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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

woo, time for more soccer in Brazil
omg sickest burn ever by the commentator
> and here we see Kendalls mom.
> Jim, that's the soccer arena
Guy was rolling around pretending he was hurt, commentator says "In case you couldn't tell, this isn't the autistic gymnastics competition."
He may have said artistic, but it sure sounded like autistic
someone will get pissy and he'll be doing an apology for it tomorrow
!!should I buy a cheap mouse save and buy a good gaming mouse later or get a good gaming mouse now?
@Abhishrek get a good gaming mouse now
suggestions people?
Mice have been one of the least important things for gaming, IME
I just use a good reliable mouse
nothing fancy
As someone who's been playing sniper a lot lately, I'd say they're pretty important. I tried a gaming mouse, and it helped me aim better.
I have two of them
@littlepootis I've done a fair bit of sniping, and I've never noticed the mouse slowing me down.
Do they lag?
Not that I've noticed, and if they do, my brain compensates
I've never used a "gaming mouse" per se, so it's possible the latency or precision would be noticeably better
But not essential
Depends on the game you're playing, I guess
I guess sniper -> precision, cqc -> latency
That's a sniper button on the left
drops DPI
and sacrifices what?
It only lowers DPI when you hit that red button
It must sacrifice something or it would be the default
That looks awesome
I use scripts to lower sensitivity when scoped in
You can't 360 no-scope with low DPI, so first ya do your 360, then hit that sniper button to fine tune your shot
So it reduces your sensitivity
only when you hit the sniper button
@taco no 360 no scope in the game I play :( (unless you're using something called The Classic, which lowers your sensitivity anyway)
I'm going with a standard issue mouse
like kendall
no sniping needed here ;-)
So I have binds for quickscope
yeah, just joking :d
I'm good with a P90
looking at it on amazon, the reviews are pretty much all 5-star, 4-star
I just happened to see it at micro center when I built my first pc in 12 years a few weeks ago
"There are removable weights for ajusting the balance, and the bottom is made of aluminum with footpads, so even if the footpads wear out the bottom will last forever. "
^interesting, I had no idea
but yeah i love the damn thing
Anyone remember the handshoemouse?
"The weight of the mouse is adjustable by a total of 20 g, from ~140 g to ~120 g." .... I didn't realize gaming was serious bizniz
@KendallFrey wtf is this thing lol
@taco It's like literally everything else. You can spend as much money as you want on it.
@KendallFrey good space (longish) youtube videos?
got any recommendations?
for what, exactly
a video to watch. something space related preferably.
like pbsspacetime
but I've seen most of those videos
Does Scott Manley work?
his videos are pretty short unless they are about plaaying games no?
So no gameplay
I like to watch documentaries while playing slower-paced games (like rimworld)
got it
I haven't watched many space documentaries
this morning I watched the same documentary twice under different names :(
realized I might be full circle.
had to pause my game when someone was talking about mars orbiter failure and said "because they didn't use English scale, they used metric"
youtube documentaries are hit or miss
Yeah, that's exactly why I don't watch documentaries
They're too catered to the completely uninitiated
Protip: Never ever ever watch a documentary on quantum mechanics
Hey guys, I'm learning programming and I think I just realized something REALLY cool while fooling around with objects in arrays and I wanted to run it by someone more experienced to make sure I'm not totally wrong. Can I bother you for a minute or two?
@neoflash Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have an array of objects. If I push the entire array to a newArray. Am I correct in saying that if I were to modify one of the object's property value in newArray, it would correspondingly modify it in the original array?
sup guyz
how insecure is http?
like, is it at least mostly secure?
can I trust my passwords over an http conncetion?
If its just, like, once
@thepiercingarrow No
not in the slightest
HTTP is plaintext
If you want to conceal anything sent via HTTP, you should use HTTPS
In other words, if I were to do newArray[1].property = "yo mama" and then go check that property value in originalArray[1].propertyit would return "yo mama"?
@neoflash One object can be in multiple arrays (or variables), and it has the same properties regardless of where you're reading and writing from.
@neoflash yes, objects (and arrays, which are also objects) are passed by reference
But ix.io uses http authentification....
@littlepootis I have a problem with people who say that
@thepiercingarrow I don't know who that is, or why I should trust them
OMG! This must seem so obvious to you guys but all the articles and books I have been reading do not explain that clearly. This changes everything.
uh.. it's not entirely true. But an identifier is just a "pointer" to an object.
It's a perfectly intuitive notion of an object. If a family owns a dog, every family member's pet is that dog. If the dog dies, the entire family is sad.
It wasn't that obvious to me. The way I understood it it was like: I have an apple (object) and I put it in a basket (array), well the same apple can't be in two baskets at the same time, can it? So I guess that arrays aren't really baskets, more like windows that allow you too look at the apple inside the house. I can look thru different windows and see the same apple. Am I getting this right?
objects in javascript are technically key:value pairs.
Arrays consist of elements.
@neoflash No, there's no reason it should be obvious. But once you realize it, it's easy to understand.
Imagine objects as houses. If you want a collection of houses, what you would actually create is a list of their street addresses.
Different lists can contain different copies of the same street address, and thus refer to the same house.
Yeah, everything makes so much more sense. Many of the suggestions I was getting from people on stackoverflow to fix my programming dilemmas involved mapping, filtering etc. and everytime i was thinking "but i don't want my objects to move to another array". LOL, I feel like when Neo realizes his world is fake and the laws of physics don't apply to him anymore. Watch me fly!
My battery max dropped to 36.28% :(
There are programming languages and systems where such behaviour isn't meaningful, since you can't modify objects.
Thanks for the help. Good night.
@littlepootis That's an awful lot of precision
@KendallFrey yeah.. upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0
!!search GET request bash
@thepiercingarrow That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!google GET request bash
@thepiercingarrow curl?
@thepiercingarrow curl -X GET http://google.com
oh lol
ill look it up then, thx
my macbook manages
temperature better than my gaming laptop
My macbook
stays at 64 C
my dell gaming laptop goes 74 / 75
same settings
and the macbook doesn't lag D:
Depends on the games you play
And on the processor
And most importantly, on the cooling mechanism
lol, what was that?
No mans sky is beautiful.
!!search JSON post bash
@thepiercingarrow That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Loktar read it's meh as a game
as expected, tbf
I like the concept behind it, but I think it was hyped way too much
3 hours later…
@Loktar I heard it's pretty incomplete so far. My brother didn't wanna buy it yet :))
2 hours later…
!!install hitman absolution or naah
@Abhishrek install hitman absolution
@Loktar ^ have you played the game?
it's great
Guys do you happen to know any good JavaScript introductory tutorial? A friend of mine wants to learn js but I wasn't sure what to recommend him. Thank you
How to set dropdown item pre selected not the first item. tried this but not working
$( document ).ready(function() {
                $("select#id_list option").filter(function() {
                    return $(this).val() == "us-1";
                }).prop('selected', true);
@Jes how about value attribute of the <select />?
@Victor select does not have a value attr
only id it has
@Victor do you mean i have to set the <select> value on page load
@Jes this works pretty fine for me codepen.io/victorbarbu/pen/grqoAy
class InvalidRouteError extends Error {

    constructor(route) {
        super(`Provided route "${route}" is invalid.`);


module.exports = InvalidRouteError;
        super(`Invalid HTTP method "${method}"`);
SyntaxError: 'super' keyword unexpected here
can anybody tell me what's wrong?
Not sure what you're trying to do with super outside of a class
@ndugger I was so angry I didn't even read that error message 'till the end
it came from another class...
which I forgot to add extends to
why are there both __proto__ and prototype and not only one of them?
how to count the number of Divs of same class AND the same name attribute?
using JS
here is my two DIVs:
<div class="MajorGroup" name="elem" > Element1
<div class="MajorGroup" name="elem" > Element2

The count should result 2
have you tried using querySelectorAll?
but you cannot have multiple elements with the same name on a page AFAIK
really? I thought I could do that
I've never used this query Selector
I'll take a look at it
I'm not sure name is a valid attribute for <div>s.
I used the name attr without any problem, though
ok, but i think it only has meaning on inputs.
Why are you naming your divs, anyway?
why not just a second class?
is it possible?
how to do that?
<div class="class1 class2 class3"></div>
Q: Can a div have multiple classes (Twitter Bootstrap)

MartyMcFlyCan a div tag have two classes? I am using twitter bootstrap, and there are two predefined classes that I would like to use. One is an active class that I would like to use on a dropdown-toggle within a nav bar. What is the best way of approaching this in the html, with out overriding the css.

That's cool Now it will solve my problems! haha
Thanks guys!
np :)
@Luggage normally when ppl say thx, then the other person says your welcome :P
Thanks for telling me that.
// i want to get match like this in below html code

['<head>', 'head']
['<title>', 'title', 'Title']

// its match all html tags. but i need to match when it has text? so that also..

im try it with this

	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/bootstrap.css">-->
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/main.css">

	<span>Lorem ipsum.</span>
its does not match inner text
like title tag inner text
@Loktar think my i5/770 will run NMS?
actually what is the problem here
why it doesn't match text
@thepiercingarrow normally when ppl say thx, then the other person says your welcome :P
@littlepootis What?
@Luggage You're welcome :P
here is that i want
look it doesn't match text..but i need to match text also
can anyone tel me what happened
I'm not allowed within 50m of regex. Court order.
i don't understand what you mean
is that regex wrong
its slow... idk if thats what he's referring to.
@DININDU What do you want it to match? The whole thing?
yeah..like the picture 1 match should has tag name, tag, if it has text.. then it also
okay then
try this: .*
that should work.
@lit are you good with curl?
for where ?
in the brackets or ??
What do you mean?
.* thats the entire thing
@thepiercingarrow. its works :)
yeah..but should do something for make my array which i want :)
Q: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

JeffI need to match all of these opening tags: <p> <a href="foo"> But not these: <br /> <hr class="foo" /> I came up with this and wanted to make sure I've got it right. I am only capturing the a-z. <([a-z]+) *[^/]*?> I believe it says: Find a less-than, then Find (and capture) a-z one or ...

@AwalGarg what happened to awal.shared.tk?
@Luggage HI
How should I generate an API key?
does it have to be long, or can it be short?
@thepiercingarrow this is very broad
I need to make an API key
not sure if I can make one up, or I have to use a command to generate one...
> API key must be generated on codeforces.com/settings/api page.
this on the page you linked me to
@Victor am an idiot, sorry
@Victor I misread the first time - thought you had for first make a key, then add it using that page :/
@thepiercingarrow we all are, from time to time :))
@AwalGarg and that's that?
@Victor look at the page's source or open the console/inspector :)
@AwalGarg where do you host those and how much do you pay, if I may ask?
@Victor Hosting is on Azure and I don't pay anything. I am an MSP so I get those for free :) And @Abhishrek gifted me an account a while ago.
@AwalGarg You are an MSP?
Wuts that?
Military Space Police?
MicroSoft Police?
Microsoft Student Partner
Most Soft Player?
well MS sux
no offense
@AwalGarg can I get such a thing?
@Victor yeah if you pay
but there are better alternatives
Awal uses it (im guessing) because its free for him.
but if you're going to pay, there are better alternatives
@thepiercingarrow I know that.
k.. sry
@Victor Ofcourse, you just need to be at the right place at the right time :)
I am using digitalocean right now
@AwalGarg i hate you now
Even if I were offered MSP
pretty sure I would reject
> Be the tech guru on your campus!
> Microsoft Student Partners (MSPs) are student technology leaders, empowered to build Microsoft communities on their campus
Those two statements are contradictory
@thepiercingarrow same
@thepiercingarrow Yes, I can man curl.
> Microsoft Student Partners are the future of technology
I didn't have to sell myself to Microsoft. I got the benefits and walked out with nothing but profit. If you reject that, you either don't care about the profits or you are an idiot. Neither of those apply to me.
Lifetime MSDN access, azure credits, etc. There is more like Yammer and the community benefits but I don't find them useful.
MSDN access?
I hate when this happens... :))
@Victor Its the worst, right?
yep. well, I know why it failed, I haven't completed the travis setup (db etc)
@AwalGarg oh, thanks!
@towc I am curious, what use is it of to you? :)
Am I the only one who thinks that Brazilian song sounds like "Fight song" ?
getting into some programming communities and in discussions about code obfuscation it's always nice to bring that up
so sometimes people just ask me if I can share the link again after a while
Bring what up?
I told the last guy I'd ask the creator for the link again, because I thought it was awal.shared.tk, and he was like "wooaaaa you know the creator of that?". He's a major security guy
@thepiercingarrow shared.awalgarg.tk
@towc Who is a major security guy?
@Victor it happens
@aex Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
this last guy who asked for the link again
honestly I didn't see his name anywhere else on the web
@towc Last time you asked me for that link, I had some maintenance going on the server and someone sent 10k requests in less than 5 minutes... I hope you are not handing it out to black hats.
oh no, dw
heh, seriously? XD
for a postgres server, if I have two different configurations for work and test db, should I set the port, username and password globally or per configuration?
Yes. Everything started crawling and I had to reboot and ufw that ip.
I mean, the chances of there being a blackhat are not low to think about it...
@AwalGarg It doesn't take anything more than a toaster to do that..
I mean, my toaster has a xeon, so yeah.
@littlepootis mine too
@littlepootis Sure. Send me 10k HTTP requests from your toaster. You can take 50 minutes, even.
my laptop can boil eggs. Close enough to a toaster?
@towc no. You shall buy a new heatsink or clean your fans.
You can also buy a real toaster instead.
I'm a student, why should I pay for an only slightly better version of what I already have?
@AwalGarg I've actually done shit like that before realizing it's not funny and I'd get in trouble for that.
@towc toasters boil eggs?
@littlepootis can yours not?
what kind of toaster do you have XD
buy a decent one plz
@AwalGarg o/
@cswl \o
@littlepootis You won't get in trouble for attempting to DoS me, specially since you are gonna fail anyways :P
Of course I'm going to fail, it's Azure.
@AwalGarg I thought of doing something simpler first :/ .. gist.github.com/cswl/ea8f26eed47dd58be895b1645a9dc4eb
@cswl Is that make that doesn't care about indentation?
@cswl I am doing something incredibly similar for a personal project. I am actually surprised to see this! If you wanna do this in a "serious" (not sure if that's the right term here) manner/need collaboration, feel free to convey!
@AwalGarg some thoughts on this please?
you can leave comments there if you prefer. it's easier for me recap if needed
@littlepootis i guess you could indent with any whitespace as long as it's consistent.. it won't be a tool like make, just nicer npm scripts
@AwalGarg ping
Monitor your website.
@Victor I can't really read all of it properly right now, sorry! I skimmed over some part. I assume you are looking for comments on how much idiomatic your code is according to JS, in which case I'd say it looks good. You have variables declared with let where const could be used instead. You can use some ES6 features like spread operator to cleanup parts of your code. You could also benefit from some custom error classes instead of using the generic Error class.
(If this works, I'm using this for load testing :D)
@AwalGarg I have recently started extending the Error class. I cannot use the spread operator as Node 6.3.1 doesn't seem to support it
What is a spread operator? .-.
@littlepootis nice try :) fail2ban blocked you instantly though. Consider switching away from Beam cables.
@Victor It does!
@AwalGarg prepare for the next wave :)
Anyone here does Java much?
@AwalGarg Last time I tried it, I got errors
I will refactor that code sometime, thanks :D
@AwalGarg scrots?
@littlepootis of what?
@AwalGarg of the dashboard/whatever of the thing you use to monitor.
@littlepootis you mean tailf, cat and top? Those display pretty confidential stuff mostly.
@AwalGarg ^
Spread is not an operator, it's a punctuator. In conjunction with an assignment expression, it becomes a SpreadElement.
@Victor Hrmm?
@cswl MDN calls it an operator, I wonder why
@AwalGarg +1 for using raw stuff for monitoring
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's Spread Syntax in the title now.. developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…
@AwalGarg I used LOIC :V
It kinda.. works.
But there are better alternatives.
@cswl Oh, I was referring to the rest operator (which is most definitely an operator :)). I keep confusing between the names "spread" and "rest"!
@littlepootis That was ridiculously apparent but ok :P
@cswl It's under "operators"
It's obviously not an operator, generally.
How are you liking Chicago so far?
@rlemon should be able to, but it's been having a shitload of perf issues for people
it runs fine for me though I get 50 or so fps at 2560x1440
ended up getting it, figured i could refund it if it didn't work
I just downed the res / graphics
seems to run okay enough
I need to upgrade my pc
'medium' graphics quality, and 1440 x 1024 or w/e that option was
remember me telling that my js scripts were 700kb compressed?
well, I had js bundles of 700kb after minification
I discovered that material-ui adds 500kb
now, I want some advice... if I write my own UI library, will I end up having the same amount of data (those ~500kb)?
any google cloud use online
I just need a little hint
@GandalftheWhite sorry?
user* @Victor
oh, sorry, that's not me :D
@Victor do you like material-ui?
@bitten did. after I found out it adds 500kb to my compressed scripts
@Victor how are you importing it?
@bitten import { TextField } from 'material-ui' for example
ah okay, textfield is dependent on a lot of things
that was just an example
I tried with Paper
and I saw those 500kb
well i was going to suggest, if you're a big fan of it and willing to put time into building a new ui library.. then maybe you could save some time by stripping out the parts you need
@bitten yeah, probably that's what I'll do. are you contributor, if I may ask?
not the best suggestion and i don't recommend it lol
no i just used it when i was learning react
just wanted something nice to look at rather than black text and times new roman and so on
I was thinking of going with react bootstrap
but bootstrap is to mainstream...
I mean, every site in this world uses it
apart from google and facebook maybe
react is famous and useful according to many
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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