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1 more badger
2 mushrooms
@rlemon say Snek
really copy should do the snek
ah, apologies
panda, but who can tell?
Why is it out of order D:
It's not now :D
oh man, this is gonna be a nightmare
fuck you, how u so fast
ok, now nobody touch it
this ought to be interesting
We did it!
anybody who breaks it will have their stars cleared
this is Badger's birthday so screw you guys
except it's not
it might be
Don't go bringing facts into this!
It is her birthday
then she lied
FB says it's today
it could be her birthday, or a mushroom's birthday, or a snek's birthday
we have them all covered
Happy birthday 🐼🐱
Fwiw I updated the room title on instinct.
Should... should we ping her?
I'm suddenly very tempted to put emoji in my username
I'm suddenly very tempted to put foot in your ass
@SterlingArcher you really have a thing for that, don't you
@KendallFrey Just tried it :(
@SterlingArcher A whole twelve inches?
I'm a red foreman fan
@KendallFrey a whole twelver
Hi guys
I'm a George Foreman (grill) fan.
A quick question for mongodb folks out there
I'm a George Foreman grill (fan).
one more level of data or redundant data in mongodb
@GandalftheWhite slit your wrists along the arm, not across.
ohh, a different question
fucking hell hahaha
down the index, not across the table
@BenFortune @GandalftheWhite The joke was that mongo makes you want to kill yourself, not that I think your should :)
@GandalftheWhite mongo doesn't have redundant data. It can't even tell you if it has the original data.
even with a quorum style write concern, it might lose data before writing it
@SterlingArcher. \/
@rlemon but can he do the vulcan salute?
it's a good thing you edited that before it became the next viola
psh, i mistype things constantly.
i don't get it how does that prove there is a flat earth
Do you see curves
@William congrats.
how the hell are you so thick
I didn't think so
the curves are so minor obviously
@KendallFrey don't planet shame
Nope, flat earth. Nasa confirmed it with these pics
that's a healthy weight for a planet #stoporbitalbodyshaming
there are no curves
Well, there is one. The outer edge of the disc is curved
Or... Is earth square?!
@rlemon so are CDs, but they're still flat.
maybe the earth is just a CD: it's round, flat, shiny, blue/green, get scratched easily, etc
Oh man, did you guys see that Trump set up a phone line so you can tweet things on his account using text to speech?
Did you hear Finland doesn't exist?
Got those backwards scout
[text] and then (hyperlink)
What do I want for lunch?
Nice. My eggs popped
how much sleep do you guys get on a regular basis/
By Friday they should be ready
@William 4-6 hours.
eggs popped means what exactly
he's pregnant
the eggs, they popped
@William pickling
^ sterling archer is definitely right
The pressure seals "pop"
@SterlingArcher if I could get prego, I'd have my own personal army of little lemons
I think you'd get tired of it before you reached 'army' numbers.
talk about a lemon party
cute little pucklings
@William 6-7 hours
8-9 hours
@littlepootis I think I got 12 hours last night
slightlry concerned
My so sleeps like 10 hours average
Shed sleep 14, but work
@William it's okay
shouldn't you be asleep pootis
Nah, it's just 10 pm.
So we're talking about car security in our company slack.. just curious how cars with network capabilities protect themselves from attack
Are the network and incoming data sandboxed from the car's onboard computer?
(looking for sources, if anybody knows any)
@SterlingArcher what makes you think they do?
@tereΕ‘ko you need an id to walk around on the streets here
opps, late chat ^^
@KendallFrey hopefully the threat of a cyber attack on a highway targetting vulnerable cars would be use case enough to implement security standards on cars
cars have been known to have pretty terrible security
It's probably improved, but still
Yeah, there was an article in 2015 about jeeps being hacked mobile
@bitten that might be a recent change, due to all those underage boys immigrating from Afghanistan
So I'm wondering if these new models that have cell network data access have standards to protect them from attack, since they now have extended the range they can be hit from
@tereΕ‘ko my friends :(
your friends did something to have a law that demands you always have an ID?
nah i was just playing
.... I was starting to be impressed
i don't know why the law exists, but it's been around for about 10 years
longer than i've been here
@tereΕ‘ko sorry to disappoint lol
@tereΕ‘ko underage 25 year old boys
@Loktar You hear that bullshit going on with the California army reserves?
They invaded Oregon?
@Trasiva paying back bonuses?
@Loktar Yea, lol.
@SterlingArcher holleee shit
@Trasiva yeah pretty insane man
That's straight up bullshit. Some people have had to remortgage their homes!
Jesus christ. One of those rapids rafts at a theme park flipped and 2 people were freaking trapped in a conveyor belt
That's terrifying. They sustained injuries "incompatible with life"
12:59 < loktar> The four people killed in a horrific accident on a Dreamworld ride were just five seconds from safety when the craft flipped, giving them injuries β€œincompatible with life”.
12:59 < loktar> ..... lol what?
12:59 < loktar> sucks they died
12:59 < loktar> but that description
12:59 < loktar> "guys this fucking injury is incompatible with life"
lol was just talking about that
that description dude
the hell kind of wording is that
I didn't know what kind of ride it was till I saw a picture. Those conveyor belts are under water man :/
And the fact that they didn't drown means the belt killed them
That's awful man
@ssube got a.. Shapeshifting Stone?
@Loktar (stretching) maybe because all previously death-sentence injuries are no longer? modern medicine?
it is also possible the author was a moron
@SterlingArcher Gives a whole new meaning to 'down under'.
@SterlingArcher they were crushed
the thing flipped over
> I have three children and have lost two of them today – my whole family has been wiped out.
!!define whole
@KendallFrey [whole](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=38859) Entire.
I ate a whole fish.β€Ž
@SterlingArcher how did parky mcpark face end up
did you youtube the video of his messing up his car?
@KendallFrey their third child was a fish. They ate it
@rlemon parky mcparkface?
19 hours ago, by Sterling Archer
Currently watching this guy attempt to not ruin his car. He drove forward
Oh lol so I went and got my haircut, and about an hour later he was still there waiting for a tow truck
you should have stayed
recorded it all
I had to go home and sell my couch lol
what I don't understand is the mindset behind going forwards at this point
@rlemon lol flex
@SterlingArcher did you dig out the change first?
lol it was a barely used couch
how... how does one pass their driving test but fail to see the basics behind that?
well, most people are idiots
@Jhawins ??
I'm trying to load zepto into my webpack vendor bundle but when the vendor script gets called on onload, zepto is complaining 'document' is undefined. Has anyone encounter this before?
@rlemon well, in his defense, he did drive over one curb, hit a sidewalk, and mount the other side
You can't see it well, but there's a sidewalk under his car. It's a double curb he drove over
that isn't defence
Hello, I'm very new to JavaScript and am working with Angular and having some strange behavior. I had my module and controller in a <script> tag and the page worked fine, but then I moved the JS into a 'scripts/app.js' file (updating the 'src' of the script tag to match) and now no functionality works... being so new I would just like to know if there's any common mistakes I could be making before I ask a full fledged question?
where did you put the script in the HTML?
is the path correct
ref with <script src="scripts/app.js></script>
right, but where in the HTML? In the head? At the end of the body?
sorry, end of the body
in what way does it "not work"
When you say "at the end of the body"... right before the closing </body> or are there other scripts before/after it?
eg: dependencies
I call it after the angular dependency
cc @KendallFrey
is that a moon crash course?
wait, no, the moon is up top
and it "doesn't work" because it appears angular doesn't seem to recognize the controller, displaying {{varname.attrname}} on the page
instead of the actual value
did you look at the console
for errors
you know, step one,
@rlemon He is flexing
You don't see dat flex
Dat flex
@KevinB ... yeah, that was it. Code from a different controller was erroring -- thanks for the help!
@rlemon flex
i.imgur.com/Ow4Sqzs.jpg : lol I miss that Ram
@Jhawins flex
@SterlingArcher if you get 300 of those and 100k blue moneys, you can turn your normal monsters into loli monsters. Or sometimes mecha ones. It's, uh, iffy.
flex lol
@ssube @SterlingArcher What level are you guys?
@BenFortune fitty
Damn son
you should see my doods
What game are you guys talking about?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm going if you're going!
@Trasiva summoner's war. Sterling and Ben started playing.
Man, I've been trying to back into it.
Shit's getting hard and I'm only level 8, am I doing something wrong?
Nah Ben
@BenFortune well, what are you doing? Are you leveling up your best monsters with the other ones? Pushing through the story until you unlock the higher level dungeons?
Honestly, if you take the time and unlock the water bear, you'll have an easier time for most of the game.
All of the above
Water Bear (Ramagos) is pretty amazing for PVE.
@BenFortune I like to focus on one until I get stuck, then switch for a while. Farm the highest magic and giant dungeons you can do reliably on auto, because those give you essence and runes, then farm the highest (hell) story you can do for XP.
@Trasiva Rama is wind.
Oh right.
and is one of the few monsters who can one-hit my tanks
well, not my good tank, but the lesser ones
Rama's great, but hard to farm for.
who wants easy rep
or knows the dupe :D
someone doesn't understand prototypes
Q: How to find which keys in an array sum up to a variable

css.architectif x = 20 I want to find which numbers in var ary = [ 2, 3, 5 ] will add up to x(if any) - using as few additions as possible. So because 5 is the largest key in the array and a factor of 20 the desired result would be: 5, 5, 5, 5. if x was 8 the desired result would be 5, 3. If x were 1 the fun...

Or not.
Fuck me there's an auto
@BenFortune You gotta 3 star a level first.
Then you can auto farm it.
Got 3 3 stars and a 4 star
wait, what do you mean
Wait, nevermind, different game, lol.
Getting my mobile games mixed up.
Drugs are bad kids, don't do drugs.
Q: How to find the lowest possible combination of keys within an array

carb0nshel1I have an array that will always have 6 keys: var ary = [5,10,28,50,56,280]. I have a variable defined as limit I want to check it against. I want to find the lowest possible combination or sum of keys from this array that is above limit. We'll call this result. A bit of constraints I am trying...

new school project?
I don't understand the purpose of such assignments
fill time?
Why create an assignment that has you do something... that you would never actually need to do in the real world
Why do I get the feeling many SO questions are in fact school homework copy pasted? :P — powerbuoy 12 mins ago
I dont get what the problem is even asking
@BenFortune 22
i recognize his username... it's a year old account, probably a previous question
@rlemon I want to close vote it
@KevinB he came in this morning asking about it
but I don't think there is a viable reason
besides it being an interview question or homework
only reason I knew it was out there
How often/much should I be powering up runes
@BenFortune star level * 3
Never take a 3* rune to +15, that's a total waste.
Durgs are kids bad, don't drugs do
So if I have a 3 star, the runes should be level 9
well, +9
yeah, my rule of thumb is the runes should be the same as the monster and you should + them to the stars * 3, so 5* and 6* runes get +15 and go on 6* monsters
also, that's my best dood, Sterling has seent it
I use him everyday lol
@rlemon Oh oh my
that is nasty
@SterlingArcher and that's only with 4* runes. Imagine once I get some good ones on there.

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