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@Loktar: yeah it's the impression I have of you
btw, Math has no avg method?!
I'm just curios how clever/smart requireJS handles multiple requires
like.. will it reload dependencies if those got loaded before.. does it somekind of analysis .. I'm reading their documentation but didn't find anything about that yet
I'm a little confused about their claim to be able to simultaneously load the same module multiple times
what if you just load a random js file with requireJS (as dependencie), that has no AMD support. If you then have that exact same file as dependencie somewhere else.. does it get reloaded and evaluated again or not
I would make sense to just cache that file, but then again.. there must be a way to cachebust it aswell
@rlemon: that's the classic error when node doesn't find the file, so i'd make sure it is looking for index.*html*
^ yeah exactly
also what vs of express are you using?
the newer vs puts routes in its own file in a sep dir
okokok umm whatever installed with npm install express
TypeError: Property 'engine' of object #<View> is not a function
installed mustache instead of mu2
  server.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
  server.set('view engine', 'mustache');
  server.use('/assets', express.static(__dirname + '/assets'));
so it works now?
or still doesnt
> TypeError: Property 'engine' of object #<View> is not a function
mustache is supported by express?
hello my lovely friends :-) & trolls :<
I thought there was only ejs jade and... something else (can't remember which one, but not mustache)
@Abhishek o/
so what are we discussing today (o_O) ?
@FlorianMargaine \o
you can add whatever @FlorianMargaine just gotta add the dependancies
today, we're talking about javascript /o/
and sometimes make minor changes
for Dust you need to make a minor change
@Loktar: didn't know that
yeah its pretty cool how versatile it is
A question regarding SQL .. say i have a table where there are songs stored with there genre names , so how do i list all the genres ?

"select unique GENRE from SONGS "?
@Abhishek: I'd rather have the genres in another table
and in the SONGS table, you just add an foreign key for the genre name
@FlorianMargaine this has to select the genres from the songs person has uploaded
but yeah i see why u say other table :-) , faster
SELECT g.name FROM GENRE g INNER JOIN SONGS s ON g.id = s.genreid WHERE s.userid = id
or maybe LEFT JOIN, I never know ._.
I think I broke node :(
wut wrong ?
	app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
	app.set('view options', {layout: false});
	app.register('.html', tmpl);
	app.use('/assets', express.static(__dirname + '/assets'));
> TypeError: Object function app(req, res){ app.handle(req, res); } has no method 'register'
@jAndy , sounds legit , extremely downvoted , i have never really used node.js ... makes me confused
@tereško: well, the guy just made an idiot out of himself just by acting like an idiot. But .. unfortunately, you have to (partly) agree with some stuff he's saying
but still, sounds like for the most parts he is trolling hard
we should invite him here actually for trolling so good :p
also , i would definitely disagree with "js is slow" part
but I'd have to agree on security concerns (not battleprooved yet), you have a double layer HTTP server in any real-world scenario like nginx, etc.
> His dislike bar looks a bit like a red lightsaber no?
I don't think he really understood the non-blocking part/idea of node anyway
not sure .. how's node with multicore cpu's ?
i think it might not even know that they are there
Q: Submit form using only php ? without js

user1029691i have a form <form method='post' action='action.php' name='myForm'> <input type='' name='id' value='id'> <script>document.myForm.submit();</script> can i submit this form without js - only php without click on submitt botton- automatic

> can i submit this form without js
what he describes is a general problem of any cooperative multitasking system
not specifically nodejs
@tereško: node doesn't scale for multiple cpus, its philosophy is let the OS do that job and just launch multiple instances of node
@jAndy yes , but some people just think that node is made of magic non-blocking juice
which is a great idea imo
caveat of that is you have to communicate with pipes or sockets between instances
but its still a good thing
the bottom line is : someone questioned the magnificence of node.js and got downvoted into oblivion
i think php is the only community (that i know of ) , where you can call the subject of community "crap" and people wont attack you for it
PHP community: mothers who dislike their own children.
the problem with guys like him is, he isn't entirely wrong, but he isn't entirely correct aswell for sure. He clearly doesn't know much about node and how it works together with v8 clearly and therefore is talking alot bullshit
so the video deserves the downvotes there
of course there are threads, v8 is full of it. Anyway that is not node. Node relies on v8 and let it handle threading and stuff, offering an "event-driven" system with non-blocking IO. That is what it says and that is whats right
and like Linus Torvalds stated once, doing correct and good thread programming is limited to a very small group of people (which might be true). So I guess its a another good idea to try taking away that mess from developers
imagine those jQuery using idiots, which can't even read for the most part, start trying to develop multithreaded systems
... maybe the maya are right and world really ends 2012...
Maja are the Mayans cousins
never forget!
lol sorry I dont usually pick on typos I have them quite often
just imagining Maja makes me laugh
just realized :p
if the world ends in 2012... the past few years of my life have been wasted staring at a screen :(
@Loktar -_- if the world ends in 2012 , I WILL DIE VIRGIN!
oh nooo
@Loktar ejs... is there a 'default' option like in dust?
what do you mean default?
:< :< :< :< :< :< :< doh i need to do something else other then staring the screen 20 hours a day (XD)
{{+title}}Default Title{{/title}}
if a title is provided replace it, otherwise use it.
oh, Im not sure actually :?
I have barely used any of the templating functions
I pretty much just need plain old html
i'm trying to transfer my webpages online. i noticed that my css styling doesnt apply if i use only <!doctype html> its weird.
@rlemon: something like {% var title = title || 'default title' %} {%= title %} should work since you can use js in the template in ejs
@Loktar mwahahaha i have a small challenge for you
if you are free :-)
im free-ish
oh so I would have to write it. it's not provided?
wait :-)
im at work, but can sneak a peek at what you need
i will link you :-)
for the maya world-ending count down
@jAndy lol I love pages like that
@Saber any source you can provide? this is indeed weird
useragent Microsoft Internet Explorer YES
@Loktar want to do a bokeh effect with pure canvas ?
@GNi33 uniwinmultiprinting.com/Labels.html , view the source. If i change my doctype to transitional . css stylings suddenly works fine.
then we can compare css vs canvas head to head!
guys, is it possible to "transform" dom elements to canvas pixels?
@Abhishek sure, it might take me a few to do it
Animated :-)
ah ok
well damn
cause my css3 is animated :D [ but no biggy animations ]
lol sure why not
@GNi33 tell me if you saw it. so i can show u the one with transitional doctype
so shall we begin the race @Loktar
I guess
any opinions on jade ?
my excuse if im slow is Im at work :P
me too (xD)
@Abhishek ah, a race?
@Loktar darkyen.vacau.com/Shark/index i wont count this one but oh well (XD)
@Saber jup, got it open in a tab
@Saber your markup is pretty screwed up though
  <a href="#"><li> bla bla </li></a>
this is not nice
@GNi33 oh, okay. i'll try to clean it up some other time.w8 i'll just change the doctype
but the browser fails to load the resources there
what resources ? the images etc?
I need some fresh eyes and idle hands

Matt's DOM Utils

Discussion and feature requests concerning Utils (github.com/m...
yup, have a look at the console
404's 19 times
well i havent transferred it yet to the server.
alright, but the main css is there, i see
but there's nothing in there :D
lol. i'm just trying it out online. i'm actually not done. i still have to clean alot of stuffs
and im resolving the css issue
well it's weird. dev tools don't show me any content in your css file, while accessing it directly trough the browser shows me the css-file
try deleting the charset - definition in your css and use the new charset-meta tag
<meta charset="utf-8">
try to view it again. i've changed the doctype to transitional.
ok.lemme change
haha, never experienced this issue before
i bet that it's something tiny causing this
actually everything is working well if i run it on my local disk. but online... it messes up.
so the server messes things up?
is screen a object in DOM , like document and window .. or is it just highlighter malfunctioning ?
i got a feeling it does.
DOM Level 0. Not part of any standard.
my ftp server got bunch of stuffs that idk what for. well i think its the webstorage provider stuffs.
maybe an htaccess - issue
but how can this be connected to the doctype?
maybe it's trying a restricted mime-type?
i'm no server-guy :D
i really cant get whats messing the doctype
im using filezilla for ftp. is it good?
there should be no problem with filezilla, or any other ftp-client, that would cause this
I want to display two h3 tags next to each other. Do I need to float them and set a width? Or are there other alternatives?
display: inline-block
inline-block often cause me trouble in ie.lol
hmm..u still cant view the css with dev tool?
inline-block isn't recognized in ie7
but there's a simple way to "fake" it
@GNi33 But I need them on each side of the containing box...if you understand what I mean. One goes at the far left and the other on far right
so whats the problem with floating then?
I just asked if there was other solutions
just float:right on one and you're good
you don't even need to set a width
But then I need to set width?
Oh, why?
haha, we are typing at the exact same time....anyway, I thought you needed to set width when you used float?
i got a lot of htaccess files in my server
# -FrontPage-

IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*

<Limit GET POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from all
order deny,allow
deny from all
AuthName www.uniwinmultiprinting.com
AuthUserFile /usr/home/www.uniwinmultiprinting.com/_vti_pvt/service.pwd
AuthGroupFile /usr/home/www.uniwinmultiprinting.com/_vti_pvt/service.grp
I dont even understand it at all
@Viper no, you don't have to, especially when only one element is floated. But you should try it out though. Maybe you'll have to put the element that is floated to the right before the other element in the markup to achieve correct behaviour
When are the cases when I don't need to add a width on floated elements?
my svg files are also unreadable even in transitional doctype.
So, I made a routine that gets the date based user GMT, and I need to convert the final date string into datetime ( yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss:nnnn ) is there something like c# ( Convert.Datetime ) on javascript ?
@Loktar look! a really bad bokeh!
lolz coded in 5 mins! (awe)
what I have so far :?
I need to stroke the circles too I guess
thats effing epic :D :D
heh not really, just some circles moving around :P
i am pretty sure i cant beat u with the masking :P
and color operations that canvas can provide you :-)
Hi People :)
Is there any editor for easing functions? (I dreamed something like this :D )
I need an easing similar to easeOutBack but it should go back and forth twice :)
the globalCompositeOperation needs to be added to next CSS! lolz
yeah setting to composition "lighter" helps
your is nice though man
I like the background gradient
I need to add that now :P
haha :-)
the background gradient does all the magic for me (XD)
i will add a bit of phsyics to mine
@patrick yes, there is. let me look for it for a sec
stroked it, now its goign a bit slower
lolol.. realized what I said, meh I wont edit.
now that looks gr8 :-)
Bokeh is supposed to be radial gradient though right?
right now Im just using solid
also my stroke color should match the circle color but brighter I think
oh well im heading off to lunch Ill try and all that stuff after
that person made epic tutorials
for photoshop
ah yeah the out of focus too..
that will be a bit difficult
with canvas and Css3 we can re-do them in HTML :D
I could do it though, draw to an offscreen canvas
and then stretch the image on the main canvas
@patrick something like it: timotheegroleau.com/Flash/experiments/…
it's flash, but the generated function should work
mmh, thanks :D
i dont wanna try that on firefox (XD)
bah its a bit slow, messing around with blurring atm
but I need to get to lunch
/me looks at yours
haha wow
my browser was dying
/me leaves for realz
yeah !
and btw i have realized i cant beat canvas :-)
on that (x
canvas will pawn :D :D
lol yeah, too many options avail for canvas
the older one u linked looked like an underwater bokeh!
@GNi33 hey i tried uploading it to free web servers. and it works fine dummyproto.atspace.co.uk
@Saber mhm, thougt that it was a server issue.
Giving CSS class names is hard
haha, yes it is
no , it isnt , @Viper
Yes it is, trying to find up something generic that applies to related items
just call it <span class="a22">
no? i remember going crazy over css naming :D
.red-20-left is also a nice name
@tereško haha
.. or just .left
recently got a project where all classes are .cm23 or .cm45
this can get pretty exhausting
notice how you thought "well .red-20-left is completely stupid", but with .left you went " oh .. i don't know, how bad could it be .. "
Here is my issue i would like to create a online media library where the **users** can browse through multiple categories :-) , so i was wondering how should i implement this .
I mean keep all the songs in one table and keep information altogether ? for all users ? or something else ?? like multiple tables ? and also keep in mind categories like genre will have subcategories like Rock , Metal etc , these sub catagories needs to be dynamically generated on the availability of song :-)
Create class names for what something is not how it looks
At least, when dealing with content-level styles
@RyanKinal hello there :-)
Layout-level styles are more difficult
How are you ?
I was out of town for a week, training
I took a class called "Web Applications with ASP.NET and Ajax"
It was... special
@Abhishek: I'd use the following MCD
GENRE: id, name, parent
SONGS: id, name, gid (genreid), uid (userid)
@RyanKinal: special in which way? :)
very noob?
@FlorianMargaine MCD ?? remember i am not techincally trained so i am low on the Acronyms
@Abhishek: uh, sorry
The instructor, at one point, claimed that "Ajax controls" don't use HTTP, they use something faster
Also that "the greatest thing to happen to jQuery is it being accepted by Microsoft"

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