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@ssube Interesting read.
@Loktar I hate you
I was perfectly content with a sandwich for lunch
now I want pho
ooo thats a good idea
I should get some too
we had a pho place right by us in NE, need to find one around here
there is one by my house but I haven't tried it yet
@KendallFrey nottheonion
I love it when a scheduled meeting runs for 7 minutes
"Hey we have this capability, does your program support javascript so we can make AJAX calls and generate KML from within?" "Yes? Oh, ok. Well, that's great. We're good to go, bye!"
$50, sign me up baby
That was the jist of my call lol
@littlepootis we use hangouts
crazy @rlemon
I never got an echo
figured that would be right up your alley
My brother got an Echo for the house. It's primarily used for "Alexa, set a timer for X minutes" when they cook lol
I'd use it for weather updates and if it can, connect to my NEST devices
for $50 I will probably buy one just to check it out
@rlemon hnnggg that loop
I'm famous
my top reddit post is a joke about anal sex
@SterlingArcher did you see the CP bodybuilder?
3 hours ago, by rlemon
@SterlingArcher jfc that is heartwarming http://imgur.com/gallery/HNhoJ
I did, totes amazing
this is my top comment in reddit
this is mine nsfw joke? \
>What do spinach and anal sex have in common? If you're forced to have it as a kid you probably won't like it as an adult.
made my day
oh shit now I get the joke @rlemon
it's a pun (I think it's called pun)
spoken the joke is much better
oh ok
that jokes are the hardest ones if they're not in your language
but hey I saw it :P
you should be able to get that one
i.imgur.com/ia6uBx1.mp4 10/10 thought skateboarding jesus was gonna WWE the shit out of that guy
but I think the comment above also was refering to the same kind of tail
some babies are legit born with tails.
>Some people still have a little one.
you have a tail while in the womb, it falls off before you are born
babies born with tails often have them removed at birth
they serve us no purpose
You can't tell me that a full functioning monkey tail would not serve me no purpose
Think of how much more hardcore my parkour would be with a monkey tail
yes I could have been a super saiyan :(
if it were a full monkey tail, sure
but it is just a nubbin
@rlemon lol
Even if it's just a nubbin how else would women know I was exci-- oh right, boners.
@SterlingArcher You'd have yet another awkward appendage for scattering goldfish crackers across the room.
@KendallFrey you know he'd put a fucking watch on it
There's a reason I haven't bought a new bag of goldfish yet.
You could also play the viola with your ass
class Common

  constructor: (@browser, @config) ->
    require( __dirname + '../helpers/importer.coffee' ).load(@config.site, 'common', this)
      # merge helpers into main object

  clean: () ->

module.exports = Common
Human evolution fucked up when we lost the dexterity of a tail
Any reason as to why I'm getting undefined error on my constructor call?
Since PHP is 'dying', should I no longer use it and start using Node.js, assuming that's a solid alternative?
what is the undefined error?
details details
`Cannot set property 'browser' of undefined
at Common`
@neet_jn What language is that?
@Waxi PHP is probably not dying.
@Waxi Yes node is great and does all the things
PHP is dead
If I do something like,
heh, php dieing, yea right
class Common

  constructor: (browser, config) ->
    console.log browser
    @browser = browser
    @config = config
    require( __dirname + '../helpers/importer.coffee' ).load(@config.site, 'common', this)
      # merge helpers into main object

  clean: () ->
php isn't dying, there are more alternatives that are main stream, so the influx of questions is more distributed now
php will probably outlive me
I ensure that there is a value for browser
but still get the error on @browser=browser
browser having a value or not won't cause that error neet_jn
it's basically saying this is undefined.
which is.... very odd.
fwiw @Waxi PHP was born dead so if you are using php now it's safe to keep using it. Nothing changed
@SterlingArcher fiverr flashbacks
@PeeHaa lol
@PeeHaa unless you're moving from 4 to 5+
then a lot changed
but nothing was removed
10 secs ago, by rlemon
but nothing was removed
!!afk chipotle
this is the bane of my existence
@neet_jn can you show how you are calling Common?
it isn't the callback of some event is it?
or bound?
I use PHP for all my back-end stuff, but all this talk about it dying and Node.js being all the rave I'm trying to figure out if and when I should make the move.
TLO = (browser, config) ->

  validConf = (config) ->
    return !!(config) && ( config.site.path == 'live' || config.site.path == 'test' ) && ( config.site.name == 'ee' || config.site.name == 'le' ) && !!(config.credentials) && !!(config.credentials.username) && !!(config.credentials.password)

  if( validConf config )
    return new require('./modules/tlo.common.coffee')(browser, config)
    return error: 'Invalid Configuration Specified'

module.exports = TLO
it's almost as if you're calling it with Common(), thus causing this to be undefined.
@rlemon What are you on??? Removing stuff?? It took us 3 years to get rid of a broken and unmaintained database API and people still complained
@PeeHaa is it actually removed? or just depreciated?
It's removed in 7
@neet_jn use coffeescript they said, it would be readable they said
I haven't seen job postings really ask for Node.js experience, but I still see PHP everywhere.
@PeeHaa that's like saying Haskell doesn't have it
sure, they don't, but nobody cares anymore
@Waxi You've been looking in the wrong places.
@Waxi lol
@Waxi literally thousands of them
@ssube ?
finding PHP jobs is not exactly easy anymore
Sure it is?
@PeeHaa PHP7, like Perl 6, came way too late
I get called at least once a week for a job
Perl 6? Really?
@PeeHaa yea, you just have to accept you'll be working with wordpress or that lava one
I will never do either ;-)
PHP is like the COBOL of the web
Is it because my main script doesn't have a definition for Common?
@ssube I don't agree :) But we will see
@ssube PHP will only 'die' when 'how to make a webpage with a database' doesn't return a full page of PHP tutorials.
it is often the first thing people are exposed too when trying to learn how to make a web application
node tuts are creepin, but not there yet on my results anyway
yeah, it's still super popular with script kiddies
@rlemon you mean laravel?
and that hasn't changed for 20 years, and probably wont change for another 20
@NathanJones close enough
@NathanJones lavaroll
like body rolls
I'm no PHP advocate, but lets be real here. PHP will be around for a long time
people have said "js is dead" for decades (since it was introduced)
C is dead
!!afk ejuice then hunting turtles
@rlemon or at least until AGI replaces all of our jobs
PHP is pretty dead when it comes to big applications, but for one-offs, it's cheap enough to hang on.
The PHP jobs I see posted require masters of PHP who've been using it for 10 years. If you're fairly new they'll laugh at you because apparently learning PHP nowadays is silly, when you should be learning the next generation of things, like Node.js. I know enough PHP to be dangerous, but not enough to compete with the pros so I'm kinda stuck with PHP opportunities. Maybe that's enough reason to say fuck it and get down with Node.
yum install nodejs
> 0.10.46-1.el7
@Waxi learn oop properly, and you'll compete with the 10+ year oldfags
God I hate centos repo
or live somewhere where there is not much competition
@PeeHaa node doesn't have packages newer than that. Nobody has it in their repos because joyent won't make them.
if you want pre-packaged node, you have to use nodesource packages
joyent just refuses to participate in packaging for any OS
Will check it out tnx
Figured out the problem
depends a lot on what kind of company you're looking to work for too.
There was no definition for Common anywhere else
Just going to use std objects
lol SO profiles are broken af
Dat layout
how obvious
Oh, I thought it was the disease.........
TIL SO uses jQuery UI
Wait NO
hmm, yeah, jquery is back. for a while there it wasn't
common = require('./modules/tlo.common.coffee')
return new common(browser, config)
or was taken off global at least
back to 1.7.1
    return new  require('./modules/tlo.common.coffee')(browser, config)
coffee probably thought you were trying to do something weird with new require()
@neet_jn no shit, that tries to new require
wonder how long it'l be till the code can read the developer's mind
also... use const Common = require('./modules/tlo.common.coffee'); return new Common(browser, config)
To make sure only one definition of Common is used?
coffee has const?
Coffee doesn't use const I'm sure
main point was the capitalization, i don't write coffee
don't use coffee
Hi guys, can you please spare me a moment. I'm having an issue with ajax response on my website but on localhost it's running smoothly
@Pretorian Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Pretorian have you checked CORS?
ok noted
no I haven't
also, we can probably help, but we'll need the error messages (and ideally an example) first
I've got service unavailable 503
so check your CORS headers and console errors and see what you've got
Is it serverside or just a problem with my code?
could be a combination of the two
we see no code, or headers, or request info, so.... we can't tell you what the problem is.
@Pretorian definitely server side, if the server is following the spec
Is it ok if you check my site?
but, 503 service unavailable. that looks like a server-side problem.
503 errors mean a proxy somewhere between you and the destination is off line
Whatever is routing to the service, can't find the app that hosts the service.
> node --version
Because I'm using ajax datatable if you're familiar with it, and other datatables are working but the others are having an error saying datatables warning eror ajax response something like that
tnx @ssube
fucking coffeescript
this is valid, no?
var path = '${site.path}/${site.name}/${module}/.import.json'
in regular nodejs
or js
${...} implying some variable
shouldn't it be ` and `
^ backticks, not single quotes
both are perfectly valid :P
so coffee for template literals are double quotes and # instead of $
you're making me feel less and less bad for not learning coffeejs and not wanting to.
Basically, ruby.
well, coffee is still better than ruby
they didn't completely botch methods and scoping
Ruby is still pretty hot in my area for some reason
As terrible as Coffee seems and admittingly is, I can prototype projects much more quickly than vanilla JS.
They'll pay you a shit ton of money if you're good
Even given es6 standards
@SterlingArcher Ruby has enough big libraries (specifically, Rails) that it's still big in light front end heavy batch processing companies, like Twitter.
You can't use it for the data side (they use Scala, iirc) but you can for the basic web server smartness (the backend of the frontend, not the data side).
Grails can suck my entire asshole
Grails is the worst tech I've had to support as a release engineer
Rails is a close second, though
are SO main profile pages broken or is that supposed to be a new layout?
getting them up and running in a batch env is super tricky because they both do so much inferred-file magic
Looks broken to me
Hi guys
Guys I have 1 layout I.e master page in mvc which contain 1 dropdown control which is not angular js driven and this dropdown is filled with clients data
@SterlingArcher LOL "thanks for the feedback"
@SterlingArcher Why are duck-typed languages better in bed? They don't care about types, only typOHs.
Wouldn't it be l'dol
This dropdown have value as clientid and clientname as text
Now I have 1 seperate page which is adding for new client and that page is angular js driven(angular controller etc..)
So my question is when I will add new client how I will update clients drop down which is on master page??
@Learning well, the dropdown ought to fetch its data from an API or something
@ssube I am filling my dropdown control in this way
Q: What is a way to share a drop down inside a layout for use in all views?

DDiVitaI am becoming more familiar with MVC 3 and the RAZOR view engine. I have a question regarding layouts and shared controls on pages. Let’s say I have a header section defined in my main layout. In that header is a dropdown I need to populate with project names. This dropdown will serve as a conte...

It is basically a static method which I will call in my layout page and will generate option from from that static method data
This static method will return list of clients data
Ay guys

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