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@Loktar Need to get a 1440 monitor for skyrim special edition; brand suggestion? Not looking to do gsync, since I don't want to spend $700
I somehow feel dirty. I think for the first time in my life, I created a valid use-case for the with statement
I wrote a little webpack loader, so I can require html files which make use of es6 template strings inside...
module.exports = function(content) {
        this.cacheable && this.cacheable();
        this.value = content;
        return 'module.exports=function(scope){ with( scope ) {return`' + content + '`}};';
so that I can use the html files like...
	<span class="YES">YES ${test} SIR!</span>
instead of "scope.test" inside
is that so wrong :P ?
The way I've done something very similar before is to make sure that any "variables" i'm trying to access are all on an imaginary "data" object that I access its props
well yes.. I pass that object to the require call..
var data = {
	roflcopter: '---reeeeeeemote--',
	test: 'Oh nooo...'
var tmpl = require('./mod1.htmlx')(data);
it just bugged me to use the object.anything within the html files
Oh wait, no, that's not how I did it... how the hell did I do it?
I don't even remember anymore
thats not es6 template strings anyways :)
No, but it could be
I made up my own templating system
This was a while backish
yea I thought about using my own aswell, but then again.. why not use what's already there
however, it feels weird to use with, but it seems like it really does its job in this instance
it's like the creators of ecmascript knew that THIS was the one case for this crap shitty keyword which fucks up any eval and optimizer logic
This is how I did mine, if you can decipher it github.com/ndugger/MVC/blob/master/server/template.js#L121-L142
Ah, I see now
I had an object with all the data, 'scope' in your case
then I did some regex magic to find all @{ ... } and got the variables inside of there and replaced them with scope.foo in the case of @{ foo }
not so bad
yea seems solid
anyone know anything about cars
i know what cars are
@jhawins has a car
@ndugger benq xl2730z
I returned my ultrawide 3440x1440 because it didn't even come close to comparing
it has blur reduction which is fucking great.
I absolutely love the monitor, has great reviews as well
psh that wont even reduce it like the monitor does
sir.... that monitor is fucking expensive
it's came down a lot since I bought it
I think I paid $700
now it's $500-ish
but goes on sale as well for lower
you could buy a running car for that haha
lol yea
or maybe a kid
but a running car doesn't have blur reduction now does it
well the ultra wide I returned was $1300
wasn't worth it compared to my current monitor
@KendallFrey no, and its likely to cost you more money as time goes on haha
well same with computer stuff
yeah i suppose the car would too
yeah but i use my computer WAY more than my vehicle
and it actually makes me money vs my vehicle which only steals it
I've spent like $200 on stuff I wouldn't have bought if I hadn't bought an arduino
@KendallFrey haha
I hate when I get into hobbies/moods like that
if my car wasn't broken then i would be driving it a lot.
But I got a pinned message, so, worth it.
i remember when i used to do stupid activities :P
tried to make a home theater projector
I don't actually do big projects
Just fiddle
i wouldn't consider that a big project :/
Spent 2 hours making something, and once it's finished, try it once, and take it apart
what do you make
Right now, anything powered by arduino
I'm out of ideas right now though
arduino powered sex toy, vibrates to .wav
my idea... don't steal it
stick a dildo on a giant sub
really feel the music
oh wouldnt that be fun to explain to a cop. son, do you know why i pulled you over?
Uhhh it wouldn't have anything to do with the girl rockin out in the hatchback would it?
I think it would be fun to make one of those projects that's a dynamic back light for my monitor
But I have no idea what to make it do
wait what... i just googled and found something called lightpack
something like that?
pretty much
wouldn't that just be really distracting? lol
not unless it was too bright
my eyes hurt if i have any other lights on in the room so i personally wouldn't like it
my eyes hurt if it's slightly dim
What I'd love is a project useful enough that it's worth getting some ATTiny chips
yeah im not exactly sure what is up with my eyes. I prefer lights out except what is on the monitor, otherwise my eyes get tired or i can get a headache
on bright sunny days i can barely open my eyes outside without sunglasses.
Can any one explain this to me Array(30).map((x,i)=>i);
@RajeshPatel Which part don't you understand? Have you tried it, to see what it does?
I have tried but did not get
Array(30) means a array which max length is 30
My guess is the author meant Array(30).fill(0).map((x,i)=>i)
@RajeshPatel not really
@littlepootis then?
Learn about javascript arrays, the Array function/constructor, Array.prototype.map and ES6 arrow functions.
4 hours later…
I'm so evil, I starred the "lyrics" in the wrong order. >;-)
Why does this work ? var a = [b = [1,2], c = [3,4]]
@ZetCoby u sure it does?
afaik it should be var a = {b = [...], c = [...]}
it does
it assings a to [ b, c ], and b to [1,2], c to [3,4]
they're like individual expressions
I don't understand what the star queue is trying to say
@AwalGarg badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom snek
what does that mean
don't you know?
(I have no clue btw. Obv an inside joke)
@AwalGarg ^
Watch more of weebl's stuff
Anyone reads yosefk's blog? How credible is it?
did you ever used python then why ?
@towc I dont really get it, does it have to do with functional programming in js? can you please guide me to a link or reference where I can read about this?
!!google javascript osmani
@ZetCoby var a = [ b = [1, 2], c = [3, 4] ] means "set a to the result of evaluating rhs". rhs is evaluated as an array containing the result of two expressions in order, "b = [1, 2]" and "c = [3, 4]". The first one sets the variable b to that array, and returns that array. similarly the second one is evaluated. so now the effect is that rhs evaluates to [[1, 2], [3, 4]] and during this evaluation, it also mutated the variables b and c. and this final result is assigned to a.
Note that this assumes atleast one of the following conditions: 1) the variables b and c were previously declared and are in scope, or 2) the code is running in sloppy mode, so implicit declaration is allowed
so basically its the same as doing whitout b and c
the final result
i see it kinda strips away the b and c
Have you ever seen someone do while (foo = bar()) { ... } ? It's the same principle
ok got it
The best way to truly understand expression evaluation semantics is to write your own interpreter which supports this kind of shitty thing (almost half-way joking but not really)
tested and works
can someone tell my why this api call in express does not work when i append two parameter?
 this.router.get('/login/:username/:password', this.login.bind(this));
without and with just one it does
the url is build correct and according to what i found on SO it should work like this
or wait no. Even with one it does not work. What am I doing wrong here?
just /login/ is ok
Because that's wrong, read the express documentation on routing.
With that route, you need to use /login/losOxos/test
If you want to use the url parameters then you need to set the segments as optional
hm ok
 this.router.get('/login/:username?:password?', this.login.bind(this));
this works, is that ok?
nvm i have to read it again. the req.params are undefined
no slash
Is there a way to store console.timeEnd() values into variables and such?
@BenFortune ahhh not my code was wrong, my request build with ARC was wrong ^^
@SomeGuy @Abhishrek @littlepootis youtube.com/watch?v=WfhfyCoszYs this is hilarious
so no one uses python then
Try the python room...
@AwalGarg AS I saw the title of the video I was like "nope".
any python user online?
my bad
I´m writing a rest api with authentication. To verify that username and password match I query this against the DB. But for some other functionality I need to find the user too, but then it would be bad to also respond the password. Would you write two nearly same database function to find a user? One with selecting the password and one without or would you just remove the password key from the array when it is not needed for authentication purpose?
As in?
you are checking if user exists on lose focus?
of that specific textfield
you mean me @GandalfTheWhite? :)
Q: How can i create new document based on point in node.js?

cooli had user based positive_point,negative_point and remaining_point .Here i want to create object once user reached remaining_point value 100 ,if user reached remaining_point value 100 i need to create 1 object ,if user reached remaining_point value 200 we need to create two objects how can i ach...

expecting help
yes @elsololobo
then i don´t understand the Question, sorry :/
there is no textfield or GUI
just a DB and serverside code
what specifically is the query then
explain it using use case
as in how and what
ah wait. I´m thinking wrong.. my bad.
in one case i have to query against username and password and in the other just against the username
so i had a thinking error :)
@AwalGarg Unsubscribe, pls
I didn't sign up for this :p
@cool expecting quality question
@BenFortune I don't have any question related to python language
just want to figure out if JS developer ever had to use python language
if yes then for what
Small scripts here and there, I've also used it for hyperion
hyperion, a totally new world to me
anyone uses duck debugging?
I did
the-quacking-dead.com thats a noice duck xd
whats your duck's name?
@Mathematics If you would call yourself a "JS developer" then you're already lost. You're supposed to be a "developer" and developers don't care about what language they're using
As long as it's not PHP
@OliverSalzburg a developer can't be called JS developer if they never JS ;)
Q: I have develop a full project using angular2 with express, mongodb , node , mssql ,,now i want to create '.apk' and '.ipa file',,what should i do??

user7056703i have develop full project using angular2 with express.js, mongodb , node.js , mssql ,,now i want to create .apk and .ipa file to run on andorid smart phones and iphones . which can run on android phone and iPhone??what should i do?? also tell me how could i deploy my angular2 website on serve...

What a mess
@BenFortune That makes me want to hurt someone
Any idea why this : codepen.io/atomtm/pen/xEZEXm?editors=0011#0 , runs faster when adding more than one points with addPoint(x,y) ?
@atomtm What do you mean?
sry bad link
@atomtm Didn't you post this a couple days ago already?
Providing just as little context as you are now
@OliverSalzburg what info do you need ? I am posting the code I am trying . Please let me know if you need more info
It's the same link...
hai i mentioned my expectation@OliverSalzburg
expecting help
You entitled douche canoe.
@atomtm You aren't adding any points, therefore
@BenFortune ok , by when you add more points with addPoint(x,y) through the console , you can see that the animation speed increases . Why is that ? Can I keep the animation speed constant?
@BenFortune Yes, just run another command through the console to repro. Why haven't you figured this out yourself?
@OliverSalzburg Oh silly me, thanks
@BenFortune That package.json really shows what a clusterfuck the angular2 world is. He is using both the RC of the router-deprecated (which, in itself is already fascinating) and the beta of the 3.0 router
@OliverSalzburg the addPoint(lat,lon) function creates a point and populates the points array . The draw() method shall run every 1000/framesPerSecond and animate the points on the map . However if you add more than ONE point , the animation speed increases ( i think doubles , but I am not sure ). How can this be prevented , i.e. keep the animation speed constant . And why is the animation speed increasing in first place ?
I think that's more his problem than Angular's though lol
@BenFortune Possible
@atomtm If that illustrates your problem, why is it not in the pen?
@OliverSalzburg what do you mean ? the pen is only for illustrative purposes. It also includes the code I am using
@BenFortune excellent :)
@atomtm When you're looking for help, make it easy for people to help you
@OliverSalzburg ok makes sense :)
@OliverSalzburg you need any other info on this ?
@atomtm No
And the answer is simple. The animation still has constant speed, you're just doing more work the more points you add
radius and opacity are global variables and you're manipulating them every time you process a single point
@OliverSalzburg Great ! Let me try to make them properties
@OliverSalzburg codepen.io/atomtm/pen/xEZEXm?editors=0011 . Thank you so much ! I really appreciated and please forgive my ignorance !
@atomtm You're welcome
Well that's a big change for a small problem
How do you manually run a gulp task?
Like, I have a watcher, which calls a callback. In that callback, I want to invoke a task
thought it'd just be gulp <task>
I usually separate all mine out, then do something like
gulp.task('watch', () => {
    return gulp.watch('./src/**/*.js', ['build'];
Then I can run build separately if needed, but it also runs in the watcher
gulp.start() is what I was looking for
Never heard of it lol, undocumented
@BenFortune Yep
Could always have it in it's own function, rather than relying on undocumented APIs and just calling the function
One of our tasks' output would trigger another tasks watcher and vice versa
@BenFortune The system is too abstract to do that :P
Haha fair enough
And it's impossible to debug, so I rather don't touch it
Like, we dynamically generate the gulp tasks, then invoke gulp
It's as ugly as it is beautiful
God, Becky
Look at her
butt. It's so
big, it's like
she's one of
those rap guys'
. Who understands those
rap guys?
.start is an Orchestrator method. Since Gulp inherits from that, it should work. I'm triggering a gulp task from a non-gulp function (watchify) and this appears to be working. — joemaller Jun 22 '14 at 22:54
You suck
Will apparently be removed in gulp 4 though
But that's never going to be finished anyway, so, meh
big dicks
I like it when you finish my
@OliverSalzburg Dunno, they said once they've fixed some bugs they'll be releasing shortly after npm@4, which dropped last week
Though they still haven't managed to fix the vinyl-fs breaking changes, which is nearly a year old
@BenFortune Yeah, looking at the commit history, they don't seem very busy ;P
God, and people on the SO question being like "OMG it will be removed in the next version. DO NOT USE IT!!!"
Who would have thought that a major release includes breaking changes?
@BenFortune Yeah, I'm waiting for it to be actually properly released so I can get rid of these annoying event listener leak warnings
> sign up for additional layer of security from Verified by Visa
ummm fine, why not
> enter a bunch of info
ugh, fine
> give a password
> password must be between 8 and 15 characters, contain a letter and a number, and no spaces
I thought you said additional security? fuck this [cancel]
now.. i got a payment confirmation from OVH, but nothing in my billing, and I won't see it on my CC for a few days
god that's annoying
Haha, we've had that for a couple years
strict passwords are roadmaps for brute force attacks.
We are looking for a Software Engineer with a good knowledge of modern JavaScript i.e. ES6 (5 years).
Fucking recruiters
why do people still do it?
what is the technical limitation behind not allowing spaces in passwords?
There are none
@BenFortune someone should mail then and inform said company, that ES6 was released last year
@rlemon I heard that it is safer to have a 15 character long password than having no password
@rlemon They use a space to separate the username from the plain-text password in their database. So it's a reserved character
@OliverSalzburg Calm down Adobe
@OliverSalzburg minimum restrictions make sense.
@OliverSalzburg well that's just bad planning.
I honestly don't know the reason for either thing. I always assumed there is some sad programmer somewhere who was told "Do it like that, because I used a website the other day that also did it like that" by some higher-up exec
A: What technical reasons are there to have low maximum password lengths?

Tom LeekTake five chimpanzees. Put them in a big cage. Suspend some bananas from the roof of the cage. Provide the chimpanzees with a stepladder. BUT also add a proximity detector to the bananas, so that when a chimp goes near the banana, water hoses are triggered and the whole cage is thoroughly soaked....

ohh thank god, OVH sent me another confirmation
I was worried that by cancelling the additional layer it would negate the transaction
Q: Web site is not opening in chrome properly

Swapnadip SahaI have developed a web application using asp.net, vb , javascript and css. The website is working properly in IE but not working in chrome. Need some suggestions to make it better.

why do people send messages on slack at like, 1am? What are they doing?
I've sent emails at 3am before
@corvid Working in a different time zone?
Or just plain old working
Ask them?
@BenFortune Trump?
n a metaphorical sense, aren't we all Trump?
@corvid ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@corvid no

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