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Anybody in here?
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Q: Is there a "code less" way to construct this JS loop?

BrianI just know there's a simpler, better way to do this. Will eventually append <select> options with these values (e.g. 01:30, 02:45, 10:15, etc.) var arrHours=[] var i=0, j=0, k=0; for (i=0;i<=23;i++) { for(j=0;j<=45;j=j+15) { var m,n; m=i.toString(); n...

$('#yt #player').hide().remove();
why of fcuking , why !
Makes sense. :P
which part
I starts with $ which makes it invalid already. :D
Especially the hide then remove part is hilarious.
maybe he meant fadeOut?
more like "scary"
how do i do this in json
var key = "some_key";
var value = "some value";
var obj = {key:value};
but i want the string some_key as the key of the obj
without typing it in
var obj = {
    'some_key': 'some_value',
    'some_other_key': 'some_other_value'
objJSON = JSON.stringify(obj)
@FlorianMargaine i know how to do that
but im getting a csrf token name from server side which i cant actually show as an actual string
what do you want to do with it?
so i dont want to do a 'some_key' but instead i want to have a var key = 'some_key' and post that obj in ajax to the server , the server picks it up as 'some_key' which cannot be changed
@FlorianMargaine i got it myself
just to clarify for others
var obj = {};
var key = "some_key";
var val = "some val";
obj[key.toString()] = val;
I'm not sure you need toString()
@FlorianMargaine yes its not needed thanks :D
hell @all
I need a help
to blink the td of html table
pls help hw to do
Hello every one
I have a web service (VB), which connects to SQL for user validations. Now i want to make this validation in javascript. Can someone help?
I am using JSON to get the string sent by WS
@AbdulAziz: what kind of validation?
@AbdulAziz use ajax for validation.
@FlorianMargaine I mean validate username and his password, if its info is ok, it will access the application otherwise no
@muhammedbasil How to to do that exactly using JavaScript?
Q: how to display xml atribute with jquery (within zRSSFeed script)

aurelThis is a snippet of the xml file from an RSS feed <item> <title>creamy whites</title> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href="/pin/201606520789168653/"&gt;&lt;img src="http://media-cache.pinterest.com/upload/229261437250994034_0HxSxJNv_b.jpg" &gt;&...

Hi All
i am working on popup windows i have created one popup window to submit userdetails.After completed that user needs to close that window.My concept is it should close automatically once he entered his details.
don't do popup. They're old school.
@FlorianMargaine instead of that what we do
Can some one help for my previous question?
@Ram: lightbox
@AbdulAziz: learn what ajax is. Google has plenty of tutorials about it
@FlorianMargaine is this also like popup box?
somehow, but it's just a div
google for lightbox, you will see what I mean
please ans to my question..
@Meeran: my answer isn't enough?
function to convert to gmt date in java script
what don't you get?
ya florian
can't get actually
var orgti = document.getElementById('orginTimeZone').value;
var desct = document.getElementById('descTimeZone').value;
var selfwDepDate = document.forms[0].fwDepartureDate.value;
var selfwDepTime = document.forms[0].fwDepartureTime.value;
var selfwArrDate = document.forms[0].fwArrivalDate.value;
var selfwArrTime = document.forms[0].fwArrivalTime.value;
makes me sad people think w3schools is w3c :( stackoverflow.com/a/10171362/851498
now i need to compare
any idea?
translate every timezone date to UTC hours
this way, you have the same referential for both dates
@GNi33 \o
I have another question:
u mean
var departureDate = new Date(Date.UTC(date1.year, date1.month, date1.day, date1.hour, date1.minute, date1.second));
var date1 = selfwDepDate+" "+selfwDepTime;
var departureDate = new Date(Date.UTC(date1.year, date1.month, date1.day, date1.hour, date1.minute, date1.second));
lllry for date 2 ..var date2 = selfwArrDate+" "+selfwArrTime;
i don't get it, why are you concatenating the same date into one string?
@Meeran: no... get your timezone value, and substract the difference in your dates to get the UTC dates
@Meeran well you can look js library moment
can u provide me the function to do that..if u dont mind..
did you have a look at this?

var orgti = document.getElementById('orginTimeZone').value;
var desct = document.getElementById('descTimeZone').value;
var selfwDepDate = document.forms[0].fwDepartureDate.value;
var selfwDepTime = document.forms[0].fwDepartureTime.value;
var selfwArrDate = document.forms[0].fwArrivalDate.value;
var selfwArrTime = document.forms[0].fwArrivalTime.value;
now i need to compare dep and arr
Date.UTC(year, month[, date[, hrs[, min[, sec[, ms]]]]])
can u provide me the whole code to do that
my orginTimeZone and descTimeZone are different..
I am passing a string to a vriable
var paramset = { "username":"maa" };
postData: dojo.toJson(paramset),//(paramset)
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
callbackParamName: "callback",
load: function(fset) {
var Data= fset.d;
var jsonobject = dojo.fromJson(fset.d);
document.write("<p>" + 'UserName = ' + jsonobject.Username + "</p>");
seriously? dojo.toJson?
Now I am getting json string in this format from web service { "username":"maa" }
@FlorianMargaine: can u provide me the whole code to do that
@FlorianMargaine yes
@Meeran: no
@Meeran just create your date - object using the UTC - method
this is not a "gimme the codez" place here :(
you'll get a Unix Timestamp that you can compare easily
@GNi33: he needs to substract the timezone though
gmtDate = new Date(Date.UTC(96, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0));
to get UTC dates
My question is how to pass this string from web service to var paramset?
something like gmtDate = new Date( Date.UTC( year, month, date, hours - timezone, min, sec ) )
I mean for example I am getting userData object from web service
how to place in var paramset?
in which format?
@Meeran: editing my answer
@Meeran: you need to have year/month/date/hours/minutes in separate variables
@Meeran: edited my answer
actually this is my exact query
Consider a below..
var orgTimeZone = document.getElementById('orginTimeZone').value;
var selfwDepDate = document.forms[0].fwDepartureDate.value;
var selfwDepTime = document.forms[0].fwDepartureTime.value;

var descTimeZone = document.getElementById('descTimeZone').value;
var selfwArrDate = document.forms[0].fwArrivalDate.value;
var selfwArrTime = document.forms[0].fwArrivalTime.value;

orgin date and destination date ..
out of the above var are below,,,

orgTimeZone = **Asia/Dubai** ;
selfwDepDate =16-Apr-2012;
thankz a lot Mr.Florian for the grt effort
@GNi33: how you doing?
well, I'm fine. just got a new canvas - project to work on :)
how are you?
oh cool
fine too, just got back from a holidays week
nice, did you go somewhere?
i guess i could use a holiday week or two myself :D
nah, just went to see family of my gf on the other side of France
"the other side of france" sounds like a long trip anyhow ;)
@FlorianMargaine: Hi florian.. i tried ur answer.. that's grt actually... but its return date as NAN...
@GNi33: bah, the France is a small country, did this in 7h by car
you know, i'm from austria ;) france is huge compared to here
@Meeran are you sure the string you pass in new Date( Date.UTC( /* the string there */ ) ) is correct?
oh yeah, Austria is smaller I guess ^^
yes yes,, selfwDepDate =16-Apr-2012;
selfwDepTime = 05:00;
did you add a space between both?
var departureDate = new Date( Date.UTC( selfwDepDate + selfwDepTime ) )
var departureDate = new Date( Date.UTC( "16-Apr-2012"+ "05:00" ) )
no spaces
first, add a space
like selfwDepDate + ' ' + selfwDepTime
then, I'm not sure 16-Apr-2012 is correct
oh.. actually my date is dynamic..
not always the same format
Can't help you there.
you have to check what kind of date you get, transform it to something compliant and compute it
now the format is dd-MMM-yyyy
is ter any way to format the date always to single format as dd/mm/yyyy
whatever may be the date format.. need to convert to dd/mm/yyyy
there are many ways
but you have to handle each case separately
oh.. can u send me some links to refer
to regex or array methods?
javascript.info is a good place to start
new Date( Date.UTC( '16/04/2012' +' '+ selfwDepTime ) ) this is also not working
its also NAN
@Meeran can you make a fiddle?
any issues
@FlorianMargaine: i guess, we need to use new Date(Date.UTC(2008, 5, 6)) like this
but for above time is not there
@AbdulAziz here your data is send in background. and you will get the response after processing the request.Everything will be handled by javascript.
@AbdulAziz here is the tutorial link. You will get clear idea about ajax from here.
@muhammedbasil Thanks
@AbdulAziz most welcome. :)
I am passing a string to a vriable

var paramset = { "username":"maa" };
postData: dojo.toJson(paramset),//(paramset)
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
callbackParamName: "callback",
load: function(fset) {
var Data= fset.d;
var jsonobject = dojo.fromJson(fset.d);
document.write("<p>" + 'UserName = ' + jsonobject.Username + "</p>");

Now I am getting json string in this format from web service { "username":"maa" }

My question is how to pass this string from web service to var paramset?
the semicolon-rage again
Good morning. ( 8:19am )
@OctavianDamiean \o
posted on April 16, 2012 by Thomas Fuchs

Semicolons at the end of statements (that is mostly end of lines) in JavaScript are optional. The specification calls this ASI, or “automatic semicolon insertion”, and is a bit obtuse about how exactly it applies (specifications tend to be written that way!). So here’s the gist of what really matters for real-world JavaScript: At the [...]

Hi guys I am looking this pretty.js code which is working fine in chrome but not in firefox. Here is time format that pretty function getting as parameter 2012-04-12T18:30:41.646137 and here is the sample jsfiddle.net/6RpZ3/2
can anyone help me with that ?
oh wow, didn't expect that :D
Crockford capitulated
Can anyone have idea why this Date object not working in firefox but chrome ? jsfiddle.net/6RpZ3/2
Here is the time format that function get as parameter 2012-04-12T18:30:41.646137
süresi doldu
what the hell is this thing doing?
ah, i see
it means expired
sorry about that
no, i didn't look at the code enough, didn't realize it was coded behaviour at first
no need to apologize ;)
I really appritiate if you can help me with that, I couldnt find the root cause of the problem
something about Date object or constructor not working in firefox
and did not give any problem to firebug
date format I am using is this coming from backend 2012-04-12T18:30:41.646137
s/onLoad/nowrap (body)
for starters
@BurakDede: prntscr.com/86i6i
in chrome
so there's something wrong in chrome too
in chrome in your jQuery loop this.title is ''
what prettyReverse date is doing is trying to calculate the time with the future date
like 5 day later sth like that
<a class="later" href="#" title=""2012-04-12T18:30:41.646137></a>
is probably a typo
man... read your code a little more carfuly
where is typo ?
look at the title-attribute
return day_diff == 0 && (
diff < 60 && " şimdi" ||
diff < 120 && " 1 dk" ||
diff < 3600 && Math.floor( diff / 60 ) + " dakika" ||
diff < 7200 && " 1 saat" ||
diff < 86400 && Math.floor( diff / 3600 ) + " saat") ||
day_diff == 1 && "1 gün" ||
day_diff < 7 && day_diff + " gün" ||
day_diff < 31 && Math.ceil( day_diff / 7 ) + " hafta";
y u do this?!
no its typo on jsfiddle, I updated code jsfiddle.net/6RpZ3/5
@rlemon yes
is this trustful ?

var byData = new Date;
var byZone = new byData.getTimezoneOffset();
@BurakDede: I still get "Invalid date" in the prototype of the date variable
new byData    ?
in google chrome
@GNi33 To reevaluate Date. brb Phone.
@Andredseixas: nope, not trustful at all
new Date is the same as new Date()
(on Chrome)
@FlorianMargaine its interesting that its just the same code that I took from john resig site, I just added prettyReverseDate() function
does getTimezoneOffset return Date?
kback @FlorianMargaine so, to get the users timezone, is there another option?
@BurakDede what is the expected output?
3 gün?
yeah something like that depending on the time
@GNi33 Returns the difference in minutes from Greenwich, returns int I guess.
given your example.. what will my expected output be?
i don't read whatever language this is and i'm not about to pick apart the code.
@Andredseixas: you can't invoke getTimezoneoffset this way, it'd be like writing new Date().getTimezoneOffset()
yep, that's what i mean
@rlemon ok will update code so that we can be on the same page
you don't need the new on the second line
@FlorianMargaine Logic mistake from me. Surely when I invoke byData it will instance itself again.
So, with your correction, will it be trusty ?
Q: Iframe Load animation?

Jose GarciaI am trying to put progress of iframe load on my project. Here is code http://jsfiddle.net/cGDuV/12/

what do you mean by "trusty"?
it's still the client, so you can't trust anything
someone with a wrongly configured computer (intentionally or not) won't give you the right result
I hate when my code depends on the users machine.
welcome to the world of javascript :D
everything depends on the users machine (or to be more specific, the browser)
@rlemon @GNi33 @FlorianMargaine here is updated version of the code it should output "6 days later" on both firefox and chrome.
But in firefox it just give n/a
this is the problem
can we haz link?
I get 5 day later!
hm, I don't have firefox yet.
new computer at work :D
can anyone test in firefox ?
firefox is starting terribly slow
I indeed get n/a
I am getting n/a in firefox which means something wrong about date
but couldnt figure out why ?
> Date {Invalid Date}
date is undefined, let's find out why
this is what i'm getting for var date ... in FF
which browser ?
getting the same
any one ter
@rlemon @GNi33 @FlorianMargaine I think firefox is more strict about defining date object
in FF look at what ds outputs in the console.
there is a T in there

On load I use console.log(byTimezone.RetornaData.toString());

The return :

function () {

var byZone = byTimezone.RetornaTimezone();

var byData = new Date;
var byGMT = byData.toGMTString();

return byGMT.toString();

it's because of the numbers after the dot in the seconds
hi i had an issue..can anyone help me
var date = new Date("2012/04/22 18:30:41.646137")
doesn't work
but var date = new Date("2012/04/22 18:30:41") works
"Asia/Dubai": +4
how to get +4 value for "Asia/Dubai"
any function available
in FF var data = new Date("2012-04-22T18:30:41.646137");
@FlorianMargaine yeah that could be the only place that make it break the date object
is what it's running
T is not being replaced
let me check without it
@rlemon: nope, the regex are working on FF11
@FlorianMargaine: is ther any function to convert "Asia/Dubai": to +4 .. in js
@FlorianMargaine yeah that is what broke the date object in firefox
regex is not working for me
@rlemon: the console.log is before the regex
i need coffee
@FlorianMargaine how can I remove that part of the date object ?
hi can any one answer this >>> is ther any function to convert "Asia/Dubai": to +4 .. in js
I dont think it is important information
@BurakDede: I don't like regex, so I'd do string.split('.') and use string[0]
yeah me too :)
with the hate part
Hi everyone I'm having problems with two scripts.

One is at http://co-project.lboro.ac.uk/users/cojbm/wedding/wedding-ajax.php#task5 which is using jQuery form UI and I am trying to use jQuery AJAX on http://co-project.lboro.ac.uk/users/cojbm/wedding/wedding-ajax-2.php#task5 but it seems to not be working on the second page. Any tips?
var date = new Date( ( ( time || "" ).replace( /-/g,"/" ).replace( /[TZ]/g," " ) ).split( '.' )[0] ),
I am trying to replicate the effect from the first page to the second - many thanks in advance
@FlorianMargaine and others thank you very much helping out with this problem
finally it is working
Can some one tell me how to get responce from javascript in JSON object format using VB web service method?
Its impossible with VB, IMPOSSIBLE I SAY!
@CJS stop using jQuery so you can have some hopes of understanding how your own code works. then debugging is much much easier.
haha :D
@Loktar Can I ask why? and what is the alternate?
@AbdulAziz Im sorry i was just joking
@AbdulAziz c#
@Loktar well my ass is burning :(
Preperation H?
@rlemon I am enforced to do it in VB
Is there a way?
@Loktar soo close v/b is almost h
@AbdulAziz write a c# dll and call it from VB
maybe jQuery has plugin?
@rlemon wow.. any sample
jQuery.vb.("goto", "pie");
@rlemon I've been trying on the wedding-ajax-2.php (http://co-project.lboro.ac.uk/users/cojbm/wedding/wedding-ajax-2.php) page with the following code but seems to not be working:

url: 'process.php',
data: $('form[name="booking"]').serialize(),
dataType: 'html',
type: 'POST',
success: function(data) {

// this is the bit that needs to update the div

$('#last-step').fadeOut(300, function() { $('#result').html(data).fadeIn(300);
complete: function (data) {
// your code here
error: function (url, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
@rlemon lol jQuery could
@CJS post a question on the main site, i'm not looking through that blingy puke
haha actually that reminds me, someone did write a script to emulate VB functions in JS
poor guy got trolled so much
it's blingy because of all of the dollar signs
@rlemon whereas the other page uses malsup jQuery form UI
@AbdulAziz are you really going to make me google this for you
I see your keyboard must be malfunctioning.
@rlemon Sorry bro!
hi i have written following code in jquery but its not working
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$(".textLayer > div", "#pageContainer2").click(function () {
var index = $(this).index();
alert("index of div is = " + index);
@AbdulAziz asp.net.bigresource.com/… Y U NO LEARN TO USE THE GOOGLE?!
@rlemon Sorry and thanks
@AbdulAziz and if that doesn't work bit.ly/J1x7Ip
following is my html code
<div id="pageContainer2" >
<canvas id="page2" width="741" height="959"></canvas>
<div class="textLayer">
<div>......some text here....</div>
<div>......some text here....</div>
<div>......some text here....</div>

<div id="pageContainer3" >
<canvas id="page3" width="741" height="959"></canvas>
<div class="textLayer">
<div>......some text here....</div>
<div>......some text here....</div>
<div>......some text here....</div>
does the main site not accept questions anymore?
@rlemon it accepts but the answer are not working
actually i am using pdf.js
wow, I just got back to an old forum where I subscribed back when I first learned C
I wouldn't want to deal with me.
so post a link to the question here and not walls of code
Q: selecting grandchild onclick event

hiteshtrI have written some jquery code to select the div which is grandchild of another div having id pageContainer2 on which user clicked and show a alert message with index value. But the code is node working at all, so please see if i am writing the code wrong or is their any other problem. Followin...

@rlemon is it possible to access the dynamic generated div by my code
your questions are not making sense.
and your adding 'click' handler to an array of elements.
Hey guys how would i check for an attribute of an element and not get an error if it doesn't exists.. I have something like: if(el.getAttribute("dragdrop"))
if it exists he enters the if.. but if not I get not a function
if( 'attrib' in element) {
or `var element_attrib = element.attrib || "default";
hi can any one answer this >>> is ther any function to convert "Asia/Dubai": to +4 .. in js
function converter(str) {
return +4;
@Meeran: I think you're looking for something like the following
@rlemon enterprise js at it's finest
var obj = {
    'Asia/Dubai': '+4',
    'Some/Thing': '+3'
for (var prop in obj) {
ss.. but for all
considering DST
is anything ter?
hi @FlorianMargaine did u get , wat am tryinm to say
@FlorianMargaine: ter?
@Meeran: yes, I answered you, now I don't want to spend that much time doing the work for you so...
@FlorianMargaine: sorry for inconvinence caused. sorry
@GNi33 gets the job done.
var generate_random_number = function(seed) {
            return 42; // sum of completely random 4*12 sided dice rolls.
Anyone here used Node + Express + Mustache?
only node + express
I love it.. I had to do some php work this weekend
was hard to do.
because I was like, ugh I want to use node
I'm trying to decide mustache or dust
what do you use for template engine?
I couldnt wrap my head around dust fast enough
I just have been using EJS
since its easy
I dont really need many templating functions for what Im doing though thats why
mustache is easy peasy
id rather write standard html
Error: Failed to lookup view "index"
    at Function.render (/home/rdl/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:495:17)
    at render (/home/rdl/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:614:9)
    at ServerResponse.render (/home/rdl/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:638:5)
    at /home/rdl/Development/rlemon/nodejs/ldtech-chat/server.js:16:7
    at callbacks (/home/rdl/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:177:11)
    at param (/home/rdl/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:151:11)
    at pass (/home/rdl/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:158:5)
if i could get past ^
@Loktar ohhhhh soo would I.. but it seems to me node is not plain/html friendly.
everywhere I look all I see is "use templates"
do you have an index file in the views directory?
@rlemon: templates are just for variables... you won't write the HTML straight in JS code
is anyone using requireJS on regular bases ?
@Loktar yup
@jAndy: nope
@rlemon are you using the default view engine
is it looking for .html files?
yeah default is jade
I forget the extension for jade files.. but it looks for them
I think it's .jade
lol yeah probably
I need to start using requireJS everywhere I go in terms of JS dev blogs people are using it
I feel like concentrating on canvas related stuff for the past year or so has made me fall behind on the app side of JS, or non cool graphical part

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