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I mean the autorun.inf gets started. (I set .ico and label) - I like the arduino idea
@BenFortune The arduino itself is more than that
@KendallFrey It's a collective term, since you can get cheap ones that do pretty much the same thing
Like the 1501
yeah i guess
I guess the hard part is the keyboard HID emulation
I'm half thinking I'll need to learn the atmel chip myself so I can make finished designs without the cost of the entire board
funduino nano atmega328p
like $4 if you search for it
none is gonna connect an arduino to his computer
how are you gonna bait with it?
Developer Story Update SO!
And you think someone will connect a ducky?
Oh, didn't know they came with cases
Anyone watched Mr Robot?
@BenFortune yeah a bit
i thought it was a bit cheesy
Haha yeah
The writers sure did their research though
yeah that's true
some of the best "hacking" scenes i've ever seen
using the real tewls n stuff
where can I see the serie
Amazon Video
Or your favourite kodi plugin
@Neoares drop USB drives on the ground at conferences of course :P
> Comment your code! Use REM just as you would in any other language.
morning everyone
@KendallFrey font-size: 14rem; color: my first payload;
wat am i doing wrong
@corvid afternoon :3
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@JoJo Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
posted on October 11, 2016

Just now Smashing Magazine published Introducing Samsung Internet, an article I wrote about Samsung’s Chromium 44-based default browser with the fairly unimaginative name. It also contains an interview with Samsung Internet engineer and W3C luminary Jungkee Song about the browser and the ideas behind it. One reason I wrote this article is that I wanted to do so ever since I started to p

why is javascript animation so much less smooth than CSS transition? Can I inline CSS transitions in react?
What do you mean with "javascript animation"?
You can just set or create "transitions" with javascript dynamically and catch transitionend events and stuff.. should be the same rendering engine as css animations
gsap is really changing css properties manually?
yeah I am just trying to make an animated sidebar and it's surprisingly difficult :\
we saw drastic differences in performance among the various browsers and when tested head-to-head against GSAP, CSS3 animations were usually slower!
@corvid you could look into react-motion
it's really nice
they can't be serious, they really try to argue that this "css property manipulation" can be faster than css transitions.. oh pretty please
it is in a lot of cases
just throw some translate3D or whatnot into the transition and its blasting any js-lib away
css 'animations' are new and widely differ in performance and implementation specifics.
of course given a correct implementation
changing the style attribute has been optimized out the arse
GSAP isn't some new gimick library. it's a battle tested and proven library
everything they claim is pretty much accurate
I still don't see how it can outperform css animations and css transitions used correctly
anything they claim on that site where "gsap" wins is pretty much wrong imo
build a benchmark or use theirs and trust it
@jAndy Probably for the same reasons that lodash can outperform native
Yea only possible if native is used incorrectly
@corvid react-motion supports mounting and unmount transitions, fyi
@bitten I'm looking into it now, and I think it might be the right solution, just trying to test it now
My friend is learning to code and has a canvas issue
Q: Canvas & Color-Thief image index size

Yafim SimanovskyI'm using color-thief to analyze the colors of images. I'm using a canvas and getImageData, I'm getting the following error message in the console: Error: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount CanvasImage.prototype.getImageData@http://localhost:3000/js/color-thief.js:51:12...

He's not a very experienced programmer, any idea what this can be?
@corvid nice, check out his talk if you want to understand it a bit more, that helped me a lot
@BenjaminGruenbaum image isn't loaded
@rlemon you mean he's doing it too early?
thanks, wanna answer?
there isn't really enough information to be 100% about that, however it is a very likely cause.
where do you pass image into the function? Are you waiting for the onload event before that happens? an unloaded image will have zero size. — rlemon 5 secs ago
@KendallFrey gfycat.com/ActualOffbeatCollardlizard "I call it the sphincter-empty-2000"
the fuck
@bitten Do you have any idea about how it would be used for this simple flexbox layout? I want the left sidebar to slide out from the left and push the <main> (which should happen due to flex)
@KendallFrey I made a satellite cannon.
@rlemon that escalated quickly
@rlemon Newton would be proud
I can carry 9 satellites into orbit, each has enough mono fuel and one of those ejection rockets on it
I still can't believe that demo you threw in @rlemon .. can't optimize it enough, how dafuq is that possible
TIL atmega chips can run without an external oscillator #mindblown
now I can send an entire satellite network to a moon in one go
that this library renders faster than native
@jAndy because altering .style properly is still faster than transforms and keyframes
for anything but crazy simple shit
I guess that's only true for 2d animations tho
I work at a bank and someone attempted to pay a million euros for soccer game tickets
maybe, I wouldn't do 3d with css myself.
sounds more suited for canvas
well, 3d DOM animations can be funny
anyway I'm pretty surprised
Either Kristen Bell is personally serving me grapes throughout the match, otherwise that is way too expensive
anybody know of any good books, articles, videos, etc on node enterprise application structure?
talking about the actual folder / file arrangement
@KendallFrey do you run remotetech?
when to group things by feature vs function type
I wish there was a faster way to assign satellites
I hate having to swtich crafts
So, a woman has come forward claiming that Donald Trump raped her. This election could not get any more disastrous.
there should be an index of all active satellite dishes and which body they belong too (like crafts around their planets)
@rlemon Why do you have to switch crafts?
@KendallFrey give it time
you know it will
@Shane tru dat
@KendallFrey to point a dish back.
@Shane lol
@rlemon Can't you just tell it to point at the active vessel?
has it changed?
has what changed?
it was my understanding that I needed two dishes both active both pointing at eachother for a relay to happen
yes, that's correct
so.. I launch.. I activate my dish, I point it at SatA. I now need to switch to SatA to point it at CraftA before I have my link
I thought selecting active vessel is supposed to do that automatically
how -- I need to open the satellite menu to point it at a craft
active vessel is just like "self"
Yeah, but once it's set to point at the active vessel, you shouldn't need to switch back to it
what? if I have a bunch of satellites up there with omni active and a long range dish active but not pointed at anything, after launching my ship I have to switch to at least one of the satellites to point the dish to my ship.
if that isn't true, I've been playing all wrong.
So far what you're describing is a solved problem
select active vessel as your target for the dish
solved how?
so pre-setup the dishes
okay, those would work for missions, but not long distance relays.
like networking mun to kerbin
Yeah, those you can set up differently
still can't believe it lol
I'm just complaining about there not being a list of 'active dishes' as a third breakdown in the tree menu they provice.
I don't like having to switch crafts.
means I can't revert
idr the specs of all the dishes, but they don't need to be pointed directly at a ship for it to connect, as long as it's within the signal cone
@KendallFrey not physically pointed, but you need to select from a menu which 'craft' it is directed at
active vessel, okay that's a til for me
I set up a planetary relay array with a bunch of super long range antennas, each pointing at a different planet
but the links to other networks would still need switching
because of the cone, it will provide a signal to anything near the planet
@KendallFrey hrm, I suppose I'll try that. I've never done far distance
You can probably do something similar with Mun
my network for mun and minmus is already done
and remember, high altitude orbits are your friend here
polar orbits with two connecting nodes === 0 breaks
I'm trying to not jump the gun this time. setting up my networks, then ladning on the mun and minmus then putting up a space station and a mining rig.. THEN duna
Dammit why did I talk about ksp.
I don't wanna work anymore
I still can't believe it
ohhhh @KendallFrey @KevinB @Loktar (?) en.spaceengine.org
Yeah that's the one that Scott plays sometimes
why is isn't called "background generator 1.0" is beyond me :D
the same could be said of KSP + Scatterer
I installed a few texture mods for clouds and atmosphere
realistic lighting makes a huge difference.
@corvid maybe, one sec
why are you trying to animate the height?
Q one here: How would you call an f argument name that finds from a specific date the nearest weekday? (nearest) seems not too descriptive... any ideas?
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/fzj9yt0.gifv ha
did not expect a fireworks
or was he eaten by a crocodile?
@bitten I don't know, actually. I am trying to figure out how it works correctly
@corvid heh alright, well this is how you would use it to animate css properties
it's a pretty simple example
you can do whatever you want with x in lines 23-27
the child of Motion is a callback
let me know if you have questions @corvid, i have some time
@bitten I see, it makes sense, and I can see where my mistake was, but do you know if it would be possible to push the main to the side? I think transform will just change its x/y, yeah?
@corvid i'm not sure what you mean by push :s
do you mean like a push menu?
click one of the push examples here, like that?
push animations should burn in hell
sadly enough youtube uses them, effectively moving every interactable (is that even a word?) down a bit.. damn I don't know how often I missclicked because of it
A push animation killed his father.
@jAndy it keeps you woke
those are the worst animation type ever made
you may as well just add some delayed-load ads to get the same effect
i do agree though, always have preferred overlays
effect being pissed off users who accidentally clicked a porn ad
@bitten keeps me angry
Sliding animations are not bad if they're not abused.
and less than 300ms
I prefer 200ms for animations
300 is really pushing it
I can't think of a single argument how "push" animations are better than "overlay slides"
I can tell if it's not exactly 256 ms.
the guy who invented those should burn in hell.. after he rotten in jail

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