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I'm looking for ideas on best practices for JavaScript testing
especially concerning the interaction between tests and module loading
that's a question for the node people
why is it just for node? testing can be in browser too
modules are a lot more popular in the node environment
@Raynos ping ping ping
6 messages moved to Node.js
Can someone help me test one thing? Just need to execute a function and tell me if it returns correctly..
you should get an answer when he's available
guess I'll just spill some thoughts
I've used Makefiles for my JavaScript projects because I was comfortable with them
now I'm giving AMD a try, specifically with RequireJS
within my project sources, I include third party libs by name, e.g. require("expect.js")
still downloading
flex sdk
I include other project modules by their path in the source directory, prefixed with project name, e.g. require("project/path/to/module")
I like requiring by absolute path more than relative path - the first changes only with the location of the dependency; the second changes with the location of the dependency AND the dependent
Legit question coming up
in my tests, my library may or may not be suitable for testing in browsers, e.g. definitely not if it relies on any Node module
i tried this
$(function() {

			$( "#dialog" ).dialog();

			document.getElementById('dialog').innerHTML="<p>Are you sure you wish to delete this file?</p>
	<div class='demo'>

no worky
@HarryBeasant when are you going to learn js ?
if I want to test in browsers and servers, then I'd like the test suite to be built the same for both and passed to different runners
i am
this was practice
again, I used Makefiles for this, but am giving AMD a try
<div id="dialog" title="Delete File?">

Go read a book or something
with AMD, I can require directly the module within my project sources that I want to test
now comes the issue of test frameworks
Still downloading flex sdk
doh this is taking longer then my death!
I could tie my tests very closely to a test framework, like QUnit (which I have used) or Jasmine (which I have not)
or I could try to write my tests in the general style of TDD or BDD or whatever, and outside the tests, within the runner, include a framework that provides all the right definitions of describe() or test() or whatever
programming in flex is pretty much death, so that makes sense :O!
IS there anyway to stop a div loading
when the page loads
getting that decoupling is proving virtually impossible
but when its called for in a js function
it will render
you can hide it on load
or you can generate it when the JS function is called
I don't know if it's even possible to define globals from outside a module for use within the module
then there's another complicating issue
How would i do that
if my project is meant to be used on servers only, it might do some file IO
its a basic div in the page
but its called in a js function
and the paths for that file IO is completely unrelated to the paths for the module loading
leading to some surprises and confusino
display: none; CSS property will hide it
yeah, so in your JS function you can make it visible again.
or you can just create the div when you actually need it (ie when the js function is called)
@HarryBeasant please watch this:
…the entire thing
then return enlightened
i tried this; <script>
Oh my.
Just learn some basic HTML/CSS.
he needs to learn about the browser
he's of the common mindset that all elements "load"
chill out
a div element is not an external resource
Well, I would categorize that as basic HTML knowledge.
it is parsed and painted
style="display: none;"
@HarryBeasant :)
He's not asking for a class in theory, he's asking how to hide an element.
It's hard to migrate from server-side programming language to client-side programming language...
@IanBishop Since you don't seem to be a room regular I don't expect you to understand our stance.
Well, I'll make sure that I don't become one then :).
the languages are irrelevant
it's tough to transition from client-side environments to server-side environments (and vice versa)
that I agree with
@Abhishek: what ? :p
the languages aren't irrelevant at all. javascript is written in an entirely different paradigm, operating on a data source that's different than anything else most programmers are used to
don't assume comprehension just because you do
<3 @IanBishop
@IanBishop But the general principles still apply. Flow control and so on.
It is not like the wheel was reinvented.
I'm looking for a room where I can chat with knowledgeable JS programmers
where can I find that?
Node is not it
this place does not seem like it either
@JohnFreeman: wrong room for sure
Woo Hoo!
First node app is up and running!
@IanBishop you're confusing APIs for languages
@JohnFreeman Define knowledgeable.
(no features, no error handling, no purpose)
@MattMcDonald huh? Javascript is functional. Most languages are not.
i'm not one of the absolutely-anti - jquery-guys, but the .live - function makes me RAGE
@JohnFreeman Of course in that context ...
@MattMcDonald ** Most commonly used languages familiar to programmers
"operating on a data source that's different than anything else most programmers are used to"
what is that supposed to mean?
the DOM
VS everything you've ever touched elsewhere.
Yeah? That's what I said.
the DOM is available in many languages besides JavaScript
You're confusing things it seems.
an unfamiliar API is an unfamiliar API.
take Node.js as an example
it's still the same language underneath
but it has a different global (host) object
see point 1?
and different APIs
try getting your average PHP jockey to sling node.
I thought Stack Overflow was going to be different... sad face
@OctavianDamiean I wrote a chat where timestamps are unconverted and everyone has the username 'user'
think it will fly?
@IanBishop @rlemon you've been called out
@JohnFreeman dude, just idle freenode
an [average PHP jockey] just posted here announcing that he'd made something with node
don't know what room to go to
I'm not a habitual IRC user
@IanBishop been PHP for 10+ years and just sitting down to node.
@rlemon Fo sho bro!
@rlemon Yeah? It's weird right? Not what you're used to?
@IanBishop no, but it opens my eyes to the 'magic' php and apache do for me in the background.
@JohnFreeman You haven't asked any intelligent questions yet. What's your point?
having recently switched to linux from windows ... i'm a fan of this.
Ok, so then what I was saying stands. I'm not saying anyone is good or bad and any language is harder than another. I'm announcing that javascript is difficult for most people to grasp. So stop laying on people who don't get everything.
@rlemon that's cos you don't have server for the node code :P
so you have to implement the server in your application code
my question earlier got moved
and with that attitude, not sure why I would ever want to talk with you
@IanBishop I know a number of languages... javascript is by far the easiest to learn. most unforgiving for those who do not know what they are doing.
@rlemon You doing anything crazy yet? I wrote a bit of web socket stuff in node and it was a blast.
I apologize then.
@IanBishop what room on freenode? searching for "freenode javascript" just gives me a list of javascript IRC clients
@IanBishop nope - just working on a chat system for kicks. then a blog for kicks. then hopefully that'll be enough to get my knowledge base on the subject up a bit more.
then python, then ruby (ohh how i'm dreading ruby)
@JohnFreeman what are you looking to learn? most techs have their own channels. there's a #javascript
then i'll have my complete php/python/ruby/node repertoire
intricacies of AMD for one
it's ##javascript and it requires a registered nick
ok so server.get('/path', function(req, res) { console.log(req.param('test')); // nothing });
great, I'm there, thank you
but if I switch it to post it works.
@rlemon You can probably roll with either python or ruby, there's a bit of overlap.
server.post('/path', function(req, res) { console.log(req.param('test')); // something }); // switch action from GET to POST onthe form/xhr.
Except Python code is awesome kinda like a sunset whereas Ruby looks more like a car accident.
@OctavianDamiean rolls eyes
No one idling in a javascript channel should be talking about car accidents brah
Only because of all of the functions that have horizones.
horizons* def __sunset__()
Why would this not work?
<form action='http://mydomain.com/delete.php?_={$row['delete_link']}' method='get'>
	<input type='submit' value='Yes'/>
In source, it has the correct action
However, it only goes to mydomain/delete.php?
oh wait, it makes its on parama
<button onclick='window.open='http://mydomain.com/delete.php?_={$row['delete_link']}'>Ye‌​s</button><button>No</button>
tried that too =(
Javascript is a elegant language, it is fast and it is powerful. anyone who disagrees can GTFO now.
DOM api is bulky, verbose, slow, etc.
you guys are adorable
peoples need to learn the distinction
Phenomenal ... just phenomenal. goes read some book
ruby is a hot mess and javascript is the god's gift
who would have known
php is also a hot mess.
PHP has problems.
with a cherry on top
php is like "lets throw the kitchen sink at you with a bunch of shit that is depricated and doesn't make sense" ohhh but wait, "Announcing! A library of even MORE useless turds you can tac onto your PHP"
but I do love it so...
php deprecation rivals java deprecation
it's crazy
Java ... let's not even go down that path.
except php has inconsistency baked into its core
some of php deptrications don't even make sense .
Do onclicks work in the jQueryUI info boxes?
where as java more or less doesn't
> There are just two kinds of languages: the ones everybody complains about and the ones nobody uses.
@tereško seriously
@tereško don't forget LISP
woah woah woah
don't bring in the LISP
()()() till death
I want to make a new language... call it STUDDER.
it will be $().$().$().$().say('hello world');
That language exists already. Its name is turd.
ohh god how I wanna be the guy who hacks the jQuery website and changes all the logo's to read turdQuery: Know less, Smell More!
FCL injection attack.
Q: What is jQuery version of this code?

user1333290I am using jQuery I want to know what is the jQuery version of the JavaScript code below: document .getElementById('cars') .addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect, false); This is because jQuery doesn't like addEventListener().

@tereško that is an amazing quote
so true
is it possibe to draw "soundwaves" or whatever they are called in a HTML5 audio player
could use the audio api and draw them on the fly
 .  :.: .  :  : .
^ sound waves
what you are looking for is "audio spectrum"
Q: Javascript <form> elements to calculate total

DimaI am creating a <form> that when I select the prices will add the sub total, add the 15% vat or 0.15 & add the subtotal + vat ... below is my code, it does not add the totals <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-trans...

@MattMcDonald don't be an ass
"How do I modular code & unit test" is a JavaScript question
don't treat the node room as a bin for shit you don't value
25 messages moved from Node.js
@JohnFreeman this test suite is run verbatim both client & server. 100% code re-use
@JohnFreeman why do you need decoupling, just use mocha it runs in both server & client
@MattMcDonald not really, at all
Q: need to refactor multiple toggle lists

Brad$(document).ready(function() { $('#state-list, #major-list').hide(); $('#state').bind('click', function() { $('#state-list').toggle(); }); $('#major').bind('click', function() { $('#major-list').toggle(); }); }); All links and lists will follow the naming convention of: l...

@Raynos Mocha is what spawned this whole crusade for me, it is buggy
just too much trouble with AMD
@Raynos the hell is this? github.com/Raynos/clientmongo/blob/master/test/test.js Did you write your own module loader to be able to use Mocha and AMD in the browser?
I'll just stick with QUnit. Reliable, simple, works as advertised
Hi everyone. Hope you're well! I've been dwelling on a problem in jQuery for a bit. Here is the question stackoverflow.com/questions/10175631/…. I'm struggling to apply the jQuery load example advised by Rodik. Any advice on how I can accomplish it?
Q: limit.js Code Review

Marc GagneI've written a quick little helper for event & call debounce/throttling. Since I'm at home and none of my regular code review friends are on-line I figured I'd turn to the great folks here! Would love any feedback you might have. /** * debounce * @param {integer} milliseconds This param in...

@JohnFreeman no u, mocha is win
QUnit is a poc
AMD is a poc
@Raynos Please tell me poc is not supposed to mean "piece of crap"
AMD is a poc is a harsh biased statements
QUnit is just terrible
where are the adults in this community?
can't waste any more of my time here
@JohnFreeman that's compiled output. browserify emulates commonJS modules in the browser
@JohnFreeman are you seriously using requirejs in node? :\
it is clear to me that I have a long way to go before I'll be efficient with node.
@rlemon why?
i'm stuck in a php/apache world. express docs suck too.
@rlemon what sucks about them?
they don't offer enough usage examples and I don't quite like how they are organized / layed out.
@rlemon ...
I count 25 example servers
is that not enough?
well FFS I was looking at their website (like common sense would tell me to)
you get like how to include session support via connect middleware and then some redis crap.
ugh, i'm too exhausted for this now.
@rlemon github repos have /examples and /test folders. Read them
Also note I linked to master
5:35?! What am I still doing here?
depending on whether you want to use express 2.x or 3.x you may want to look at the right examples
@rlemon also sessions are just a case of dump sessions in as middleware and use a sensible sesion store
how is this hard? :P
@Raynos just because it's plain to see for you does not mean it is so for everyone else.
especially those of us who are <48 hours into the node world.
i'm out of here.
@rlemon drop the session middleware in, bam session support done. Read the connect session docs
Q: Adding table in Javascript returns null

user874185Im trying to do tables with js and to my surprise it isnt a walk in the park if you know what i mean, any how my code keep returning null when I know there is info to be spat out. the html struture should be <table> <tbody> <tr> <th>info here info here</th> </tr...

.. especially the "answer"
@Raynos synchronous module loading in browser is retarded
1 hour later…
beer o'clock
why doesn't underscore automatically chain
the only reason to wrap objects is chaining
make your own
lol, just wondering
var __ = function(_) {
     // do fancy shit
     return _;
FFS node y u no same on home environment. y u install diff versions
i'd be easy to just add this._chain = true in the constructor automatically, but I am just wondering the rationale for manual activation
/me never used underscore
but you know what it is`?
just a bunch of utility functions
basically a util library
yea so like, normally u call _.forEach( arr, fn )
but you can also wrap the first parameter
_(arr).forEach( fn )
and you can chain like _(arr).chain().forEach(fn).filter(fn);
so I am just wondering what's the point since you wouldn't wrap it if you don't want to chain lol
btw y u node @rlemon
just fucked my local node on ubuntu
and i don't know enough about linux to fix it
and i'm half in the bag!
what do you neeD?
sleep probably
dont we all

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