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And you are traveling though through spacetime at 1 planck speed, aka c
man... I don't get this
if git is starting to seem janky, you almost certainly have bad history that will become worse over time
@ssube hence reset --hard
I'd rebuild the repo or something before it assplodes
I'm the only one with this issue, so it has to be me
@Shane what is that supposed to help with?
git config --global alias.graph log --graph --oneline --decorate
it takes all the wonky shit out of my local dev branch
@KendallFrey no, I travel at c++
@Neal Simple but deadly.
@Waxi :-(
@rlemon Fun dimensional analysis fact: an acceleration of 1m/s/h is exactly the same as 1m/h/s
Even though it's not at all obvious when you say it
you know what else isn't obvious when you say it?
if I understand it correctly, it's like saying "give me what's on origin for this branch"
@rlemon what
@rlemon - that was pretty obvious
say it, "eggplant", sounds nothing like obvious.
obviously eggplant isn't obvious when you say it
Roses are red
My name is Dave
This poem makes no sense
@Shane a hard reset?
yeah, one sec let me look that up again and confirm
Please don't post unformatted poetry.
a hard reset should only change files
it also throws away all uncommitted changes
on that branch
those are files
it doesn't change history
(HEAD is also a symlink/file, not a real part of history, for reference)
right... what I'm trying to do is just make sure that I'm starting from the same dev on origin
delete your local branch and checkout origin/dev
ah... right ok
I just want some assurance that my problems aren't due to some kind of monkey wrench I've got in my local dev branch
or git branch --track newBranch origin/dev
that sounds like a good way to get it
my guess is your local history has garbage hanging around that isn't visible because of your current HEAD but is getting in the way
not familiar with the track flag
We can't guarantee that without seeing your real shit, which I have no desire to.
@ssube - yeah, that's what I thought
you've probably used tracking branches and didn't realize. it might be the default
a long history of rebasing and/or detached heads will cause that pretty frequently
@Luggage isn't that a flag that changed recently?
got me.
things change?
Q: Reset local repository branch to be just like remote repository HEAD

hap497How do I reset my local branch to be just like the branch on the remote repository? I did: git reset --hard HEAD But when I run a git status, On branch master Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) modified: java/com/mycompany/TestContacts.java m...

@Shane FWIW, I've seen similar things before, but only with rebase/cherry-pick heavy workflows. I don't think I have enough repos to tell if it's specific to one or the other.
looks like reset --hard origin/branch does work
yeah, I'll ask the guys in Australia next time it happens
fetch and reset means download the changes, then set the current state to the remote state
they're pretty good with git
that's more likely what you want than a rebase every time
I don't remember if you're supposed to merge-in/rebase-out or if that causes trouble too
git fetch just pulls down the changes, no? It doesn't actually put them in a branch until you merge / rebase, etc
@Shane branches aren't real, don't worry about them (git certainly doesn't).
pull = fetch + merge
branches are a symlink to a commit, which has parents
@Luggage right
if git can't tell that two commits are identical, rebase and merge can explode for no apparent reason
that usually happens when the patch itself is compatible but the history diverged quite a lot
right, it's that matching criteria that I'm trying to hone in on
yeah... zactly... reset --hard :)
A clean history (even full of successful rebases) will make that rare, though. I've seen it blow up but then found crazy history that should never have been in the repo int he first place
we need a git-lint
^ that
it's always some bad merge/pick that stayed in and now breaks the common-parent check, I think
yeah, those don't make it in for us because of the code reviews
nobody's going to merge that shit
@Shane if they merge/rebase the branch, they are though
that's why we don't allow pushing to dev
you'd see some craziness in the pr though, wouldn't you?
It's those dev that just try things in git, not knowing what they are doing, until the files look OK and move on, leaving a disgusting knot of bad history in their wake. These people are the cause.
nah, PR/MR shows the results, not the tree that led there
@Luggage yep
there's still a commit log
in that feature branch
@Shane which shows parts of the history
when debugging git, ignore branches and focus on the tree
I'll rebase --interactive or even filter-branch things to make a clean history if I have to.
if you want clean history (and you usually should), rebasing at the end is The Way To Do It
though.. i don't mind crazy staggered feature branch merges, so my repos might still look messy to some.
I've checked out another instance and run folder comparisons to create a new branch to avoid those kinds of crazy tangles
it's rebasing before you bring your feature back into dev that gets weird
@Shane which is essentially what a good interactive rebase ought to help you do
I do it out of fear
usually when this happens it's one of our less technical teams and I just nuke and rebuild their repo
only exception I know of is our hiera repo, which has a branch for each environment, so we're constantly picking and rebasing between them but they've diverged by dozens or hundreds of commits
yea, that's where it gets messy..
In a sense you are 'abusing' git, there, but I'm in favor of such abuse.
oh yeah...
abusing git will break your repo eventually
we usually use environment variables through CI instances to handle that
@Shane to handle what?
variation between the environments
unless I'm not getting what you mean
@Luggage What program is that?
It's called github.
@Shane this is our Hiera data repo, so it's the source for those variables.
it's the data provider when we provision new machines
ah, then I did not know what you meant :)
I didn't know GitHub actually showed you the timeline like that...cool beans.
under graphs -> network
I was thinking dev / stage / prod, etc
or scroll up for my commandline alias to get a pretty graph
@Shane yeah, those are the branches
hiera is the metadata for our machines, so all the config settings for an env go in there
right, we refer to those as environment branches... Problem is I don't know shit about hiera / puppet, etc
which means most changesets will eventually, as they move toward prod, apply to multiple branches but have to be grabbed in chunks and moved up one branch at a time
@Luggage Thanks dog!
@Shane it's like a more complicated version of cloud-config
sorry, not cloud-config, the init part of that
cloud-init ?
I've never really touched infrastructure
@Luggage I think that's what OS uses, yeah
done some tweaks, but never set up anything substantial
moral of the example is that you have branches A, B, and C, and you'll regularly commit to A, commit to A again, take the first commit from A and put it on B, then move it from B to C, then bring the current state of C back down into A
that loop confuses the shit out of the history rewriting algo
because it's a Very Bad Thing, mostly
I know enough infrastructure to be independent, but it's not my expertise.
oh god.. yeah... sounds like hell
you probably did something like that once and the results (MR) were clean, but the history was not, and now you have weird parents somewhere
our features branches are pretty mercurial... nothing besides our deployment branches stays around for long
branches don't matter
you say that... but I think we're talking about the problem differently
git doesn't keep track of a branch and what is in it, it keeps a pointer to the branch's head and uses the parent to work up
so when it comes to a rebase or something, it doesn't really care about the current branch
right, but the branch has a collection of commits that does matter
once it's merged, it's just one of the parents.
right, sure
@Shane when you rebase, the branch goes away, git fiddles with the commits by copying them and changing the parents, then creates a new branch with the same name
but what was in it, you get to keep... for better or worse and it needs to match everything else
well the history needs to match anyway
yea. rebase and merge both retain the original history / commits.
though rebase changes the order.
But the branch, is just a pointer to the latest part of that line of history, and that point becomes meaningless later.
That's what ssube was saying with "branches don't matter"
@Luggage rebase has to fiddle with them, though, merge does not
yeah, saw this video a while back that explains it pretty well, can't remember what I did with the link
oh yeah, I get that... it's just a tag
true. merge creates on new commit. rebase diffs/patches all commits to move them in order.
creating a branch adds like a couple bytes to the size of your repo
@Shane each commit has the hash(es) of its parent(s) and forms a tree
"branches" are a route from HEAD (a link to a specific commit) to the root commit
most of the ways to combine branches go looking for a common ancestor, which repeated and/or complex rebasing can screw up
ah, here it is
that's where I learned about it, it's a pretty good video
he uses tinker toys to explain branches and commits
I'm committing at a 10th grade level.
I'm just getting out of elementary school I think
you don't need to know most of this if you have a simple branch-commit-rebase workflow
> What's the best torture you can think of that DOESNT involve pain?
> progressive audio delay in movies and tv
ohh you evil bastard...
seen that key and peele skit with the webcam?
This episode of star trek TNG is boring. Something something vulvans, logic, duty.
about 18% of TNG is filler eps
like very logical female genitals?
> the average size of the human penis, is just a liiittle bit bigger than yours
@towc on average men have less than two testicles.
fair enough
So I have a freakishly high number of balls?
not freakishly high, just above average
it's all how you sell it
btw, i have 3
I knew a kid who had three, but got one removed.
showed us the scar
(we didn't ask, or expect that)
volunteer work
Otherwise he wouldn't be able to ride a motorcycle
he showed you his balls?
@towc that is what I just explained, yes.
statistics say you've seen your share of balls, too
between hockey, football, and just going to the gym, i've seen approximately 1800 testicles.
that's quite the specific number
are you sure you haven't been counting?
a connoisseur
I keep one of those calorie clickers.
@rlemon and what have you learned?
@Shane men need to groom more
they really do. When did having a bush become cool?
When did it stop?
I'm not diving into a cave if I can't see through the ivy, so why do you expect them to climb a tree covered in ivy?
@towc he said approximately. gawd
that one really needs to groom
@ssube i'm following a branch commit merge workflow, it's been working great for me and i don't need to change, but what would be the benefits of rebase?
@Luggage can't tell if a game or a really nice photo
@bitten cleaner history. You can commit a bunch of times and then only merge one commit by rebasing them together.
rebase is the only safe way to rewrite history (mostly because it doesn't truly rewrite much, if anything)
@ssube explain it to other men like lawn care. "a freshly trimmed lawn looks amazing, overgrown or grass free is unappealing. but a nice even length makes your home look like a castle"
@towc i liked.. a lot about it. great complimentary score, i like it's take on subjectivity, nice story, and it pulled off a look that it pretty hard to pull off
just nothing bad about it and a few things incredible about it
the story sure is interesting
@ssube okay then i need to look into it more as i don't get it. does merging with no fast forward rewrite history?
@rlemon but when you touch ivy, it burns the next day, which is an important part of my analogy. :P
@bitten merging creates a new commit.
21 mins ago, by ssube
@ssube yea, but you're talking about removing the ivy. ... which would cause burning
never shave, only trim.
so you you are on your develop branch, then rebase your feature branch onto it
^ words to live by
@ssube thanks
@bitten nope, other way around.
you work on a topic branch and either rebase-then-merge or switch-then-rebase
@ssube lol they i'll go read into it a bit more
30% off select games, gamepads, wheels, and other accessories w/ promo code EMCFEFH55 cc@Loktar
er, on newegg
that's probably important
I dont order from newegg
but yea that was nice info to have :P
newegg doesnt do returns
"US only", always the case :(
bah figures
us > you
@Loktar you ever browse reddit.com/r/GameDeals ?
and /r/buildapcsales
cool, I'll stop spamming you the shit you already see then :D
@Loktar they also get flagged as fraud on my card, every time almost
@ssube wow wth?
tbh I stopped buying from them because the prices are worse and it's always fraud/out of stock/late
in all honesty /r/gamesdeals already has all the sites I browse
@ssube SYS got flagged on my CC
that was a pita
@rlemon ha, and you're in the same country
I go to gamersgate, bundlestars, indiegala, steam (ofc), gog, amazon, all the time lol
although OVH used to be a huge spam host
(like, network problems huge amounts of spam)
well, SYS is 'new'ish in Canada
Best Buy gets flagged for me about half the time, overseas software companies almost always, and NewEgg most of the time
not much gets flagged for me, but SYS
my CC doesn't like SYS
@ssube okay 3-31 is really interesting, although in my workflow i always branch of master when working on a feature so i don't think i'd come across that
i also like how in the merge workflow each commit on master is a release by definition
ohh, and google didn't like one of my CCs one time. the google 'help desk' and my cc company couldn't explain it
Wells Fargo doesn't flag fuck all, Chase flags anything software-related and out of the country
it just got rejected over and over
it doesn't look like you can get that with rebasing, right?
of course, WF couldn't even flag their own fraud, so that's not surprising
@bitten that's called CD. :D
wat dat? lol
continuous delivery (not the absurd and usually impossible deployment) means any commit to your master branch (be it master or another name) is a release
it gets built, tested, and packaged to be released
then somebody comes along and hits the button to actually deploy it/press the CDs
that is a Very Good Thing to have (the whole lot of it)
but with rebasing, master represents your whole commit history

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