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hi there, so I need to stop the hash jump on some anchors in case there are unsaved changes in that container. I use a hidden input to set a bit to 1 in case there is any input, and read it on click on said anchors. problem is, after showing the alert, I can't prevent the jump
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do I really have to store the hash and then restore it after showing the alert? and will that even solve the problem, since the action is still to be executed (solutions I've read so far)
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@SterlingArcher I have a few stories from high school about the hollywood undead/clown band fans that I should tell you sometime, although not anywhere on the public record.
Need help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40242442/getting-the-values-of-element-using-javascript-by-class-name?noredirect=1#comment67748173_40242442
@SterlingArcher that's because they decided to make an emo hair metal band. The band always knows what they're making, they're the source of it and the fans just follow.
> It is hard to predict exactly how long an optical disc will last since it depends on so many different factors. Nevertheless, estimations are floating around that predict a life span of up to 200 years for recorded CD-Rs and Blu-Ray discs
@Loktar that's the top end, but old CDs can go bad pretty easily. Anything that makes the foil start to come off the plastic will ruin the whole thing.