off.

I love my answer :D
okay DOM, this means war
@Abhishek: it's okay, all abhishek suck btw
Q: Is text in Javascript HMTL scripts taken into account in Google (or other) indexes?

JVerstryI have a HTML page where I update the content of a div to display some introduction text when displaying the page. It is hard for me to create copies of this page for all possibilities and move the text as static content correspondingly. When I have a Javascript, something like this: <sc...

alright, what the hell is going on here
var darkenedCells = s.by.class('darken', that.winTable);

[].forEach.call(darkenedCells, function(el){
    s.removeClass(el, 'darken');
@FlorianMargaine ah ahem ?
j/k ;)
@GNi33: removes the class "darken" from all the elements in that.winTable I guess
@Abhishek developer.mozilla.org/en/XMLHttpRequest read this when you are done with the awesome book on basic ajax principle
darkenedCells gets all the cells, but when i try to remove the class, it only removes the classes in the odd - rows
@FlorianMargaine i think i should migrate back to my old name
dark :D :D
do w/e you want as long as you keep your avatar :p
@FlorianMargaine that's what it's supposed to do, yes ;)
@GNi33: in the debugger, does it loop through all the elements? or is the bug in s.by.class ?
@FlorianMargaine hehe I had to jump on the band wagon
the selector works
if i outcomment the forEach - loop, console log gives me the right result
@FlorianMargaine i am bored of my avatar :-(
i was thiking of making another one of these but okay i will keep it ;D
@rlemon: haha :p
it's ugly though :D
when the forEach - loop is executed, it just loops over every second element
thhat one :3 with a blue and W3C in fronta the face :3
@GNi33: no reason for it :/
@Abhishek: it's ok for this kind of change then :p
i really don't get it
@FlorianMargaine yea but it's such a vague question giving a number of different solutions may teach him/her a thing or two about new concepts/techniques
it's a fun solution :p
programming is seriouz buziness yo... there is no room for fun!
mine is serious although fun too :3
I find it elegant
and will fail on older browsers runsandhides :P
@GNi33: es5-shim is still lighter than jQuery!
on modern browsers, es5-shim has no effect
on modern browsers, jQuery has too much effect...
Chrome for Android you gotta check it out! It is awesometastic!
can you help me?
with my code?
oh god, this class-thing is pissing me off
user image
once again!
you must have a lot of tables.
what is "class thing" @GNi33 ?
a whole office full of them
bad ui design
javascript does not have classes
it's about table-cells. They get classes assigned and all i want to do is to remove them
var darkenedCells = s.by.class('darken', that.winTable);

[].forEach.call(darkenedCells, function(el){
    s.removeClass(el, 'darken');
but all it does is removing the class of the cell on every odd row
20 mins ago, by Abhishek
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],
        style = document.createElement('style'),
        rules = document.createTextNode('td.darken { background: inherit !important; }');

    style.type = 'text/css';
    if(style.styleSheet) {
        style.styleSheet.cssText = rules.nodeValue;
    } else {
eff looping over every element in the table.
@Abhishek , why did you past that crap ?
change the style rule.
it is horrid
@tereško its actually for the person , it will help the other abhishek better then if i link him MDN instead
+ its by an indian author so it will touch the deeper part :P
i'm trying a different approach now, i cannot believe that this is just not working
@Abhishek , never link to that "thing" again
okay :-(
hell .. w3schools has better content
i agree
but he needs to start by very - very - very basic
knows $.ajax but XMLHttpRequest === undefined for him
btw i agree those fast tracks suck
<script language="JavaScript">
    function addmovie(){
        document.getElementById(‘sermovies’).innerHTML += ‘<li><a href=".">The Terminator Series</a></li>’;
 ... some other code ...
<h2 onclick="addmovie()">Movie Series:</h2>
@Abhishek , did you even read it before suggesting ?
yes , about when it first came out
knows $ but does not know Javascript
more and more vanilla js answers, that's nice stackoverflow.com/questions/10232745/…
> "I don't think the DOM can be repaired; I think ultimately we have to replace it. And we should replace it with something that looks like YUI or jQuery, because we know how it should work and the way that raw DOM is is just awful."
why Crock; why?
because he's a crock.
LOL he drank the kool aid
@FlorianMargaine shouldnt that be
this.selectedIndex ?
he's been on the "Ajax library" bandwagon for years
at least 5 years now
it's sad because his logic is rock-solid everywhere else
@MattMcDonald , he gets paid for it , ya know
yes, which is why he plugs YUI everywhere
Crockford needs to eat too
you'd think the speaking fees would help with that
but I've never lived in SF, so I can't know
@Abhishek: maybe, don't remember
lol thats what ur answer is making me confused on
@MattMcDonald: we already had this kind of debate here, it's not about "we should have a bloated library like YUI or jQuery", rather about "we should have an API like YUI or jQUery"
i just learnt a lesson , wont ever touch any links for those fast tracks again :|
@Abhishek: yeah, it's this.selectedIndex
i mean check that out "Internet Explorer 9 on the cover page of a book which as to present HTML 5 "
@FlorianMargaine the Dart team wrote an opinion piece on how they're implementing the DOM
I'll dig it up
yup that's a nice one
nice for discussion, yes
most ideas there are either stolen or terrible
@Abhishek drop that book lols go for MDN .. as soon as u are done with implementing stff
they get some points right tho
> In JavaScript, the DOM collection types are different from the built-in Array type, which trips users up when methods they use on one aren't available on the other.
@FlorianMargaine personal opinion
calling [].forEach.call( elements, function(el) {}) is a pain instead of elements.forEach( function(e) {})
will dart ever be supported on MSIE and Mozilla ?
@Abhishek: Dart is "compiled" to js
as in native :P
christ i read it wrong :<
nvm so dart is more like coffeescript ?
yup IIRC, my memory may be incorrect tho
@FlorianMargaine you're in favor of document.images.pop()?
yeah, why would that be bad?
it's live
I know, so?
I'd assume such a call would implicitly remove the node from the document tree
cyall laters
i need to study material sciences for tomorrow
such a call is confusing as it lacks clarity
F**** my college
it could trip developers up quite easily
I still think it's better to use document.images.pop() rather than [].pop.apply(document.images)
it's just a matter of API
queryBlender(magicalString) is also poor API design
yeah I don't agree with that
you have an infinitude of possibilities through one access point
that's why I prefer byId et al.
their query thingy is not really what i'd want
the event thingy is a nice API tho
it's just a matter of preference I guess
most event problems can be solved via delegation
which only requires one handler
that's not about it
actually, I don't see why people want to use addEventListener
support, complexity
aEL came around in IE 9
attachEvent is not 1:1 either
I mean, el.onclick = fn conveys the same feeling as el.addEventListener( 'click', fn, false )
the capture phase and the lack of multiple handers is the big difference
DOM 0 handlers are easily cleaned up as they're directly available via the node
it's quite easy to lose DOM 3 handlers
I worked with a similar event model for years with AS3
cleaning up listeners was a huge priority
@MattMcDonald yeah I guess so, I'm just doing fine using DOM0 events handlers
yep :)
code like new Element.tag('div'); is also implicit as it makes no indication of the document it's attached to
that's why createElement is on the Document interface
what if I want to create an element for an iframe?
I disagree there, I know it's an element when I see this code
I mean, it's new **Element**.tag('div')
there's a reason Node::ownerDocument exists
doesn't Element denote an ... element???
you can have more than one document inside of a document
why are you talking about this here?
yeah, got it
hi @Oleg :)
one of $'s big pitfalls is the fact that it sniffs Node::ownerDocument
how you doing?
instead of asking for the document, it tries to guess
@FlorianMargaine Hello :)
@MattMcDonald: "tries to guess"?
how does it do that? programs don't guess :p
ever heard of UA sniffing?
and btw I guess you mean Sizzle, right?
not necessarily
creational methods need access to document
yeah I do that to test out mobile versions of my websites :)
confused sniffing with spoofing :p
googling that :)
would you rather guess which document is implied by API.createText("hi"); or ask for it via API.createText(doc, "hi");?
UA sniffing is the following code:
(my english's not so good sometimes ;<)
oh yeah
var ie = global.navigator.userAgent.test(/MSIE/);
I see what that is, don't worry
I do UA sniffing to detect mobile :p
je ne parle francais bien :)
no worries, we're in an english room :-)
there is a js-fr room for french people :p but noone is in it btw
> The last message was posted 13 days ago.
@FlorianMargaine There are no javascripters in France ^_^
yeah :(
went to a conference about cms today presented by a big geeky company (really, they're all geeks using ubuntu, even the commercials!), I started to talk about node.js and nobody really knew about it :(
yeah, we have a bunch of c++ devs and when I ask them to produce me some JSON output, they just have no idea what I'm talking about
oh yeah, french don't like json ._.
when I say JSON, they answer me SOAP
xml's not the only answer
especially for mobiles webservices
@FlorianMargaine I thought french didn't like Soap... :P
fu :p
hehe i kid of course
By the way, have you guys heard of Miso project?
on it already :p
looks interesting
supported by bill & melinda gates association :p
yeah, I noticed that too.
I was just writing my own DataSet.js this morning when I saw this Miso thing.
they're using underscore.js ._.
who still uses that ._.
backbone.js does :)
I'm not a fan of backbone though. Or... I tried it and failed... maybe it's just my lack of competence.
nah, backbone.js forces you to use MVC, but you can use MVC for any application
does anyone have any idea when panics coda 2 is coming out
That was my idea. I kinda like the separation between the data structure (models) and the visual representation.
miso project uses that
Looks like fun. Will try.
how do they find this site ?

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