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Maybe i have to use something like phaser.js
node 7.0 released, is this old news?
@corvid yesterday
6.9 is LTS now too
what does LTS mean?
long term support
It's basically the version you'd use if you don't want to keep updating it
@SuperUberDuper 2 buttons can be pressed at the same time with touchevents just tested it and it works!
@BenFortune Well, you're still going to update it, otherwise you wouldn't care about if it's supported or not :P
hey, any angular 1 gurus that remember/know if you can change the directive element? e.g. it should replace <custom-directive>....</custom-directive> -> <li>...</li> ?
I think there used to be a way to specify this, but that could be angular 1.2 era
@Busata AFAIK, you can't do that
You can restrict the directive to attribute usage though
<li custom-directive>
@OliverSalzburg I meant it's not updated as often, but yeah :P
@BenFortune :) poor boy have to explain everybody today what LTS means :D
@BenFortune I think a more fitting description is that it will receive updates for a long time, without introducing any semver-major changes
@Busata you can use the 'replace' attribute in the directive definition - but it is deprecated.
@BrianSchantz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Busata docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service$compile#-replace-deprecated-will-be-r‌​emoved-in-next-major-release-i-e-v2-0-
On second thought...
Meh, link breaks. Look at replace param of $compile
What happened to badger?
Oh, @BrianSchantz already mentioned it :P
We killed and ate her.
Was that necessary?
@OliverSalzburg yup, was aware that replace was 'deprecated', but mm, probably misremembering something
@Busata Well, I guess replace was true by default in the olde days and was switched to false later
@OliverSalzburg yea, but there used to be a time where template content was by default wrapped in a div I think, and you were able to change that div element in to something else, but meh
your 'A' suggestion works :) thanks
just had to change it from .component -> directive
anyone here work with electron much? Running into a bit of a problem. Want to use sqlite3 and knex with electron
attribute does exactly what I want anyway, so doesn't matter
@corvid What's the problem?
You can use native addons but they have to be pre-built for a specific platform if you're going to ship it
in the spirit of Halloween I changed my gravatar.
@BenFortune gives me a whole lot of errors. Maybe it's because of webpack?
@rlemon haha brilliant
for what it is, was a surprising amount of work
Build errors?
Might need github.com/webpack/node-loader for sqlite3
@Zirak I'm gonna have to bail
@BenFortune I tried putting it in externals, using this boilerplate. For some reason, MongoDB works completely fine, but not sqlite3, and I would prefer sqlite
That's because sqlite is a native module, written in c++.
Hi all, is it possible to use one to use onchange on the name attr of many selects?
What about something like pouchdb?
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)).forEach(item => item.addEventListener('change', handler));
I am trying something like this $(".addressBookShipping").change(function () {});
@BenFortune the main thing I am hoping for is to distribute a file with my app containing some "base" data that can easily be removed and seeded
and what isn't working
I have many selects with that class
@rlemon its not firing, I assume its because there are many selects all with the same name/class
@corvid Just use a JSON file for your initial data
problem is somewhere else then
@rlemon ahh i see
@rlemon thanks
good luck
@BenFortune gonna extend past that for sure
If I want to find an element above the one i am in what is the best function to use?
is .prev? the best
@StephenWolfe That's a problem. Avoid doing that. Why do you want it?
ohh, element.
nevermind, I was thinking of function caller.
@StephenWolfe above? or sibling?
so the parent in the tree?
or the sibling before the element
they are form elements
@rlemon lol nice one on the avatar
all in the same form,
same level
The Lemon King!
@StephenWolfe okay, those are called sibling elements
<div id="a">
    <div id="b" />
    <div id="c" />
    <div id="d" />
If you have element #c, which do you want?
ok, previous sibling.
You can self-close divs?
@littlepootis heh no
@littlepootis you can in psuedocode and JSX.
@littlepootis He just did :P
@Luggage xhtml
perfectly valid
also that, but who uses xhtml?
you just did
only for the brave
No, that was LTML.
Luggage's Terrible Markup Language
I would use that
So Pre and Closest do not work for me.
Is it supported in Safari?
.prev() in jQuery
Oh I just realised the select is in a div then above that div there is the element i want
can i tail it?
like .prev().prev('.myClass')
@StephenWolfe How does that go above anything?
@PeeHaa you can't trust "above" to mean parent
he asked for the above node but wanted a sibling before
@rlemon did you spooky up your bio for halloween too?
@rlemon Hm that didnt work eaither
want me to make yours spooky?
@StephenWolfe make a demo then
because your terminology is off.
We need moar halloweenvatars! \o/
@rlemon js fiddle?
oh it's rick and morty
(that went over my head)
what is?
@StephenWolfe consider not needing "turn left at the third <div>" type of direction in your code. It makes it difficult to change later.
your profile message
> "Nobody exists on purpose..."
@PeeHaa Mine doesn't need changing
Hello Guys… is anyone familiar with jest js function mocking behavior?
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's fine, I'll bail as well then (cc @MadaraUchiha)
@BenFortune :P
@rlemon so I cant even get my alert to work now in the jsfiddle. jsfiddle.net/ym471pz6
include jQuery @StephenWolfe ;)
new js resolution : stop wrongfully importing object properties as named import as this ~will~ break in the future https://t.co/YCtzTMtkQ4
is this true?
trying to find a sauce or something
@rlemon fuuu
that's good
so subtle
@elsololobo didi I not in external resources?
@rlemon noice
@Luggage ahh yes
Hey peeps. I'm pulling my hair out trying to get a simple js regex to validate a contact number to work... without much success... anyone here that has some regex skills?
@MartenTerblanche Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MartenTerblanche Just ask your question instead
in knex, how can you set a boolean field to false on insert, and true on update? I have tried: table.boolean('edited').defaultTo(false).onUpdate(true)
> Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's going to die. Come watch TV?
great quote
@StepehenWolfe as I opened it, there was no jQuery. After including it the alert was fired
10 digits or + with 11 digits /[+\d]\d{9}\d{0,2}/
@elsololobo ahh it wasnt saved
@corvid I don't think you can, that way. There is only one default on the table column.
so it will be somthing like
@corvid triggers
f triggers.
@ssube equal pay
have I found it yet?
@ssube I always thought those were somewhat bad practice
clapping is a new one
what does badger mean?
you never knew the clapping trigger?
@corvid they are. So is what you're doing. :)
trigger is my trigger word. Going to the safespace chat room
holy fuck man. university students are going insane. you can't clap anymore, it is a trigger. you must click or snap your fingers
I can't snap. I am being snap-shamed.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent someone who badges
@ssube what should I be doing?
@rlemon eh, it's not a demographic you should take too seriously, most of them are unemployed communists anyway. :P
I don't really understand knex
@corvid just make that part of your update or something simple
knew is just making SQL for you. That's it.
jsfiddle.net/ym471pz6/6 so now I just need to find out why I cant get the value from above
@rlemon click?
@ssube "ignore them they'll go away" is exactly what we thought about flat earth nutters
they're just growing in numbers
@rlemon it's getting to the point that I am starting to worry about a collapse of western civilization in the coming decades
@Zirak @MadaraUchiha is bailing anyway
So is nick
@tereško rest of the world isn't too hot right now either.
@rlemon citation needed. They're growing in loudness, but...
We should beer next week though
Some people will always use freedom of speech to spread wrong-minded crap.
@ssube flat earthers are gaining popularity because celebs are getting on board.
I don't think the flat earth movement is really picking up members
not that it is a concerning number, but they are growing in numbers.
yes, but celebrities are well-known for their comprehensive idiocy
@Luggage therefore we should outlaw free speech
It's like the Turkish coup attempt, you let people spread misinformation and then label them as idiots.
@ssube yes, then ignorant youth pick up on it
@tereško no. It's just something you need to deal with.
Otherwise they hold these opinions in private which means you can't tell
@rlemon how do we reeech dese keeeds?
Was the turkish coup the idiots?
@Luggage it is widely believed now that it was staged to "flush out" opposition.
@Luggage both sides came out covered in shit, so I think they all were.
@ssube give them time. they will hopefully see logic. if not we leave them behind when we all fuck off to mars
I thought it was the army trying to re-secularize thier government that is going down the theocracy path
ohh, yea, staged. That I can see.
@BenjaminGruenbaum actually, based on Turkey's history "military coup" has been a standard system of "checks and balances" there
@tereško yes, but that one was speical
@Luggage staged, no. I would go with - prematurely instigated .
yea.. we'll likely never know
also, possibly all of the above.
I have 3 Turkish friends, one with a BSc in political science and they all told me it's stage from the moment it started.
Like, when people still thought the opposition was winning.
@rlemon I couldn't snap my fingers until I was 19
I see that, but if you keep this as an analogy to flat eathers.. you are saying that they are the ones that are right..
@BenFortune some people never can
same with whistling
@BenFortune really? babies have smaller bones, you'd think snapping a finger would be easier then
Apparently usage of the word "paddy" isn't PC because it "offends" the Irish
@BenFortune hahah
I can't stand the feeling of my fingers pushing against each other, so I'll never really try to hard ot learnt o snap them.
@Luggage I once sprained my finger from trying it too much
if we aren't allowed to say "paddy" anymore, what will people from the midwest put on their hamburgers?
@BenFortune "irish" are usually thought of as "white". You can offend then, as long as you make sure that they dont identify as female
@BenFortune basically this: youtube.com/watch?v=q9APB-N6ChQ
@tereško Haha wtf
cv-pls stackoverflow.com/questions/40264826/… (typo, tried to use $$ for jQ)
> Thou art fornicating with a Caucasian gentleman.
> Thou art a fellow of the Caucasian race.
what an amazing man.
@Loktar That's glorious, what a smooth guy
I bet the ladies are drowning
!!s/ing/ing toddlers right now/
@ssube I bet the ladies are drowning toddlers right now (source)
@BenFortune twss
hm, I was going for the Archer reference, but that came out a little too dark
Did anyone ever see that browser that could handle a new session in each tab? Can anyone remember what it's called?
chrome in incognito mode?
Nah, it was fairly new
@Luggage Can't do new sessions per tab can it? IE from the same site
got me
@ssube Don't even understand what OP is complaining about
@PeeHaa it's actually a legit question, I was mistaken. OP is trying to figure out why $$ isn't allowed but $ is allowed, even without an import.
Ah yes I see the last edit
@rlemon is it possible in this scenario jsfiddle.net/ym471pz6/11 to get the value of job_id?
HTMLElement has a click method, NodeLists do not;. $ is querySelector, $$ is querySelectorAll — rlemon 9 secs ago
@ssube ^^
unless I'm 100% missing the point of the Q
@StephenWolfe Your arrow function loses it's this binding
chrome adds $ and $$ shortcuts
@BenFortune okay so how to I pass it in?
@StephenWolfe don't use lambda expressions
don't use an arrow function.
but that doesn't fix it, still
don't use js
$('.addressBookShipping').on('change', e => {
      job_id = $(e)...
yea, PHP does magic on the front end.
@PeeHaa I try not too
so much interaction
HTMLElement has a click method, NodeLists do not;. $ is querySelector, $$ is querySelectorAll — rlemon 3 mins ago
wait wat
Also what is it with people and using alert for debugging
fucking stop it
That's... confusing
console.log = window.alert.bind(window); // enjoy
@BenFortune console.log?
@PeeHaa what is confusing?
chrome adds shortcuts for qs and qsa
open your console and type $$
@StephenWolfe Please
@rlemon he would have gotten a "click is not a function" rather than the error he is saying he got
job_id is not a sibling of your <select>, so.. that probalby explains why .prevAll() doesn't do what you wan
@rlemon I believe you. Just odd random shortcuts to me
@bitten 'cannot find name X' is not an error I'm used to seeing
@PeeHaa do you know about $n?
Won't he need to go up to the form then use .find('.job_id')?
If you are having that much trouble selecting other element, choose a new method. Do you think it'll be pleasant when you need to add another <div> later for styling? No, you'll have to go re-write all your selectors.
@rlemon yeah, me neither.. that's why i didn't want to say his error but "the error he is saying he got" lol
@BenFortune I didnt know console.log worked on js fiddle
@bitten VM135:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: $n is not defined
@StephenWolfe console.log works anywhere
oh :P
nvm stupid :D
$(selector).click() <- works
$$(selector).click() <-- not works

no jQuery imported
I work with what I got
Yeah. I have seen it in my console
looks like he's wondering what the short cuts are doing
@BenFortune I mean I could find the window to view it, looks like it can be view just with normal developer tools
@rlemon both should error out if you aren't including jQ
@BenFortune unless you have an old ie and console isn't started yet ;)
but one isn't
I assume they fixed that by now
@StephenWolfe It's usually the first place you should look when debugging
@PeeHaa Yeah, but who uses IE for debugging :D
@ssube no, the first will not error
@BenFortune s/for debugging/
document.querySelector('div').click() // no error, HTMLElements _have_ a click method.
$ = querySelector in chrome console.
@BenFortune :) well I dont evey debug in the past websites. So didnt know how to use it.
const $ = ::document.querySelector;
@PeeHaa let n be any number between 0 and 4
anyway found out how to now
@bitten Yeah yeah. I already found out my own stupid ;-)
New Amaranthe :D
She's so hot I can't even
@BenFortune that isn't valid code, what is it supposed to dod
@William Sure it is.
@Luggage What would it be if not ?
@BenFortune has :: been finalized?
@SterlingArcher photo!
It's basically const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
@rlemon no. That syntax might even be dropped.
it doesn't work in my browser
so then it isn't valid code
I don't consider if valid until the spec if signed off on
@StephenWolfe choose a method for finding other elements that is not dependent on the exact structure
it isn't valid at all
like go up to the form, then find the child with the name of X
Not "go past three <div>s, turn left at the <span>, you can't miss it"
@Luggage like perant form then child of the form
@SterlingArcher not bad
is there a list of all the new javascript features that doesn't involve reading the specification
@William no
fuck. I should create one then
good luck
I want it to have one to one versions between the new spec and good old javascipt
@Neoares there is
It's on github
Hello, If any of you could take a look and have a solutio to this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40248024/to-have-the-bootstrap-dropdown-options-drop-outside-the-div would appreciate.
@William there are millions of those lists all over the internet
ok i just need one
i want it like hyperpolyglot.org
too bad there isn't like a es6-features.org or something
thank you rlemon
It was the second result on the link I posted gtfo william
@StephenWolfe get it, yet?
@SterlingArcher hah yeah I was listening to this the other day
@Luggage job_id = $(this).parent().parent().find('.job_id').val();
god I hate you
@Luggage that worked
@StephenWolfe you are chaining parent()s so you can sill dependent on the exact structure.
see .parents() or .closest()
@Luggage yeh I figured that but it was the best I could do lol
job_id = $(this).parents('form').find('.job_id').val();
that also works
It works for now.
but .parents() returns multiple items.. you only ever want one.
what is this ??
a form element?
this is the <select> that the onChange event is on
@rlemon shhhh
$('.job_id', this.form).val();
I was leading toward .closest('form') since I forgot that inputs have a form property
html5 form elements have a .form property
use it, love it.
do you know the minimum IE needed for that?
i can't find it on CanIUse and MDN doesn't list the compatibility of that property individual

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