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off to bed - night guys
What does "Problem at line 4 character 5: Read only." mean in JSLint?
what's the code it's referencing?
I'd guess you're trying to manipulate a read-only property
@MattMcDonald map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
thats how I know how to declare global variable but I believe there is a more correct way. I am not using the var!
map is a reserved word I think
can't confirm that
but its saying it for alot of other stuff too
well it's an array function nonetheless
I change map to anything else I get same result
I get it for storage =[]; as well
@jon3laze that article does not sufficiently explain why "mutter" is not particularly objectionable but "nutter" is kill-worthy.
@Nathan Could just be me...but I don't believe any word is "kill-worthy" :P
It did seem like there may have been other contributing factors besides autocorrection run amok.
Mental illness, alcohol...
And if so, would the outcome really have been different if it had not corrected one word to "nutter"?
come on the guy obviously made up that story
and other factors are probably crack and crystal meth
hmmm... the second newspaper (Bolton News) reports it the opposite, so that "mutter" was the objectionable word. Clearly fabricated.
can someone tell me why ie says Object doesn't support this property or method directory.aspx, line 431 character 2
to this: map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
@Neo that is a dreadfully familiar error message... let me think. It doesn't always mean what it says.
I think I see it most often trying to run a method on a null.
@Nathan its crazy I put a var in front of the line and it worked? :O
I hate this f browser
@Neo do you use Firebug Lite in IE?
it at least gives something to work with.
oh shoot I totally forgot about the Lite
@Nathan tnx
@Neo no problem. It's not the full deal but it really helps, especially being able to log to the console.
hey guys
3 hours later…
hi everybody
4 hours later…
Hmmm, JavaScript garden's print stylesheet is going to need some work, also @IvoWetzel what is the markup you're going to use for ES5 notes / sections on the garden again?
right now it's just another aside
that starts with ES5 Note
(Two new issues, btw - the one on the design I can handle, but you might want to look at the other one)
could add a class etc if needed
Hm the guy who wants more real world examples of closures?
I could link him neko.js
If he understands that he's fine
Definitely add a class, CSS can't select by content
(The fonts and spacing used in the print stylesheet isn't optimal, and I want to see if I can set up some sort of orphan control here)
Just go ahead :) I'm currently refactoring the thingy I wrote at the interview yesterdays, just for fun (and because I can't stand it in its current form)
oh and I'll have a call with the US guys next week :O
The elections page JavaScript needs a good scrubbing, but gosh I don't even know where to start... se.awio.com/master.js
@Neo use window.map = blabla to make things global
Hmmm, I've got an idea to reduce the number of those slide togglers on the screen, hope this works...
@IvoWetzel good luck
Good morning everybody
good morning
@Raynos thanks again :)
Does $(el).is("a, input") do what I think it does?
(says a quick test)
I checked it aswell
you're always welcome :)
Q: jquery alternative to td.cellIndex

RaynosI've got some javascript code referencing var cell = event.target if (cell.cellIndex === 3) { ... } Is the cellIndex property safe to use? What would be a good cross-browser alternative? jQuery is allowed.

Easy rep! cmon.
@Raynos: not sure about index() being optimized -- it's not in 1.4
@AndyE an answer from the head! What an honour
nope, it's not in 1.5. Just scribbled it out with my magic marker :-p
Why is there no reference to cellIndex on the mdc website?
It's often hard to find property references for elements on the MDC website
Most of the time it returns annoying XUL pages.
Just like how Firefox has supported oninput since Fx 2, but there's no reference to it anywhere in the DOM section.
Turns out my issue was that I binded to something higher up
$("tbody").click(f); this points to tbody but event.target points to td
I wonder why jQuery doesn't optimize for it.
jQuery.inArray(this.parent().children()) seems like it could be a few times slower.
It doesnt trust cellIndex?
Swear I read there was a safari bug with it
not according to Quirks McMode.
@AndyE ppk should totally rename himself to that :P
lol we should send him the deed poll.
A function in my program is returning "0" instead of 0, so when I say num + 1, it concatenates it with "1", what's the way round this?
@Greg 1 + +num
+variable is the usual method for type coercion
@YiJiang huh... I've never seen that before
do you mean like this?
var numAsString = "0"; var incremented = numAsString + +1;
@Greg Yup
Erhm... no put the + in front of the string
ah ok
Gosh, I need to think before I type messages
that's new to me, thanks
Hi I have one problem with struts2.0 reset button so i want to call struts action through ajax using the java script
@Rakesh There's not enough information in that message for us to be able to answer your question.
Please ask a new question on Stack Overflow, chat is not usually suitable for answering most types of questions
@YiJiang EW. +num + 1 don't double + it.
@Greg the other method is parseInt(num, 10) or parseFloat(num, 10)
@Raynos I know about parseInt, but someone had a right rant about it the other day on irc
about the efficiency of it
@Raynos Hmmm?
Meh, it's just moving the variables around
@Raynos I don't think it's being incremented twice there, the first + is to show it is positive... just like you could say negativeIncrement += -5;
@Greg I think he's saying that the having two + there doesn't look good
Hi greg i have posted my question can look at my post:
Can any one give solution for above problem?
@Rakesh Eh, you have not posted the question here
Sorry I have posted as I want to call Struts action Using jquery ?
Put the question URL on it's own message, if you want people in chat to look at your question then post it here
@Greg @YiJiang yes 1 + +foo vs +foo + 1 makes a big readability difference
I have already added the url in the chat
Q: I want to call Struts action Using jquery ?

RakeshHi,Am working on StrutsPortlet(WebSpherePortal).We are using Struts2.0.14 version. In my Application before submitting the form button is working fine. But after submitting am doing some validations in the action class So according to business requirement am creating error messages.After getting ...

nearly done with the refactored and improved version :)
@Trufa - Your site is down - Password denied by SQL DB
going the extra mile here but it sure is worth it
@Rakesh I've edited it for grammar, but the question is currently unanswerable - there are many reason why your problem might occur - you should post some of the code you're using to help any answerer debug better
Hmmm... it seems like someone added me as an owner of this room
document.body.style.offsetHeight vs $(document.body).height()
What are the differences
considers pinning w3fools
@Raynos I don't believe there are any, though if you're using jQuery $('body') was actually found to be faster than $(document.body)
Hi Jiang are yo aware of WebSpherePortal?
I love Microsoft
@Rakesh I'm not, the only server side language I have used before is PHP
I love Internet Explorers
remarks are the nuts
The page can respond to the error, but there is no way to determine the cause or nature of the error.
Please, if any of us here can help they would already have - repeatedly asking for help here is not productive to anyone
@YiJiang there is for my code. There distintinctly different. (its in a <iframe>)
@Raynos Pardon?
Oh, you're talking about that previous question you have there
Hmmm, yes, I didn't consider iframe s
anybody there ?
@Raynos hello
have you any knowledge about xhr security ?
@Raynos i have a question regarding prototype methods
@Aleex what do you mean?
@Ab shoot
how to do wrap text in a td?
@Allex ajax wont work. Don't do cross domain ajax
use TCP sockets to talk to a remote server
Besides you need to tell us what kind of server it is
@Raynos but there was question
@Kuri $("text").wrap("<td></td>") maybe. read the .wrap docs
@Raynos stackoverflow.com/questions/4732062/sencha-phonegap cehck this link there was answer
@Allex That's a special case; unless you're using that framework the solutions won't apply to you
@YiJiang ok you mean i have to work on sencha touch framework ?
@Allex Well, are you? Because if you're working in the normal browser environment x-domain ajax is usually impossible
yea there is one more thing when we compile our webapp in phone gap. then i'll be loaded using file:/// not http://

and one more thing that iphone browser may not block cross domain ajax. i think
it better
if it doesn't, I'll go build some CSRF attacks targeted towards iPhone...
Anybody here working with JSLint on VS2010
Need to ask a question
@Raynos how would I get the height of a viewport with JQ?
@MylesGray $(window).height()?
thanks :)
oh - actually
will that work on JSF?
as it isnt really the viewport size its more the frame size
Is IE9 going to break all my IE8 code?
@Raynos but of course
@Raynos: is the earth round?
@MylesGray Give it a try, can't be that hard
@ircmaxell Its actually not :P
@MylesGray: As an abstraction, yes it is. Sure, it's not a perfect sphere, but it's still what the common person would call round.
@ircmaxell I just tried to search for the actual name of its shape in Google.. all i got back was a load of Islamic fundamentalist boards and stuff to do with the Quran... Google has really gone down hill...
Regarding the shapes of CSS post currently starred on the sidebar, if I see any of those more exotic shapes cropping up in your codes, I'll immediately ask a mod to wipe the stars from it
That is some serious CSS abuse...
I think you just suck at searching: The shape of the Earth is very close to that of an oblate spheroid
Local topography deviates from this idealized spheroid, though on a global scale, these deviations are very small: Earth has a tolerance of about one part in about 584, or 0.17%, from the reference spheroid, which is less than the 0.22% tolerance allowed in billiard balls.
ok, time to head to work. later
@YiJiang: there should be "cancel stars"
Select it from the sidebar
Look here/
IE9 should work just fine!
@Raynos: have you tried the new IE9 RC?
@AndyE not on the company intranet stuff
I think company policy is dont provoke the beast.
6 messages moved to Chat feedback
I'm a bit annoyed because they closed a few of my bugs as "Can't be arsed".
@AndyE open them again
Can I report "Doesn't support websockets" as a bug? :D
Does anyone know if Google have implemented that new "contextual searching" thing they were talking about recently?
I have saved searches as bookmarks and time after time they have the same results
thats why I kept them but recently they have been really crap and irellevant
@Raynos: no, but you can report "The bug doesn't support websockets"
> A good designer must rely on ... and on pedantic exactness
I'm quite please to see my pedantic exactness as something that is "good"
@jAndy report that websockets aren't bugged? :D
^-- Pretty much nothing.
^-- why WebSockets won't be in IE9
@Raynos is it possible for JQ to constantly monitor the screen height and report it back appropriately without taxing the CPU too much?
I was thinking of a while loop but if it keeps iterating then it may force hight CPU load
@AndyE dont make me rage. Your lieing right?
@MylesGray The resize event, throttle it probably
Nope. Microsoft are covering their laziness with vocalized doubts about the spec. @Raynos
@YiJiang so like window.onResize();
> Hey guys! Were going to prototype implement websockets in IE
> Nah were just kidding. Were just emulating websockets in a silverlight application!
Hi! :)
@MylesGray $(window).resize(function() { … });
@Nyuszika7H thanks man!
not a million miles off
@Nyuszika7H Yes, but please throttle it, or else your script might get flooded with resize events when the size of the window changes
@YiJiang Hmm?
@Nyuszika7H Depending on how much work you do inside the event, the number of calls to the resize event could really kill your script's performance, so throttle it by checking the time between last call and the current time
@MarcGravell does that even have anything to do with websockets?
@MylesGray $(window).resize(resizeContainer()); This is wrong. Correct: $(window).resize(resizeContainer);
@Nyuszika7H oh okay thanks :)
@MylesGray try _.throttle :)
so that is function name.throttle?
@MylesGray Erhm... no, that's a part of the underscore.js library
@MylesGray Nope. underscore.js
I'm new to all of this plz dnt flamezor me:P
@Raynos That's very nice, I love underscore.js!
underscore looks really nice, is it worth importing for just one function?
@MylesGray No if you ask me, but @Raynos has been drooling over it for a while now so you can ask him instead ;)
@Raynos is it really drool worthy?
jQuery 1.2:
jQuery.fn.offset = function() {
	var left = 0, top = 0, elem = this[0], results;

	if ( elem ) with ( jQuery.browser ) {
		var	absolute	= jQuery.css(elem, "position") == "absolute",
		    	parent		= elem.parentNode,
		    	offsetParent	= elem.offsetParent,
		    	doc		= elem.ownerDocument,
			safari2		= safari && !absolute && parseInt(version) < 522;
@Nyuszika7H Why are you looking at 1.2?
@YiJiang hmm
Q: How to use jQuery to log values to Firebug Console?

AhmedI just wonder if there is a way to use jQuery to log some variable values to Firebug console for debugging purpose?

I can't understand why @AndyE's answer is upvoted!
@jAndy why not? jQuery is for DOM, not for console. +1
@jAndy Hahaha
@Nyuszika7H: just kidding :-)
@Nyuszika7H Compare it to his! He's using the almighty $ sign! Must... up... vote!!!
@YiJiang An error occurred… can't upvote it :/
@Nyuszika7H Yeah, I've seen that error if you navigate away from the page after voting for it too quickly
seriously.. I can't believe that the questioner is serious there
or he just terribly expressed himself
@jAndy -1 for him
Well, if you want a useful way of doing this, you can try adding a console function to $.fn to console.log.apply(console, this)
@YiJiang So $('some message').log()? $.log('some message') would be better.
@YiJiang Also, you're applying console on console… so it won't work: console.console.log('test');
@Nyuszika7H No, it would log the selected jQuery element. Which may be useful if you chain it, hrm, then you can actually insert it into long chains
@YiJiang yeah
Hmm. Uncaught Exception actually makes sense. Since it's not caught by a try-catch block…
Has anyone ever had problems deactivating Firebug for a website?
@MylesGray yeah, but only in Safari
Make it correct,
make it clear,
make it concise,
make it fast.

In that order.

Source: http://blogs.msdn.com/wesdyer/archive/2007/03/01/immutability-purity-and-referential-transparency.aspx
@Nyuszika7H You might want to cite your sources, ya know
@YiJiang done
> TypeError: Cannot read property 'foo' of undefined
Hmm, why is it a TypeError?
> var foo;
> foo.bar;
(x) TypeError: Cannot read property 'bar' of undefined
@all I'm going to experiment with adding a few JavaScript related blog's feeds to the js rooms, there may be some weirdness. Please bear with me
jQuery 1.0 is the first version… right?
// Global undefined variable
window.undefined = window.undefined;
Huh, what's the point of that?
@Nyuszika7H Github seems to indicate so, I'm not sure
Feeds… there?
Huh, that's not expected at all
Where's the actual textual content of the feed?
> Feeds – seen 116d ago, talked 30s ago
Okay, let me clean this up and try again
5 messages moved to Sandbox
Off you go
I think I might have to extract the information using Y! Pipes
sorry for testing there… but it doesn't work in Sandbox:
@Nyuszika7H What doesn't work in the sandbox?
@YiJiang Feeds… not even there, now. Hmm, wasn't that triggered by a message?
Hey guys n girls
@Nyuszika7H Feeds posts to the room regularly once an owner adds the feed to the list of feeds this room takes
@Neurofluxation Hey girl!
@YiJiang oh
I just wondered if anyone knows where the "community wiki" checkbox has gone on SO?
@Neurofluxation 2 months, and people are still asking?
A: Should the community wiki police be shut down?

Jeff AtwoodImportant change End users can not mark questions wiki anymore, so the only appropriate way to get action on a question you believe really should be wiki, is to flag it for moderator attention. A couple points.. Vote-to-wiki will not be implemented. When the answer to a problem is "let's ma...

@yijang - not all of us saw that... but thanks
No, I'm mistaken, it's been 5 months
I don't get it, hrm... why doesn't feeds like the jQuery blog feed?
Q: HREF Overflow: A tool to find cross-references between the trilogy sites

balphaUpdate 2010/04/25: A built-in feature like this seems to be around the corner. Note the "Linked" column on the right – this has been deployed exprimentally on Meta, but I suspect it won't be long before it's on all trilogy sites. So HREF Overflow is probably close to no-longer-relevant &nda...

LOL, balpha ♦ posted this, later he closed it…
Hmmm... I've added kangax's feeds.feedburner.com/PerfectionKills feed, let's see how it pans out
The hell... -__- punches @MarcGravell this is bloody useless
It doesn't even get the name of the feed right - just posts the raw URL there
Whoosh.... 5 messages moved to Sandbox Byeeee!
A: remove script tags jquery

RyanoTry this: var replacementDoneIn = $(document.body).text(); //remove Google Analytics document.write line var regExMatch = /document\.write\(unescape/g; var replaceWith = "//document.write"; var resultSet = replacementDoneIn.replace(regExMatch, replaceWith); $("bod...

Huh? How did that got a bounty of +25?
Ah I see…
> This answer has been awarded bounty worth +25 reputation by Community

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