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3 mins ago, by rlemon
> here is a random selector, why isn't it selecting my element
A: getting started with javascript

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3 mins ago, by rlemon
shows no markup
@AwalGarg @littlepootis your partitioning setup?
Can someone take a look at this question please? stackoverflow.com/questions/40092880/…
@LiamHardy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@towc it's messed up
say no more
odd, I recall that username.
same user?
@Loktar ugh. PS+ is going up $20
@rlemon No, uh, that's his friend. His name is Fez...Fez uh, Table.
io.on('connection', function(socket){
  console.log('a user connected');
  socket.on('emu_msg', function(msg){
    console.log('emu message received?');
@LiamHardy you didn't read the docs properly methinks
you want to listen for messages on the socket itself.
@LiamHardy i think you're mixing up c# and js
@bitten No I am not..
and @rlemon that changes nothing.
@LiamHardy i'm not that familiar with it but i just saw the fat arrow
@bitten there's no fat arrow in his js code
@LiamHardy but should still be considered, because I don't think the way you had it would ever have worked
Anyone know of how to prevent a drag event from firing off an onClick event?
@KevinB i know
@corvid return false?
@KevinB Not working as intended
what event did you return false to?
Dont see why my question is being down voted
@LiamHardy noone else would be able to either.
@KevinB If I made a codepen/jsfiddle, would you be able to check that out? Should be relatively small
ugh, trying to download an iso, they offer http download and torrent. torrent has 0 peers
thanks, useful.
@LiamHardy i don't think this is going to be a problem on the javascript-side of things, considering your client-side app can connect just fine.
Q: I want to develop a system that would want offshore clients to come to my company

salehI want to know how I could make Clients come to my company rather than others as an offshoring company for them even if I am overseas. Is this what you call outsourcing right? Im very confused, help people

jesus christ
@Zirak I awoke on Mon, 17 Oct 2016 13:57:29 GMT (that's about 4 hours ago), got invoked 32 times
tags question with question-answering
seems legit
@rlemon I take it back your code fixed it, but how would I get the data that was sent? the only parameter is socket and I am guessing thats the socket that sent it?
so you want me to undelete my answer?
1 message moved to Trash can
@LiamHardy Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@SterlingArcher you called?
rlemon yes
go check my answer
note my argument names
@Zirak I found a candidate
@KendallFrey god dammit no
@rlemon amazing movie
@rlemon We have so many candidates
I know I'm a few years late on this, but just finished all of Breaking Bad and enjoyed it very much so. All the positive reviews everyone gave it were accurate.
@rlemon lmfao
Well, they got it pretty spot on TBH
except for the big dildo in the middle
Your imagination when it comes to dildos is very vivid and terrifying
I am trying to generate a three digit number that doesn't have a 8 or 9 in it and it can't start with a 0.
how can i do that?
Well, part 3 is pre-solved. Numbers cannot have leading 0s
That makes an octal
I just don't know how to do the other part
how can I exclude numbers like that?
generate a number between 64 and 511, and convert it to an octal string
nahh, write a function to generate ranges, then make three ranges as a string, then convert it to a number
Make an array of allowed digits and random your selection from it.
const num = Math.random()*100;
if (num.toString().includes("8") || num.toString.includes("9")) return false;
function getMyDamnNumber() {
  function r(a,b) { return Math.floor(Math.random()*b)-a + '' } // because strings are awesome
  return Number(r(1,9) + r(0,7) + r(0,7)); // you want a number m8
!!> Math.floor(Math.random()*448+64).toString(8)
@KendallFrey "346"
yea, if you wanna be fancy
@SterlingArcher you just give up after one failure? you're terrible
for constant performance, Sterling's solution should try 10 times, then test all the options and pick the first good one
@rlemon thanks ;)
@rlemon eww what?
just got this email
which is odd, considering ... well it's past that date
Gone are the days where PSN could brag free online play over XBAWKS
Is PSN still garbage?
can't comment on psn, but ps+ is worth it
even at $60 I think
@SterlingArcher they got the innocence hacked right out of em
dammit 4chan
I have one logic change to make and then I can wrap up this payroll project, finally.
Users["Waxi"].salary *= 10; ??
@SterlingArcher that's so dank
poor owl
that kills the owl.
maxwellito.github.io/vivus neat project.... the fuck is with that website tho
literally hurts my eyes
hi guys, i am still trying to get the data-colorid attribute value with no luck, what else can I try to do?
var thisval = $(".rcpColorBox > a[title ='" + selectedColor + "']").attr("data-colorid");
@rlemon on first load the svgs are there fully and flicker
the fonts dude
yellow on white?
red, orange, neon green
that that is gross as well
@JoJo post the HTML you are targeting dude, how many times does it have to be said
I'm surprised the animation is so smooth
but I hated seeing them flicker
ok, I did that yesterday but noone looked
am i doing something wrong with docker? this is my setup
if you posted an entire site, that might be why
@JoJo I think you do .data('colorid')
but i'm getting "sh: 1: istanbul: not found" in my runner
make a fiddle with the MINIMUM possible code to reproduce the problem
@bitten where and how are you putting istanbul on the path?
@ssube npm scripts
praying really hard
I don't believe nested ifs are frowned upon, but if I could get away with putting a ton of logic inside one if statement, should I?
"scripts": {
    "tests": "istanbul cover --dir ./coverage-tests ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha --report lcovonly -- -R spec --compilers js:babel-register tests/*.spec.js"
@Waxi nested ifs are generally frowned upon
make your code readable first
@Waxi learn about cyclomatic complexity
@bitten a) that's not what you committed and b) that runs it, it doesn't install it
@ssube ahh, sorry that's my docker image repo. this script is from the repo the runner is picking up
@JoJo why are you using the direct child selector?
@ndugger I see, I'll add that to my reading.
do you have any idea what that does?
@bitten you still need to npm install -g while building the image
either that or call node_modules/.bin/istanbul
if you're using docker images, install globally (because it's not really global)
@ssube is that not what i'm doing here?
@bitten npm install installs your package's dependencies into node_modules, it doesn't put anything on the path or install global tools (gulp, istanbul, etc)
i had before_script: \ - npm install in my gitlab-ci file and now i'm trying to just have my docker image built with it all already
@ssube i thought that package.json scripts look in the ./node_modules/bin folder first
okay i'll try it with ./node_modules/etc.
@JoJo It needs to be .data("colorid") and like @rlemon said, the child selector is screwing you up.
any polymer peeps in here?
@JoJo okay if you want my help answer my questions
why are you using the direct child selector?
@bitten they... might. This is a decent example of why you shouldn't use them, though: there's really no way to tell what shell they'll be working under and you can't test it.
@ssube ahh okay, fair point. and this is why most people are opting for gulp/grunt.
let me see.. I guess I wold not need .rcpColorBox @rlemon
istanbul was working if i don't omit my before_script npm install
@JoJo read the documentation for .data
@JoJo break down your selector.
@bitten you're trying to install the project's dependencies into the container? like, baked in?
@ssube yeah? is that bad?
you are currently looking for <an element with the class of rcpColorBox> <a title="some title></a> </an element with the class of rcpColorBox>
which doesn't reflect your HTML
the npm install log was just filling hundreds of lines on the build details and saw a tutorial which mentioned this
I could use some help on where I should be adding the missing logic: jsfiddle.net/edkrttfh
@bitten I would say so. It makes your versioning very brittle (you can't update one dep without rebuilding the whole container). What is your goal?
@ssube just keeping the build log quiet
you can quiet down the npm log pretty easily (or just shunt it to file), you can use yarn, you can use a pre-filled cache on the host
Line 40 says what the problem is. Not sure if I should expand my second if or put another if inside it.
there's only 42 lines in the fiddle
@bitten if you aren't using private repos, have you tried yarn instead of npm? Otherwise, run npm without the progress bar and silence or redirect the output.
@KevinB lol I meant line 40.
I know the logic I need, just not sure how I should add it. If the startDate is before the first day in the timeline, then find days between, remove those hours, and start.
@bitten although build logs tend to be pretty noisy. It might be worth sending them to your log stash tool, if you have one (ElasticSearch/Kibana, Splunk, etc). We have a 10MB limit on most build logs, although a couple projects go over that.
@ssube i haven't looked into yarn actually
I don't trust it enough to be our official tool (and some of the open issues effect us), but it's a shitload faster and quieter.
@ssube ah okay. i just didn't expect the runner to be so noisy
Ah fuck it, I'll just write some nasty code...don't have time to do it right, just gotta do it.
@SterlingArcher what the fuck
taser, drunk dudes, lots of smokes, and like 3-4 kids?
@bitten the npm output is mostly noise, until you need to check the exact version of a dependency. When we need to keep that, I like to redirect to an artifact: npm install 2>&1 npm-install.log && gzip npm-install.log sorta deal
Classic murica
thank you @rlemon @KevinB jsfiddle.net/72f2kmpk/10
he's smart, he aimed for the space between the chair and the drums
@ssube what does 2>&1 do?
I love how he can't turn it off
  - npm set progress=false
  - npm install 2>&1 npm-install.log && gzip npm-install.log
@bitten it might be the syntax to combine stdout and stderr into the same file, but I never get that right the first time
is that the idea?
and that is the right syntax, I've finally learned bash
@ssube 8)
cool, spammers are using support ticket systems to send spam emails (not ours thankfully)
@KevinB we get those, all the time. There are thousands of them in ServiceNow atm.
linkedin requests, classic nigerian prince scams, the lot
@ssube it gave me an 'npm-install.log' is not in the npm registry. error, but this is the right path
i removed the &1 so npm install 2> npm-install.log && gzip npm-install.log and it outputted a lot less to the log
@bitten that is weird. Does it keep doing that if you quote the command?
leaving loose commands in yaml is not my favorite, with some of the weird parsing rules (like anchors)
@ssube - "npm install .. " do you mean?
exactly, yeah
i'll try
with - "npm install 2>&1 npm-install.log && gzip npm-install.log"
you can also break those out onto two lines or omit the second one entirely
we only gzip logs because we have some really big ones
explains it
oh ffs now I have "shaggy this isn't weed" in my work search history
@ssube fair point
well it didn't seem to like the quotes either, this happened
wtf, there's no way it should parse the command like that
this is what i have:
  - npm set progress=false
  - "npm install 2>&1 npm-install.log"
  - gzip npm-install.log
I can reproduce it on my machine, I'm just not sure why bash isn't grabbing the 2>&1 and npm is
oh ffs
it's ubuntu 16.04.1 lts if that helps?
it's npm install > npm-install.log 2>&1
you have to send stdout to a file and send stderr to stdout, as separate things
oo okay
well, giving it another go
bash is dumb and bad (not really, it's the only shell)
yeah, it's all we got
@ssube ahh that's so much quieter
Can't I rewrite this a == b && b == c as a == b == c?
@Waxi what does == return?
@BenFortune ping
@Waxi the two are not the same,
anyone done anything with the raspivid software?
it records to h264, and my playback doesn't seem to have a delay between frames
but... since you're using loose equals it would probably work (and likely not work the way you expect it to)
@ssube I'm using it in an if statement, but wasn't sure if it could be 'optimzed'.
@Waxi no, it'll just check the first a == b afiak
ugh, well thats shit
I can wrap it in a mp4 container
that's my best solution
This answer is way to advanced for the OP. — Emile Bergeron 1 min ago
what kind of crap comment is that
You can't dumb down how something works
@KevinB Yeah interesting, a == b == c works, but not a === b === c.
@Waxi a == b && b == c
!!> const a = b = true; const c = false; a === b === c;
@bitten false
@Waxi right, because it compares a to b, then the result of that to c
Did you just Asse OPs knowledge? — rlemon 18 secs ago
I wanted to strike gender and leave knowledge
so if a is loosely equal to b, c just has to be "truethy" to be true.
@KevinB ahh
@KevinB Yeah that's exactly it, thanks dog!
Might be a case where I actually want == and not ===, or I could just write it and not try to squeeze out a few characters.
@SterlingArcher I can never win on mobile.
I can't think of a case where i would want to use == instead of ===
@KevinB when being lazy
yeah but then my editor yells at me
"This works fine, however whilst using JSHint I get a warning saying confusing pluses" How does this infer OP in any way is referring to an incrementing operator? — Sterling Archer 43 secs ago
my god
> whilst
@Waxi the beat sounds a bit like Pogo
@bitten Any recommendations?
@Waxi i'm not that familiar with triphop, but you might like nightmares on wax or nujabes
it's a bit similar, a lot of sampling and beat heavy
@bitten Thank you, always a fan of new music.
@Waxi ^^
there are some good record stores around here but i also often find a lot of music from my last.fm profile
skip trip hop and the k holes that go with it, go straight for the good drugs and psytrance and hardstyle
@Waxi check out quantic and dela
@SterlingArcher I fail to see how that Emile guy has any point whatsoever. That answer is as simple as you can make it.
@nderscore Mucho gracias. This type of stuff is best to work to and/or smoke to lol.
@ssube ehhh i can't even imagine taking ketamine let alone whilst listening to this stuff
I wasn't serious. I've never dabbled with downers.
they sound bad across the board
Infected Mushroom satisfies my psytrance needs, but never heard of hardstyle.
I'm a sucker for downtempo, trip-hop, and deep house... especially when they use jazz samples :(
lol, infected mushroom, the psytrance band for 13yos in the process of flunking out of high school thanks to too many bad drugs
@ssube i feel as if i have to be active if i am. so smoking a joint and seeing something like 2001 or akira.. that's interesting
13 in high school?
but i imagine it's also as interesting if you just dabbed or something also
ohh, yea, i guess so. just barely
I like anything that sounds like night lounge in some high rise building in a foreign city.
@Luggage the specifics aren't important, it's the whole thing.
@ssube No way man...their old stuff is so good.
infected mushroom is "psytrance" for the will-be burnouts
OK. I'll turn of my pedantry circuit.
@nderscore minus the deep house and that's pretty much nujabes
they're like the disturbed or korn or nickelback of electronic, dumbing it down for creepy kids in trench coats
You haven't heard their old stuff I take it. Some of the best around!
@bitten I have to take year-long breaks between Nujabes listenings due to over-playing his stuff in highschool :P
@Waxi I have, though. They're so much simpler than anybody else around.
they're a band that relies entirely on stage show
What would you recommend then?
old Infected Mushroom was great... Classical Mushroom, Converting Vegetarians...
:| ReactCSSTransitionGroup hates me
Infected Mushroom and Pendulum both transformed into "bands" :(
ReactCSSTransitionGroup hates everyone
@nderscore Pendulum at least have some talent when they aren't being Pendulum.
just trying to animate a scale effect
@nderscore Yeah this guy gets it. Old IM is good, new IM is something unrecognizable I will admit.
you kids and your electrical music.
I want more music like what's on disc 2 of Converting Vegetarians
@Luggage hey, at least this generation has the decency to play loud music and do drugs inside, rather than out in fields like you lot
what? we burned couches for warmth in those fields
Shpongle is my other go-to for psytrance.
burning couches is how you get cancer
@nderscore heh, what about four tet?
it wasn't really for warmth.
also a lot of black powder was involved (rednecks)
@nderscore if you know Pendulum, you've heard Knife Party, right?
@Waxi I also like sponge bob
The less lyrics a song has the better.
@bitten Four Tet is good!
@ssube Heard of em. Can't say I've given them much of a chance or remember any of their music off the top of my head though
@nderscore I like them much, much, much more than Pendulum (having seen both). They often do combined sets, but Knife Party is the hard and fast version. Pendulum is good live, but Knife Party is good both live and later.
I can fuck with trap music as long as it doesn't get too Skrillex-esque.
@Waxi then you want Duelle
All this new music, so exciting. I got like 3 hours of albums to listen tonight now.
they fucking kill it live, doing the same gimmick as Krewella but a million times better thanks to not having prerecorded sets like asshats
something something something don't we have a channel for this?

JamExchange FM39.426

Featuring DJ Caprica. Room player: gist.github.com/CS1000/4553...
oh, it's frozened :(
You can request it be unfrozen.
I tried to keep it live.
@SterlingArcher looks like a legit powerline ladder
her outfit choice is the only thing I see wrong there
legit powerline ladder? That's a thing?
Seems incredibly dangerous
the hooks on the end made it looks like it was meant for it
google shows many others using them on power lines
looks better than this
well, that last one has a ladder built in
and the first one is about 180' taller
even if the wooden one doesn't have a ladder, they get to wear the sweet climbing boots
@ssube Looks like he gets the strap ons instead of the real thing
Just wanted to say strap-ons in context
mas coffee
does anyone know how to distort a scroll with matrix3d?
gotten farther than I ever did with arch. It was all working well until I decided that I should retry everything and encrypt stuff
I really need more sleep
my fuse filesystem works in rust
it's pretty neat
Anyone seen @littlepootis? He "hacked" a friend of mine using an email. He's commiting things on github using that email.
Oh boy
You really can't copy anything to an android via USB now can you?
@shad0wk you can sign your commits, and github will show a "verified" icon
@FlorianMargaine what type of filesystem are you making this time?
@Jhawins I do it fairly often.
@FlorianMargaine M'kay. How you that help?
@KendallFrey How
And are you on Marshmellow
You either have a super old phone or you're making shit up
They changed things
@Jhawins airdriod still a thing?
every android i've owned was either USB mass storage or MTP.
You can't simply plug it in as external storage and use it... Only MTP which is read-only from the PC side
yea but you can enable mass storage from the options iirc
Android is still better than apple.
MTP is read/write..
Even if it's old.
@rlemon No they took that out in like Android 3
@Luggage virtualpath
@Luggage Not from the PC, from Windows. Right now.
I just found an area in our code where we store regular expressions as i18n message keys... I'm over here laughing, wondering who we hired to translate regular expressions
I can copy from, not to
same as last time, except in rust this time
I believe you. I mean it's either the specific phone or configuration, not MTP, that is limiting you.
@Luggage It's every newer Android phone :/
It's not MTP, it's Android phones using MTP.
I know what a protocol is :P
There's an Android File Transfer from Android.com for Mac lol

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